Radiolarian distribution in surface sediments of 104 stations from northern and central South China Sea show that the abundance and diversity of radiolarians increase with the water depth and are related to radiolarian concentrations from the water column, diminished terrigenous input, variability in calcareous shell content and the rate of silica and carbonate dissolution in the deep sea. According to the appearances of individual species in surface sediments at particular depths, seven faunal boundaries distribution are recognized at water depths of 100, 450, 650, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 2500 m. Four radiolarian assemblages in the sediments were identified by applying clustering procedures. Geographic distributions of these four assemblages coincide with present-day hydrologic features of the surface waters in this area.
A global wavenumber-3 dipole SST mode is showed to exist in the Southern Hemisphere subtropical climate variability in austral summer. A positive (negative) phase of the mode is characterized by cool (warm) SST anomalies in the east and warm (cool) SST anomalies in the southwest of the south Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, respectively. This coherent dipole structure is largely a response of ocean mixed layer to the atmospheric forcing characterized by migration and modulation of the subtropical high-pressures, in which the latent heat flux play a leading role through wind-induced evaporation, although ocean dynamics may also be crucial in forming SST anomalies attached to the continents. Exploratory analyses suggest that this mode is strongly damped by the negative heat flux feedback, with a persistence time about three months and no spectral peak at interannual to decadal time scales. As the subtropical dipole mode is linearly independent of ENSO and SAM, whether it represents an additional source of climate predictability should be further studied. Citation: Wang, F. (2010), Subtropical dipole mode in the Southern Hemisphere: A global view, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L10702, doi: 10.1029/2010GL042750.
This paper summarizes the progress of large-scale air-sea interaction studies that has been achieved in China in the four-year period from July 1998 to July 2002, including seven aspects in the area of the air-sea interaction, namely air-sea interaction related to the tropical Pacific Ocean, monsoon-related air-sea interaction, air-sea interaction in the north Pacific Ocean, air-sea interaction in the Indian Ocean, air-sea interactions in the global oceans, field experiments, and oceanic cruise surveys. However more attention has been paid to the first and the second aspects because a large number of papers in the reference literature for preparing and organizing this paper are concentrated in the tropical Pacific Ocean, such as the ENSO process with its climatic effects and dynamics, and the monsoon-related air-sea interaction. The literature also involves various phenomena with their different time and spatial scales such as intraseasonal, annual, interannual, and interdecadal variabilities in the atmosphere/ocean interaction system, reflecting the contemporary themes in the four-year period at the beginning of an era from the post-TOGA to CLIVAR studies. Apparently, it is a difficult task to summarize the great progress in this area, as it is extracted from a large quantity of literature, although the authors tried very hard.
The monthly and annual mean freshwater, heat and salt transport through the open boundaries of the South and East China Seas derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model is reported. The model has 1/6degrees resolution for the seas adjacent to China and 30 resolution for the global ocean. The model results are in fairly good agreement with the existing estimates based on measurements. The computation shows that the flows passing through the South China Sea contribute volume, heat and salt transport of 5.3 Sv, 0.57 PW and 184 Ggs(-1), respectively (about 1/4) to the Indonesian Throughflow, indicating that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow. The volume, heat and salt transport of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is 25.6 Sv, 2.32 PW and 894 Ggs(-1), respectively. Less than 1/4 of this transport passes through the passage between Iriomote and Okinawa. The calculation of heat balance indicates that the South China Sea absorbs net heat flux from the sun and atmosphere with a rate of 0.08 PW, while the atmosphere gains net heat flux from the Baohai, Yellow and East China Seas with a rate of 0.05 PW.
In the present paper, correlation between the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) onset and heat content in the upper layer of the warm pool in the western Pacific Ocean is examined using the Scripps Institution of Oceanography dataset for the period of 1955-1998 and an approach to prediction the SCSSM onset is proposed. Correlation showes that there exists interdecadal variability of the SCSSM onset demarcated by 1970 with the largest correlation coefficient in the area west of the center of the warm pool rather than near its centers, implying certain effect from other factors involved besides ENSO. As the correlation is poor for the period before 1970, the heat content anomaly of the warm pool after 1970 is used to indicate early or late onset of the SCSSM beforehand. An ideal representative area (1A degrees x1A degrees) for the warm pool heat content was determined with its center at 3A degrees N/138A degrees E. The nearest TAO (TAO-Tropical Atmosphere Ocean-array) mooring to the center is at 2A degrees N/137A degrees E, and chosen to calculate the heat content for prediction. It is suggested that the TAO mooring at 2A degrees N/137A degrees E could be used to predict the SCSSM onset with the heat content in the upper layer, if the correlation between the SCSSM onset and the heat content of the warm pool runs like that of after 1970. On the other hand, if the situation does like the one before 1970, the representative station is determined at 13A degrees S/74A degrees E with relatively poor correlation, meaning that the warm pool in the western Pacific Ocean plays more important role in the SCSSM onset than the Indian Ocean.
