87 resultados para Irregular Polygon


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We investigate the effect of the electric field maximum on the Rabi flopping and the generated higher frequency spectra properties by solving Maxwell-Bloch equations without invoking any standard approximations. It is found that the maximum of the electric field will lead to carrier-wave Rabi flopping (CWRF) through reversion dynamics which will be more evident when the applied field enters the sub-one-cycle regime. Therefore, under the interaction of sub-one-cycle pulses, the Rabi flopping follows the transient electric field tightly through the oscillation and reversion dynamics, which is in contrast to the conventional envelope Rabi flopping. Complete or incomplete population inversion can be realized through the control of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP). Furthermore, the generated higher frequency spectra will be changed from distinct to continuous or irregular with the variation of the CEP. Our results demonstrate that due to the evident maximum behavior of the electric field, pulses with different CEP give rise to different CWRFs, and then different degree of interferences lead to different higher frequency spectral features.


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Growth-induced defects in Yb:FAP crystals grown by the Czochralski method have been investigated by optical microscopy, chemical etching, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Anisotropic etching features have been observed on two FAP crystal planes: (0001) and (1010). The shape of etch pits on the (0001) plane is hexagonal, while the etch pits on the (1010) plane have a variety of irregular shapes. It is also found that the density of etch pit varies along the boule. Based on the experimental observations, the formation mechanisnis of growth defects are discussed, and methods for reducing the growth-induced defect concentration is proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: A single case of paternal co-transmission ofmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in humans has been reported so far. Objective: To find potential instances of non-maternal inheritance of mtDNA. Methods: Published medical case studies (of single patients) were searched for irregular mtDNA patterns by comparing the given haplotype information for different clones or tissues with the worldwide mtDNA database as known to date-a method that has proved robust and reliable for the detection of flawed mtDNA sequence data. Results: More than 20 studies were found reporting clear cut instances with mtDNAs of different ancestries in single individuals. As examples, cases are reviewed from recent published reports which, at face value, may be taken as evidence for paternal inheritance of mtDNA or recombination. Conclusions: Multiple types (or recombinant types) of quite dissimilar mitochondrial DNA from different parts of the known mtDNA phylogeny are often reported in single individuals. From re-analyses and corrigenda of forensic mtDNA data, it is apparent that the phenomenon of mixed or mosaic mtDNA can be ascribed solely to contamination and sample mix up.


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Between October 1999 and April 2000, WC surveyed the waterbirds at Lake Lashihai, China. A total of 52 species were recorded, of which one species was a resident, 34 were winter visitors, and 17 were passage migrants. Species richness was highest in November. Passage migrants mainly occurred in October, November, and April, and they stayed longer at the lake during their autumn migration than during the spring migration. The seasonal distribution pattern of total numbers of all waterbirds was bimodal. One peak occurred between late December and early January, and the other in middle March. The seasonal distribution patterns of 15 common species have been classified a. bimodal, unimodal, or irregular. The numbers of five common species were variable in middle winter, and their numerical Change in contiguous weeks were more than 30%, suggesting that local movements might be frequent.


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A new species of the genus Glyptothorax, Glyptothorax obliquimaculatus sp. nov. is described from the Xiaohei River, a tributary of the Nanting River, Salween drainage, in southwestern Yunnan province, China. This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characteristics: unculiferous ridges of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region; body with irregular dark blotches scattered along lateral surface (blotches mostly oblique); skin smooth on head and body; dorsal spine smooth without serrations on its posterior margin; lips smooth; posterior margin of pectoral spine with 7-8 serrations; dorsal-fin base 11.0-13.2% SL; pectoral-fin length 15.6-19.6% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 8.6-9.8% SL; head width 19.1-24.0% SL; nasal barbel length 23.3-33.3% HL.


