76 resultados para PJ7765.M3 A6 1884
下载PDF阅读器2008年3月-2009年3月,把35 000尾滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)仔稚鱼分别饲养于3个池塘进行对比饲养研究.密度分别是:P1为208尾/m3;P2为167尾/m3;P3为41尾/m3.饲养期间采用相同的管理措施.每天数据收集采用:在仔鱼孵化后的5~16d的每天8:00和18:00从每个育苗池中捞取5~8尾仔鱼进行测量分析.仔鱼开口30d后,每月从培育池各捞取15尾,测量全长和体重.研究发现,滇池金线鲃仔鱼的开口时间为孵化后的5 d,混合营养期3~5d,这与初孵的演池金线鲃仔鱼的全长和卵黄囊较大有关.在容易造成仔鱼大量死亡的混合营养期,通过采用浆状物-轮虫-人工混合饲料的方式,大幅度提高了滇池金线鲃仔稚鱼的存活率,孵化一年后的滇池会线鲃稚鱼存活率可达82.7%.经过一周年的饲养,滇池金线鲃稚鱼的体重由(0.027±0.01)g(0.003~1.22)增长到(8.83±0.54)g (3.7~16.7),月均增重为0.73 g;全长由(15.8±0.30)mm (11.5~20.0)增长到(91.6±1.67)mm (75.0~16.0),全长月均增长6.32 mm.滇池金线鲃稚鱼全年全长的增长呈线性相关,y=9.82+7.05month(R2=0.9891);全年体重的增长呈指数关系,y=0.0158month2.54(R2=0.9939).
通过对RNA A6膨胀环在水溶液中的动力学模拟发现,在A6膨胀环中,环区构象主要以非堆积构象为主,环区具有较大的构象柔性,膨胀环区链的构象波动对已形成的RNA分子弯折的影响不大,弯折角只是在小范围内变动,提示作为全局结构,带大尺寸膨胀环的RNA分子仍然具有一定的刚性,柔性主要表现在膨胀环区域.
菲氏叶猴较大的个体出现了相对小的门齿. 而臼齿, 特别是M3的面积则随个 体的增大而增大, 这种与菲氏叶猴在摄取叶类食物过程中臼齿嚼磨起主要作用 相关。整个食物嚼磨过程中, 菲氏叶猴的下颌似乎主要作左右(颊一舌侧)方向 运动。菲氏叶猴芽齿与个体大小的相关关系更接近于橄榄疣猴。图5表2参20
在1台75 t/h旋风炉上进行垃圾焚烧飞灰高温熔融处理试验,采用煤粉作为辅助燃料,飞灰与煤粉质量比为2:8,试验结果表明,在旋风炉内温度达到1 450℃,飞灰中的二恶英能够被彻底分解,急冷熔渣、尾气及静电除尘器捕集灰中二恶英浓度很低,分别为2~3 ng-TEQ/kg、0.033 ng-TEQ/m3以及23~26 ng-TEQ/kg,远低于现行国际、国内二恶英排放标准,可以安全排放。对急冷熔渣、尾部飞灰进行重金属浸出实验研究,发现重金属浸出量远低于国家危险废物浸出标准,说明急冷熔渣及尾部飞灰可作为建筑材料循
介绍了北京奥林匹克森林公园人工湿地系统的设计,跟踪调查了复合垂直流人工湿地在龙型水系水质改善中的功能和效果。复合垂直流人工湿地系统占地面积为41 500 m2,处理水量为2 600 m3/d的污水处理厂尾水(再生水)和20 000 m3/d的主湖循环水。一年多的运行表明,该系统与其他生态工程的协同作用有效地改善了公园内的龙型水系水质,特别是在奥运期间,在保证了奥运主湖水质良好的同时,为运动员和观众提供了优美的休息环境,取得了良好的生态、环境、经济和文化等综合效益。
介绍了利用鲢鱼控制北京城市河湖水华的试验研究,通过不同放养密度(0、17、51和103 g/m3)的现场围隔试验,对鲢鱼放养对水体水质和浮游生物的影响进行了分析。研究结果表明,鲢鱼放养使有鱼围隔中浮游生物量极低,从而使浮游植物基本不受浮游动物影响,而直接受鱼类影响;同时,中等密度(51 g/m3)的鲢鱼放养使水华蓝藻和微小藻的生长均得到了有效抑制,使藻类生物量最低。
膜污染是限制膜生物反应器(MBR)应用和发展的瓶颈。为此,选择污泥浓度、膜通量(JV)、曝气量(Q气)、抽吸/停抽时间(tR/tS)、反应器升流区与降流区面积之比(Ar/Ad)进行正交试验,开展了MBR操作条件的优化研究。结果表明,溶解性胞外多聚物是导致膜污染形成和发展的主要物质,其中蛋白质/多糖值与膜压差上升速率存在线性关系;较佳的操作参数为:MLSS=7g/L,JV=10 L/(m2.h),Q气=6 m3/h,tR/tS=4 min/1 min,Ar/Ad=1.7。
研究了在不同水力负荷条件下[0.6 m3.(m2.d)-1,0.8 m3.(m2.d)-1,1.0 m3.(m2.d)-1],人工湿地组合工艺系统对浮游动物群落结构的影响和在相同的水力负荷下,人工湿地组合工艺系统对浮游动物群落结构影响的季节性变化.结果表明,在水力冲击负荷为0.8 m3.(m2.d)-1时对浮游动物群落结构的影响相对较大;春、夏、秋季的作用强于冬季,而秋季对浮游动物群落结构的影响最大;对大型浮游动物的影响大(去除率≥70%),对小型浮游动物的影响相对小一些,湿地出水中出现了一些进水中没有的
报道了昆明滇池摇蚊科幼虫Chironomidae、水丝蚓属Limnodrilus的分类特征、生态学特点 ,分析了滇池摇蚊科幼虫、水丝蚓属优势种的变化及与滇池水质的关系 ;首次对其食性进行了分析并对其摄食量进行了估算 ,研究结果表明 :1kg摇蚊幼虫每天可消耗鲜藻 0 0 94kg ;1kg水蚯蚓每天可消耗鲜藻 0 0 89kg ;讨论了摇蚊幼虫、水丝蚓在昆明滇池综合治理中起到的控藻作用 ,为滇池的综合治理提供了基础资料。
在滇池沿岸的池塘中 ,构建了面积为 10 0m2 ,水深为 85cm ,底质均为淤泥的四个围隔 ,其中在三个围隔内分别放养密度为 10 0g/m3 、75g/m3 、5 0g/m3 的鲢。它们均在一定程度上控制浮游植物的生物量并改善水体透明度 ,其中初始放养鲢 75g/m3 的围隔控制效果最明显。放养三种密度的鲢在有效控制微囊藻水华的同时 ,原先水体的优势种类发生质的变化 ,水体中浮游植物的多样性也明显增加。放鱼 2个月后 ,在生物操纵的围隔中同时种入菹草 ,在75g/m3 的鲢控藻的围隔中 ,菹草长势良
External guide sequence (EGS) technique, a branch of ribozyme strategy, can be enticed to cleave the target mRNA by forming a tRNA-like structure. In the present study, no tail gene (ntl), a key gene participating in the formation of normal tail, was used as a target for ribonuclease (RNase) P-mediated gene disruption in zebrafish in vivo. Transient expression of pH1-m3/4 ntl-EGS or pH1-3/4 ntl-EGS produced the full no tail phenotype at long-pec stage in proportion as 24 or 35%, respectively. As is expected that the full-length ntl mRNA of embryos at 50% epiboly stage decreased relative to control when injected the embryos with 3/4 EGS or m3/4 EGS RNA. Interestingly, ntl RNA transcripts, including the cleaved by EGS and the untouched, increased. Taken together, these results indicate that EGS strategy can work in zebrafish in vivo and becomes a potential tool for degradation of targeted mRNAs.
