26 resultados para Global Positioning System.


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为解决深海复杂环境下采用水声定位系统实现水下机器人位置控制所带来的反馈信号延迟问题 ,提出了基于 USBL/Doppler的水下机器人位置估计算法 .文中首先根据导航系统确定卡尔曼滤波器结构并建立了系统的状态方程和观测方程 ,同时 ,为了提高估计精度 ,引入自适应卡尔曼滤波理论 ,以降低系统对环境和初始噪声估计精度的敏感性 .最后通过数字仿真验证了算法的有效性 ,并给出了结论


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动力定位 (DynamicPositioning(DP) )技术是水下机器人的关键技术之一。因此针对当前动力定位主要在缆控水下机器人 (ROV)中应用的情况 ,给出了ROV动力定位技术的实施方法。通过声学定位技术确定ROV的坐标 ,计算出与期望位姿的差 ,将其作为神经网络控制器的输入量来控制ROV ,从而进行动力定位。同时还重点研究了ROV动力定位中的主要研究内容即水声定位技术和定位控制技术的构建。


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本文介绍了我们研制开发的一种用于自主移动机器人的激光全局定位系统 ,重点描述了该系统的硬件结构和工作原理 ,介绍分析了定位算法 .文章最后介绍了该定位系统在实验室条件下所进行的实验 .实验结果表明 :该系统具有较高的定位精度和抗干扰能力 ,是自主移动机器人理想的定位工具 .


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The Indian monsoon, an integral part of the global climate system, has been extensively investigated during the past decades. Most of the proxy records are derived from marine sediments and focused on time periods of the late Miocene and Pleistocene. The Pliocene represents a period when Earth’s boundary conditions underwent dramatic changes. However, variations of the Indian monsoon during the Pliocene and its forcing mechanisms have remained unclear. The Yuanmou Basin, located in the region of the Indian monsoon, provides an ideal target for understanding the Pliocene history of Indian monsoon variations. Detailed investigations on the lithostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and limnology of a 650-m-thick fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary sequence from the basin are carried out in the present study. The clay and clay-plus-fine-silt fractions of the sediments are referred to the midlake-facies components, and changes in the percentages of both fractions generally reflect changes in the water level of the lakes developed in the basin closely related to variations in the intensity of the Indian monsoon. Whereas the greenish-gray lacustrine mud beds represent the environment of deep-water lakes, and the frequency of individual lacustrine mud beds is considered to indicate the frequency of the deep-water lakes developed in the basin associated with the variability of the Indian monsoon. The proxy data suggest that the Indian monsoon experienced abrupt shifts at 3.53, 3.14, 2.78 and 2.42 Ma, respectivey. 1) Since 3.53 Ma, the midlake-facies components displayed a general trend of increase in the concentrations, accompanied by an increase in the sedimentation rate from an average ~10 to 25 cm ka–1. The data suggest that high stands of the lakes in the basin rose progressively, implying a gradual intensification of the Indian monsoon since that time. This shift occurred coeval with the accelerated uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau, denoting a close link between the Indian monsoon strengthening and the Tibetan Plateau uplifting. 2) 2.78 Ma ago, the concentrations of the midlake-facies components decreased abruptly and the dominant fraction of the sediments turned to fluvial sands. The data indicate that lakes in the basin disappeared, reflecting a dramatic decline in the intensity of the Indian monsoon at that time. This shift coincided with the formation of extensive Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, implying a quick response of the low-latitude monsoon regime to the high-latitude glaciation. 3) At 3.14 Ma, the initial appearance of blackish-grey mud beds with long durations and occasional occurrences of lacustrine mud beds indicate that the basin was overall dominated by shallow lakes, implying a shift to decreased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. At 2.42 Ma, an increase in the frequency and a decrease in the duration of the lacustrine mud beds suggest that deep-water lakes were frequently developed in the basin, denoting a shift to increased variability of the Indian monsoon at that time. The former shift coincides with the onset of large-scale glaciation in the circum Atlantic region and the latter corresponds to the inception of predominance of the 41 ka periodicity in Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet cover fluctuations, presumably suggesting a physical link between the Indian monsoon system and the high-latitude ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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In this dissertation, we investigated two types of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)/gravity waves (GWs) triggered separately by auroral energy input during super geomagnetic storms and solar terminator (ST) under quiet geomagnetic conditions (kp<3+) using TEC measurements from the global network of GPS receivers. Research into the generation and propagation of TIDs/GWs during storms greatly enhance our understandings on the evolution processes of energy transportation from the high-latitude’s magnetosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere and the conjugated effect of TIDs propagation between the northern and southern hemispheres. Our results revealed that the conjugacy of propagation direction between the northern and southern hemispheres was subject to the influence of Coriolis force. We also figure out the evolution processes of ionospheric disturbances at the global scale. These are important topics that had not been well addressed previously. In addition, we also obtained thee wave structures of medium scale TIDs excited by the solar terminator (ST) moving over the northern America and physical mechanisms involved. Our observations confirm that the ST is a stable and repetitive source of ionospheric wave disturbances and the evidence of solar terminator generated disturbances has been demonstrated experimentally via the GPS TEC measurement. The main researches and results of this dissertation are as follows. First, the global traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the drastic magnetic storms of October 29–31, 2003 were analyzed using the Global Position System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) data observed in the Asian-Australian, European and North American sectors. We collected the most comprehensive set of the TEC data from more than 900 GPS stations on the International GNSS Services (IGS) website and introduce here a strategy that combines polynomial fitting and multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to obtain TID parameters. Moreover, in collaboration with my thesis advisor, I have developed an imaging technique of 2-dimensional map of TIDs structures to obtain spatial and temporal maps of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs). The clear structures of TEC perturbations map during the passage of TIDs were displayed. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) Large-scale TIDs (LSTIDs) and medium-scale TIDs (MSTIDs) were detected in all three sectors after the sudden commencement (SC) of the magnetic storm, and their features showed longitudinal and latitudinal dependences. The duration of TIDs was longer at higher latitudes than at middle latitudes, with a maximum of about 16 h. The TEC variation amplitude of LSTIDs was larger in the North American sector than in the two other sectors. At the lower latitudes, the ionospheric perturbations were more complicated, and their duration and amplitude were relatively longer and larger. (2) The periods and phase speeds of TIDs were different in these three sectors. In Europe, the TIDs propagated southward; in North America and Asia, the TIDs propagated southwestward; in the near-equator region, the disturbances propagated with the azimuth (the angle of the propagation direction of the LSTIDs measured clockwise from due north with 0°) of 210° showing the influence of Coriolis force; in the Southern Hemisphere, the LSTIDs propagated conjugatedly northwestward. Both the southwestward and northeastward propagating LSTIDs are found in the equatorial region. These results mean that the Coriolis effect cannot be ignored for the wave propagation of LSTIDs and that the propagation direction is correlated with the polar magnetic activity. (3) The day (day of year: 301) before the SC (sudden commencement) of magnetic storm, we observed a sudden TEC skip disturbances (±10 TECU). It should be a response for the high flux of proton during the solar flare event, but not the magnetic storms. Next, the most comprehensive and dense GPS network’s data from North-America region were used in this paper to analyze the medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) which were generated by the moving solar terminator during the quiet days in 2005. We applied the multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to calculated TID parameters, and found that the occurrence of ST-MSTIDs depends on the seasonal variations. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) MSTIDs stimulated by the moving ST (ST-MSTIDs) are detected at mid-latitudes after the passage of the solar terminator with the life time of 2~3 hours and the variation amplitude of 0.2~0.8 TECU. Spectral analysis indicated that the horizontal wavelength, average period, horizontal phase velocity of the MSTIDs are around 300±150 km,150±80 m/s and 25±15 min, respectively. In addition, ST-MSTIDs have wave fronts elongating the moving ST direction and almost parallel to ST. (2) The statistical results demonstrate that the dusk MSTIDs stimulated by ST is more obvious than the dawn MSTIDs in summer. On the contrary, the more-pronounced dawn MSTIDs occurs in winter. (3) Further analysis indicates that the seasonal variations of ST-MSTIDs occurrence frequency are most probably related to the seasonal differences of the variations of EUV flux in the ionosphere region and recombination process during sunrise and sunset period at mid-latitudes. Statistical study of occurrence characteristics of TIDs using the GPS network in North-American and European during solar maximum, In conclusion, statistical studies of the propagation characteristics of TIDs, which excited by the two common origins including geomagnetic storms and moving solar terminator, were involved with global GPS TEC databasein this thesis. We employed the multichannel maximum entropy spectral analysis method to diagnose the characteristics of propagation and evolvement of ionospheric disturbances, also, the characteristics of their regional distribution and climatological variations were revealed by the statistic analysis. The results of these studies can improve our knowledge about the energy transfer in the solar-terrestrial system and the coupling process between upper and lower atmosphere (thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere). On the other hand, our results of the investigation on TIDs generated by particular linear origin such as ST are important for developing ionospheric irregularity physics and modeling the transionosphere radio wave propagation. Besides, the GPS TEC representation of the ST-generated ionospheric structure suggests a better possibility for investigating this phenomenon. Subsequently, there are scientific meaning of the result of this dissertation to deeply discuss the energy transfer and coupling in the ionosphere, as well as realistic value to space weather forecast in the ionosphere region.


