62 resultados para Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency


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The electrooxidation polymerization of azure B on screen-printed carbon electrodes in neutral phosphate buffer was studied. The poly(azure B) modified electrodes exhibited excellent electrocatalysis and stability for dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidation in phosphate buffer (pH 6.9), with an overpotential of more than 400 mV lower than that at the bare electrodes. Different techniques, including cyclic voltammetry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been employed to characterize the poly (azure B) film. Furthermore, the modified screen-printed carbon electrodes were found to be promising as an amperometric detector for the flow injection analysis (FIA) of NADH, typically with a dynamic range of 0.5 muM to 100 muM.


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A new electrogenerated chemiluminescence biosensor was fabricated by immobilizing ECL reagent Ru(bPY)(3)(2+) and alcohol dehydrogenase in sol-gel/chitosan/poly(sodium 4-styrene sulfonate) (PSS) organically modified composite material. The component PSS was used to immobilize ECL reagent Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) by ion-exchange, while the addition of chitosan was to prevent the cracking of conventional sol-gel-derived glasses and provide biocompatible microenvironment for alcohol dehydrogenase. Such biosensor combined enzymatic selectivity with the sensitivity of ECL detection for quantification of enzyme substrate and it was much simpler than previous double-layer design. The detection limit was 9.3 x 10(-6) M for alcohol (S/N = 3) with a linear range from 2.79 x 10(-5) to 5.78 x 10(-2) M. With ECL detection, the biosensor exhibited wide linear range, high sensitivity and good stability.


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An organic-inorganic hybrid molybdenum phosphate, Na-2[{Mn(phen)(2)(H2O)} {Mn(phen)(2)}(3){(MnMo12O24)-O-v (HPO4)(6)(PO4)(2) (OH)(6)}] . 4H(2)O (phen=1,10-phenanthroline), involving molybdenum present in V oxidation state and covalently bonded transition metal coordination complexes, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Deep brown-red crystals are formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a=16.581(l)Angstrom, b=18.354(1)Angstrom, c=24.485(2)Angstrom, alpha=80.589(l)degrees, beta=71.279(1)degrees, gamma=67.084(1)degrees, V=6493.8(8)Angstrom(3), Z=2, lambda(MoKalpha)=0.71073Angstrom (R(F)=0.0686 for 29,053 reflections). Data were collected on a Bruker Smart Apex CCD diffractometer at 293 K in the range of 1.76 < theta < 28.06degrees using omega-2theta scans technique. The structure of the title compound may be considered to be based on {Mo6O12(HPO4)(3)(PO4)(OH)(3)} units bonded together with {Mn(phen)(2)} subunits into a two-dimensional network. Two types of tunnels are observed in the solid of the title compound.


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A novel amperometric biosensor utilizing two enzymes, glucose oxidase (GOD) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP), was developed for the cathodic detection of glucose. The glucose biosensor was constructed by electrochemical formation of a polypyrrole (PPy) membrane in the presence of GOD on the surface of a HRP-modified sol-gel derived-mediated ceramic carbon electrode. Ferrocenecarboxylic acid (FCA) was used as mediator to transfer electron between enzyme and electrode. In the hetero-bilayer configuration of electrode, all enzymes were well immobilized in electrode matrices and showed favorable enzymatic activities. The amperometric detection of glucose was carried out at +0.16 V (versus saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE)) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.9) with a linear response range between 8.0 x 10(-5) and 1.3 x 10(-3) M glucose. The biosensor showed a good suppression of interference in the amperometric detection.


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A novel amperometric glucose biosensor was constructed by electrochemical formation of a polypyrrole (PPy) membrane in the presence of glucose oxidase (GOD) on the surface of a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) modified ferrocenecarboxylic acid (FCA) mediated sol-gel derived ceramic carbon electrode. The amperometric detection of glucose was carried out at +0.16 V (vs. SCE) in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer solution (pH 6.9) with a linear response range between 8.0x10(-5) and 1.3x10(-3) mol/L of glucose. The biosensor showed a good suppression of interference and a negligible deviation in the amperometric detection.


