96 resultados para Physico-chemical properties


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The compounds of [Z]-1-[2-(triphenyl stannyl) vinyl] cyclooctanol (1) and [Z]-1-[2-(tri-p-tolyl stannyl) vinyl] cyclooctanol (2) were synthesized by the reactions of triphenyltin hydride and tri-p-tolyltin hydride with 1-ethynyl cyclooctanol. The crystal structure of compound 1 was determined. The reactions of compound 1 and 2 with IC1, Br-2, I-2 formed nine organotin halides. The organotin oxide or hydroxide were prepared by the reactions of [Z]-1-[2-(phenyl dibromo stannyl) vinyl] cyclooctanol (6) and [Z]-1-[2-(diphenyl monobromo stannyl) vinyl] cyclooctanol (5) with KOH. Three complexes were obtained by the reactions of [Z]-1-[2-(phenyl diiodide stannyl) vinyl] cyclooctanol (8) with three ligands (2,2'-bipyridyl,5-nitro-1,10-phenanthroline,8-Hydroxyquinoline). The sixteen new compounds synthesized in this paper were characterized by means of elemental analysis, IR, H-1 NMR. The reaction mechanism of triphenyltin hydride and tri-p-tolyltin hydride with 1-ethynyl cyclooctanol were also proposed.


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Jadeite was synthesized from its glass of stoichiometric composition NaAlSi2O6, and a colouring agent Cr2O3 (0.3-0.6 wt%) was added to achieve the emerald colour. The conditions employed were a pressure range of 3.0-5.0 GPa and a temperature range of 1150


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The microbiotic crust study is among new focuses in investigating on the desertification control. Based on determination of algal crusts with different successive ages (4-, 8-, 17-, 34-, 42-year-old) and unconsolidated sand in the desert area, species composition and clustering analyses were carried out in this study. Results on successional orientation revealed that (1) the abundance of Cyanophyta, specially of Scytonema javanicum gradually decreased; (2) the abundance of Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and a species of Cyanophyta, Phormidium tenue increased; (3) the biodiversity increased gradually with the community succession; and (4) biomass of microalgae increased at the early stage, but decreased at the later stage due to the abundance of lichens and mosses. But, the speed of natural succession was so slow that the community-building species was still the first dominant species after 42 years, except that its dominant degree decreased just slightly. However, successive speed and trend were affected by water, vegetation coverage, terrain, time and soil physico-chemical properties as well, especially Mn content in the soil appeared to have a threshold effect.


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Four filamentous cyanobacteria, Microcoleus vaginatus, Phormidium tenue, Scytonema javanicum (Kutz.) and Nostoc sp., and a single-celled green alga, Desmococcus olivaceus, all isolated from Shapotou (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China), were batch cultured and inoculated onto unconsolidated sand in greenhouse and field experiments. Their ability to reduce wind erosion in sands was quantified by using a wind tunnel laboratory. The major factors related to cohesion of algal crusts, such as biomass, species, species combinations, bioactivity, niche, growth phase of algae, moisture, thickness of the crusts, dust accretion (including dust content and manner of dust added) and other cryptogams (lichens, fungi and mosses) were studied. The best of the five species were M. vaginatus and P. tenue, while the best mix was a blend of 80% M. vaginatus and 5% each of P. tenue, S. javanicum, Nostoc sp. and D. olivaceus. The threshold friction velocity was significantly increased by the presence of all of the cyanobacterial species, while the threshold impact velocity was notably increased only by the filamentous species. Thick crusts were less easily eroded than thin crusts, while biomass was more effective than thickness. Dust was incorporated best into Microcoleus crust when added in small amounts over time, and appeared to increase growth of the cyanobacterium as well as strengthen the cohesion of the crust. Microbial crust cohesion was mainly attributed to algal aggregation, while lichens, fungi and mosses affected more the soil structure and physico-chemical properties.


