317 resultados para HPLC-DAD-MS
A method for the determination of long and short chain free fatty acids (FFAs), using 1-[2-(ptoluenesulfonate)-ethyll-2-phenylimidazole-[4,5-f-9,10-phenanthrene (TSPP) as labeling reagent, has been developed. Identification of FFA derivatives was carried out by HPLC-MS with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) in positive ion mode. Gradient elution on an Agilent Eclipse XDB-C-8 column gave good separation of the derivatives. Excellent linear responses were observed and good compositional data could be obtained from as little as 200 mg of bryophyte plants and soil samples. Facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC-APCI-MS analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of trace level of FFAs from biological and natural environmental samples.
A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of aliphatic amines using the labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC) followed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and APCI/NIS identification in positive-ion mode has been developed. The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent was replaced by the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent, BCEOC, that could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M + H](+) with APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 264.1, m/z 246.0 and m/z 218.1, corresponding to the cleavages of CH2CH2O-CO, CH2CH2-OCO, and N-CH2CH2O bonds. Studies on derivatization conditions demonstrated that excellent derivatization yields close to 100% were observed with a 3 to 4-fold molar reagent excess in acetonitrile solvent, in the presence of borate buffer (pH 9.0) at 40 degrees C for 10 min. In addition, the detection responses for BCEOC derivatives were compared with those obtained with CEOC and FMOC as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEOC/I-CEOC and I-BCEOC/I-FMOC were, respectively, 1.40-2.76 and 1.36-2.92 for fluorescence responses (here, I was the relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the amine derivatives had been optimized on an Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from an 0.10 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 18.65-38.82 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L for fluorescence detection. The relative standard deviations for intraday determination (n = 6) of standard amine derivatives (50 pmol) were 0.0063-0.037% for retention times and 3.36-6.93% for peak areas. The mean intra-and inter-assay precision for all amines were <5.4% and 5.8%, respectively. The recoveries of amines ranged from 96 to 113%. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of >0.9994. The established method provided a simple and highly sensitive technique for the quantitative analysis of trace amounts of aliphatic amines from biological and natural environmental samples.
A sensitive method for the determination of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) (>C20) using 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)-ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4.5-f]-9,10-phenanthrene (TSPP) as tagging reagent with fluorescence detection and identification with post-column APCI/MS has been developed. The LCFAs in bryophyte plant samples were obtained based on distillation extraction with 1: 1 (v/v) chloroform/methanol as extracting solvent. TSPP could easily and quickly label LCFAs at 90 degrees C in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst in DMF. Eleven free LCFAs from the extracts of bryophyte plants were sensitively determined. Maximal labeling yields close to 100% were observed with a five-fold excess of molar reagent. Separation of the derivatized fatty acids exhibited a good baseline resolution in combination with a gradient elution on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Calculated detection limits from 1.0 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 26.19-76.67 fmol. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of >0.9996. Good compositional data were obtained from the analysis of the extracted LCFAs containing as little as 0.2 g of bryophyte plant samples. Therefore, the facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC/APCI/MS analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitation of trace levels of LCFAs from biological and natural environmental samples. