407 resultados para Laser intensities


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With the development of photocathode rf electron gun, electrons with high-brightness and mono-energy can be obtained easily. By numerically solving the relativistic equations of motion of an electron generated from this facility in laser fields modelled by a circular polarized Gaussian laser pulse, we find the electron can obtain high energy gain from the laser pulse. The corresponding acceleration distance for this electron driven by the ascending part of the laser pulse is much longer than the Rayleigh length, and the light amplitude experienced on the electron is very weak when the laser pulse overtakes the electron. The electron is accelerated effectively and the deceleration can be neglected. For intensities around 10(19) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2), an electron's energy gain near 0.1 GeV can be realized when its initial energy is 4.5 MeV, and the final velocity of the energetic electron is parallel with the propagation axis. The energy gain can be up to 1 GeV if the intensity is about 10(21) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2). The final energy gain of the electron as a function of its initial conditions and the parameters of the laser beam has also been discussed.


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Photoionization of hydrogen atoms in few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The total ionization probability, the. instantaneous ionization probability; and the partial ionization probabilities in a pair of opposite directions are obtained. The partial ionization probabilities are not always equal to each other which is termed as inversion asymmetry. The variation of asymmetry degree with the CE phase, the pulse duration and the pulse intensity is studied. It is found that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetry degree in many aspects. Firstly, the asymmetry is more distinct at higher intensities than that at lower intensities when the pulse duration exceeds 4 cycles; secondly, the maximal asymmetry in lower intensities varies with the CE phase visibly while at higher intensities riot; thirdly, the partial ionization probabilities equal to each other for some special CE phases. For lower pulse intensities, the corresponding value of CE phase is always 0.5 pi and 1.5 pi, while for higher pulse intensities, the corresponding value varies with the pulse intensity. Similar phenomena were observed in a recent experiment using few-cycle radio-frequency (RF) pulses.


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A new approach based on the gated integration technique is proposed for the accurate measurement of the autocorrelation function of speckle intensities scattered from a random phase screen. The Boxcar used for this technique in the acquisition of the speckle intensity data integrates the photoelectric signal during its sampling gate open, and it repeats the sampling by a preset number, in. The average analog of the in samplings output by the Boxcar enhances the signal-to-noise ratio by root m, because the repeated sampling and the average make the useful speckle signals stable, while the randomly varied photoelectric noise is suppressed by 1/ root m. In the experiment, we use an analog-to-digital converter module to synchronize all the actions such as the stepped movement of the phase screen, the repeated sampling, the readout of the averaged output of the Boxcar, etc. The experimental results show that speckle signals are better recovered from contaminated signals, and the autocorrelation function with the secondary maximum is obtained, indicating that the accuracy of the measurement of the autocorrelation function is greatly improved by the gated integration technique. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A laser beam at wavelength 647 nm is focused on a sample of 5 mol% MgO-doped lithium niobate crystal for domain inversion by a conventional external electric field. In this case, a reduction of 36% in the electric field required for domain nucleation (nucleation field) is observed. To the best of our knowledge, it is the longest wavelength reported for laser-induced domain inversion. This extends the spectrum of laser inducing, and the experimental results are helpful to understand the nucleation dynamics under laser illumination. The dependence of nucleation fields on intensities of laser beams is analysed in experiments.


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We propose a theoretical model for analyzing the dynamics of a periodically driven semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback from a microcantilever. We numerically investigate the temporal evolution of the light intensity of the semiconductor laser, and we show the interspikes of the light intensity. These interspikes of light intensity are also demonstrated in our experiment. The validity of the theoretical model is verified. The observed phenomenon has a potential application for resonant sensing. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The multilayer coupled wave theory is extended to systematically investigate the diffraction properties of multilayer volume holographic gratings (MVHGs) under ultrashort laser pulse readout. Solutions for the diffracted and transmitted intensities, diffraction efficiency, and the grating bandwidth are obtained in transmission MVHGs. It is shown that the diffraction characteristics depend not only on the input pulse duration but also on the number and thickness of grating layers and the gaps between holographic layers. This analysis can be implemented as a useful tool to aid with the design of multilayer volume grating-based devices employed in optical communications, pulse shaping, and processing. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We report spectral properties and thermal stability of Nd3+-doped InF3-based heavy-metal fluoride glasses. Fluoroindate glasses in the chemical compositions (in mol%) of (38-x)InF3-16BaF(2)-20ZnF(2)-20SrF(2)-3GdF(3)-1GaF(3-)2NaF-xNdF(3) (x = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3) have been prepared under a controlled atmosphere in a dry box. Strong UVblue upconversion emission from a green excitation wavelength has been observed and the involved mechanisms have been explained. Near-infrared emission occurs simultaneously upon excitation of the UV-blue upconversion emissions with a cw Ar(+)laser. The upconversion spectra have revealed four dominant emissions at 354, 380, 412 and 449 nm, which belong to the transitions of D-4(3/2) -> I-4(9/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(9/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(13/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(11/2), D-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) and P-2(3/2) -> I-4(13/2), respectively.