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A manganese molybdenum phosphate, (NH3CH2CH2NH3)(10)(H3O)(3)(H5O)Na-2[MnMo12O24(OH)(6) (PO4)(4)(PO3OH)(4)][MnMo12O24 (OH)(6)(PO4)(6)(PO3OH)(2)]. 9H(2)O, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The structure of this compound may be considered to be two [Mo6O12(OH)(3)(PO4)(2)(HPO4)(2)](7-) units bonded together by a manganese atom, although several P-O groups are not protonated on account of coordination to a Na+ cation. One-dimensional tunnels were formed in the solid. A probe reaction of the oxidation of acetaldehyde with H2O2 using this compound as catalyst was carried out in a liquid-solid system, showing that the manganese molybdenum phosphate has high catalytic activity in the reaction.


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The integrated absorption cross section Sigma(abs), I peak emission cross section sigma(cmi), Judd-Ofeld intensity parameters Omega(iota) ( t = 2,4,6), and spontaneous emission probability A(R) of Er3+ ions were determined for Erbium doped alkali and alkaline earth phosphate glasses. It is found the compositional dependence of sigma(emi) 5 almost similar to that of Sigma(abs), which is determined by the sum, of Omega(1) (3 Omega(2) + 10 Omega(4) + 21 Omega(6)). In addition, the compositional dependence of Omega(1) was studied in these glass systems. As a result, compared with. Omega(4) and Omega(6) the Omega(2) has a stronger compositional dependence on the ionic radius and content of modifers. The covalency of Er-O bonds in phosphate glass is weaker than that in silicate glass, germanate glass, aluminate glass, and tellurate glass, since Omega(6) of phosphate glass is relatively large. A(R) is affected by the covalency of the Er3+ ion sites and corresponds to the Omega(6) value.


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A waveguide amplifier is fabricated by Ag+-Na+ two-step ion exchange on Er/Yb-doped phosphate glass. The spectroscopic performance of glass and the properties of channel waveguide are characterized. A double-pass configuration is adopted to measure the gain and noise figure (NF) of the waveguide amplifier, and the comparison of gain and NF for the single and double-pass configuration of the waveguide amplifier is presented. The results show that the double-pass configuration can make the gain increase from 8.8dB (net gain 2.2dB/cm) of the single-pass one to 14.6 dB (net gain 3.65 dB/cm) for small input power at 1534 nm, and the NF are all lower than 5.5dB for both the configurations.


