47 resultados para Maguiling, Mount (Philippines)


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Data on sexual behavior were collected in six groups of semi-commensal Macaca thibetana along the trail on the slope habitat between 1987 and 1989. Ignoring the common items such as mounting, presenting etc., 20 categories of sexual behavior were described. Most of the descriptions were likely to have enlarged the behavior repertoire reported in macaques, showing a great complexity of sociosexual interactions under the principally natural condition. A great diversity of grouping appeared in the mating season. The copulatory pattern was found to be the serial type contrary to previous speculation, and the mount-to-ejaculation ratio was higher in the central subgroup, as compared with the far-peripheral adult subgroup (FAS) with less male and female rivals. An age-class subdivision of sexually active males made it possible to show that the young adult male immigrants were the most active class in sexual activity. Subgrouping form FAS was a ''space-segregation'' tactic of mating for the losers of both sexes in the competition. Some parameters of copulation were also documented.


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Data regarding the sexual behavior of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were collected in 1998 in a one-male unit in captivity by all-occurrences sampling during the mating season. Before the present study, little was known about the sexual behavior of this species. This study showed that female solicitation is mainly expressed as "prostration plus glancing laterally" (PG) or "sitting plus head moving up and down" (HM), and male solicitation is exhibited by the "grunt bared-teeth display." The mount-to-ejaculation ratio was 5.2 on average, and single-mount ejaculations (SMEs) were observed in only 4.4% of mounts on days with at least one ejaculation. Therefore, the main copulatory pattern of this species is multiple-mount ejaculation (MME). Females initiated 72% of 18 ejaculatory mounts. Females initiated more ejaculatory mounts than non-ejaculatory ones. In general, the patterns of sexual behavior in this species are similar to those reported for other Colobines. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Anterior gradient 2 (Agr2) genes encode secretory proteins, and play significant roles in anterior-posterior patterning and tumor metastasis. Agr2 transcripts were shown to display quite diverse tissue distribution in different species, and little was known about the cellular localization of Agr2 proteins. In this study, we identified an Agr2 homologue from gibe[ carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), and revealed the expression patterns and cellular localization during embryogenesis and in adult tissues. The full-length cDNA of CagAgr2 is 803 nucleotides (nt) with an open reading frame of 510 nt encoding 169 amino acids. The Agr2 C-terminus matches to the class I PDZ-interacting motif, suggesting that it might be a PDZ-binding protein. During embryogenesis, CagAgr2 was found to be transcribed in the mucus-secreting hatching gland from tailbud stage and later in the pharynx region, swim bladder and pronephric duct as revealed by RT-PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization. In the adult fish, its transcription was predominantly confined to the kidney, and lower transcription levels were also found in the intestine, ovary and gills. To further localize the Agr2 protein, the anti-CagAgr2 polyclonal antibody was produced and used for immunofluorescence observation. In agreement with mRNA expression data, the Agr2 protein was localized in the pronephric duct of 3dph larvae. In adult fish, Agr2 protein expression is confined to the renal collecting system with asymmetric distribution along the apical-basolateral axis. The data provided suggestive evidence that fish Agr2 might be involved in differentiation and secretory functions of kidney epithelium. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Teleost vitellogenins (VTGs) are large multidomain apolipoproteins and traditionally considered as the estrogen responsive precursors of the major egg yolk proteins. We identified five clones encoding VTGs, about 16% of the random EST clones from our constructed cDNA library from Chinese rare minnow liver tissue treated with 17 beta-estradiol (E2). Full-length vtgAo1 has been obtained based on the sequence information of four partial cDNA inserts by RACE. The inducibility of the vtgAo1 expression in liver by E2 was confirmed by RT-PCR. The presence of vtgAo1 transcripts have been observed primarily in liver. However. a significant level of the vtgAo1 was found in an unexpected location, heart, particularly in atrial cells by RT-PCR and whole mount in situ hybridization analyses. The vtgAo1 mRNA expression in heart and liver tissue could be suppressed by both alpha-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine (PE) and beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol (ISO). The expression of VTG in the heart observed in the present studies suggested it may provide protection from surplus intracellular lipids in fish cardiomyocytes as triglyceride transport proteins do in mammals. The results also indicated that the production of teleost vtg in vivo can be regulated by riot only estrogenic agents, but adrenergic signals as well. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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m Background: Cross-species nuclear transfer has been shown to be a potent approach to retain the genetic viability of a certain species near extinction. However, most embryos produced by cross-species nuclear transfer were compromised because that they were unable to develop to later stages. Gene expression analysis of cross-species cloned embryos will yield new insights into the regulatory mechanisms involved in cross-species nuclear transfer and embryonic development. Results: A novel gene, K31, was identified as an up-regulated gene in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos using SSH approach and RACE method. K31 complete cDNA sequence is 1106 base pairs (bp) in length, with a 342 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative protein of 113 amino acids (aa). Comparative analysis revealed no homologous known gene in zebrafish and other species database. K31 protein contains a putative transmembrane helix and five putative phosphorylation sites but without a signal peptide. Expression pattern analysis by real time RT-PCR and whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) shows that it has the characteristics of constitutively expressed gene. Sub-cellular localization assay shows that K31 protein can not penetrate the nuclei. Interestingly, over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality in the epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells in cell culture, which gave hint to the inefficient reprogramming events occurred in cloned embryos. Conclusion: Taken together, our findings indicated that K31 gene is a novel gene differentially expressed in fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos and over-expression of K31 gene can cause lethality of cultured fish cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the determination of novel genes involved in nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction of fish cross-subfamily cloned embryos.