[1] The evolution of freshwater plumes and the associated salinity fronts in the northern Bay of Bengal ( henceforth the bay) is studied using rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA). The results show that sea surface salinity distribution is featured by eastern-bay and western-bay plumes in the northern bay during different seasons. The western-bay plume begins in early July, peaks in late August, and then turns into a bay-shaped plume with the two plumes in either side of the bay, which peaks in late October. The southward extension of the western-bay plume can be explained by the southwestward geostrophic flow associated with the cyclonic gyre in the northern bay, which counters the northeastward Ekman drift driven by wind stress. The offshore expansion of the western-bay plume is induced by the offshore Ekman drift which also produces a salinity front near the east coast of India. The bay-shaped plume appears when the cyclonic gyre shifts westward and a weak anticyclonic gyre occupies the northeastern bay. As the season advances, the western part of the bay-shaped plume decays while the eastern part persists until the following June, which is believed to be associated with the anticyclonic gyre in the northern bay. The evolution of the plumes except the eastern part of the bay-shaped plume in fall can be partly explained by the seasonal variation of mass transport associated with the Sverdrup balance. The fact that the western-bay (eastern-bay) plume appears when surface freshwater flux in the northeastern bay increases ( decreases) dramatically suggests that the plumes are not produced directly by surface freshwater flux. River discharge seems to be the freshwater source for the plumes and has little to do with the evolution of the plumes.
利用ERA40逐日再分析资料、NCEP/NCAR2逐日再分析资料、中国740个测站日降水资料、上海台风研究所提供的西太平洋热带气旋资料、Kaplan等重建的月平均SSTA资料、NOAA逐日长波辐射(OLR)等资料,应用离散功率谱分析、带通滤波、EOF分析等统计方法,研究了东亚夏季风(EASM)的移动特征、东亚地区季节内振荡(ISO)的基本特征、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风活动的影响、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风异常活动的影响机理。主要结论如下: (1)综合动力和热力因素定义了可动态描述东亚夏季风移动和强度的指数,并利用该指数研究了东亚夏季风的爆发和移动的季节内变化及其年际和年代际变化特征。研究发现,气候平均东亚夏季风前沿分别在28候、33候、36候、38候、40候、44候出现了明显的跳跃。东亚夏季风活动具有显著的年际变率,主要由于季风前沿在某些区域异常停滞和突然跨越北跳或南撤引起,造成中国东部旱涝灾害频繁发生。东亚夏季风的活动具有明显的年代际变化,在1965年、1980年、1994年发生了突变,造成中国东部降水由“南旱北涝”向“南涝北旱”的转变。 (2)东亚季风区季节内变化具有10~25d和30~60d两个波段的季节内振荡周期,以30-60d为主。存在三个主要低频模态,第一模态主要表征了EASM在长江中下游和华北地区活动期间的低频形势;第二模态印度洋-菲律宾由低频气旋式环流控制,主要表现了ISO在EASM爆发期间的低频形势;第三模态主要出现在EASM在华南和淮河活动期间的低频形势。第一模态和第三模态是代表东亚夏季风活动异常的主要低频形势。 (3)热带和副热带地区ISO总是沿垂直切变风的垂直方向传播。因此,在南海-菲律宾东北风垂直切变和副热带西太平洋北风垂直切变下,大气热源激发菲律宾附近交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播,副热带西太平洋ISO以向西传播为主。中高纬度地区,乌拉尔山附近ISO以向东、向南移动或局地振荡为主;北太平洋中部ISO在某些情况下向南、向西传播。 (4)季风爆发期,伴随着热带东印度洋到菲律宾一系列低频气旋和低频反气旋, 冷空气向南输送,10~25天和30~60天季节内振荡低频气旋同时传入南海加快了南海夏季风的爆发。在气候态下,ISO活动表现的欧亚- 太平洋(EAP)以及太平洋-北美(PNA)低频波列分布特征(本文提出的EAP和PNA低频波列与传统意义上的二维定点相关得到的波列不同)。这种低频分布形式使得欧亚和太平洋中高纬度的槽、脊及太平洋副热带高压稳定、加强,东亚地区的低频波列则成为热带和中高纬度ISO相互作用影响东亚夏季风活动的纽带。不同的阶段表现不同的低频模态,30~60d低频模态的转变加快了EASM推进过程中跳跃性;30-60d低频模态的维持使得EASM前沿相对停滞。 (5)30-60d滤波场,菲律宾海域交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播到南海-西太平洋一带。当南海-西太平洋地区低频气旋活跃时,季风槽加强、东伸,季风槽内热带气旋(TC)频数增加;当南海-西太平洋低频反气旋活跃时,季风槽减弱、西退,TC处于间歇期,生成位置不集中。 (6)在El Nino态下,大气季节内振荡偏弱,北传特征不明显,但ISO由中高纬度北太平洋中部向南和副热带西太平洋向西的传播特征显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第三模态为主,EASM集中停滞在华南和淮河流域,常伴随着持续性区域暴雨的出现,易造成华南和江淮流域洪涝灾害,长江和华北持续干旱。在La Nina态下,大气季节内振荡活跃,且具有明显的向北传播特征,PNA低频波列显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第一模态单峰为主;EASM主要停滞在长江中下游和华北地区,这些地区出现异常持续强降水,华南和淮河流域多干旱;在El Nino态向La Nina态转换期,ISO活动以第一模态双峰为主,长江中下游常常出现二度梅。