31 resultados para Multivariate Linkage Analysis


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Zygosity determination is important for epidemiological, biological, obstetric, and prognostic studies in both human and nonhuman primates. In this study, microsatellite loci were used to screen a pair of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) twins and their parents. The twins share identical alleles at all loci tested. The probability of dizygotic origin is estimated to be 2.9 x 10(-11). Even after excluding linkage of loci on the same chromosome, the probability is still low enough (3.7 x 10(-9)) to exclude dizygotic origin. MHC typing was also done on Patr-DRB and Patr-DQB loci and the twins share identical alleles at both loci, consistent with the microsatellite results. Together these results demonstrate a monozygotic origin for the chimp twins. Our results suggest that microsatellite analysis is a powerful method for zygosity determination, which can be screened reliably and efficiently. Am. J. Primatol. 52:101-106, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Dental variation in the Chinese golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is here evaluated by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. Allometric analyses indicate that canines and P3s are positively, but other dimensions negatively scaled to mandible and maxilla, and to body size. With the exception of the mesiodistal dimensions of I-1 and M-3, and the buccolingual dimension of Pq, mandibular dental variables show similar scaling relative to body size. Analysis of residuals shows that males have significantly larger canine, P-3 and buccolingual dimensions of the postcanine teeth (M-2 and M-3) than females. A significant difference in shape between the sexes is found in the buccolingual dimension of the upper teeth, but not in the mandible. Unlike the situation in some other species, Female golden monkeys do nor exhibit relatively larger postcanine teeth than males, in fact, the reverse is true, especially for M(2)s and M(3)s. The fact that most of the dental variables show low negative allometry to body size might be related a cold environment that has led to the development of larger body size with I-educed energy loss. When the raw data are examined by Discriminant Function Analysis the sexes are clearly distinguishable.


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P>Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an important fish for aquaculture, but genomics of this species is still in its infancy. In this study, a linkage map of common carp based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers has been generated using gynogenetic haploids. Of 926 markers genotyped, 151 (149 AFLPs, two SSRs) were distorted and eliminated from the linkage analyses. A total of 699 AFLP and 20 microsatellite (SSR) markers were assigned to the map, which comprised 64 linkage groups and covered 5506.9 cM Kosambi, with an average interval distance of 7.66 cM Kosambi. The normality tests on interval map distances showed a non-normal marker distribution. Visual inspection of the map distance distribution histogram showed a cluster of interval map distances on the left side of the chart, which suggested the occurrence of AFLP marker clusters. On the other hand, the lack of an obvious cluster on the right side showed that there were a few big gaps which need more markers to bridge. The correlation analysis showed a highly significant relatedness between the length of linkage group and the number of markers, indicating that the AFLP markers in this map were randomly distributed among different linkage groups. This study is helpful for research into the common carp genome and for further studies of genetics and marker-assisted breeding in this species.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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Structures and crystal form transition of the novel aryl ether ketone polymer containing meta-phenylene linkage: PEKEKK(T/I) were investigated by wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), imaging plates (IPs) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The energy of activation of the decomposition reaction and degree of crystallinity of PEKEKK(T/I) were determined by WAXD and thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively. Results obtained from WAXD and IPs show that crystal forms I and II coexist in the PEKEKK(T/I) samples isothermally cold crystallized in the temperature range from 180degreesC to 240degreesC and only form I occurs in PEKEKK(T/I) samples isothermally cold crystallized at 270degreesC. The radius of gyration (Rg), thickness of microregions with electron-density fluctuations (E) and distribution of particle sizes were investigated by SAXS.


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Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization behavior for PEKK(T) was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and electron diffraction (ED). In the isothermal crystallization process, the Avrami parameters obtained were n = 2.33-2.69, which shows crystal growth of two-dimensional extensions consistent with our observations by TEM. The lamellar thickness increases with the crystallization temperature of PEKK(T) crystallized isothermally from the melt. However, for the nonisothermal crystallization of PEKK(T), the results from the modified Avrami analysis show two different crystallization processes. Avrami exponents n(1) = 3.61-5.30, obtained from the primary crystallization process, are much bigger than are the secondary n(2) = 2.26-3.04 and confirmed by the observation of the spherulite morphology. PEKK(T) crystallized isothermally from the melt possesses the same crystal structure (Form I) as that from nonisothermal melt crystallization. The results from TEM observation show that the spherulite radius decreases with an increasing cooling rate. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A new method for simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of Zn, Cd and Hg using 2-(5-Br-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol as the color developing reagent was proposed. The absorption spectra of these three complexes have similar features with severe overlap in visible spectral range. For resolving these spectra, hybrid linear analysis was used, and the pure spectrum of each component was obtained from the calibration mixtures by least squares method. The effects of reaction condition, selection of wavelengths, determination of pure spectrum and additivity of absorbances etc. on the determination were discussed. The proposed method offers the advantages of simple, rapid, and accuracy. It has been successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of Zn, Cd and Hg in synthetic sample. A comparison was also made with the partial least squares method.