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Compensatory growth is a phase of accelerated growth apparent when favourable conditions are restored after a period of growth depression. To investigate if F-2 common 'all-fish' growth hormone gene transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio) could mount compensatory growth, a 9 week study at 29 degrees C was performed. The control group was fed to satiation twice a day throughout the experiment. The other two groups were deprived of feed for 1 or 2 weeks, respectively, and then fed to satiation during the re-feeding period. At the end of the experiment, the live masses of fish in the deprived groups were still significantly lower than those of the controls. During the re-feeding period, size-adjusted mean specific growth rates and mean feed intakes were significantly higher in the deprived fish than in the controls, indicating a partial compensatory growth response in these fish. No significant differences were found in food conversion efficiency between the deprived and control fish during re-feeding, suggesting that hyperphagia was the mechanism responsible for increased growth rates. The proximate composition of the deprived fish at the end of the experiment was similar to that of the control fish. This study is, to our knowledge, the first to report that fast-growing transgenic fish can achieve partial compensation of growth following starvation. (c) 2007 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2007 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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A short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression system, based on T7 RNA polymerase (T7RP) directed transcription machinery, has been developed and used to generate a knock down effect in zebrafish embryos by targeting green fluorescent protein (gfp) and no tail (ntl) mRNA. The vector pCMVT7R harboring T7RP driven by CMV promoter was introduced into zebrafish embryos and the germline transmitted transgenic individuals were screened out for subsequent RNAi application. The shRNA transcription vectors pT7shRNA were constructed and validated by in vivo transcription assay. When pT7shGFP vector was injected into the transgenic embryos stably expressing T7RP, gfp relative expression level showed a decrease of 68% by analysis of fluorescence real time RT-PCR. As a control, injection of chemical synthesized siRNA resulted in expression level of 40% lower than the control when the injection dose was as high as 2 mu g/mu l. More importantly, injection of pT7shNTL vector in zebrafish embryos expressing T7RP led to partial absence of endogenous ntl transcripts in 30% of the injected embryos when detected by whole mount in situ hybridization. Herein, the T7 transcription system could be used to drive the expression of shRNA in zebrafish embryos and result in gene knock down effect, suggesting a potential role for its application in RNAi studies in zebrafish embryos.


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Sonic hedgehog (Shh), one of important homologous members of the hedgehog (Hh) family in vertebrates, encodes a signaling molecule that is involved in short- or long-range patterning processes during embryogenesis. In zebrafish, maternal activity of Hh was found to be contributing to the formation of primary motoneurons. However, we found that all of the known Hh members were not maternally expressed in zebrafish. In the present study, full-length cDNA of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Shh (cShh) was gained by degenerate reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Sequence comparison shows that cShh coding sequence shares 93.4% identity with zebrafish Shh coding sequence, and their corresponding protein sequences have 91.9% similarity. Comparative analysis of Shh genomic sequences and Hh protein sequences from different species revealed that the genomic structures of Hh are conserved from invertebrate to vertebrate. In contrast to zebrafish Shh, cShh transcripts were detectable from one-cell stage by RT-PCR analysis. Whole mount in situ hybridization verified the maternal expression of Shh in common carp, which is, to our knowledge, the first report of that in vertebrates, suggesting that Shh might be responsible for the maternal Hh activity in common carp.