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The effect of counter-ions on the coagulation of biologically treated molasses wastewater using iron-based coagulants was investigated. Parameters such as removals of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color, and residual turbidity, were measured to evaluate coagulation performance. Experimental results showed that ferric chloride and ferric nitrate were more effective than ferric sulfate at optimal dosages, achieving 89 to 90% and 98 to 99% of COD and color removals, respectively, with residual turbidity of less than 5 NTU. High-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) results revealed differences in the removal of the molecular weight fraction of organic compounds using iron salts. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed randomly formed coagulated flocs characterized with irregular, sheet-like shapes. Nitrate and chloride counter-ions had similar effects on coagulation performance compared to sulfate. Both FeCl3 and Fe(NO3)(3) yielded better results than Fe(SO4)(2) under underdosed and optimum dosage conditions. Coagulation efficiency was less adversely affected in the overdosed regions, however, if sulfate rather than chloride or nitrate was present. Water Environ. Res., 81, 2293 (2009).


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Six strains of Gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile, irregular short rod-shaped Weissella bacteria, with width and length of 0.5-0.6 and 1.2-2.7 mu m were isolated from diseased rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) in winter of 2007 at a commercial fishery in Jingmen, Hubei province, China. The diseased rainbow trout exhibited hemorrhage in eyes, anal region, intestine and abdomen wall, petechia of liver, some fish with hydrocele in stomach. Six isolates had identical biochemical reactions, phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), enzymatic profile analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility results, indicating as a single clonal outbreak. But all were different from any other validated twelve Weissella species in the term of physiological and biochemical characters. It is indicated that isolates are phylogenetically closer to Weissella halotolerans, Weissella viridescens and Weissella minor on 16S rDNA phylogenetic analysis result, than to W halotolerans and W viridescens on the result of ARDRA study and enzymatic profile analysis. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was used to scan effective drugs for the therapy of this disease. Experimental infection assays with one isolate were conducted and pathogenicity (by intraperitoneal injection) was demonstrated in rainbow trout O. mykiss (Walbaum) and crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) fingerlings. Because no Weissella was detected in fish feedstuffs and pond water, the source of this pathogen remains unknown, and Weissella isolates were regarded as an opportunistic pathogen for rainbow trout. This is the first report of Weissella strains which can cause disease of cultured fish in the world. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high-CO2-requiring mutant of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 las been isolated after chemical mutagenesis of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS). It was able to grow at 4% CO2, but not under ambient CO2. The initial screening of the mutant showed that the genetic reversion rate was about 10(-7) and death occurred 2 -3 days after being transferred from 4% CO2 to the ambient air. Its photosynthetic dependence on external dissolved inorganic carbon was higher than that of the wild type cells, but its carbonic anhydrase activity was comparatively low. In the ultrastructural level, various types of aberrant carboxysomes appeared in the mutant cells: rod-shaped carboxysomes, irregular carboxysomes and the "empty-inclusion carboxysomes" with increasing number of glycogen granules surrounding the thylakoids. All these alterations indicated that the mutant was defective in utilizing the external CO2. The induction of carboxysomes by lower levels of CO2 and the biogenesis of carboxysomes are herein discussed.


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Cytological and biochemical alterations of crucial carp (Carassius auratus) hepatocytes were characterized after exposure to sediments from a lake contaminated with dioxins and other industrial chemicals. Carp were exposed in 20 L water containing 25, 50, or 100 g of contaminated sediment for 2 and 4 weeks. Ultrastructural changes in the liver were characterized by severe enlargement of hepatocytes. Alterations in the cell. included formation of condensed and irregular cell nucleus, polynuclei, dispersed heterochromatin, enlargement of the nucleolus, and degeneration of the nucleus. Mitochondrial numbers were reduced and cristae were deformed. Myelin figures and lysosomes were increased, and sometimes cell organelles and cell matrix were totally lost after 4 weeks of exposure. The ultrastructural alterations were correlated with exposure time and sediment concentrations. Hepatosometic index was significantly increased in experimental groups at 2 and 4 weeks as compared with the control group. EROD enzyme activities were strongly induced in liver. A trend from rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) to SER was observed. Our results suggest that the dioxin-like compounds bound by sediment were bioavailable to C. auratus and cause sublethal effects.


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The variation of the structure, morphology and the electrical properties of thin amorphous silicon films caused by Rapid Thermal Annealing is studied. The films annealed at 1200degreesC for 2 minutes change their structure to polycrystalline and as a result their resistivity decreases by 4 orders of magnitude. Due to the small thickness of the as deposited amorphous silicon the obtained poly-Si is strongly irregular and has many discontinuities in its texture.