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The effect of metal (Li+, Na+, K+, Ag+) cationization on collision-induced dissociation of ginsenosides was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry combined with multi-stage mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). The fragments of sodiated and lithiated molecules give valuable structural information regarding the nature of the aglycone and the sequence and linkage information of sugar moieties. However, the number and relative abundances of fragment ions from lithiated ginsenosides are significantly greater than for the sodiated species, The K+ adducts undergo glycosidic cleavages and very limited cross-ring reactions. The silver ion adducts fragment mainly through glycosidic cleavages. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Hybrid linear analysis (HLA) was applied to resolution of overlapping spectra of Fe3+-salicylfluorone and Al3+-salicylfluorone complexes and simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of Fe3+ and Al3+. The absorbance matrix of 7 standard mixtures at 41 measuring points ranged from the wavelength of 550 nm to 630 nm was used for calibration. To avoid the effect of interaction between the two components on the determination, the column vector of K matrix obtained from the standard mixtures with least squares was used as the pure spectrum of component. The recoveries of the two elements for the analysis of the synthetic samples were 93.3% similar to 107.5% in the range of the concentration ratio of Fe3+:Al3+ = 10:1 to 1:8. Comparing with the partial least squares (PIS) model, the HLA method was simple, accuracy and precise.


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Electrospray ionization (ESI) combined with multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) was used to directly analyze the glycolipid mixture from bacteria Bacillus pumilus without preliminary separation. Full scan ESI-MS revealed the composition of picomole quantities of glycerolglycolipid species containing C-14-C-19 fatty acids, some of which were monounsaturated, Two main components were identified from their molecular masses and fragmentation pathways. The fragmentation pathway of the known compound compared with the investigated compound verified the proposed structure as 1(3)-acyl-2-pentadecanoyl-3(1)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]-sn-glycerols. A comparison of the multiple tandem mass spectra of the different alkali-metal cation adducts indicates that the intensity of fragments and the dissociation pathways are dependent on the alkali-metal type, The basic structures of glycerolglycolipids were reflected clearly from the fragmentation patterns of the sodium cations, The intense fragments of the sugar residue from the precursor ions were obtained from the lithiated adduct ions. ESI-MSn spectra of [M + K](+) ions did not provide as much fragmentation as [M + Na](+) and [M + Li](+) adducts, but their spectra allow the position of glycerol acylation to be determined. On the basis of MS2 spectra of[M + K](+) ions, it was established that all components have a C-15:0 fatty acid at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone and C-14-C-19 acids at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) combined with sequential tandem MS(ESI-MSn), two major steroidal saponins extracted from Tribulus terrestris were studied, and considerable useful structural information was obtained. The structure of the proposed known steroidal saponin was verified, and the structure of the unknown saponin was investigated using MSn experiments. Some special fragment ions were also observed, and the corresponding fragmentation mechanisms were investigated which are characteristic for steroidal saponins and can give some information on the linkage position of some sugar groups in saponins. This methodology has been established as a powerful tool for the rapid, comparative analysis of mixtures such as crude plant extracts. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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To improve the mechanics properties of polyurethane materials at a high or low temperature, a hydroxy compound N-100 of HDI was synthesized, The structure analysis and characterization were made by NMR (H-1, C-13, H-1-H-1 COSY, C-13-H-1 COSY), In addition, quantitative description of the network was made on the basis of some ideal assumptions, 1D and 2D NMR can differentiate four sorts of carbonyl groups and establish the connections of all carbon and hydrogen atoms of mixed structures that originated from five different substitutions, Besides, the alkene and isocyanate, urea, biuret and trimerized isocyanuric groups were also detected, Therefore, the structure of N-100 was suggested be a polyisocyanate with complicated network which contained nitrogen atom as cross-linkage, isocyanate and alkene as end groups, The consistence of calculated values with tested values of isocyanate content, mean function degree and mean molecular weight demonstrated the correct of structure characterization and the validity of network description.


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In this paper, the new topological indices A(x1)-A(x3) suggested in our laboratory and molecular connectivity indices have been applied to multivariate analysis in structure-property studies. The topological indices of twenty asymmetrical phosphono bisazo derivatives of chromotropic acid have been calculated. The structure-property relationships between colour reagents and their colour reactions with ytterbium have been studied by A(x1)-A(x3) indices and molecular connectivity indices with satisfactory results. Multiple regression analysis and neural networks were employed simultaneously in this study.


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Multivariate classification methods were used to evaluate data on the concentrations of eight metals in human senile lenses measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering separated senile cataract lenses, nuclei from cataract lenses, and normal lenses into three classes on the basis of the eight elements. Stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to give discriminant functions with five selected variables. Results provided by the linear learning machine method were also satisfactory; the k-nearest neighbour method was less useful.