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)和新疆雪莲(Saussurea involucrata Karel. et Kir.)是我国珍稀的药用植物资源,具有清热解毒、止痉镇痛、敛伤、消肿及治疗热病、风湿等多种功效。雪莲的主要药用成份为紫丁香甙(Syringin)、芦丁(Rutin)、高车前素(Hispidulin)和Jaceosidin等苯基丙酸类(phenylpropanoid)和黄酮类(flavonoids)物质。最新的药理研究表明,上述物质还具有抗菌消炎、保肝降压、延缓衰老和抑制癌细胞增殖等重要的研发价值。 雪莲生境恶劣,生长缓慢,人工引种困难,加上长期掠夺性采挖,已使雪莲处于灭绝的边缘。为了保存国家珍稀植物品种,保护生态环境,满足临床上对雪莲药物的需求,本研究在雪莲组织培养的基础上,应用诱导子添加技术和毛状根培养技术对雪莲中具有重要药用价值的次生代谢物质进行调控,并对雪莲MYB类转录因子的功能进行了初步探索,为保护珍稀植物资源、维护生态环境、开发野生雪莲替代产品、缩短雪莲药用成份的生产周期奠定了基础。另外,分析了野生雪莲和雪莲培养物中主要生物活性成份的种类及含量,为今后雪莲药理药效研究及品质评价奠定了基础。 为了提高雪莲黄酮的产量,满足工业化生产的需要,在细胞培养水平上,通过添加茉莉酸甲酯(MJ),对雪莲黄酮类物质的代谢进行调控。研究了诱导子的添加时间、添加浓度对水母雪莲红色系悬浮细胞的生物量和总黄酮产量的影响。发现在细胞培养的指数期(第9天)添加5.0 µmol/L的MJ,可以使总黄酮产量提高2.4倍(1134.5 ± 63.86 mg/L),而雪莲细胞干重(dw)仅比对照提高23.8 %(20.4 ±0.27 g/L)。另外,细胞中苯丙氨酸裂解酶(PAL)的活性分析表明,MJ添加后PAL活性的增加与雪莲总黄酮含量增长之间存在相关性。 在器官培养水平上,对雪莲毛状根的诱导频率及其培养条件进行了研究。结果表明,选择发根农杆菌R1601侵染预培养2天的新疆雪莲根段外植体,毛状根的诱导效率可达到83 %。毛状根的冠瘿碱检测、PCR和Southern分析表明,Ri质粒中的T-DNA已整合到植物基因组中并稳定表达。以新疆雪莲毛状根为外植体,能够容易地获得再生芽。在含有1.0 mg/L 6-BA的MS固体培养基上,其再生频率高达91 ± 5.9 %,是其正常根的2.4倍。而水母雪莲在该培养条件下,仅有少量的畸形芽出现。进而对毛状根的培养条件进行初步研究,结果表明在无激素附加的MS液体培养基中,新疆雪莲的HR1601根系在一个培养周期内(32 天),其生物量能够达到接种量的16倍,而紫丁香甙含量(43.5 ± 1.13 mg/g dw)能够达到野生雪莲的83倍。从而显示了雪莲毛状根培养体系的优良特性。 在基因水平上,对雪莲黄酮类物质代谢调控的研究已经展开。玉米P基因编码的Myb类转录因子能够调节黄酮类物质代谢途径关键酶基因的表达。根据P基因的保守序列设计引物,从雪莲细胞培养物中获得了SmP基因。核酸序列分析表明,SmP基因与烟草中涉及苯丙素类物质代谢途径的LBM 1、LBM 3和MybAS 1基因具有较高的一致性,分别为66 %、60 %和61 %。因此为了研究雪莲SmP基因的功能,构建了正义表达载体,并与先前构建好的反义表达载体分别导入烟草,分析了转基因植株的形态特征及黄酮类物质的含量变化。其中,约有30 %转反义SmP基因的株系表现叶片皱缩、叶脉紊乱、主侧脉角度缩小、叶片、花瓣失去对称性以及花粉败育等性状。 另外,通过正交试验设计优化了雪莲提取工艺的条件,并对雪莲细胞提取物进行了分离纯化。正交试验设计结果表明,温度对雪莲黄酮提取效率的影响极为显著,而分批多次提取比一次性浸提,能够收到较好的提取效果。考虑到工业生产中的实际问题,推荐在60 ℃水浴条件下,采用50 %乙醇对雪莲样品连续浸提2次的方案。对雪莲提取物的纯化研究表明,雪莲成份复杂,仅依靠单一的分离手段,往往难以奏效。另外,野生雪莲及雪莲培养物中生物活性成份的比色法、HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)、LC-ESI-MS(Liquid Chromotagraphy Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry)分析表明,传统的NaNO2-AlCl3 法测定雪莲总黄酮的含量,结果偏高,不利于雪莲黄酮的实验室研究分析与今后工业化生产的质量监控。而AlCl3 法的显色反应较为特异,今后有望取代NaNO2-AlCl3 法,作为雪莲类药材品质评价的标准。而HPLC-DAD结合LC-ESI-MS可以对雪莲中的主要生物活性成份进行较为准确的定性分析,从而解决了由于缺乏相应的雪莲化合物标准品而难以对雪莲中的成份进行定性定量分析及比较的难题。最后综合利用上述分析方法,对雪莲细胞培养物中的花素类物质进行了分析。结果表明,雪莲细胞中至少含有7种花色素类物质,分别为矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖甙及其衍生物、天竺葵素糖甙衍生物和芍药色素糖甙衍生物。
本学位论文报道了作为传统藏药材广泛使用的西藏产雪莲花化学成分的研究。论文由五章组成,第一章是三种西藏产雪莲花的化学成分的系统分离纯化和结构鉴定;第二章为西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质及串联质谱联用分析;第三章提出了以HPLC和TLC为检测方法的雪莲花药材质量标准草案;第四章给出了对西藏产雪莲花挥发油化学成分的气-质联用分析结果;第五章概述了雪莲花的化学成分及药理研究进展。 第一章包括三个部分。第一部分报道了绵头雪莲花(Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz.)全草乙醇提取物化学成分的分离鉴定。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,从西藏产绵头雪莲花的乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定出15个化合物。其中11个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到,当中2个化合物系在凤毛菊属植物中首次发现。第二部分报道了水母雪莲花(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出15个化合物,其中1个为新化合物,另有4个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。新化合物结构通过质谱和一维及二维核磁共振等波谱解析方法及碱水解反应确定为巴豆酰基-高车前苷(M-7)。第三部分报道了三指雪莲花 (Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.)全草乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正相硅胶柱层析及凝胶柱层析等分离方法,共分离鉴定出7个化合物,其中1个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到。 第二章也包括三个部分。首先是采用液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析方法,对7个西藏不同产地的三指雪莲花化学成分进行了分析,通过与标准品的 UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出14个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量测定。其次是关于八种西藏产雪莲花化学成分的液-质联用(HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn)分析,通过与标准品的UV和MS数据比较,共鉴定出15个峰,并对其中8个共有成分进行了定量检测。最后通过对八种西藏产雪莲花主要化学成分的多级串联质谱(ESI-MSn)分析,快速、灵敏地鉴定出10个黄酮和3个香豆素化学成分。 第三章同样包括三个部分。首先是以绵头雪莲花中主要香豆素成分东莨菪素和伞形花内酯为对照品,通过TLC定性检测和HPLC含量测定,草拟出较严谨的药材质量标准。其次是将绵头雪莲花、三指雪莲花和雪兔子作为一个药材看待,草拟了以东莨菪素和伞形花内酯的TLC检测为指标的药材质量标准。最后是针对水母雪莲花,以主要黄酮成分芹菜素-7-O-b-D-葡萄糖苷为对照品作TLC检测,并草拟出该药材的质量标准草案。 第四章报道了西藏产雪莲花挥发油的化学成分分析。采用传统水蒸气蒸馏法分别从八种雪莲花全草中提取挥发油,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分别从水母雪莲花、绵头雪莲花、槲叶雪莲花、云状雪兔子、拉萨雪兔子、小果雪兔子、雪兔子和三指雪莲花中分别鉴定出83、83、56、34、21、20、24和20个化学成分,分别占其挥发油总量的70.7%、76.0%、82.2%、55.4%、49.7%、70.4 %、76.2%和 76.7%。 第五章为综述,总结和概括了雪莲花的化学和药理研究进展。 The dissertation reports the investigation of the chemical constituents of the genus Saussurea. Quite a lot of species in this genus are traditional Tibetan medicinal plants, and hence have been widely used in traditional Tibetan medicine. This dissertation consisted of five chapters. The first chapter is on the chemical constituents of three Saussurea plants. The second section is about the analysis of chemical constituents of Saussurea plants using HPLC-MS and ESI-MS/MS. In the third chapter, we proposed quality-control standards for the Genus Saussurea based on TLC (thin layer chromatography) and HPLC. The fourth chapter is about chemical compositions of the essential oil from the whole plant of Saussurea plants. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea. The first chapter consists of three parts. The first part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea laniceps Hand.-Mazz. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Among them, eleven compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time, and two compounds were isolated from Genus Saussurea for the first time. The second part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea medusa Maxim. Fifteen compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase, reversed phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. Five of them were isolated from this plant for the first time, and there is one new flavonoid glucoside which was identified as 6″-O-crotonoyl-homoplantaginin (M-7) based on the evidence of one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry analysis, and alkaline hydrolysis reaction. The last part is about chemical constituents of ethanol extracts from whole plant of Saussurea tridactyla Sch.-Bip. ex Hook. f.. Seven compounds were isolated by column chromatography on normal phase silica gel and Sephadex LH-20. There is one compound which was isolated from this plant for the first time. The second chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of S. tridactyla collected from seven different places in Tibet using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn. Fourteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds, among which eight common peaks were quantified. In the second part, we analyzed the chemical constituents of eight Saussurea species using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn method. Fifteen peaks in the HPLC were identified by comparison of UV and MS spectra with those of authentic compounds and eight main peaks of them were quantified. In the last part, we analyzed the chemical compounds of the above eight Saussurea plants directly by ESI-MS/MS. Thirteen major compounds, including 10 flavonoids and 3 coumarins were easily rapidly identified. The third chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we proposed a comparative high quality-control standard for S. laniceps, based on quality detection by TLC and quantity analysis by HPLC using two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin) as standard compounds. In the second part, in viewing S. laniceps, S. tridactyla and S. gossypiphora as the members of one family of medicinal herbs, we suggested a quality-control standard based on the TLC detection of the two major compounds (umbelliferone and scopoletin). In the last part, we proposed a quality-control standard for S. medusa based on the TLC detection of its major component (apigenin 7-O-glucoside). The four chapter analyzed the chemical constituents of essential oil of eight Saussurea species. The essential oils were extracted from the whole plants of these samples with water stream distillation. By GC-MS analysis, we identified eighty-three compounds from S. medusa, eighty-three from S. laniceps, fifty-six from S. quercifolia, thirty-four from S. aster, twenty-one from S. kingii, twenty from S. simpsoniana, twenty-four from S. gossypiphora, and twenty from S. tridactyla respetively, which accounted for 70.7%, 76.0%, 82.2%, 55.4%, 49.7%, 70.4 %, 76.2% and 76.7% of the total essential oil, respectively. The last chapter reviews the research progress of the Genus Saussurea.
The stability of diester-diterpenoid alkaloids (DDA) from plants of the genus Aconitum L. has been studied in different solvents and pH buffers. The HPLC/ESIMS method for analysing the concentration of DDA was established and DDA's decomposition products were elucidated by HPLC/ESI-MS/MSn. In different solvents, e.g. dichloromethane, ether, methanol and distilled water, the decomposition pathways of DDA are quite different and their difference in stabilities depends on the difference of their structures, in which substituents at the N atom and substituents at C-3 are different. The pyrolytic products of DDA, such as deacetoxy aconitine-type alkaloids, have been observed in the above solvents, whereas 8-methoxy-14-benzoyl aconitine-type alkaloids have been obtained only in methanol.