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Eu3+-doped zinc aluminate (ZnAl2O4) nanorods with a spinel structure were successfully synthesized via an annealing transformation of layered precursors obtained by a homogeneous coprecipitation method combined with surfactant assembly. These spinel nanorods, which consist of much finer nanofibres together with large quantities of irregular mesopores and which possess a large surface area of 93.2 m(2) g(-1) and a relatively narrow pore size distribution in the range of 6 - 20 nm, are an ideal optical host for Eu3+ luminescent centres. In this nanostructure, rather disordered surroundings induce the typical electric-dipole emission (D-5(0) --> F-7(2)) of Eu3+ to predominate and broaden.


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Most traditional satellite constellation design methods are associated with a simple zonal or global, continuous or discontinuous coverage connected with a visibility of points on the Earth's surface. A new geometric approach for more complex coverage of a geographic region is proposed. Full and partial coverage of regions is considered. It implies that, at any time, the region is completely or partially within the instantaneous access area of a satellite of the constellation. The key idea of the method is a two-dimensional space application for maps of the satellite constellation and coverage requirements. The space dimensions are right ascension of ascending node and argument of latitude. Visibility requirements of each region can be presented as a polygon and satellite constellation as a uniform moving grid. At any time, at least one grid vertex must belong to the polygon. The optimal configuration of the satellite constellation corresponds to the maximum sparse grid. The method is suitable for continuous and discontinuous coverage. In the last case, a vertex belonging to the polygon should be examined with a revisit time. Examples of continuous coverage for a space communication network and of the United States are considered. Examples of discontinuous coverage are also presented.


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Recording with both parallel and orthogonal linearly polarized lights, polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film is reported with both transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry. Polarization properties of diffraction light and scattering light are discussed for two different cases, parallel polarization recording and orthogonal polarization recording. It shows that, compared with recording with parallel polarization lights, orthogonal polarization holography can separate the diffraction light from the scattering noise, therefore improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It also shows that, compared with reconstruction with reference light, reconstruction with phase conjugated wave of the reference light can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed diffraction image, and also the wave-front aberration of the object light introduced by irregular phase object in the optical pass-way can also be corrected effectively, which ensures that the reconstructed diffraction image has a better fidelity. The preliminary angle-multiplexed volume holographic storage multiplexed by transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry is demonstrated in the BR-D96N film. Experiment shows that there is no cross-talk between the two pages of images except for some scattering noises.


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This paper discusses a rigorous treatment of the refractive scintillation of pulsar PSR B0833-45 caused by a two-component interstellar scattering medium. It is assumed that the interstellar scattering medium is composed of a thin screen ISM and an extended interstellar medium. We consider that the scattering of the thin screen concentrates in a thin layer presented by a delta function distribution and that the scattering density of the extended irregular medium satisfies the Gaussian distribution. We investigate and develop equations for the flux density structure function corresponding to this two-component ISM geometry in the scattering density distribution and compare our result with that of the Vela pulsar observations. We conclude that the refractive scintillation caused by this two-component ISM scattering gives a more satisfactory explanation for the observed flux density variation of the Vela pulsar than does the single extended medium model. The level of refractive scintillation is strongly sensitive to the distribution of scattering material along the line of sight. The logarithmic slope of the structure function is sensitive to thin screen location and is relatively insensitive to the scattering strength of the thin screen medium. Therefore, the proposed model can be applied to interpret the structure function of flux density observed in pulsar PSR B0833-45. The result suggests that the medium consists of a discontinuous distribution of plasma turbulence embedded in the Vela supernova remnant. Thus our work provides some insight into the distribution of the scattering along the line of sight to the Vela pulsar.


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Theoretical and experimental investigations were performed to show the application of x-ray crystal truncation rod scattering combined with x-ray reflectivity in the measurements of surface roughness and near-surface damage of mechanochemically polished wafers. By fitting the measured crystal truncation rod curves it has been shown that polished wafers are divided into three parts -irregular steps on the surface, a damaged thin layer beneath the surface and a perfect bulk. The results show that the root mean square of the surface roughness of mechanochemically polished Fe-doped and/or S-doped InP wafers is one to two atom layers, and that the lateral correlation length of the surface roughness is about 3000-7500 Angstrom. The thickness of the damaged region is found to be about 1000 atom layers.