借助苔藓植物,应用大气净度指数(index of atmospheric purity)法与重金属(Mn、Fe、Cu、Cr和Pb)含量化学分析法相结合指示沈阳市的大气质量状况。结果表明:沈阳市样点可根据大气污染状况划分为3个区域,其中市区污染程度大于郊区,市区西部污染大于东部,南部大于北部;各区以Pb污染程度最为严重,值得重视。该结果与监测站所得空气污染指数(air pollution index)结果相符。
Numerous environmental pollutants have been detected for estrogenic activity by interacting with the estrogen receptor, but little information is available about their interactions with the progesterone receptor. In this study, emission samples generated by fossil fuel combustion (FFC) and air particulate material (APM) collected from an urban location near a traffic line in a big city of China were evaluated to interact with the human progesterone receptor (hPR) signaling pathway by examining their ability to interact with the activity of hPR expressed in yeast. The results showed that the soot of a petroleum-fired vehicle possessed the most potent anti-progesteronic activity, that of coal-fired stove and diesel fired agrimotor emissions took the second place, and soot samples of coal-fired heating work and electric power station had lesser progesterone inhibition activity. The anti-progesteronic activity of APM was between that of soot from petroleum-fired vehicle and soot from coal-fired establishments and diesel fired agrimotor. Since there was no other large pollution source near the APM sampling sites, the endocrine disrupters were most likely from vehicle emissions, tire attrition and house heating sources. The correlation analysis showed that a strong relationship existed between estrogenic activity and anti-progesteronic activity in emissions of fossil fuel combustion. The discoveries that some environmental pollutants with estrogenic activity can also inhibit OR activity indicate that further studies are required to investigate potential mechanisms for the reported estrogenic activities of these pollutants. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.