A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector-electrospray ionization multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-DAD-ESl-MSn) method has been developed for the detection and analysis of lignan constituents in the methanol extract from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. RP-HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-TCR-MSn) have been applied to investigate the characteristic product ions of four lignan reference compounds. Then, the logical fragmentation pathways of the lignans have been proposed. By comparing the retention time (t(R)) of HPLC, the ESI-MSn data and the structures of analyzed compounds with the data of reference compounds and in the literature, 11 peaks in HPLC have been unambiguously identified and another 5 peaks have been tentatively identified or deduced. Also, in the present paper, the extracted ion chromatograms (EIC) have been used to analyze the lignan isomers. The experimental results demonstrate that RP-HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn is a specific and useful method for the identification of the lignan constituents and their isomers.
The seed oil from Nitraria tangutorum samples was obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction methods. The extraction parameters for this methodology, including pressure, temperature, particle size and extraction time, were optimized. The free fatty acids in the seed oil were separated with a pre-column derivation method and 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (BDETS) as a labeling regent, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The target compounds were identified by mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI in positive-ion mode). HPLC analysis shows that the main compositions of the seed oil samples were free fatty acids (FFAs) in high to low concentrations as follows: linoleic acid, oleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The assay detection limits (at signal-to-noise of 3:1) were 3.378-6.572 nmol/L. Excellent linear responses were observed, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.999. The facile BDETS derivatization coupled with mass spectrometry detection allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for analyzing free fatty acids in seed oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. The established method is highly efficient for seed oil extraction and extremely sensitive for fatty acid profile determination. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
利用发根农杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)1601,1000,1500,15834,A4,均成功地转化了中药青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)并且建立了pRi1601,pRi15834,pRiA4诱导的发根培养。pRi1601,pRi15834的发根诱导率比其它质粒高。太老或太幼的叶片不利子发根的诱导;发根主要从叶脉的伤口处萌发;带顶芽或带侧芽的叶片容易诱导根,但不一定是发根。光照有利于发根的诱导和发根的生长。以每个发根的“绝对生长速率”(Gtowth Ratio,GR)和绝对“侧根”数量(Number of Side Roots,NSR),通过大量的发根系的筛选,建立了8个发根系,1601-L-1, 1601-L-2, 1601-L-3, 1601-L-4, 15834-L-1, 1601-P-I, 16 01-P-2,15834-L-2。Southern分子检测表明,160l-1-1,1801-L-2, 1601-L-3,1601-L-4,1601-P-1,1601-P-2均为转化子。8个建立的发根系之间无论生长或者QHS的合成存在明显的差异。比较光/暗(16/8hrs),25℃条件下培养的16 01-L-1,1601-L-2,1601-L-3,1601-L-4,1601-P-l,和1601-P-2,其中16 01-L-3的生长最快,160l-L-1的生长最慢;但是,1601-L-1的QHS的含量最高(可达1. 048%),1601-1-3的QHS的含量最低。160Z-L-3,15834 -L-1和2583:1-L-2的生长速率相差不大。用盛有l000mLMS液体培养基的3000mL的锥形瓶扩大培养1601-L -3,15834-L-1和15834-L-2,转速为ll0rlpm,培养过程中发根容易形成发根球(Hairy Root Balis,HRB),HRB的形成严重影响发根的生长和QHs的合成,HpLC分析表明扩大培养发根中QHS的含量比较低。 改变MS基本培养基中的无机离子的浓度,研究不同无机离子对发根生长和QHS的合成的影响。 l、KN03为18.79×10-3M时有利于1601- L-1生长,为14. 84×10-3M时有利于QHS的合成。NH-4N0-3浓度在10.93-12. 49×10—3M范围内有利于1601-L-1生长,在0-20.62×10-3M范围内对QHS的合成影响不大,大于20. 62×lO-3M不利QHS的合成。培养基中NH-4+/N0-3-比值为0. 37-0. 4-0.52:1时有利于发根的生长,比值为0.52 - 0.58:1时有利于QHS的合成。 2、H-2P0-4-浓度为2.498×10-3M时有利于发根的生长在0-2. 498×l0-3M范围内,随着浓度的提高,促进发根的生长。