20 resultados para Internet addresses


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基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统提供了进行网络控制系统(NCS和多媒体通信等学科交叉领域研究的良好平台和契机。服务质量(QoS)的概念起源于多媒体和远程通信领域,大量的文献表明,将NCS和QOS结合起来的研究和应用还很少。本文分析、研究了基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统作为NCS, Internet上的多媒体应用和实时系统等多学科的交叉领域所具有的特点,对该系统同步和协调问题及具有QOS意识的网络机器人遥操作系统体系结构进行了深入、广泛的研究和探讨。就现有的基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统存在的缺乏对网络可用带宽的适应、缺乏多数据流协调等问题,提出了一种针对网络机器人遥操作系统的端到端QOS自适应体系结构AeQTA o在Internet QoS整体工程尚未完全启动的情况下,AeQTA的目的是将QOS的方法和策略尽量移植到端系统上,在端系统上提供QOS配置接口,实施QOS驱动的控制和管理策略,实现最大的网络效率、最可能好的应用性能和合理的业务流间资源分配的和谐统一。从时钟同步、速率控制、拥塞控制、多传感器信息同步和端到端的调度等几个方面剖析了基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统的协调和同步问题。针对NC S系统的同步容限的量化问题,提出了NCS多传感器反馈中的同步距离的概念和定义。然后,根据基于公式的、TCP-友好的速率控制的基本思路,结合使用应用需求QOS和网络QOS两种尺度调节的基于主媒体流的表象同步方法,将多传感器信息同步和速率控制统一起来,提出了一种速率控制方法TTFRC,提高了系统的实时性和TCP-友好性。为了给基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统研究提供一个真实的实验环境,为相关的策略和算法提供验证平台,我们建立了一个开放的、灵活的、可移植的、可裁减的且成本低的MOMR原型系统。目前,该原型系统已经为基于Internet的机器人遥操作系统深入的理论研究和实际经验积累做出了很大贡献。并且,在此基础上,由中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所和香港中文大学合作,己于2402年1月通过Internet实现了沈阳—香港—密西根三地的MONM远程协作。力求控制工程和计算机网络工程等多学科的结合是本论文工作的努力方向。


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简述了 Lotus Notes软件及其数据库特性 ,介绍了 Notes数据库构建和在 Internet/Intranet环境下提供全文检索的途径和方式。


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This research addresses the problems of public policy-making procedures. In conducting our research, we considered public policy as the allocation or reallocation of interests or resources among different members of the public. Due to limited resources, administrations should trade off all interests among different segments of society when formulating a policy. Unfortunately, in recent years there have been several mass conflicts with administration of public policy. This infers that some people’s interests were ignored or harmed by certain policies. According to the theory of procedural justice, people may accept the unexpected result if they consider the procedure is just. This research hypothesizes that there are certain problems in current policy-making procedures and that improving these procedures may make policies more acceptable. A pilot study was conducted by interviewing ten scholars from a range of disciplines. The interview record transcripts were coded by three analysts. The results indicate that: 1) Most of the scholars criticized current public policies as lacking sensitivity to public issues; 2) Most of them considered that current public policies do not resolve problems effectively; and 3) They all considered that psychology research may enhance awareness of public issues and improve the effectiveness of policy. In study 2, the procedure of public policy was tracked and compared with a social survey. The Beijing government would like to increase the taxi fare rate to cope with the rising price of petroleum. Although the majority of delegates in a hearing of witnesses supported the policy consideration, the social survey of 186 residents and 63 taxi drivers indicated that both of them oppose the consideration. The findings indicate that the hearing of witnesses was not able to delegate the opinions of the public, resulting in the policy failing to resolve the problem. Study 3 was a nonequivalent control group quasi-experiment. Visitors of two Internet Website were chosen as subjects for original photo games. For the experiment group, visitors were invited to express their desires and suggestions on the game rules for one week, and then declare rules referencing the suggestions before starting the game. Meanwhile, the control group simply declared the rules at the beginning of the game. Compared with the two games during 23 days, the experiment group submitted more photos than the control group. The results of this research imply that, the good will of policy makers is not enough to make a policy effective. Surveys on public attitudes at the beginning of the policy-making process can allow policy makers to better determine public issues, assess the tradeoff of public interests, help ensure policies are more acceptable, and help foster a harmonious society. The authors of this research suggest that psychology research should take more social level problems into account in the policy-making process.