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A novel fish-specific apolipoprotein (apo-14 kDa) has been recently cloned from eel and pufferfish. However, its expression pattern has not been elucidated. in this study, EcApo-14 has been screened from hypothalamic cDNA library of male orange-spotted grouper, which shows 62.9%, 51%, 46.9%, 43.2%, and 31.9% identities to Apo-14 of European flounder, pufferfish, Japanese eel, gibel carp, and grass carp, respectively. RT-PCR analysis reveals that this gene is first transcribed in neurula embryos and maintains a relatively stable expression level during the following embryogenesis. EcApo-14 transcripts are at a very high level during embryonic and early larval development in the yolk syncytial layer (YSL), and decrease in YSL and form intense staining in liver at 3 days after hatching. In adult tissues, EcApo-14 is predominantly expressed in liver and brain. The data suggested that EcApo-14 might play an important role in liver and brain morphogenesis and growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been shown to be a useful tool for silencing genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio), while the blocking specificity of dsRNA is still of major concern for application. It was reported that siRNA (small interfering RNA) prepared by endoribonuclease digestion (esiRNA) could efficiently silence endogenous gene expression in mammalian embryos. To test whether esiRNA could work in zebrafish, we utilized Escherichia coli RNaseIII to digest dsRNA of zebrafish no tail (ntl), a mesoderm determinant in zebrafish and found that esi-ntl could lead to developmental defects, however, the effective dose was so close to the toxic dose that esi-ntl often led to non-specific developmental defects. Consequently, we utilized SP6 RNA polymerase to produce si-ntl, siRNA designed against ntl, by in vitro transcription. By injecting in vitro synthesized si-ntl into zebrafish zygotes, we obtained specific phenocopies of reported mutants of ntl. We achieved up to a 59%no tail phenotype when the injection concentration was as high as 4 mu g/mu L. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis showed that si-ntl could largely and specifically reduce mRNA levels of the ntl gene. As a result, our data indicate that esiRNA is unable to cause specific developmental defects in zebrafish, while siRNA should be an alternative for downregulation of specific gene expression in zebrafish in cases where RNAi techniques are applied to zebrafish reverse genetics.


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The Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions contain half of the world's children and are among the most rapidly industrializing regions of the globe. Environmental threats to children's health are widespread and are multiplying as nations in the area undergo industrial development and pass through the epidemiologic transition. These environmental hazards range from traditional threats such as bacterial contamination of drinking water and wood smoke in poorly ventilated dwellings to more recently introduced chemical threats such as asbestos construction materials; arsenic in groundwater; methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India; untreated manufacturing wastes released to landfills; chlorinated hydrocarbon and organophosphorous pesticides; and atmospheric lead emissions from the combustion of leaded gasoline. To address these problems, pediatricians, environmental health scientists, and public health workers throughout Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific have begun to build local and national research and prevention programs in children's environmental health. Successes have been achieved as a result of these efforts: A cost-effective system for producing safe drinking water at the village level has been devised in India; many nations have launched aggressive antismoking campaigns; and Thailand, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan have all begun to reduce their use of lead in gasoline, with resultant declines in children's blood lead levels. The International Conference on Environmental Threats to the Health of Children, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2002, brought together more than 300 representatives from 35 countries and organizations to increase awareness on environmental health hazards affecting children in these regions and throughout the world. The conference, a direct result of the Environmental Threats to the Health of Children meeting held in Manila in April 2000, provided participants with the latest scientific data on children's vulnerability to environmental hazards and models for future policy and public health discussions on ways to improve children's health. The Bangkok Statement, a pledge resulting from the conference proceedings, is an important first step in creating a global alliance committed to developing active and innovative national and international networks to promote and protect children's environmental health.