培养基中的H2P4 -的浓度在0-1.249×lO-3M的范围内,随着浓度的提高,促进QHS的合成,为1.249×10-3M时QHS的含量最高。 3、培养基中最适16 01-L-1生长的Ca-2+浓度为0.198- 0.766×10-3M,大于或小于该浓度范围,显著地抑制发根的生长。但是,在0-3.695×10-3M范围内,随着培养基中Ca-2+浓度提高,促进QHS的合成,最适Ca-2+浓度为3.695×l0-3M。 4、培养基中不加Mg-2+时,完全抑制发根生长,在0. 142×10-3M-7.506×l0-3M浓度范围内,对发根生长影响没有明显的差别。但是,HPLC和UV分析发根中QHS含量,培养基中不加Mg-2+时,发根中QHS含量最高。 5、培养基中的Fe-2+浓度在0. 25 -1.0×10-3M范围内,同时有利于16 01- L-1的生长和QHS的形成。 6、培养基中最适合予16 01- L-3生长的KI浓度为2.5ppm,大于或小予该浓度均显著地抑制发根的生长,培养基中加入KI明显地降低发根中的QHS的含量。 7、H2BO3对l601-L-l生长影响不大,HPLC分析QHS的含量,培养基中的H3BO3浓度为100ppm和400ppm,QHS的含量分别为1.69mg/g和1.80mg/g(DW)。 8、Cu-2+对1601-L-3的生长影响显著,最适合1601-L-3生长的Cu-2+浓度为1.00ppm,在0 -1.00ppm的浓度范围内,随着培养基中的Cu+浓度的提高,发根的生物量不断增加。培养基中QHS合成的最适Cu2+浓度为0.05ppm,大于或小于该浓度均显著地抑制发根中QHS的合成。 比较光培养和暗培养对发根生长的影响,结果表明光照明显地促进1601-L-l的生长,暗培养明显不利于发根的生长。最适合于发根生长的温度为25℃,大于35℃显著地抑制发根的生长,影响发根的根尖细胞的正常分裂。 改变培养基中的蔗糖浓度和在发根培养的不同时期给培养基中添加蔗糖,试验结果表明蔗糖作为碳源对1601-L-3和1601-L-1的生长具有显著的影响。 (1)培养基中缺少蔗糖显著地抑制发根的生长。 (2)发根培养的前5天时间内,蔗糖浓度为30- 60glL昀培养基最有利于发根的生长,50glL的培养基中的发根生长最快,培养基中的蔗糖浓度大于60g/L小于30g/L时,发根的生物量增加较少。 (3)发根培养至第15天时,蔗糖浓度为60g/L的培养基最有利予发根的生物量的增加。发根培养至30天时,蔗糖浓度为60-90g/L的培养基,发根的生物量的增加相差不大,但是为蔗糖浓度为30-40g/L的培养基中的发根生物量一倍。 (4)发根培养过程中,分别于第5和15天给蔗糖浓度为30g/L的培养基中添加一次或二次蔗糖,使培养基中的蔗糖终浓度相当于60g/L或90g/L,培养至30天时,添加蔗糖的培养基中的发根的干重生物量相当于不添加蔗糖培养基中的发根生物量一倍,相当于初始蔗糖浓度为60g/L和90g/L培养基中发根的生物量。 (5)随着培养基中蔗糖浓度的提高,发根干重/鲜重比显著增加。培养基中的蔗糖的消耗量与发根生物量的增加呈正相关,蔗糖消耗越多,发根生物量的增加越大。 比较pH值对发根生长和QHS合成的影响表明,灭菌前pH值在5.O-6.5范围内的培养基适合予1601-L-1的生长,小于5.O不利于发根的生长,pH5.8有利于1601-1-1生长和QHS的生物合成。发根收获时培养基中的pH值一般为4.5-5.2. pH7.O抑制发根的生长,pHl0.O对发根具有强烈的致死作用。发根在培养过程中,对培养基中的pH值具有显著的调节作用,发根能在很短的时间内(24- 48hrs)使pl:l值为5.8、6.4、7.0培养基降低到pH4. 5-5.2,pH为5.8的培养基有利于QHS合成。 比较不同基本培养基对发根生长和QHS合成的影响,试验结果表明N6、DCR、Litvay培养基有利于1601-L-1的生长,WS、White、B5培养基不利于发根的生长。DCR培养基中的QHS含量最高。 根据三水平试验选用三水平正交表来安排试验的原则,选用三水平正交表L7(3-),研究多因子效应对发根生长和QHS合成的影响,试验结果表明,Mg2+,Fe2+,Mn-2+,NH4NO3,KN03 ,KI,Ca-2+为发根生长的主要因子,NH4N03,KNOs,Mg2+,Ca2+,肌醇为QHS合成的主要因子。 通过TLC分析发根中QHS和其它化学成分,同时比较发根和无菌苗及野生植株的化学成分,发根和无菌苗均能合成包括QHS在内的野生青蒿叶片中的大部分非挥发性的化台 物。 研究青蒿植株在发育过程中QHS的含量的变化以及发根、无菌苗和野生青蒿中QHS的合成,HP分析结果表明,l、不同的单株青蒿之间的QHS量相差很大。2、同一植株幼 叶的QHS含量比老叶的QHS含量高。3、不同单株青蒿之间达到最高QHS含量的时间不一样,开花期或开花之前。4、无菌苗(带根)或者不带根丛生芽均能合成QHS,但是带根的无菌蕾的QHS量比丛生芽中的QIS的含量高。5、不同发根农杆菌转化的发根系1601-L-1和15834-L-1都能合成QHS。
研究了鮰鱼体内六溴环十二烷(HBCDs)异构体的浓度分布与生物累积特征。首先采用基质固相分散(MSPD)法,同位素稀释定量,高效液相色谱-电喷雾串联质谱(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS)检测技术,建立了渔业饲料和鱼体中α-HBCD、β-HBCD和γ-HBCD的分析方法。该法对α-HBCD、β-HBCD、γ-HBCD的回收率分别为80.7%~110.5%、80.1%~109.0%、86.9%~104.5%,其检出限分别为0.002、0.002、0.001 ng/g。采用所建立的方法对25个渔业饲料样品和30个
The oligohaline cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs (A. flos-aquae) has been reported in several countries to produce paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) or protracted toxic effects. In the past years, A. flos-aquae blooms have occurred annually in the eutrophic Lake Dianchi (300 km(2) in area, located in southwestern China). Material from natural blooms dominated by A. flosaquae was collected and lyophilized. Acute toxicity testing was performed by mouse bioassay using extracts from the lyophilized material. Clear symptoms of PSPs, intoxications were observed. To confirm the production of PSPs, a strain of A. flos-aquae (DC-1) was isolated and maintained in culture. Histopathological effects were studied by examining the organ damages using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Slight hepatocytic damage with swollen mitochondria was found. The ultrastructural pulmonary lesions were characterized by distortied nuclei and indenting of karyotheca, together with degeneration and tumefaction of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Control animals injected with acetic acid did not exhibit histopathological damage in any organ. Toxic effects of cultured algal cells on enzymatic systems in the mouse were studied using sublethal doses of extracts. Significant glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) increases, together with decrease of the glutathione (GSH) level, were measured. These results indicated a potential role of PSPs intoxicating and metabolizing in the test animals. HPLC-FLD and LC/MS analysis of extracts from cultured material demonstrated the PSP toxins produced by A. flos-aquae bloom. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting chemically and toxicologically confirmed PSP toxins related to A. flosaquae in China. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Total and subcellular hepatic Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, V, Hg, Cd, and Ag were determined in a mother-fetus pair of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli). Except for higher fetal Cu concentration, all maternal elements were higher. Elements existed mostly in the cytosol of both animals except in the case of maternal Ag in the microsome and fetal Cu and Ag in the nuclei and mitochondria. In the maternal cytosol, Zn, Mn, Hg, and Ag were present in the high-molecular-weight substances (HMW); Se and V were present in the low-molecular-weight substances (LMW); Cu and Cd were mostly sequestered by metallothionein (MT). In the fetal cytosol, Zn, Se, Mn, Hg, Cd, and Ag were present in the HMW and V in the LMW, while Cu and Ag were mostly associated with MT. MT isoforms were characterized using the HPLC/ICP-MS. Two and four obvious peaks appeared in the maternal and fetal MT fractions, respectively. The highest elemental ion intensities were at a retention time of 7.8 min for the mother, and for the fetus the peak elemental ion intensities occurred at a retention time of 4.3 min, suggesting that different MT isoforms may be involved in elemental accumulation in maternal and fetal hepatocytosols. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
质谱技术以其灵敏度高、样品需求量少、快速准确的特点在生物大分子体系和天然产物的化学成分研究中起着极为重要的作用。特别是软电离质谱技术的发展,大大简化了化合物的测定过程,提高了分析研究速度,为分析植物及食物中的结构信息提供了快速便捷的方法。HPLC-ESI-MSn是90年代发展成熟的分析技术,它集液相色谱的高分离能力与质谱的高灵敏度和高专属性于一体,已成为包括药物微量杂质、药物降解产物、药代代谢动力学研究、组合化学合成产物高通量分析以及天然产物的化学筛选在内的现代药学研究领域最强有力的分析工具之一。本文首先采用电喷雾多级串联质谱技术,系统地研究了负离子条件下黄酮普元、黄酮醇普元以及二氢黄酮普元等化合物的特征质谱行为,并对中药黄芬中三种黄酮昔化合物进行了研究。利用这些特征碎片离子,可以简便快捷的区分结构类似的黄酮类化合物及其同分异构体。通过对黄酮C一昔类化合物的电喷雾串联质谱(ESI-MSn)研究,提出黄酮C-苷类化合物的特征碎裂规律,证明〔M-H-60]-,〔M-H-90]-,〔M-H-120〕-为黄酮C-苷类化合物的特征离子。为鉴定植物粗提物中黄酮类化合物奠定了基础。之后我们进一步采用高效液相色谱与电喷雾质谱联用技术,在线区分混合物中的黄酮类化合物的同分异构体。根据黄酮类化合物的电喷雾质谱规律以及化合物的色谱保留时间分析鉴定了黄答中的七种黄酮类化合物。建立了一种有效检测黄芩(Scutellariabaicalensis Georgi)中黄酮类化合物的快速灵敏的分析方法,为建立黄答药材的质量控制标准提供了借鉴。对于黄酮类化合物灵敏、快速和准确的分析方法的建立,不仅为黄酮类化合物的结构的快速鉴定提供了一定的依据,而且对生药的鉴别和制剂的质控起到重要的作用。利用电喷雾多级串联质谱技术,对化学结构相似的黄酮营、二氢黄酮营和黄酮醇昔类化合物进行了对比研究。并且首次利用高分辨质谱FTICR-MS及SORI-CID技术对naringin进行了质谱研究。利用其超高分辩率、准确质量确证了中性碎片丢失,进一步证明了我们对其碎裂机理的推断。之后,我们通过金属离子与黄酮昔溶液混合后,采用电喷雾串联质潜法进行测定。实验表明通过人为加入某些金属离子如Li+,Na+和K+,特别是Li+可以提高黄酮昔类化合物分析灵敏度,从而提供较多结构信息。并且在串联质谱中表现不同的碎裂行为,为黄酮类化合物结构分析提供补充信息。研究表明结合〔M-H]-,〔M+Na〕+,〔M+Li〕+离子串联质潜提供的信息,能够有效的鉴定黄酮普的结构。本文通过电喷雾串联质谱(ESI-MSn)和液质联机技术(HPLC-ESI-MS/MS)研究了原小聚碱型生物碱。首次利用高分辨质谱FTICR-MS和SORI-CTD技术对原小桨碱型生物碱进行了高分辨质谱研究,提出了各种碎片离子的碎裂途径,并总结了原小聚碱型生物碱的质谱碎裂规律,为鉴定此类型的生物碱提供了依据。之后通过电喷雾串联质谱研究了四种生物碱化合物质谱行为。最后我们利用液质联机技术(HPLC-ESI-MSn),通过与标准品的液相保留时间对照及原小聚碱型生物碱的质谱碎裂规律,建立了分析鉴定常用中药中原小聚碱型生物碱的快捷方法。并通过选择离子监控技术(SIM)提高了对于同分异构体的分离鉴定。通过色谱UV吸收峰定量研究了这四种药用植物中小璧碱和巴马汀的含量,为临床应用提供一定的化学基础,为建立中药质量控制标准及植物分类学提供一定的依据。采用HPLC法考察了常见的黄连药对组合煎煮对黄连中小聚碱、巴马丁煎出量的影响。为制药工艺的优化奠定了基础。之后我们以中药理论为指导,按药物性味对改良半夏泻心汤中各药进行分组,利用高效液相色谱分析了不同配伍条件下小璧碱、巴马丁煎出量的变化。为组方的合理性和科学性提供了一定的化学物质基础依据。