Juvenile (3.0 +/- 0.2 g) gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio ) were fed to satiation for 8 weeks to investigate the effect of feeding frequency on growth, feed utilization and size variation. Five feeding frequencies were tested: two meals per day (M2), three meals per day (M3), four meals per day (M4), 12 meals per day (M12) and 24 meals per day (M24). The results showed that daily food intake increased significantly with the increase in feeding frequency and there was no significant difference between daily food intakes in M12 and M24 treatments. Growth rate, feed efficiency increased significantly with increasing feeding frequencies. Size variation was not affected by feeding frequency. Apparent digestibility of dry matter was not influenced by feeding frequency, while apparent digestibility of protein and energy increased significantly at high feeding frequencies. The feeding frequency had no significant effect on the moisture, lipid, protein, or energy contents of gibel carp, while the ash content decreased with increased feeding frequency. It was recommended that 24 meals per day was the optimal feeding frequency for juvenile gibel carp.
The seasonal dynamics in the nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a amount (Chl-a), total algal volume (CV), Chl-a/CV ratio, seston structure were studied at two sampling stations in a shallow, highly eutrophicated subtropic lake (the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake) on the plain of the middle basin of the Chang Jiang (the Yangtze River) of China. The lake ecosystem of the Guozheng Hu area is dominated by two planktivorous fishes (silver carp and bighead carp), phytoplankton and zooplankton. Macrophytes are extremely scarce in this area. Concentrations of the total dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the Guozheng Hu area in 1990 were very high. Fish yield, of which, more than 90 % was composed of silver carp and bighead carp in the Guozheng Hu area was very high (ca. 1140 kg/ha or 45.6 g/m3 in 1990). Grazing pressure by the fishes on the plankton community is considered to be rather strong. The annual average biomass of zooplankton was ca. 1/3 - 1/2 that of phytoplankton. On the average, dry matter in the living plankton only constituted ca. 3-7 % of the total dry seston, and plankton carbon only constituted ca. 5 - 10 % of the seston carbon. The present results indicate that, in the Guozheng Hu area of the East Lake, of the organic part of the seston, detritus is quantitatively an important constituent, while living plankton is only a very small component.