61 resultados para IL-23R-GFP reporter mouse


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Both the rhino mouse and hairless mouse resulted from hairless gene mutation, but they show different phenotypes of skin physiology. The rhino mouse has more similar histological characters to human papular alopecia. Therefore rhino mouse is a good experimental animal model for human papular alopecia. This study reports a hairless mouse named rhino KIZ, arose from KM colony in Kunming Institue of Zoology, by systematic studies on morphology, skin histopathology, gene sequence, pedigree and protein domain analysis. The results demonstrate that a C-to-T transition in exon 11 of hr gene (The mutant gene has been applied for a Chinese patent (patent No. 03135280)) results in the rhino KIZ. The rhino KIZ with clear genetic mechanism will be a useful animal model.


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树突状细胞(DC)是免疫系统中具有多种免疫功能的关键细胞,但在HIV/AIDS 患者 体内,虽有大量病毒及抗原存在,却不能有效地激发特异性免疫应答。最新的研究显示, HIV/AIDS 血源和性传染的途径虽有不同,但DC 均是早于T 细胞而最先遭受感染的“第一 靶细胞”。已知辅助蛋白(Nef、Rev、Tat、Vif、Vpr 和Vpu)是HIV-1 在宿主细胞内复制 和致病的根本因素。而哪种辅助蛋白、如何影响DC 功能,至今研究结果甚少,结论杂乱 不一。 本论文作为HIV-1 影响DC 功能研究的实验体系部分,旨在为系统比较研究6 个辅助 蛋白对DC 功能的调节和机理奠定基础。采用分子生物学和免疫学技术方法,把辅助蛋白 基因从DNA 和mRNA 水平导入目的细胞DC,在DC 前体及其分化、成熟的各个时相, 连续、动态地分析辅助蛋白对DC 特征性表面标志及免疫相关基因的表达水平、摄取和处 理抗原、激发和调控免疫应答等功能的影响,以期揭示HIV/AIDS 患者DC 功能明显异常 和失调的原因。 首先,分别将6 个辅助蛋白基因克隆到pEGFP-N2 和pCS2+表达载体,得到具有绿色 荧光蛋白融合基因的表达载体,将分别用于DNA 和mRNA 水平转染DC。再以K562 细胞 为模型建立mRNA 转染细胞的基本方法;以人外周血CD14 单核细胞为前体,建立了体外 “2+2”快速诱导DC 的方法。最后,利用Amaxa 转染系统,从DNA 水平研究辅助蛋白对 DC 前体(单核细胞)的功能影响。发现单核细胞转染辅助蛋白与GFP 融合基因5h 后,胞 内蛋白大量表达,且能维持表达48h;其中Nef、Tat、Vpu、Rev、Vif、Vpr 表达效率分别 为35.42%、34.42%、43.42%、 17.07%、13.65%、10.29%;单核细胞转染基因后,表型 CD14、HLA-DR、CD80、CD83、CD86、DC-SIGN 没有明显的表达变化;转染Nef、Vpu、 Rev 辅助蛋白后,单核细胞有10%凋亡;Vpr 能抑制单核细胞IL-10 的分泌,Nef 能促进分 泌IL-6。 总之,通过构建辅助蛋白的表达载体,优化DC 的体外培养过程以及mRNA 转染方法, 并成功将辅助蛋白导入DC 前体,鉴定其表型和功能变化。为研究辅助蛋白影响DC 的功 能和机制建立了稳定而可行的实验系统。


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目的:研究复方昆明山海棠颗粒(composite tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch, CTHH)对小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖、活化标志CD69和CD25及细胞因子IL-4及γ-IFN的影响,为阐明其免疫抑制作用提供分子药理学依据.方法:无菌分离小鼠脾淋巴细胞,加入不同浓度的复方昆明山海棠颗粒溶液,MTT法检测ConA刺激的小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖;流式细胞仪检测活化标志CD69及CD25;酶联免疫法检测细胞因子IL-4及γ-IFN.结果: CTHH对脾淋巴细胞增殖活化及分泌均有抑制作用.


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We evaluated the behavioral effects of chronic haloperidol (HAL) and clozapine (CLO) during gestation and CNS development, compared with transient treatments that stopped 1-3 weeks before the test. Results: 1) Chronic HAL (6 mg/l in drinking water) but no


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Whether mice perceive the depth of space dependent on the visual size of object targets was explored when visual cues such as perspective and partial occlusion in space were excluded. A mouse was placed on a platform the height of which is adjustable. The platform located inside a box in which all other walls were dark exception its bottom through that light was projected as a sole visual cue. The visual object cue was composed of 4x4 grids to allow a mouse estimating the distance of the platform relative to the grids. Three sizes of grids reduced in a proportion of 2/3 and seven distances with an equal interval between the platform and the grids at the bottom were applied in the experiments. The duration of a mouse staying on the platform at each height was recorded when the different sizes of the grids were presented randomly to test whether the Judgment of the mouse for the depth of the platform from the bottom was affected by the size information of the visual target. The results from all conditions of three object sizes show that time of mice staying on the platform became longer with the increase in height. In distance of 20 similar to 30 cm, the mice did not use the size information of a target to judge the depth, while mainly used the information of binocular disparity. In distance less than 20 cm or more than 30 cm, however, especially in much higher distance 50 cm, 60 cm and 70 cm, the mice were able to use the size information to do so in order to compensate the lack of binocular disparity information from both eyes. Because the mice have only 1/3 of the visual field that is binocular. This behavioral paradigm established in the current study is a useful model and can be applied to the experiments using transgenic mouse as an animal model to investigate the relationships between behaviors and gene functions.


