217 resultados para Nylon-1010


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The paper studies the morphology and mechanical properties of immiscible binary blends of the nylon 1010 and HIPS through the radiation crosslinking method. In this blend, the HIPS particles were the dispersed phases in the nylon 1010 matrix. With increasing of dose, the elastic modulus increased, However, the tensile strength. elongation at bleak and the energy of fracture increased to a maximum at a dose of 0.34 MGy, then reduced with the increasing of dose. SEM photographs show that the hole sizes are not changed obviously at low dose and at high dose, remnants that cannot be dissolved in formic acid and THF can be observed in the holes and on the surface. TEM photographs showed that radiation destroys the rubber phases in the polymer blend. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structure and thermal properties of polyamide-1010 (PA1010), treated at 250degreesC for 30 min under pressures of 0.7-2.5 GPa, were studied with wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), infrared (IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Crystals were formed when the pressures were less than 1.0 GPa or greater than 1.2 GPa. With increasing pressure, the intensity of the diffraction peak at approximately 24degrees was enhanced, whereas the peak at approximately 20degrees was depressed. The triclinic crystal structure of PA1010 was preserved. The highest melting temperature of the crystals obtained in this work was 208degreesC for PA1010 treated at 1.5 GPa. Crosslinking occurred under pressures of 1.0-1.2 GPa. Only a broad diffraction peak centered at approximately 20degrees was observed on WAXD patterns, and no melting and crystallization peaks were found on DSC curves. IR spectra of crosslinked PA1010 showed a remarkable absorption band at 1370 cm(-1). The N-H stretching vibration band at 3305 cm(-1) was weakened. Crystallized PA1010 had a higher thermal stability than crosslinked PA1010, as indicated on TGA curves by a higher onset temperature of decomposition.


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Polyamide 1010/poly(propylene) (PA1010/PP) blends were investigated with and without the addition of poly(propylene)-graft-glycidyl methacrylate (PP-g-GMA). The effect of the compatibilizer on the thermal properties and crystallization behavior was determined by differential scanning calorimetry and wide-angle X-ray diffraction. From the results it is found that the crystallization of PA 1010 is significantly affected by the presence of PP-g-GMA. PP/PA 1010 (75/25) blends containing higher amounts of PP-g-GMA show concurrent crystallization at the crystallization temperature of PP. Isothermal crystallization kinetics also were performed in order to investigate the influence of the compatibilized process on the nucleation and growth mechanism. In the PP/PA 1010 (25/75) blends, concurrent crystallization behavior was not observed, even though the amount of PPg-GMA was high.


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The modification of ethylene-propylene copolymer (EP) has been accomplished by radical EP-graft-acrylic acid (EP-g-AA) has been used to obtain ternary PA/EP/EP-g-AA blends by melt mixing. Different blend morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscopy; the domain size of the EP-dispersed phase in the polyamide 1010 matrix of compatibilized blends decreased compared with that of uncompatibilized blends. It is found that EP-g-AA used as the third component has a profound effect on the mechanical properties of the resulting blends. This behavior has been attributed to serious chemical interactions taking place between the two components. Thermal analysis shows that some thermal properties of PA in compatibilized PA/EP/EP-g-AA changed because of chemical reactions taken place during the blending process. Wide angle x-ray diffraction measurements also confirmed this result. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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尼龙1010是我国特有的工程塑料。但对它的结构与性能的基础研究并不多见。迄今为止,许多聚酰胺的晶胞参数已被测定,并比较准确地计算出它们的结晶密度ρ_c。可是,尚未见到过有关尼龙1010的ρ_c的报道。此外,结晶高聚物的平衡熔融温度T°_m和平衡熔融热ΔH°_m是非常重要的热力学参数,尤其是后者更是用量热法计算结晶度的基准。早在50年代,Flory等对它的T°_m和ΔH°_m进行了许多研究,由于受当时历史条件限制,这些数值的准确性不高,不能当作平衡状态的数值。尼龙1010经γ-射线辐照后,有可能提高它的使用温度,扩大它的应用范围和领域。但至今未见到过大剂量下γ-辐照尼龙1010及其添加强化交联剂BMI的γ辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程的研究。随着科学技术的发展,目前迫切需要准确的尼龙1010的ρ_c、T°_m、ΔH°_m的数值,以及大剂量下γ-辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程的详细研究,以便更合理地开发和利用这一材料为四化建设服务。本文用DSC差示扫描量热仪、红外光谱仪、广角X-射线衍射仪以及TMS热机械仪等研究手段,准确地测定了尼龙1010的平衡热力学参数,并对尼龙1010及其添加强化交联剂BMI的γ-辐照产物的热学性能和结晶过程进行了详细的研究。用红外吸光度-密度外推法求得尼龙1010的ρ_a(非晶密度)= 1.003 ρ_c = 1.098g/cm~3。1.098g/cm~3与用X-射线衍射法求得的1.135g/cm~3比较,认为后者更为合理。用介稳态结晶试样的ΔH_m-(V-bar)_(sp)的线性关系,求得尼龙1010的平衡熔融热。ΔH°_m = 244.0J/g。企图用常用的Hoffman Tm-Tc外推法来确定尼龙1010的平衡熔融温度T°_m,但未能成功,并指出其升温过程中重结晶异常迅速是此法行不通的主要原因。用Kamide提出的双重外推法成功地求得尼龙1010的平衡熔融温度:T°_m = 487 K = 214 ℃通过详细地研究尼龙1010及其添加强化并联剂BMI的γ辐照产物的热学性能,发现强化交联剂BMI的加入,使尼龙1010大分子的交联更容易,但也使得空间网络较松散;同时γ辐照尼龙1010在再次等速升温过程中出现冷结晶峰是辐照产物中存在可结晶部分、交联网络阻碍可结晶部分结晶两者共同作用的结果。交联网络使可结晶部分在降温过程中来不及结晶,当再次升温到玻璃化转变温度以上时,链段冻结被解除,可结晶的分子链段进行有序排列而结晶,导致冷结晶峰的出现。冷结晶峰的强度和位置与辐照产物中可结晶部分的多少、交联网络的大小即相邻交联点之间的分子量Mc的大小、交联网络的松散程度以及试样的热历史都有关。选择适当的等温结晶温度,用DSC-2C型差示扫描量热仪研究了尼龙1010及其γ-辐照产物和添加强化交联剂BMI的γ-辐照产物的等温结晶过程。用DSC-2C 3600 TADS计算机自带的部分面积程序进行动力学数据处理。通过仔细的等温结晶动力学研究,发现γ辐照尼龙10104 Avrami指数n几乎不受辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI的影响,且一般为3.75,这说明尼龙1010及其γ辐照产物的结晶过程接近于均相三维成核。随着辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI含量的增大,折迭链表面自由能σe值增大,σe值的分布可能变宽,σe值的这种变化可以归因于辐照剂量R和强化交联剂BMI的含量增大时,交联网络增多,交联密度增大,Mc值的分布变宽,链尾和小链圈的数目增多,活动性减小,同时链尾也增长,结果导致σe(链尾、链圈)增大,从而σe值变大,σe值的分布可能变宽。σe值的这种变化也正是过冷度增大、拖尾现象严重、总的动力学速率常数Kn和结晶速率t_(0.5)~(-1)变小的总根源。由此可见,对于分子量不同或分子结构有差别的同一种结晶高聚物来说,σe值可以作为衡量结晶能力大小的定量标准。


