117 resultados para Landscape degradation
通过群落生态学和景观生态学方法,结合GIS、RS技术对锡林河流域湿地植被进行了研究。结果表明:流域湿地面积为301.62km2,占流域面积的3%左右。尽管面积相对较小,但是物种丰富,群落结构多样。植被调查数据显示基本确定的植被型4个,植被亚型6个,群系组16个,群系68个,区系成分以泛北极种为主,占69%,相对简单;按照水分生态型划分,中生物种占最多,为44.32%;按生活型分以多年生草本为主占50%以上;科属分布相对复杂,隶属39个科,其中禾本科和菊科是最大的两个科,所占比例仅有17.30%和12.43%,其他科没有明显的优势性,充分说明湿地优越的生境可以满足多种植物共同生长。 多度分布是研究物种多样性分布的重要组分,同时反映了群落结构的特性。以常用的Lognormal、Logseries和Weibull、Exp、Power模型来拟和6个典型草甸群落和踏头草甸群落的物种多度分布,分log-相对多度-物种级数和物种-游程两种形式进行比较;同时,对于典型草甸群落和踏头群落区分常见种、偶然种等进行细化,深入分析群落多度的变化。结果表明,5个模型对于log-相对多度-物种级数在整个群落水平上均不能很好的拟和,50%以上的点都落在95%置信区间以外;但是对常见种和偶然种的拟和情况要好,Weibull、Power和Logseris模型分别对典型草甸群落常见种、偶然种和中间种能很好的拟和,而Logseries和Power模型对于踏头群落的常见种和偶然种拟和较好。5个模型都能较好的拟和物种-游程分布,其中K—S检验结果表明:Lognormal模型对于无脉苔草、针苔草和荸荠这类相对湿润环境下的典型草甸群落拟和较好,对于长叶火绒草和密花风毛菊群落Weibull拟和最好,Power 模型拟和箭叶橐吾最好,踏头草甸拟和最好的是Logseries模型,踏头间拟合最好的是Exp模型。不同的拟和模型应用于不同的群落类型,可以看出湿地群落的复杂性和生境的多样性。区分常见种和偶然种的拟合结果表明典型群落和踏头群落表现一致,即Lognormal模型对所有种拟和是最好的,而Power模型对偶然种的拟和是最好的,同时,Lognormal对典型草甸群落的中间种拟和也是最好。从中可以看出典型草甸群落和踏头群落尽管在表现形式上不同,但是群落的内部仍存在相似的联系,可能跟相似物种的作用有关。 根据湿地表观类型、植被水分状态和航片判别能力,结合实地调查,采用监督分类的方法将锡林河流域的湿地划分为低湿地草甸、盐化草甸和沼泽三种类型。自1984年以来20多年的时间中,锡林河流域的湿地发生了巨大的变化。尽管总的面积没有太大变化,但是湿地类型发生转化。中上游的低湿地草甸面积减少8.94%,沼泽面积减少30.82%,同时,盐化草甸的面积增加了15.98%。增加的盐化草甸主要是另外两种湿地类型转化而成的,中游水库截流,加速中下游草甸的盐化是锡林河流域湿地变化的主要原因。利用GIS技术依据探讨不同湿地的空间变化,分析沙化对湿地变化的影响,结果表明:沙化只对少数湿地有影响,发育良好的湿地即使处在相对强烈的沙化环境下,仍能保持不变。接着,分析了人类直接干扰对湿地变化的影响,缓冲区居民点分析结果表明:近20年来,位于湿地周边的居民点分布格局发生显著的变化。1980年代,居民点分布在盐化草甸周边的最多,到2004年,居民点在沼泽草甸分布数量为最多,该类湿地水、草和资源最为丰富,人类直接的干扰最大,进而转化成另外两类,减少面积最大。低湿地草甸是物种丰富,结构复杂的一种湿地,抗干扰能力强,恢复能力也强,因此相对的变化面积较小。以锡林浩特市水库上下游的湿地植被物种和群落结构的变化,证明了水量减少是湿地数量、结构改变的直接影响因子。
P> Widespread hunting throughout Amazonia threatens the persistence of large primates and other vertebrates. Most studies have used models of limited validity and restricted spatial and temporal scales to assess the sustainability. We use human-demographi
The greatest concentration of Chinese Galliformes occurs in the Trans-Himalayas. We selected 4 northwestern Yunnan counties (Lijiang, Shangri-la, Deqin, and Weixi) in the Trans-Himalayas to assess the conservation status of 9 gallinaceous forest birds. We
The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is one of the most endangered primates in the world, confined to mature natural forest in Hainan Island, China. We assessed changes in habitat condition on the island between 1991 and 2008, using vegetation maps generated by remote-sensing images. We defined forest suitable for gibbons based on composition, tree size and canopy cover. During the 17-year period, the area of suitable gibbon forest decreased by 540 km(2) (35%) across the whole island, and by 6.3 km(2) (7%) in the locality of the sole remaining gibbon population at Bawangling National Nature Reserve. The forest patches large enough (>1 km(2)) to support a gibbon group decreased from 754 km(2) to 316 km(2) in total area, and from 92 to 64 in number. Suitable natural forest was mainly replaced by plantations below 760 m, or degraded by logging, grazing and planting of pines above 760 m. Meanwhile, forests in former confirmed gibbon areas became more fragmented: mean area of patches decreased by 53%. We mapped the patches of natural forest in good condition which could potentially support gibbons. We recommend a freeze on further expansion of plantations between core patches at Bawangling, Jiaxi-Houmiling and Yinggeling Nature Reserves in accordance with forest protection regulations; establishment of nature reserves in currently unprotected natural forest patches elsewhere in line with the local government's nature reserve expansion policy; and active natural-forest restoration between remaining fragments at Bawangling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Human visual function declines with age. Much of this decline is mediated by changes in the central visual pathways. In this study we compared the spatial and temporal sensitivities of striate cortical cells in young and old paralysed macaque monkeys. Ext
Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) are endemic to the Trans-Himalayas in Northwest Yunnan and Southeast Tibet between the upper Yangtze and Mekong Rivers. Based on field surveys and previous reports, we identified the dark-coniferous forest, the mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest, and oak patches as suitable habitats (SH) for the monkeys. Summer grazing lands (SGL), which were made by local people cutting and burning the dark-coniferous forest at the high altitude belt, replaced SH. To have a general view of the status of the SH in Yunnan, we estimated the areas of SH and SGL from satellite images in 1997, and compared with areas estimated from aerial photo-based maps (ca. 1958). The work resulted in: 1) the area of SH was 4,169 km(2) in 1997; 2) SGL was 1,923 km(2); 3) during the past 40 years, the area of SH decreased by 31% (1,887 km(2)), and SGL increased by 204% (1,291 km(2)); and 4) the mean size of forest patches decreased from 15.6 to 5.4 km(2). In addition, the area of SGL is positively correlated to local human population (R-2 greater than or equal to0.53), implying that the reduction and fragmentation of habitat for Rhinopithecus bieti is a result of population growth of humans, who mostly employ traditional modes of production. Only 11 monkey groups remained in the changing habitat. Considering that forests at lower elevation were also encroached upon by farmlands in a similar way, the forest ecosystem is highly threatened. The destruction will continue unless there is a change in the mode of production in the region.
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of chemical nonylphenols (NPs) on the antioxidant system of Microcystis aeruginosa strains. The degradation and sorption of NPs by M. aeruginosa were also evaluated. High concentrations of NPs (1 and 2 mg/l) were found to cause increases in superoxidase dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities and in glutathione (GSH) levels. These results suggest that toxic stress manifested by elevated SOD and GST levels and GSH contents may be responsible for the toxicity of NPs to M. aeruginosa and that the algal cells could improve their antioxidant and detoxification ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and nonenzymatic prevention substances. The observed elevations in GSH levels and GST activities were relatively higher than those in SOD activities, indicating that GSH and GST contributed more in eliminating toxic effects than SOD. Low concentrations of NPs (0.05-0.2 mg/l) enhanced cell growth and decreased GST activity in algal cells of M. aeruginosa, suggesting that NPs may have acted as a protecting factor, such as an antioxidant. The larger portion of the NPs (> 60%) disappeared after 12 days of incubation, indicating the strong ability of M. aeruginosa to degrade the moderate persistent NP compounds. The sorption ratio of M. aeruginosa after a 12-day exposure to low nominal concentrations of NPs (0.02-0.5 mg/l) was relatively high (> 30%). The fact that M. aeruginosa effectively resisted the toxic effects of NPs and strongly degraded these pollutants indicate that M. aeruginosa cells have a strong ability to adapt to variations in environmental conditions and that low and moderate concentrations of organic compounds may favor its survival. Further studies are needed to provide detailed information on the fate of persistent organic pollutants and the survival of algae and to determine the possible role of organic pollutants in the occurrence of water blooms in eutrophic lakes.