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角蟾科(Megophryidae)是以角蟾属(Megophrys Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822)为模式属而建立的,隶于无尾目(Anura),变凹型亚目(Anomocoela)。角蟾科包括2 亚科11 属142 种,分布于东洋界,从巴基斯坦、中国西部向东直到菲律宾和苏达群岛;中国有9 属75 种分布于华中和华南地区。角蟾科被认为是原始的两栖动物之一,其分类学、系统学、生态学、动物地理学的研究均深受中外科学家的瞩目。近年来,通过形态学、古生物学、细胞学、生态学、支序系统学的研究,角蟾科的分类与系统学研究取得了较大进展。与成体形态和分子系统学研究结果相比较,蝌蚪的研究存在更多的问题和挑战,尚需深入研究:(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的形态多样性分析;(2)角蟾科的系统发育关系与蝌蚪的演化,以及口漏斗的起源;(3)角蟾科蝌蚪表型分化与栖息环境和觅食行为的适应演化。针对上述问题,本文对角蟾科9 属30 种蝌蚪的形态特征,包括外部宏观形态和口器外部结构特征、口器内部显微结构、唇齿和角质颌的亚显微结构作了深入细致、多层次的比较研究;通过12s rRNA 和cytochrome b 基因构建最大简约树,采用贝叶斯系统发育进行分析,蝌蚪型的演化采用祖先性状的重建方法分析;得到如下结论:1)初步将角蟾科蝌蚪分为4 种类型;并且建立了2 种新的角蟾科蝌蚪类型。A 型:拟髭蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪包括拟髭蟾属、髭蟾属、齿蟾属和齿突蟾属的物种;B 型:新类型,掌突蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪在本文中包括掌突蟾属、小臂蟾属的物种;C 型:新类型,短腿蟾型蝌蚪,一种特化类型,该型蝌蚪在本文中仅包括短腿蟾属的物种;D 型:角蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪在本文中包括无耳蟾属、小口拟角蟾属和异角蟾属的物种。2)对角蟾科的分类进行了修订:(1)支持角蟾科两个亚科的分类系统;(2)角蟾亚科包括拟角蟾属、异角蟾属、无耳蟾属和短腿蟾属;该亚科形态差异小,系统学关系比较复杂,暂不作族级分类的再划分;(3)拟髭蟾亚科分为2 个族:拟髭蟾族,该族物种具有类型A 的蝌蚪,包括4 个属:拟髭蟾属、髭蟾属、齿蟾属、齿突蟾属;掌突蟾族,该族物种具有类型B 的蝌蚪,包括2 个属:掌突蟾属和小臂蟾属。3)结合分子系统进化关系探讨了4 种蝌蚪类型的演化。(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的最近共同祖先来自于一类具有拟髭蟾型蝌蚪性状的蝌蚪;(2)掌突蟾型蝌蚪和角蟾亚科的蝌蚪是由具有拟髭蟾型蝌蚪性状的祖先蝌蚪分别演化而来;(3)短腿蟾型蝌蚪是角蟾型蝌蚪的一种特化类型;(4)外群蝌蚪具有与拟髭蟾型蝌蚪相似的性状,进一步印证了类拟髭蟾型蝌蚪是角蟾科蝌蚪的最近共同祖先的假说;(5)具有口漏斗的蝌蚪类型是由不具口漏斗的蝌蚪类型演化而来,在角蟾科中口漏斗是一种衍生性状。4)分析了角蟾科四种蝌蚪类型与栖息环境的适应演化。(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的口部和体形的变化反映了该科蝌蚪由缓流向类似静水生境的回水凼的渐变式适应,角蟾科蝌蚪的形态显示了多方面的适应变化;(2)随着蝌蚪类型由A 向D的演化,当水速较大时,拟髭蟾型的蝌蚪营流水攀吸型生活方式;当水速递减时,掌突蟾型蝌蚪营流水附着型生活方式;当水速进一步递减时,具有较小口漏斗的短腿蟾型蝌蚪和具有大漏斗的角蟾型蝌蚪营流水浮泳型生活。角蟾科蝌蚪对于水流递减的适应演化说明蝌蚪的生态学适应是具有进化意义的;(3)蝌蚪口器内部结构的分化揭示了蝌蚪和食性的适应关系,蝌蚪以口部的唇齿与角质颌刮取或吞吸水中的物质,然后,通过口乳突有选择地过滤进入口腔中食物。拟髭蟾亚科蝌蚪的唇齿多而窄,唇齿间距宽,颌鞘粗而稀,反映了其植食性为主的特点;它们的舌前乳突一般为指状,在口腔入口处所占面积小,其机械过滤的作用很多被唇齿和角质颌分担了;而角蟾亚科的蝌蚪,其角质颌弱,其舌前乳突一般为匙状,几乎填满了口腔入口处,因此舌前乳突起了主要的机械过滤作用。The family Megophryidae is the largest and most diverse families inArchaeobatrachia, and most of its species occur in India, Pakistan, and eastward intoChina, Southeast Asia, Borneo and the Philippines to the Sunda Islands. Currently thefamily includes 142 species have been grouped into two subfamilies, Megophryinaeand Leptobrachiinae. The mountains of central and southern China are rich in speciesof Megophryidae, 75 species belong to 9 genera and two subfamilies.The family was supposed to be ideal materials of studies in many fields of biology,such as taxonomy, evolution, systematics, ecology, and biogeography. Recently, therehave a great development in taxonomy and systematics of megophryids throughstudied by morphology, paleontology, cytology, ecology, and cladistics. However,larvae of megophryids were generally unknown, although the tadpoles might be veryimportant for above studies.In this paper, we examined the evolutionary scenario of the tadpoles’ morphologyin the context of a phylogenetic framework. Our objectives are (1) to evaluate thedivergence of larval body shape and oral discs in the family Megophryidae, (2) toexplore the evolutionary trends of the larvae in megophryidae, and test if thefunnel-shaped oral disc is apomorphic, and (3) to explore the relationship of the larvalstructure, diet and microhabitat.We examined larval morphology of 30 megophryid species, the larval body shape,oral discs, the buccopharyngeal cavity, and jaw sheaths and denticles of the Chinesemegophryid frogs were re-examined. We constructed a phylogeny of the species on thebasis of published mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA gene segments usingpartitioned Bayesian analyses. Furthermore, hypothetical changes of larval morphologywere inferred using parsimony principle on the phylogeny. The results showed that:1) Four tadpole types in Megophryidae. The larval morphological charactersseries in Chinese megophryids fall into four general