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We report refractive index change in a femtosecond laser irradiated Nd3+-doped phosphate glass. The effects of annealing temperature on the refractive index change of the glass have been investigated. Absorption spectra of the glass sample before and after femtosecond laser irradiation and subsequent annealing were measured. The results indicate that multiphoton absorption can undertake although there are intrinsic absorption for the glass in irradiation wavelength. The results may be useful for fabrication of three-dimensional integrated optics devices and waveguide laser devices in this glass. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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磷脂酰甘油(PG)是植物类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂,在它的sn-2位上总是连着一个棕榈酸(16:0)或反式十六碳烯酸(16:1 trans)。由于PG的分子结构独特,对它的功能已有了很多研究,目前认为PG在维持类囊体膜的结构与功能方面具有非常重要的作用。缺磷胁迫下,蓝藻、衣藻及拟南芥、大麦等物种中均检测到了PG含量的下降。对这一现象的常见解释是缺磷导致了PG生物合成受阻,从而引起了其含量的降低。但迄今为止尚没有试验证据支持。本研究比较了缺磷对不同叶龄的小麦与烟草叶片中PG含量与PG水解酶的活性的影响,同时对缺磷叶片酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物、几种磷脂酶抑制剂对上述酶反应的影响等进行了研究,以阐明缺磷条件下叶片中PG含量下降的主要原 因。 缺磷小麦第一叶完全展开时,PG含量与PG水解酶活性均与对照相似;而第三叶完全展开时,尽管缺磷第三叶中PG水解酶活性也与对照相似,但其PG含量低于对照。这一结果表明,在小麦叶片完全展开之前,缺磷条件未影响叶片中的PG水解酶活性,第三叶中较低的PG含量应由PG的生物合成受阻引起。并且,由于缺磷植株第一叶完全展开时PG含量未受影响而第三叶中却表现出了轻微降低,可以推测叶片萌发越晚,PG生物合成受到的抑制就会越严重。 为了研究叶片衰老过程中PG含量下降的原因,我们比较了6,10,14与18日龄时缺磷与对照小麦植株第一叶中PG的相对含量与PG水解酶活性。研究发现:6日龄时,刚刚完全展开的缺磷和对照小麦第一叶中无论是PG含量还是PG水解酶活性都较为相似;而随着叶片的逐渐衰老,缺磷植株第一叶中PG含量大幅度下降,同时伴随着PG水解酶活性的急剧上升。18日龄时,缺磷小麦第一叶中的PG含量较对照降低了69.1%,其PG水解酶活性也远高于对照,37ºC下温育30min后,缺磷叶片的酶粗提液使外源PG含量降低了74.16%,而对照中只降低了13.7%。上述结果表明,缺磷条件下,小麦叶片中PG含量降低的程度与PG水解酶活性的强弱密切相关,PG水解加剧是导致老叶中PG含量降低的一个重要原因。 磷脂酶是水解磷脂的主要酶类。目前在植物体中发现的磷脂酶种类主要有磷脂酶D(PLD)、磷脂酶C(PLC)与磷脂酶A(PLA)。通过薄层层析(TLC),我们发现缺磷小麦叶片的酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物是磷脂酸(PA)、二脂酰甘油(DAG)与游离脂肪酸(FFA)。将n-丁醇加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系中后,观察到PA、DAG与FFA的生成量均表现出一定程度的降低。由于n-丁醇是PA经PLD途径生成的抑制剂,因此,上述结果表明PLD参与了缺磷条件下小麦叶片中PG的水解。硫酸新霉素是PLC的非特异性抑制剂,低浓度的硫酸新霉素(100μM 和 200μM )加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系后,三种产物的生成受到了严重抑制,表明PLC也与缺磷叶片中PG的降解密切相关。 为了进一步分析缺磷导致PG含量降低的原因,我们以烟草为试验材料,检测了缺磷胁迫对烟草嫩叶和老叶中的PG含量、PG水解酶活性、与PG降解相关的酶的种类及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ与PAT-1基因在mRNA上表达水平的的影响。结果表明,缺磷烟草叶片中PG含量的降低由PG生物合成受阻与PG降解加剧共同导致,PLC和PLD活性与烟草叶片中PG的降解有关。缺磷植株老叶中PG水解酶活性及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ基因在mRNA水平上的表达量均高于对照,表明在磷胁迫条件下,老叶中PG水解酶活性可能受到转录水平上的调节, PLC、PLDα、PLDβ转录活性的增强导致了PLC、PLD活性加强,从而引起PG降解的加剧,最终导致了PG含量的降低。与PLC、PLDα和PLDβ不同,缺磷胁迫对patatin蛋白(表现PLA2活性)的编码基因PAT-1在转录水平上的表达无影响,TLC分析PG的水解产物也未检测到溶血磷脂酰甘油(LPG)的生成。由此可见,PLA活性可能与缺磷条件下PG的降解无关。