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CO2 laser irradiation experiments on ZnO thin films are reported. The structural, optical, luminescent and vibrational properties of the samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmittance, photoluminescence (PL) and Raman measurements. XRD results show that the crystalline of the irradiated films was improved. The (002) peaks of irradiated ZnO films shift to. higher 20 angles due to the stress relaxation in the case of laser beam irradiation. From optical transmittance spectra, all films exhibit high transmittance in the visible range, the optical band edge of irradiated films showed a redshift compared with that of as-grown films. Compared with the as-grown films, the photoluminescence emission (in particular the relative intensities of visible emissions) intensities of irradiated samples enhanced. In the Raman scattering spectral both the A I. and E modes exhibited slight Raman blueshift. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dipole mode in triangular photonic crystal single defect cavity is degenerate. By deforming the lattice in photonic crystal we can obtain non-degenerate dipole modes. Lattice deforming in the whole photonic crystal destroys the characteristic of symmetry, so the distribution of the electromagnetic field is affected and the polarization of the electromagnetic field is also changed. Lattice deforming divides the degenerate dipole mode into the x-dipole mode and the y-dipole mode. It is found that the non-degenerate modes have better properties of polarization. So the high polarization and single dipole mode photonic crystal laser can be achieved by deforming the lattice of photonic crystal. In this paper, we simulated the cavity in photonic crystal slab and mainly calculated the quality factor of x-dipole mode under different deforming conditions and with different filling factors. The properties of polarization of x-dipole and y-dipole modes are also calculated. It is found that the ratio of intensities of E-x to E-y in x-dipole mode and that of E-y to E-x in y-dipole mode are 44 and 27, respectively.


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Stochastic resonance (SR) induced by the signal modulation is investigated, by introducing the signal-modulated gain into a single-mode laser system. Using the linear approximation method, we detailedly calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a gain-noise model of the single-mode laser, taking the cross-correlation between the quantum noise and pump noise into account. We find that, SR appears in the dependence of the SNR on the intensities of the quantum and the pump noises when the correlation coefficient between both the noises is negative; moreover, when the cross-correlation between the two noises is strongly negative, SR exhibits a resonance and a suppression versus the gain coefficient, meanwhile, the single-peaked SR and multi-peaked SR occur in the behaviors of the SNR as functions of the loss coefficient and the deterministic steady-state intensity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Absorption spectra of YAlO3:Nd for the three crystallographic axes are investigated at room temperature, The spectral strengths indicate that the absorption coefficient of YAlO3:Nd is anisotropic. The anisotropy of the local electric field acting on the rare-earth ion in a laser crystal is considered, An extended Judd-Ofelt theory is applied to calculate the absorption cross sections and oscillator strengths of the electric-dipole transitions in the different principal directions. Three groups of the phenomenological parameters are derived from a least-squares-fitting procedure. We also analyze theoretically the anisotropy of the optical absorption of YAlO3:Nd crystal in detail. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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A LIBS setup was built in the Institute of Modern Physics. In our experiments, LIBS spectra produced by infrared radiation of Nd : YAG nanosecond laser with 100 and 150 mJ pulse energy, respectively, were measured by fiber optic spectrometer in the ranges of 230-430 run and 430-1080 nm with a delay time of 1.7 and gate width of 2 ms for potato and lily samples prepared by vacuum freeze-dried technique. The lines from different metal elements such as K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn and Ti, and nonmetal elements such as C, N, O and H, and some molecular spectra from C-2, CaO, and CN were identified according to their wavelengths. The relative content of the six microelements, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Al, and Mg in the samples were analyzed according to their representative line intensities. By comparison we found that there are higher relative content of Ca and Na in lily samples and higher relative content of Mg in potato samples. The experimental results showed that LIBS technique is a fast and effective means for measuring and comparing the contents of microelements in plant samples.


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Vibronic excitations of the tri-atomic molecule OClO (A(2)A(2)(nu(1), nu(2), nu(3)) <-- (XB1)-B-2 (0, 0, 0)) with weak and strong ultra-short laser fields are studied within full quantum wavepacket dynamics in hyperspherical coordinates. Different dynamics is observed following excitation with laser pulses of different intensities. With a strong laser pulse, many vibrational states are excited and a spatially more localised wavepacket arises. The numerical results show that the population of different vibrational states of the wavepacket on the excited potential energy surface is altered by the intensity of the laser pulse. The numerical results also suggest a related effect on the phase of the wavepacket. These interesting phenomena can be understood by an analysis of the corresponding results for two model diatomic molecules. The possible physical mechanisms of control of chemical processes using strong laser fields are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The laser-desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and desorption-electron-ionization mass spectrometry were employed for the characterization of metallofullerenes extract. it was found that the relative intensities of metallofullerenes in this positive-ion, negative-ion LD-TOF MS and DEI MS were much different. This phenomenon should have relationship with the peculiar ionization energies and electron affinities of metallofullerenes.


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Thirteen extracting solutions of rare-earth metallofullerenes containing La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb respectively have been investigated by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-night, mass spectrometry. The influences of the positive-ion/negative-ion mode, laser intensity, matrix and mass discrimination to the analytical results are studied, based on which the optimal analytical conditions have been determined. The results show that the extracting solutions contain large quantities of rare-earth metallofullerenes brs;des empty fullerenes, On the basis of comparing their relative intensities, the different structure stabilities and solubilities of metallofullerenes with different rare-earth metals encapsulated into the fullerene cages, as well as some possible reasons to those differences, are discussed.