27 resultados para Manning, Tim


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Two different length cDNAs encoding triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) were identified in the two trophic modes of euglenoids, the phototrophic Euglena gracilis and Euglena intermedia and the saprotrophic Astasia longa. Sequence analyses and presequence pred


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树鼩是一种新开发的小型实验动物. 研究树鼩的寄生虫对保护树鼩群体, 保证准确的实验结果, 以及寻找人类疾病的动物模型等方面都有着重要的实用意义和理论意义. 关于缅甸、越南、婆罗洲、马来西亚、马来亚、印度、和印度尼西亚树鼩的体内外寄生虫研究, 国外学者已作过许多研究(Dunn, 1963, 1964; Van Peenen等, 1967;Durette-Desset等, 1975, 1981; File, 1974; Quentin等, 1975, 1977; Chabaud等, 1975;Ohbayashi等, 1983; Betteron等, 1977; Betterton, 1979, 1980; Myers, 1960; Orihel, 1966; Nandi, 1982; Manning等, 1972; Mallin等, 1972; Schmidt等, 1977; Houdemer, 1938; Heyneman 等, 1965; Jordan,1926; Durden 等, 1984)。


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Back Light Unit (BLU) and Color Filter are the two key components for the perfect color display of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) device. LCD can not light actively itself, so a form of illumination, Back Light Unit is needed for its display. The color filter which consists of RGB primary colors, is used to generate three basic colors for LCD display. Traditional CCFL back light source has several disadvantages, while LED back light technology makes LCD obtain quite higher display quality than the CCFL back light. LCD device based on LED back light owns promoted efficiency of display. Moreover it can generate color gamut above 100% of the NTSC specification. Especially, we put forward an idea of Color Filter-Less technology that we design a film which is patterned of red and green emitting phosphors, then make it be excited by a blue light LED panel we fabricate, for its special emitting mechanism, this film can emit RGB basic color, therefore replace the color filter of LCD device. This frame typically benefits for lighting uniformity and provide pretty high light utilization ratio. Also simplifies back light structure thus cut down the expenses.


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Comparing with the conventional CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlight, three-basic-color LEDs backlight has some advantages such as good color reproduction, long life and lead free etc. Theoretically, the color gamut is determined by x, y coordinates of the three basic colors in CIE chromaticity diagram, and the x, y coordinates of each basic color can derived from the relative spectrum distribution (RSD) of the LED. In this paper, the red, green and blue LEDs' RSD models are established to calculate and analyze the color gamut of a backlight. By simulating those models, the relationships that the color gamut of a LED backlight varies with each color are analyzed, and the optimum combination of three colors is obtained within the given wavelengths ranges. Moreover, the combinations of three colors for the gamut of 115% NTSC and 110% NTSC are plotted in pictures, respectively.


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糖酵解作为细胞的基本能量代谢途径广泛存在于各类生物中。真核生物的糖 酵解一般都在细胞质中进行。然而,有报道发现少数物种如原生生物的动基体类、 少数藻类(如硅藻)中糖酵解途径却并非发生在胞质中,而是分别发生在糖酵解 体和线粒体中。在处于关键进化地位的单细胞绿藻—衣藻中,其糖酵解途径的亚 细胞定位一直存在争议。本文针对衣藻糖酵解途径的亚细胞定位问题开展了如下 两方面的研究工作,获得了一些重要结果: 1 衣藻糖酵解途径亚细胞定位的实验研究 本实验室曾利用生物信息学方法 对衣藻糖酵解途径的酶进行了鉴定和定位预测的理论分析,结果发现该途径的前 7 步主要发生在叶绿体,后3 步则主要发生在胞质。据此,本文选取了糖酵解途 径中具有代表性的几个酶(PFKa、PFKb、NAD+-GAPDH 和TIM)进行了GFP 定 位实验,以期通过实验验证该结论。结果表明,参与糖酵解途径第3、5、6 步反 应的酶(分别为PFK、TIM 和NAD+-GAPDH)确实定位到叶绿体。本文的研究 结果在一定程度上证实了以往的生物信息学理论分析结果--衣藻糖酵解途径的 前七步发生在叶绿体中。 2 衣藻叶绿体内糖酵解与卡尔文循环二者之间协调机制的研究 既然衣藻糖 酵解途径发生在叶绿体中,这势必与同样发生在叶绿体中的卡尔文循环途径发生 冲突。因为这两个途径有五步反应是逆向重叠的,它们之间是如何协调的呢?为 了探讨这一问题,本文开展了如下研究:首先,我们利用生物信息学方法对衣藻 全基因组中参与上述五步逆向重叠反应的酶进行了鉴定,并对它们的定位进行了 预测。结果发现,第一步有两个定位到叶绿体的PFK 催化糖酵解途径的反应, 其逆向反应则是由FBP 来催化;第四步在叶绿体中有两个利用不同辅酶(NAD+ 和NADP+)的GAPDH;第二步有两个拷贝的FBA(FBAa 和FBAb)定位到叶 绿体;而参与第三步与第五步的TIM 和PGK 仅有一个拷贝且是叶绿体定位。其 次,我们对这些参与五步逆向重叠反应且定位到叶绿体的酶进行了real time RT-PCR 实验,得到了它们的转录表达谱。PFK、FBAb 和NAD+-GAPDH 在整个 光照和黑暗中均表达恒定波动不大,但相对于PFK 和NAD+-GAPDH,FBAb 的 表达量却极低;而FBP、FBAa 和NADP+-GAPDH 在黑暗条件下表达量低且恒定, 而进入光照后表达量急剧增长,1 小时之后即能达到最高,表明这些酶的表达是 受光调节的;PGK 的转录表达情况则与FBP、FBAa 和NADP+-GAPDH 类似,也 是光照条件下表达量剧增,说明它也是受光调节的;TIM 在光照条件下也是有上 调趋势的,只是幅度较小,推测可能与其作为异构酶催化效率高有关。因此我们 认为PFK、FBAb 和NAD+-GAPDH 是专职参与糖酵解途径的,而FBP、FBAa 和 NADP+-GAPDH 是专职催化卡尔文循环反应的,通过光对它们表达的调节而 来协调它们各自参与的反应;而TIM 和PGK 则是两个代谢途径所共有的,它们 是通过光照、底物浓度等综合因素来调节它们所参与的反应方向进而达到两个途 径之间的协调。 该研究工作不仅对衣藻糖酵解途径的亚细胞定位进行了实验验证,还首次揭 示了衣藻同处叶绿体中的糖酵解与卡尔文循环两个途径之间的协调机制。