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采用时空互代法,以典型侵蚀环境纸坊沟流域生态恢复过程中不同年限的人工刺槐林为研究对象,选取坡耕地和天然侧柏林为参照,分析了植被恢复过程中土壤水稳性团聚体变化规律及其与土壤养分状况之间的相互关系。结果表明,侵蚀环境下的坡耕地由于人为耕作干扰,土壤水稳性团聚体含量低下,抗蚀性能较差。营造刺槐林前5 a土壤水稳性团聚体含量较坡耕地显著快速增加,随后增幅变缓,成对数增长,恢复25 a后土壤水稳性团聚体含量已经达到天然侧柏林水平。在植被恢复过程中土壤小粒径的水稳性团聚体逐渐聚集转变形成大粒径的团聚体。相关性分析和回归分析表明,植被恢复过程中>0.25 mm土壤水稳性团聚体与有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、容重等相关性达到显著(p<0.05)或极显著水平(p<0.01),与全磷和速效磷相关性较弱。坡耕地退耕营造刺槐林后可以减少人为干扰,增加碳素和氮素供给,提高水稳性团聚体含量,使土壤抗蚀性能提高。


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采用时空互代法,以典型侵蚀环境纸坊沟流域不同封禁年限的狼牙刺群落和杂灌群落为研究对象,选取放牧地和天然次生林为参照,分析了生态恢复过程中土壤微生物生物量、呼吸强度、代谢商及理化性质的演变特征。结果表明,封禁后土壤理化性质明显改善;微生物生物量随封禁年限的延长变化显著,阳坡随封禁年限增加土壤微生物生物量逐渐增加,25 a后微生物生物量碳、氮、磷较封禁前分别增加252%、161%和174%,但显著低于天然侧柏林,仅为其39.0%、41.8%和53.7%;阴坡封禁前10年微生物生物量迅速增加,随后增加幅度减缓,呈波动式缓慢上升趋势;封禁25 a后微生物生物量碳、氮、磷分别增加108%、93%和102%,但明显低于天然杂灌丛群落和辽东栎林,仅为辽东栎林的54.4%、49.1%和40.1%。土壤呼吸强度在封禁5 a后增大明显,且随着年限增加逐渐上升,阳坡25 a时达到最大值,而阴坡15 a时达到最大值,随后开始有所下降,25 a后降至最低点,但仍显著高于放牧地,相同封禁年限的土壤呼吸强度阴坡明显高于阳坡。qCO2随着封禁进程逐渐降低,25 a后达到最低值。相关性分析显示微生物生物量碳、氮、磷、呼吸强度、qCO2与土壤养...


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本文对东北地区松辽平原不同纬度农田土壤碳氮磷剖面分布特征进行比较研究,从北到南依次采集了黑土区的海伦、哈尔滨、德惠、公主岭和棕壤区的昌图、沈阳、大石桥玉米地土壤样品。所得主要结论如下: 各样点土壤有机碳含量随土层深度的增加而下降。海伦、哈尔滨和公主岭样点40~60cm土层土壤有机碳含量及其储量显著低于0~40cm土层;海伦、哈尔滨、德惠、公主岭和昌图样点土壤水溶性有机碳表现出随深度增加先升高后降低,在沈阳和大石桥样点土壤水溶性有机碳表现出随深度而下降的趋势;各样点0~20cm土层土壤微生物量碳含量高于20~40cm土层。典型黑土区海伦点0~100cm的SOC储量为213.4t•hm-2, 棕壤区昌图、沈阳、大石桥样点分别为69.9、87.9和73.4t•hm-2,海伦点SOC储量是棕壤区三样点的3倍左右。 土壤全氮、碱解氮、硝态氮及氮储量随剖面深度增加而下降。德惠点在20~40cm土层、沈阳点在40~60cm土层、昌图点在60~80cm土层的全磷含量最低;其他样点土壤全磷、有机磷含量和磷储量总体上呈现随土层深度增加而下降的趋势。黑土区样点土壤有机磷含量在40cm以下各土层迅速下降,而棕壤区各样点20cm以下各土层差异不显著。除公主岭和大石桥点外, 其他各样点土壤Olsen-P含量在0~20cm 土层显著高于20~40cm土层。 土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、全磷和有机磷含量随纬度增加而增加。营养元素在纬度上的分异主要受成土母质、气候条件等自然因素影响,施肥、耕作等人为活动对表层土壤营养元素分布的影响较大。除土壤水溶性有机碳外,土壤碳、氮和磷之间及其与其他基本理化性质间均存在显著的相关关系。


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This review, covering reports published from 2001 to December 2008, shows how ionic liquids (ILs) have made significant contributions in the improvement of capillary and microchip electrophoresis (CE and mu CE) for the separation and detection of analytes such as phenols and aromatic acids, metal ions, medicines, enantiomers. biological materials, etc. Furthermore, CE methods applied in the sensitive and accurate determination of physico-chemical properties of ILs have been summarized. Accordingly, research vacancies and future development trends in these areas are discussed.