何首乌为常用中药,由何首乌及含何首乌的中成药制剂所引起的不良反应也时见报道,科学阐明不良反应的物质基础并提出解决方案对何首乌的使用十分重要。本论文研究了何首乌炮制前后KM小鼠肝脏毒性基因表达谱、生物活性及化学成分的变化。所获结果支持何首乌炮制的目的是减毒、改性(改变药效),何首乌生、熟异治的观点。制首乌对抑郁症的效果显著优于生首乌,这与本草所记载的何首乌炮制后补肝肾、益精血,归肝、肾经一致。 主要结果如下: 1、 生、制首乌的毒理基因芯片研究结果 何首乌的不良反应主要表现在肝损害方面。本研究建立了生何首乌和制何首乌不同剂量的肝毒性作用模型,体重指标统计发现生何首乌各剂量组平均体重显著下降,中剂量组(10 g/kg.d)体重下降20 %,高剂量组(20 g/kg.d)体重下降42%,50%动物死亡,提示动物机体能量代谢障碍;基因芯片研究结果表明何首乌是CYP450的抑制剂,生何首乌相对于制何首乌CYP3A4、CYP4A5显著下调,导致毒性成分在体内的吸收增加,服用大剂量的生何首乌后产生明显的肝毒性;主要对以下六条Pathway产生影响:①PPAR signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有RXRB CYP7a1、Acadl、Apoa2、Cyp4a、 FABP2 、MAPKKK5等基因。②Calcium signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有CAMK2B、CACNA1F、S100A1、 F2R、Ryr1、Slc8a2、Camk4 ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction,主要毒性靶基因有Chrm4、 Ntsr2 、 GABRR1、 GRIK3、F2R等基因。④Wnt signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有Daam2、Rac1 等基因。⑤Complement and coagulation cascades,主要毒性靶基因有F2R、Serpina1b、Cfi 、FGA等基因。⑥Oxidative hosphorylation,主要毒性靶基因有Atp5e、NDUFA1等基因。生何首乌毒性明显强于制首乌,且生何首乌水煎液的毒性大于生何乌首丙酮提取物的毒性,这一结果表明,何首乌主要的毒性成分很可能并不仅仅是传统所认为的以大黄素为代表的蒽醌类化合物,而是何首乌中大量存在的有效组分二苯乙烯苷与大黄素相互作用的结果,这一研究结果与前述的何首乌对肝药酶的影响是一致的。后续生、制首乌的化学成分差异研究表明,炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 2 生、制首乌药效差异研究结果 本文采用慢性中等强度不可预知应激刺激模型(chronic unpredictable mild stress, CUMS)和动物行为绝望实验法,研究生、制首乌抗抑郁活性的差异,制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),生首乌制首乌(5g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明制首乌抗抑郁活性显著优于生首乌。 本文比较了生、制首乌对四氧嘧啶糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响的差异,生首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明生首乌降糖活性优于制首乌。这一结果与历代中医古书中生首乌治疗消渴症(糖尿病)的记载一致。 3生、制首乌化学成分差异的研究结果 本文选用HPLC-DAD指纹图谱技术结合药效成分含量测定来研究生、制首乌化学成分的差异。炮制后,何首乌中的主要化学成分并未消失,只是其含量发生了改变。炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 综上所述,炮制前后何首乌中二苯乙烯苷和大黄素含量比的变化可能是何首乌炮制减毒、改性的物质基础。 根据上述结果我们建立了生、制首乌的质量控制新模式。 In recent years, some adverse drug reactions (ADR) about some traditional Chinese medicine were reported at times. As a Chinese medicine most in use, the ADRs of Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPM) and the medicines containing the RPM were also mentioned. The resolution of the problems caused by the ADRs is very important for the use of the RPM as a medicine. The process (or preparation) is a significant feature for the clinical use of the Chinese medicine and an important technology for the safe use and good effect of the Chinese medicine. By processing, the toxicity of the Chinese medicine can be reduced, its properties can be changed and curative effect can be enhanced at the same time. The changes of the gene expression profiles for KM mice hepatotoxic effects, and the change of the biological activity and the chemical composition after being processed of the RPm were studied in the present dissertation. The RPm heatotoxicity mechanism and the toxicity target genes were explained on the gene level for the first time. With the antidepressant activity, and the hypoglycemic effect as the target, the differences on the pharmacodynamics between the processed RPm and unprocessed RPm, for the first time, were investigated. The results obtained show that the antidepressant activity of the processed RPM is far higher than the ones of unprocessed RPm. As we know, the results were reported for the first time. The quality control systems (QCS) for the processed and the unprocessed RPm were founded. The HPLC-DAD was used in the systems founded on the basis of the toxicology and the pharmacodynamics experiments. As we know, the OCSs were reported for the first time. The above-mentioned experimental results confirm that the unique process theory of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used for the process of the Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPm) is correct, i.e after being processed the toxicity of the RPm decreases and its Pharmacodynamic effects change. It is known to author that there have been no similar reports in the literatures up to now. The main experimental results are summarized as follows: 1 The results on the mice toxicology gene chip for the unprocessed and processed RPm The KM mice hepatotoxic