categories according to the bodyshape and oral discs: (A) Leptobrachiini type, species from genera Leptobrachium,Oreolalax, Scutiger and, Vibrissaphora share this type of tadpoles. (B) Leptolalax type,species of genus Leptolalax have this type of tadpoles. (C) Brachytarsophrys type,species of the genus Brachytarsophrys have this type of tadpoles. (D) Megophryinitype, species of the genera Atympanophrys, Ophryophryne, and Xenophrys share this type of tadpoles. Of which B and C are two novel types.2)Taxonomic implications. The present study leads us to reconsider the generalclassification of tribes attributed to members of Megophryidae. More specifically,concerning the phylogenetic relationships and the two novel tadpole types describedherein, we propose a provisional taxonomy for the family but suggest that further taxasampling of other megophryids be performed to confirm this taxonomic change. TheMegophryidae is composed of two subfamilies (Leptobrachiinae and Megophryinae).The Leptobrachiinae was recogonized the two tribes: (1) tribe Leptobrachiini sensuDubois, corresponding to the tadpole of type A, including four genera, i.e.,Leptobrachium, Oreolalax, Scutiger and, Vibrissaphora; (2) tribe Leptolalaxini,corresponding to the tadpole of novel type B, including two genera, i.e., Leptolalaxand Leptobrachella. However, the relationships among the genera of Megophryinaewere largely unresolved, they recognized no monophyletic groups above the generalevel. A more thorough sampling will likely foster a better taxonomic solution.3) The larval evolutionary scenario in Megophryidae.Type A is characteristicof normal-mouthed with multiple tooth rows, representing the tadpole type of theMRCA of Chinese megophryids. Type B is characteristic of normal-mouthed withreduced tooth rows, prolonging labium, and integumetary glands. Type C ischaracteristic of no labial teeth and smaller umbeliform oral disc. Type D ischaracteristic of no labial teeth, enlarged umbeliform oral disc, representing the tadpoleof the MRCA of subfamily Megophryinae. A previous hypothesis, referring tofunnel-shaped oral discs as an apomorphy, is supported.4) The larval adaptation to habitats in Megophryidae. Tadpoles generallyadhere to substrates using their mouths, and the microhabitat that the tadpoles occupyreflects the degree of adhesion and oral complexity. The morphological changes inmegophryid tadpoles virtually allow a progressive adaptation to a changing habitatfrom faster water to slower water. Within the tadpoles of Type A to type D, the TOTbecomes smaller and smaller, and the oral disc orientates from anteroventral toumbelliform upturned, and eye position orientates from dorsal to lateral, and the trunkis more and more depressed and tail becomes relatively longer and slender. Within therunning water, the normal-mouthed with multiple tooth rows of Leptobrachiini tadpoles are correlated with lotic-suctorial, benthic feeders with anteroventral oraldisc and the largest body. With the water’s velocity decreasing, the lotic-adherentfeeders of Leptolalax tadpoles have tube-shaped labium with reduced tooth rows andintegumetary glands. And then, the smaller umbeliform in Brachytarsophrys tadpolesand the enlarged umbeliform oral disc in the Megophryini tadpoles are inhabitmicrohabitats of non-flowing backwaters of rivers, indicative of adaptive traits oflotic-neustonic surface feeders. The scheme of megophryid tadpoles andmicrohabitats provided the first clear evidence which congruent with the hypothesis ofAltig and Johnston (1989). The ecological divergence plays a general role in thedivergence and evolution of megophrid larvae. There is a definite correlation amongthe buccopharyngeal cavity, diet and feeding mechanisms, the tadpole graze orswallow the food particles, then through papillae which like a sieve and sort out foodparticles to the oesophagus. The tadpole of Leptobrachiinae possess multiple toothrows, wide