48 resultados para Ghost teeth


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This paper carries out the analysis of mechanics of a grip system of three-key-board hydraulic tongs developed for offshore oil pipe lines which has been successfully used in oil fields in China. The main improvement of this system is that a lever frame structure is used in the structural design, which reduces greatly the stresses of the major components of the oil pipe tongs. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation based on thirteen basic equations developed Show that the teeth board of the tongs is not easy to slip as frequently happens to other systems and is of higher reliability.


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The rapid evolution of nanotechnology appeals for the understanding of global response of nanoscale systems based on atomic interactions, hence necessitates novel, sophisticated, and physically based approaches to bridge the gaps between various length and time scales. In this paper, we propose a group of statistical thermodynamics methods for the simulations of nanoscale systems under quasi-static loading at finite temperature, that is, molecular statistical thermodynamics (MST) method, cluster statistical thermodynamics (CST) method, and the hybrid molecular/cluster statistical thermodynamics (HMCST) method. These methods, by treating atoms as oscillators and particles simultaneously, as well as clusters, comprise different spatial and temporal scales in a unified framework. One appealing feature of these methods is their "seamlessness" or consistency in the same underlying atomistic model in all regions consisting of atoms and clusters, and hence can avoid the ghost force in the simulation. On the other hand, compared with conventional MD simulations, their high computational efficiency appears very attractive, as manifested by the simulations of uniaxial compression and nanoindenation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Imitating a real tooth and the periodontal supporting tissues, we have established a 2D finite element model and carried out a numerical analysis based on the inhomogeneous and anisotropic (IA) stress-strain relation and strength model of dentin proposed in the preceding Parts I and II, and the conventional homogeneous and isotropic (III) model, respectively. Quite a few cases of loadings for a non-defected and a defected tooth are considered. The numerical results show that the stress level predicted by the IA model is remarkably higher than that by the III model, revealing that the effect of the dentin tubules should be taken into a serious consideration from the viewpoint of biomechanics.


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浸入边界法(Immersed Boundary Method)是计算流体力学中求解具有复杂、移动边界流动问题的一类有效途径,该方法在笛卡尔坐标系上离散求解流体控制方程,并通过在控制方程中添加相应源相来代表浸入边界。尽管浸入边界法借助其简单、高效的显著特点在计算流体力学应用中显示出极强的生命力,特别是针对复杂的实际流动及动边界流动问题有着无可比拟的优势,但仍有许多问题需要进一步的研究。 本论文基于浸入边界方法及多矩VSIAM3(Volume/Surface Integrated Average Multi-Moment Method)格式提出了一种不可压缩流体求解数值格式。不可压N-S方程使用VSIAM3格式进行法进行离散,引入浸入边界法处理复杂、移动流动边界条件,使用虚拟网格方法计算动量方程修正项,同时还考虑了对连续方程的修正。VSIAM3格式是一种基于多矩的有限体积法,在方程的离散中总是使用两种或两种以上的矩,如:VIA(Volume Integrated Average)和SIA(Surface Integrated Average)。而不同的矩在求解过程中依据不同形式的控制方程使用不同的离散方法进行更新。VSIAM3格式更多的局地自由度及同时使用交错网格和同位网格的特点使浸入边界法的实施更加便利、高效。研究中,浸入边界法不仅应用于处理动力边界条件,同样可以处理热动力边界条件。 研究中对大量经典算例进行了数值实验,包括一维线性初始问题、方腔流问题、二维绕静止及振荡圆柱流动、三维绕球流动及热对流问题等。数值结果同实验值及其它计算结果保持一致,该算法可准确、高效处理具有复杂、移动边界及存在热对流的不可压流动问题,为实际应用打下了基础。