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The velocity field is important to investigate the motion and strain parameters of the block. It is also important to investigate the deformation of the fault, for example, the accumulation of strain and stress, at the boundary of the block. The dislocation model is a classic method to simulate the velocity field. In dislocation model, the aseismic crustal deformation is regarded as the sum of the rigid block motion and the effect of the locked fault. We modify the dislocation model in two aspects. Firstly, the block motion is assumed to be the sum of rotation and linear strain rather than the rigid motion. Secondly, the elastic layered-earth model rather than the homogenous half-space model is applied to calculate the effect of the locked part. The 1990~1995 annually Global Position System (GPS) velocity data of the Taiwan area are used in our dislocation model. The misfit of our modified model is smaller than that of the origin model clearly. Our simulation shows, in eastern Coastal Range, the velocity decreases northward rapidly from Chimei Fault, which may result from the high crustal compressive rate of about 30 mm•a-1 at Chimei Fault. The lock of fault in southern part is stronger than that in northern part generally. In western Taiwan, the most strongly locked faults appear in the southern Coastal Plain where many disaster earthquakes occur frequently. The calculated strain and rotation rates consist with previous results in most areas. The strain rate field reveals the nearly NW-SE compression in most parts of Taiwan with a fan-shaped distribution. The rotation rate field reveals anticlockwise rotation in eastern and southern Taiwan while clockwise rotation in western and northern Taiwan, generally.


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This paper discusses the Klein–Gordon–Zakharov system with different-degree nonlinearities in two and three space dimensions. Firstly, we prove the existence of standing wave with ground state by applying an intricate variational argument. Next, by introducing an auxiliary functional and an equivalent minimization problem, we obtain two invariant manifolds under the solution flow generated by the Cauchy problem to the aforementioned Klein–Gordon–Zakharov system. Furthermore, by constructing a type of constrained variational problem, utilizing the above two invariant manifolds as well as applying potential well argument and concavity method, we derive a sharp threshold for global existence and blowup. Then, combining the above results, we obtain two conclusions of how small the initial data are for the solution to exist globally by using dilation transformation. Finally, we prove a modified instability of standing wave to the system under study.