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Seagrasses, marine flowering plants, have a long evolutionary history but are now challenged with rapid environmental changes as a result of coastal human population pressures. Seagrasses provide key ecological services, including organic carbon production and export, nutrient cycling, sediment stabilization, enhanced biodiversity, and trophic transfers to adjacent habitats in tropical and temperate regions. They also serve as “coastal canaries,” global biological sentinels of increasing anthropogenic influences in coastal ecosystems, with large-scale losses reported worldwide. Multiple stressors, including sediment and nutrient runoff, physical disturbance, invasive species, disease, commercial fishing practices, aquaculture, overgrazing, algal blooms, and global warming, cause seagrass declines at scales of square meters to hundreds of square kilometers. Reported seagrass losses have led to increased awareness of the need for seagrass protection, monitoring, management, and restoration. However, seagrass science, which has rapidly grown, is disconnected from public awareness of seagrasses, which has lagged behind awareness of other coastal ecosystems. There is a critical need for a targeted global conservation effort that includes a reduction of watershed nutrient and sediment inputs to seagrass habitats and a targeted educational program informing regulators and the public of the value of seagrass meadows.


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Thirty-four palaemonid species from the northern area of South China Sea are reported in the present paper, including two new species, Paranchistus lini, new species, and Periclimenes chacei, new species, and eight other species are reported for the first time from South China Sea: Leander tenuicornis (Say, 1818), Leandrites stenopus Holthuis, 1950, Palaemon debilis Dana, 1852, Urocaridella antonbrurnii (Bruce, 1967), Kemponia platycheles (Holthuis, 1952), Paraclimenes franklini (Bruce, 1990b), Paranchistus spondylis Suzuki, 1971, Periclimenes hirsutus Bruce, 1971.


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提出一种基于TOA(tim e of arrival)测距、利用节点之间的几何关系实现传感器网络中未知节点自定位的算法.该方法计算量小、算法简单且定位精度高.仿真实验证明了该方法的有效性.*


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The subduction zone is an important site of the fluid activity and recycling of chemical elements. The fluid characteristic of deep subduction zones is a top scientific problem attracting the petrologists, geochemists and tectonists. In this dissertation, the characteristics of fluid activity within a deep subduction zone have been explored on the basis of the studies on the petrography, mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions, geochemistry and metamorphic P–T conditions of the omphacite-bearing high-pressure veins and related hosts from the low-temperature/high-pressure metamorphic belt in southwestern Tianshan, China. Multiple high-pressure veins are exposed in host eclogites and blueschists. The veins are composed predominantly of omphacite, garnet, quartz, and other minerals. Some veins contain cm-sized rutiles. In general, the vein can be divided into three types, the ‘in situ dehydration’ vein, the ‘external transport’ vein and the ‘composite’ vein. The omphacites within the veins and related host rocks contain lots of two-phase or three-phase primary fluid inclusions. The final melting temperature (Tfm) of fluid inclusions varies mainly from -0.6 to -4.3 °C, the homogeneous temperature (Th) varies from 185 to 251 °C, the salinity varies from 1.1 to 6.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent and the density varies from 0.81 to 0.9 g/cm3. The fluids were released under the conditions of T = 520–580°C and P = 15–19 kbar at blueschist facies to eclogite facies transition. The fluids include not only Li, Be, LILE, La, Pb-enriched and HFSE- and HREE-depleted aqueous fluids but also HFSE (Ti-Nb-Ta)-rich aqueous fluids. The complex composed of aluminosilicate polymers and F was the catalyst which had caused the Ti-Nb-Ta to be dissolved into the fluids. During the transport of the LILE-rich and HFSE- and HREE-poor fluids, they can exchange some chemical elements with country rocks and leach some trace elements in some extent. The rutile could be precipitated from the HFSE (Ti-Nb-Ta)-rich aqueous fluids when CO2 was added into the fluids. The host rocks could obtain some elements, such as Ca, Cs, Rb, Ba and Th, from the external fluids. The fluids with complex composition had been released within the deep subduction zone (>50 km) in Early Carboniferous during the subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean under the Yili–Central Tianshan Plate. The results obtained in this dissertation have made new progress compared with the published data (e.g. Tatsumi, 1989; Becker et al., 1999; Scambelluri and Philippot, 2001; Manning, 2004; Hermann et al., 2006; Spandler and Hermann, 2006).