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磷缺乏已成为制约世界农业生产的重要因子。植物根系的大小和形态是决定植物吸收土壤磷能力的重要因素,而且根系的生长发育与磷素的分布及其有效性密切相关。关于磷酸盐调节植物根系生长研究已有很多报道,但其生理和分子机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮 (NO) 是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与调控植物的生长发育和对多种逆境胁迫的应答反应。本文选用拟南芥为实验材料,研究探讨了NO与缺磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态变化之间的关系,主要结果如下: 用正常磷水平 (1 mM) 和低磷水平 (1 µM) 处理拟南芥幼苗,发现低磷抑制主根伸长,刺激侧根发生。外源NO供体销普纳 (SNP) 也抑制主根、刺激侧根生长,与低磷诱导根系形态变化相似。NO清除剂c-PTIO和一氧化氮合成酶 (NOS)抑制剂L-NNA均可部分减缓由低磷引起的对主根生长的抑制和对侧根的刺激作用。暗示低磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态的变化可能与NO含量的降低有关。 利用NO荧光标记物DAF-FM和激光共聚焦显微成像技术,本研究发现缺磷6 h和24 h后根细胞内源NO含量显著增加,而且NOS 抑制剂能减少低磷诱导的根细胞NO含量的增加。与正常供磷处理相比,低磷处理6 h和24 h,拟南芥根中编码与NO合成相关的基因(AtNOA1)的表达量增加,缺磷24 h后根中NOS酶活性升高。为了明确低磷诱导的NO 增加是否与硝酸还原酶(NR)介导的NO合成有关,本论文进一步研究了低磷对拟南芥硝酸还原酶活性和编码NR基因 (AtNR1和AtNR2)表达的影响。研究发现低磷处理6 h和24 h后和AtNR1和AtNR2基因的表达均没有变化,且蛭石中生长的拟南芥缺磷1个月后NR活性也没有发生变化;拟南芥的NR双突变体nia1,nia2在低磷处理24 h后,其根中的内源NO含量表现出与野生型相同的增加。因此这些研究结果表明,缺磷后拟南芥根细胞NO的含量增加主要由于NOS的活性升高,而与NR介导的NO合成无关。 已有资料表明低磷诱导植物根细胞内源过氧化氢(H2O2)分布和含量的变化。本论文研究了低磷处理对用H2O2标记物CM-H2DCFDA标记不同磷处理下的拟南芥根中的H2O2。研究发现,缺磷6 h根中H2O2的分布无明显变化,缺磷24 h后H2O2呈斑块状分布,且多集中在根尖伸长区。缺磷24 h后,叶片中的抗氧化保护酶—超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性没有明显变化。说明缺磷24 h 后产生的H2O2没有引起氧化胁迫,而是作为一种信号分子,与NO相互作用共同介导低磷胁迫的应答反应。关于NO与H2O2在低磷诱导的根形态变化中的信号转导过程还有待进一步研究。


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The physiological differences for three bloom-forming cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) were investigated. In comparison with M. aeruginosa and A. flos-aquae, C. raciborskii exhibited a significantly higher concentration of carotenoids, higher values in maximum photosynthesis rate (P-m), apparent photosynthetic efficieny (a), and maximum electron transport rate (ETRmax) during the growth period. In addition, higher extracellular alkaline phosphatase activities and lower light compensation point (I-c) were also detected in C raciborskii (p < 0.05, ANOVA). Therefore, it is suggested that the higher photosynthetic activities, more effective uptake and utilization to phosphate, and low light requirements might play important roles in the occurrence and invasive behavior of C. raciborskii. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Arsenic pollution and eutrophication are both prominent issues in the aquaculture ponds of Taiwan. It is important to study the effects of arsenic on algal growth and toxin production in order to assess the ecological risk of arsenic pollution, or at least to understand naturally occurring ponds. The sensitivity of algae to arsenate has often been linked to the structural similarities between arsenate and phosphate. Thus, in this study we examined the effects of arsenate (10(-8) to 10(-4) M) on Microcystis aeruginosa TY-1 isolated from Taiwan, under two phosphate regimes. The present study showed that M. aeruginosa TY-1 was arsenate tolerant up to 10(-4) M, and that this tolerance was not affected by extracellular phosphate. However, it seems that extracellular phosphate contributed to microcystin production and leakage by M. aeruginosa in response to arsenate. Under normal phosphate conditions, total toxin yields after arsenate treatment followed a typical inverted U-shape hormesis, with a peak value of 2.25 +/- 0.06 mg L-1 in the presence of 10(-7) M arsenate, whereas 10(-8) to 10(-6) M arsenate increased leakage of similar to 75% microcystin. Under phosphate starvation, total toxin yields were not affected by arsenate, while 10(-6) and 10(-5) M arsenate stimulated microcystin leakage. It is suggested that arsenate may play a role in the process of microcystin biosynthesis and excretion. Given the arsenic concentrations in aquaculture ponds in Taiwan, arsenate favors survival of toxic M. aeruginosa in such ponds, and arsenate-stimulated microcystin production and leakage may have an impact on the food chain.