intertooth distance as well as thick and sparse jaw sheath, these tadpolesinhabit bottom of the streams and graze on epiphyton or major detritus of organicmatter on the substrates, their prelingual papillae like single finger, the mechanicalpurpose of papillae served share in by tooth and jaw. The tadpoles of Megophryinaeoccur near the water surface of small streams and are the filter feeder, their dietincludes plankton and organic debris floating on the water surface, those tadpolepossess weak jaw, their prelingual papillae like spoon, the mechanical purpose ofpapillae served mostly for sieve.


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This article assesses the impact of environmental non-tariff measures on China's agricultural exports. It uses two measures to show which countries make most intensive use of environmental non-tariff measures and which agricultural products exported by China are the most affected. Environmental non-tariff measures were most prevalence in Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Mexico, Japan, Russian, USA, Germany, and Netherland. Labor-intensive agricultural products, such as fish, vegetables, and fruit were most seriously affected.


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The dilute magnetic semiconductor of Sn1-x-yMnxFeyO2 (0 <= x <= 0.10, 0 <= y <= 0.10) Were syhthesized with the hydrothermal method using SnCl4, Mn(CH3COO)(2) center dot 4H(2)O and FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O as the raw materials. The structure, morphologies and magnetic properties of the sample were characterized via X-ray powder diffractometer(XRD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), Raman spectrum and superconducting and quantum interference device(SQUIT), and Mossbeaur spectrum. No secondary phase was found in the XRD spectrum. The morphology of the samples is affected by the kind or the mount of transition metal. The local vibrating model-of Mn Positioned SnO2 sites was found in Raman spectrum. The measured magnetic results indicate that when x = 0.10, y = 0, the sample exhibits strong magnetization in low-temperature (5 K), but the magnetization decrease rapidly at room. temperature; In contrast, when x = 0, y = 0.1, the sample's magnetization and coercivity are both small, but being temperature independent. Mossbeaur spectra indicates that part of the Fe is ferromagnetic coupled, and the simulating results indicate that the ferromagnetic character is intrinsic.


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Shell formation is one of the important events during larval development and metamorphosis in bivalves. However, the molecular mechanisms and environmental cues regulating shell initiation and growth are unclear. Here, we report that ferritin, a principal protein for biological iron storage and metabolism, might play a role in larval shell development of the bivalve mollusk Meretrix meretrix. A full-length ferritin subunit cDNA, named as MmeFer, was cloned and characterized. The MmeFer mRNA expression in different developmental stages, from trochophore to post larvae, was analyzed by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). MmeFer mRNA expression in larvae of later developmental stages increased at least 8-fold following trochophores. Moreover, the temporal and spatial expressions of MmeFer mRNA were examined by whole mount in situ hybridization. In the trochophore stage, MmeFer was detectable where it was supposed to be for shell initiation. In the later developmental stages, MmeFer was found near digestive glands and mantle that secret larval shell. MmeFer expression was also detected in larvae cultured in artificial seawater with different iron concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 mu M. These results suggest that ferritin may play a role in the shell formation of mollusks. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.