20 resultados para Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1


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AIM: To study the interaction between human interleukin-16 (IL-16) and the receptor CD4 (T-lymphocyte differentiation antigen) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). METHODS: Two structurally con served regions (SCRs) of human IL-16 were built by the SYBYL/Biopolymer module using the corresponding transmembrane (TM) domain of human interleukin-1 (HIL-4) and HIL-2 as the templates. The coordinates for amino-terminal residue sequence, carboxyl-terminal residue sequences, and cytoplasm loops were generated using Biopolymer's LOOP SEARCH algorithm. RESULTS: HIL-16 first formed a homodimer, then contacted with CD4 dimer further forming a dimeric complex. Subsequently, the dimeric complex constructed the tetrameric complex by two disulfide bridges between the cysteines of HIL-16 (Cys31-Cys31). CONCLUSION: The interaction model is useful to propose the action mechanism of HIL-16 and is beneficial for rational designing of novel anti-HIV drugs.


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Well-aligned Zn1-xMgxO nanorods and film with Mg-content x from 0 to 0.051 have been successfully synthesized by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) without any catalysts. The characterization results showed that the diameters and lengths of the nanorods were in the range of 20-80 nm and 330-360 nm, which possessed wurtzite structure with a c-axis growth direction. As the increase of Mg precursor flows into the growth chamber, the morphology of Zn1-xMgxO evolves from nanorods to a film with scale-like surface and the height of the nanorods and the film was almost identical, it is suggested that the growth rate along the c-axis was hardly changed while the growth of six equivalent facets of the type {1 0 (1) over bar 0} of the Zn1-xMgxO has been improved. Photoluminescence and Raman spectra show that the products have a good crystal quality with few oxygen vacancies. With the Mg incorporation, multiple-phonon scattering become weak and broad, and the intensities of all observed vibrational modes decrease. And the ultraviolet near-band-edge emission shows a clear blueshift (x=0.051, as much as 90 meV) and slightly broadening compared with that of pure ZnO nanorods. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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可变性剪接在调节基因表达和增加蛋白多样化方面具有重要的作用。它也是高等生物基因组进化中产生新蛋白的主要机制之一。人类大脑――适应性进化的产物,则更加倾向运用可变性剪接的策略来行使其高度复杂的功能。因此,鉴定出人类中枢神经系统中的特异性剪接体对于我们理解人类认知的功能进化有着相当重要的意义。 KLK8 (Kallikrein 8, 又名 neuropsin)是中枢神经系统中参与大脑学习记忆的一种丝氨酸蛋白酶。以前的研究表明,这个基因的剪接形式在人和小鼠中是不同的,在人脑中表达一种特有的更长的剪接形式(type Ⅱ)。而序列分析又提示这个更长的剪接形式在灵长类中是最近起源的。本论文的研究目的:(1)揭示在人类大脑进化过程中,type Ⅱ特异剪接体产生的分子遗传机制;(2)了解type Ⅱ的蛋白异型体比原先KLK8 蛋白的typeⅠ异型体有何新的功能特点。我们发现type Ⅱ是一种人特有的剪接体,在其它非人灵长类的大脑中没有表达。运用体外剪接实验,我们证实:一个人类特有的T 到A 单碱基突变改变了KLK8 的剪接模式,使得type Ⅱ这一崭新的剪接体在人类大脑中产生。体外突变体的剪接实验则进一步证实了这一单碱基突变是type Ⅱ表达的充要条件。此外,运用突变实验我们也证实了多个位点参与削弱KLK8 原有组成性剪接位点的剪接效率。我们估计在灵长类进化过程中,新剪接位点的产生和原组成性剪接位点的削弱共同造成了KLK8 剪接的变化,这就表明KLK8 经过多个演化步骤最终才导致了type Ⅱ在人大脑中的表达。5’RACE,启动子区域序列分析以及启动子的活力检测则表明KLK8 的转录调节在进化过程中一直在动态变化。此项研究揭示了在人类进化过程中,中枢神经系统中通过可变剪接产生新蛋白的遗传学分子机制。除此之外,RT-PCR 和western blot 实验表明特异剪接体的表达是时空依赖性的,它的分泌效率也与细胞类型相关。生物化学和酶学实验则表明type Ⅱ 不仅能够产生原有KLK8 的活性形式蛋白,它还有type Ⅱ异型体特有的一个中间蛋白体,提示我们人类大脑中type Ⅱ蛋白的形成可能会对原有蛋白起一定的功能修饰作用


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A method of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was employed to develop a rapid and simple detection system for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). The amplification could be finished in 60 min under isothermal condition at 64 degrees C by employing a set of four primers targeting the cap gene of PCV2. The LAMP assay showed higher sensitivity than the conventional PCR, with a detection limit of five copies per tube of purified PCV2 genomic DNA. No cross-reactivity was observed from the samples of other related viruses including porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1), porcine parvovirus (PPV), porcine pseudorabies virus (PRV) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). The detection rate of PCV2 LAMP for 86 clinical samples was 96.5% and appeared greater than that of the PCR method. The LAMP assay reported can provide a rapid yet simple test of PCV2 suitable for laboratory diagnosis and pen-side detection due to ease of operation and the requirement of only a regular water bath or heat block for the reaction. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.