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The cryopreservation of oocytes has been only marginally successful with any of the current protocols, including slow cooling, rapid cooling and vitrification. We wished to test the hypothesis that oocytes from a single mouse strain would freeze successfully by 1 of the 3 mentioned protocols. Unfertilized Kunming mouse oocytes obtained 14 h after PMSG/hCG administration were randomly assigned to be cryopreserved after slow cooling, ultra rapid cooling and vitrification. Oocytes were thawed by straws being placed into 37 degrees C water, and their morphological appearance and in vitro fertilization capability were compared with that of oocytes that had not undergone cryopreservation. Survival of oocytes was indicated by the absence of darkened ooplasm or by broken membranes or zona pellucida. Functional integrity was evaluated by the formation of a 2-cell embryo after IVF. Survival rate of slow cooled oocytes did not differ from that seen in vitrified oocytes (55.1 vs 65.9%) but was significantly lower in the rapidly cooled oocytes (24.2%; P<0.01). The results of NF of slow cooled and vitrified oocytes were similar to those of the control group (72 and 73 vs 77%; P>0.05). It appears that Kunming mouse oocytes can be successfully cryopreserved using the slow cooling method with 1,2-propanediol and vitrification, which contains both permeating and nonpermeating cryoprotectants. (C) 1997 by Elsevier Science Inc.


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In plants and less-advanced animal species, such as C.elegans, introduction of exogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into cells would trigger degradation of the mRNA with homologous sequence and interfere with the endogenous gene expression. It might represent an ancient anti-virus response which could prevent the mutation in the genome that was caused by virus infection or mobile DNA elements insertion. This phenomenon was named RNA interference, or RNAi. In this study, RNAi was used to investigate the function of basonuclin gene during oogenesis. Microinjection of dsRNA directed towards basonuclin into mouse germinal-vesicle-intact (GV) oocytes brought down the abundance of the cognate mRNA effectively in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This reduction effect was sequence-specific and showed no negative effect on other non-homologous gene expression in oocytes, which indicated that dsRNA can recognize and cause the degradation of the transcriptional products of endogenous basonuclin gene in a sequence-specific manner. Immunofluorescence results showed that RNAi could reduce the concentration of basonuclin protein to some extent, but the effect was less efficient than the dsRNA targeting towards tPA and cMos which was also expressed in oocytes. This result might be due to the long half life of basonuclin protein in oocytes and the short reaction time which was posed by the limited life span of GV oocytes cultured in vitro. In summary, dsRNA could inhibit the expression of the cognate gene in oocytes at both mRNA and protein levels. The effect was similar to Knock-out technique which was based on homologous recombination. Furthermore, hairpin-style dsRNA targeting basonuclin gene could be produced by transcription from a recombinant plasmid and worked efficiently to deplete the cognate mRNA in oocytes. This finding offered a new way to study the function of basonuclin in the early stage of oogenesis by infection of primordial oocytes with the plasmid expressing hairpin-style basonuclin dsRNA.


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Geographic variation of Chevrier's field mouse (Apodemus chevrieri) (Milne-Edwards, 1868) (Muridae: Murinae) from southwestern China based on cranial morphometric variables. Zoological Studies 47(4): 393-401. A sample of 134 specimens of Apodemus chevrieri was investigated in the present study. Individuals were divided into male and female groups, and these were respectively subjected to multivariate analysis. Results indicated that 3 geographic populations of A. chevrieri inhabit southwestern China: a Sichuan population in western Sichuan Province; a northwestern Yunnan population ranging from northwestern Yunnan Province eastward to southern Sichuan Province; and a central Yunnan population in central Yunnan Province. In addition, a coefficient of difference analysis was performed among these 3 geographic populations. The results suggested that these 3 geographical populations of A. chevrieri belonged to 2 subspecies. Furthermore, we discuss the relationships of the subspecific differentiation of A. chevneri with changes in latitude in southwestern China.


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BALB/c mice were immunized intragastrically with human sperm. Cells from the Peyer's patches and spleens of the immunized mice were for the preparation of hybridomas secreting antisperm monoclonal IgA (mcIgA). The specific ratio of IgA-secreting cells in Peyer's patches was much higher than that in spleen. The binding site on human sperm of 9 of 19 mcIgA was in the post-acrosomal region using an immunofluorescent assay. Two of eight selected mcIgA caused strong human sperm agglutination and three of them produced significant inhibition of mouse in vitro fertilization. No mcIgA tested caused obvious human sperm immobilization or inhibited mouse in vivo fertilization. In vitro assembly of selected mcIgA in ascites with mouse secretory component (SC) caused no significant changes in effects on sperm function and in vitro fertilization. By use of Western blotting, dimer or higher polymers were demonstrated in all selected mcIgAs and corresponding protein antigens in 6 of 8 selected mcIgAs. These results suggest that human sperm function may be inhibited and fertilization rate reduced by specific secretory IgA to human sperm and that secretory immunity to protein antigens of human sperm could be induced by intragastrointestinal immunization.


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Fourteen mice trapped in or near houses were infected with Pneumocystis carinii and the establishment of pneumonia was helped by injecting with cortisone acetate for 6 weeks. Then 16 cats were infected with P. carinii by injection of lung homogenate from the mice which contained from 1.3 X 10(5) to 2.6 X 10(5) P. carinii cysts. The infection resulted in severe cough and tachypnea in Cats 1-8 injected with cortisone acetate, and a subclinical infection in Cats 9-16. In Cats 1-8, the main pathological finding was typical P. carinii pneumonia, but there only was slight swelling of the lungs in Cats 9-16.