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The isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization processes of nylon 1212 were investigated by polarized optical microscopy. The crystal growth rates of nylon 1212 measured in isothermal conditions at temperatures ranged from 182 to 132 degreesC are well comparable with those measured by non-isothermal procedures (cooling rates ranged from 0.5 to 11 degreesC/min). The kinetic data were examined with the Hoffman-Lauritzen nucleation theory on the basis of the obtained values of the thermodynamic parameters of nylon 1212. The classical regime I --> II and regime II --> III transitions occur at the temperatures of 179 and 159 degreesC, respectively. The crystal growth parameters were calculated with (100) plane assumed to be the growth plane. The regime I --> II --> III transition is accompanied by a morphological transition from elliptical-shaped structure to banded spherulite and then non-banded spherulite. The development of morphology during isothermal and non-isothermal processes shows a good agreement.


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The isothermal and non-isothermal melt-crystallization kinetics of nylon 1212 were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Primary and secondary crystallization behaviors were analysed based on different approaches. The results obtained suggested that primary crystallization under isothermal conditions involves three-dimensional spherulite growth initiated by athermal nucleation, while under non-isothermal conditions, the mechanism of primary crystallization is more complex. Secondary crystallization displays a lower-dimensional crystal growth, both in the isothermal and non-isothermal processes. The crystallite morphology of nylon 1212, isothermally crystallized at various temperatures, was observed by polarized optical microscopy. The activation energies of crystallization under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions were also calculated based on different approaches.


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Based on the X-ray scattering intensity theory and using the approximate expression for the atomic scattering factor, the correction factors for three crystalline peaks and an amorphous peak of Nylon 1212 were calculated and the formula of degree of crystallinity of Nylon 1212 was derived by a graphic multipeak resolution method. The degree of crystallinity calculated from the WARD method is compatible with those obtained by density and calorimetry methods.


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The mechanical and thermal properties of glass bead-filled nylon-6 were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), tensile testing, Izod impact, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests. DMA results showed that the incorporation of glass beads could lead to a substantial increase of the glass-transition temperature (T-g) of the blend, indicating that there existed strong interaction between glass beads and the nylon-6 matrix. Results of further calculation revealed that the average interaction between glass beads and the nylon-6 matrix deceased with increasing glass bead content as a result of the coalescence of glass beads. This conclusion was supported by SEM observations. Impact testing revealed that the notch Izod impact strength of nylon-6/glass bead blends substantially decreased with increasing glass bead content. Moreover, static tensile measurements implied that the Young's modulus of the nylon-6/glass bead blends increased considerably, whereas the tensile strength clearly decreased with increasing glass bead content.