44 resultados para Gross pollutant trap


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As a kind of waste collected from restaurants, trap grease is a chemically challenging feedstock for biodiesel production for its high free fatty acid (FFA) content. A central composite design was used to evaluate the effect of methanol quantity, acid concentration and reaction time on the synthesis of biodiesel from the trap grease with 50% free fatty acid, while the reaction temperature was selected at 95 degrees C. Using response surface methodology, a quadratic polynomial equation was obtained for ester content by multiple regression analysis. Verification experiments confirmed the validity of the predicted model. To achieve the highest ester content of crude biodiesel (89.67%), the critical values of the three variables were 35.00 (methanol-to-oil molar ratio), 11.27 wt% (catalyst concentration based on trap grease) and 4.59 h (reaction time). The crude biodiesel could be purified by a second distillation to meet the requirement of biodiesel specification of Korea.


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目前全球缺水、水污染、洪涝灾害以及水土流失仍然非常严重,尤其在我国北方地区。流域水文模型可用来进行不同需水管理的情景分析,为解决我国水问题提供科学依据。分布式水文模型是流域水文模型的发展方向,具有显著特点:1)应用前景广泛,不仅可以模拟流域水文过程,还可以协助模拟泥沙或污染物的运移过程,为水利工程设计、水土保持、环境保护等领域提供技术支持;2)能够预测流域土地利用或气候变化下的流域水文响应过程变化,为管理部门提供决策支持;3)模型所需要的参数全部具有物理意义,可通过实际测量确定,适合模拟实测系列较短或是无观测流域的水文过程;4)对于目前国际水文界的前沿问题—水文尺度转换提供了一种有效的解决途径。 然而分布式水文模型还不完善,如1)真实性问题。对一些水文过程和边界条件还不确定。2)尺度转换问题。目前很少考虑尺度对参数有效性的影响。3)检验问题。还无法判断对有些难以测量的水文状态变量的模拟正确与否。4)计算时间和数据存储的问题。有些分布式水文模型虽然具有很强的水文物理基础和完善的模型结构,但是计算时间过长和(或)数据存储过大,难以应用。上述问题的核心就是对分布式水文模型的核心—单元水文模型的研究不够,需要为进一步完善单元水文模型进行研究。 本文采用饱和入渗理论、Saint-Venant方程、Richards方程、Penman-Monteith方程等等构建了以有限差分法求解的适用于森林流域的单元水文模型,并通过实验室模拟试验和坡地径流场资料进行了验证,主要结论为: 通过不同坡度和不同雨强下的室内坡面产汇流实验模拟,表明:该模型模拟的坡面流和壤中流过程与实测过程基本一致,峰现时间、径流历时、峰值流量、出流总量模拟值与实测值的相对误差均较小,基本小于10%。模型的模拟精度较高,实用性较强,为深入研究壤中流机制和改进流域降雨-径流模型提供了理论依据。 通过坡地径流观测场实测资料的验证,表明:该模型模拟的坡面流过程精度较高,累计流量的精度更高于小时过程的精度,离差系数、效率系数、确定系数均较理想,具有应用价值,有助于改善分布式水文模型在森林流域的模拟效果。


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The LPT (Lanzhou Penning Trap) is under construction and its task is to perforin direct mass measurement of fusion-evaporation residue, and if possible for heavy isotopes. Detailed simulations have been clone for a good understanding to the ion's movement and mechanics in the trap. The optimizal ion of the LPT is also performed based on the simulation. With a scale of 0.5 mm per grid used in the, simulation and many other limitations a highest mass resolution has been achieved to be 1.9 x 10(-5). An unexpected behavioin in the simulation related to magnetron motion has been found.