model caused by the RPm at the different dosages was established in the present study. The results obtained show that the mouse average body weight obviously decreased in the groups at the different dosages of the unprocessed RPm: the 10 g/kg.d .group decreased 20%; 20 g/kg.d. group decreased 42%, and 50% mice died at 20 g/kg.d. group. The main experimental results on the mice toxicology gene chip The RPm is the CYP450 inhibitor. As compared with the processd RPm, the CYP3A4, CYP4A5 of the unprocessed RPm demonstrate the marked downregulation, which leads to the increase of the poison absorbtion into the body with the result that the unprocessed RPm yields the marked hepatotoxication. The hepatotoxication was produced because the following 6 pathways were affected: ①PPAR signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are RXRB, CYP7a1, Acadl, Apoa2, Cyp4a, FABP2 and MAPKKK5 etc. ②Calcium signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are CAMK2B, CACNA1F, S100A1, F2R, Ryr1,Slc8a2 and Camk4 etc. ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, the chief toxicity target genes are Chrm4, Ntsr2, GABRR1, GRIK3 and F2R etc. ④Wnt signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are Daam2, Rac1 etc. ⑤Complement and coagulation cascades, the chief toxicity target genes are F2R, Serpina1b, Cfi and FGA etc. ⑥Oxidative phosphorylation, the chief toxicity target genes are Atp5e, NDUFA1 etc. The above experimental results, for the first time , demonstrate on the gene level that the unprocessed Rpm toxicity is far stronger than the processed RPm one, and the toxicity of the water decoction of the unprocessed RPm is greater than the one of its acetone extracts, which shows that the chief toxicity components of the RPm are probably not only the anthraquinones, for example, the emodin, but the complex compounds produced by the interaction between the emondin and the stilbene glucoside which is the largest component of the unprocessed RPm. The result is accordance with the above effect of the RPm on the hepatic drugenzyme. Aftter being processed, in fact, the content of the stibene glucoside in the RPm markedly decreases. 2. The results on the pharmacodynamic differences between the unprocessed and processed RPm The results obtained show that the effects of processing on RPm pharmacodynamic behaviour received in the Chinese Material Medica are correct. It is known to author that this is the first experimental result in the research materials now available. The chief results are as follows: For the treatment of the antidepressant, the curative effect of the processed RPm is far better than the one of the unprocessed RPm. By contrast with the above results, the hypoblycemic effect of the unprocessed RPm is better than the one of the processed RPm. 3. The results on the Chemical Composition The results obtained by using HPLC-DAD fingerprint and by the determination of effective component content show that the main chemical components in the RPm after being processed do not disappear, but their contents change. The contents of the stilbene glucoside (SG) and emodin in the different samples were determined as follows: SG contents 5.512 % for the unprocessed RPm 3.811 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 3.588 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) Emodin contents 0.094 % for the unprocessed RPm 0.119 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 0.126 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) The combination of above experimental results on the toxicity, the pharmacodynamics and the chemical composition indicates that the changes of the content ratio of SG/emodin may be the substance base of the toxicity decrease and pharmacodynamic changes of the RPM by the processing.