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The Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP at GSI Darmstadt allows accurate mass measurements of radionuclides, produced in fusion-evaporation reactions and separated by the velocity filter SHIP from the primary beam. Recently, the masses of the three nobelium isotopes No252-254 were determined. These are the first direct mass measurements of transuranium elements, which provide new anchor points in this region. The heavy nuclides were produced in cold-fusion reactions by irradiating a PbS target with a Ca-48 beam, resulting in production rates of the nuclei of interest of about one atom per second. In combination with data from decay spectroscopy our results are used to perform a new atomic-mass evaluation in this region.


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A Penning trap system called Lanzhou Penning Trap (LPT) is now being developed for precise mass measurements at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). One of the key components is a 7 T actively shielded superconducting magnet with a clear warm bore of 156 mm. The required field homogeneity is 3 x 10(-7) over two 1 cubic centimeter volumes lying 220 mm apart along the magnet axis. We introduce a two-step method which combines linear programming and a nonlinear optimization algorithm for designing the multi-section superconducting magnet. This method is fast and flexible for handling arbitrary shaped homogeneous volumes and coils. With the help of this method an optimal design for the LPT superconducting magnet has been obtained.


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A penning trap system called LPT (LANZHOU PENNING TRAP) is now being developed for precise mass measurements in IMP (Institute of Modern Physics). The most key component of LPT is a superconducting magnet. A Phi 156 mm warm bore and two cylinder good field regions with a distance of 220 mm are required for trapping ions and measurements. As the required homogeneity is better than 0.5 ppm, several complicated coaxial coils are used to produce such a magnetic field. The size and position of these coils are optimized by using a method combining linear program with multiobjective optimization. Superconducting shim coils and passive shim pieces are used to eliminate inevitable winding tolerances and environmental influence. The fringe field is decreased to 5 Gs at 2 m line from the center of the magnet by active shielding coils. The designs of the mechanical structure, the quench protection system are also introduced in this paper.


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Since protein phosphorylation is a dominant mechanism of information transfer in cells, there is a great need for methods capable of accurately elucidating sites of phosphorylation. In recent years mass spectrometry has become an increasingly viable alternative to more traditional methods of phosphorylation analysis. The present study used immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC coupled with a linear ion trap mass spectrometer to analyze phosphorylated proteins in mouse liver. A total of 26 peptide sequences defining 26 sites of phosphorylation were determined. Although this number of identified phosphoproteins is not large, the approach is still of interest because a series of conservative criteria were adopted in data analysis. We note that, although the binding of non-phosphorylated peptides to the IMAC column was apparent, the improvements in high-speed scanning and quality of MS/MS spectra provided by the linear ion trap contributed to the phosphoprotein identification. Further analysis demonstrated that MS/MS/MS analysis was necessary to exclude the false-positive matches resulting from the MS/MS experiments, especially for multiphosphorylated peptides. The use of the linear ion trap considerably enabled exploitation of nanoflow-HPLC/MS/MS, and in addition MS/MS/MS has great potential in phosphoproteome research of relatively complex samples. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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A method for calibration of an audio-frequency (AF) ion trap mass spectrometer is described. The method is proposed to surmount the obstacle that there is a lack of a proper calibrant for mass spectrometers in the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) range of 10(6) to 10(10). To calibrate such mass spectra, we determine the point of ejection, q(eject), on the stability diagram of the ion trap operated in a mass-selective axial instability mode. This is accomplished by measuring the radial secular frequencies (and therefore, the m/z value) of a single trapped particle using a light scattering method, followed by monitoring the action of particle ejection in real time to obtain the q(eject). A delayed ejection with q(eject) = 0.949 +/- 0.004 is found at a trap driving frequency of Ohm/2pi = 200-600Hz. Theoretical analysis for the origin of the delayed ejection indicates that the delay is predominantly resulted from the existence of multipole components in the fields due to trap imperfections. Inclusion of -3% of the octopole with respect to the basic quadrupole field can satisfactorily account for our observations. An m/z accuracy approaching 0.1% is attainable after proper calibration of the AF ion trap mass spectrometer. (Int J Mass Spectrom 214 (2002) 63-73) (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.