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Point-particle based direct numerical simulation (PPDNS) has been a productive research tool for studying both single-particle and particle-pair statistics of inertial particles suspended in a turbulent carrier flow. Here we focus on its use in addressing particle-pair statistics relevant to the quantification of turbulent collision rate of inertial particles. PPDNS is particularly useful as the interaction of particles with small-scale (dissipative) turbulent motion of the carrier flow is mostly relevant. Furthermore, since the particle size may be much smaller than the Kolmogorov length of the background fluid turbulence, a large number of particles are needed to accumulate meaningful pair statistics. Starting from the relative simple Lagrangian tracking of so-called ghost particles, PPDNS has significantly advanced our theoretical understanding of the kinematic formulation of the turbulent geometric collision kernel by providing essential data on dynamic collision kernel, radial relative velocity, and radial distribution function. A recent extension of PPDNS is a hybrid direct numerical simulation (HDNS) approach in which the effect of local hydrodynamic interactions of particles is considered, allowing quantitative assessment of the enhancement of collision efficiency by fluid turbulence. Limitations and open issues in PPDNS and HDNS are discussed. Finally, on-going studies of turbulent collision of inertial particles using large-eddy simulations and particle- resolved simulations are briefly discussed.


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The masticatory apparatus for two endemic species of golden monkey in China, Rhinopithecus bieti and Rhinopithecus roxellana, were compared with those of macaques, Macaca and leaf monkeys, Presbytis. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that the two golden monkey species are distinct. Interspecies allometric analyses revealed that golden monkeys differ in their masticatory apparatus from both macaques and leaf monkeys. The prominent symphysial fusion, corpus, and sagittal condylar dimension of R. roxellana may produce efficient biting force on the incisal and posterior canine teeth, with the heavy reaction force barn on the temporomandibular joint. However, the well-developed bizygamatic width and mandibular height in R. bieti suggest that posterior canine function is similarly prominent in R. roxellana, while incisal function is not. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We describe a new species of stream-breeding frog of the genus Amolops, Amolops bellulus, from the mountainous region of Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, near the boundary between Yunnan and Myanmar. This species differs from all its congeners in a combination of morphological characteristics including the absence of a circummarginal groove at the tip of first finger, lack of a supratympanic fold, a white band along the upper jaw extending to shoulder, a black band starting from tip of snout along upper loreal region and extending to anterior flank of body, absence of a vocal sac, tympanum distinct and feebly concave, and the presence of vomerine teeth.


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Dental variation in the Chinese golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is here evaluated by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses. Allometric analyses indicate that canines and P3s are positively, but other dimensions negatively scaled to mandible and maxilla, and to body size. With the exception of the mesiodistal dimensions of I-1 and M-3, and the buccolingual dimension of Pq, mandibular dental variables show similar scaling relative to body size. Analysis of residuals shows that males have significantly larger canine, P-3 and buccolingual dimensions of the postcanine teeth (M-2 and M-3) than females. A significant difference in shape between the sexes is found in the buccolingual dimension of the upper teeth, but not in the mandible. Unlike the situation in some other species, Female golden monkeys do nor exhibit relatively larger postcanine teeth than males, in fact, the reverse is true, especially for M(2)s and M(3)s. The fact that most of the dental variables show low negative allometry to body size might be related a cold environment that has led to the development of larger body size with I-educed energy loss. When the raw data are examined by Discriminant Function Analysis the sexes are clearly distinguishable.


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Data regarding the sexual behavior of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were collected in 1998 in a one-male unit in captivity by all-occurrences sampling during the mating season. Before the present study, little was known about the sexual behavior of this species. This study showed that female solicitation is mainly expressed as "prostration plus glancing laterally" (PG) or "sitting plus head moving up and down" (HM), and male solicitation is exhibited by the "grunt bared-teeth display." The mount-to-ejaculation ratio was 5.2 on average, and single-mount ejaculations (SMEs) were observed in only 4.4% of mounts on days with at least one ejaculation. Therefore, the main copulatory pattern of this species is multiple-mount ejaculation (MME). Females initiated 72% of 18 ejaculatory mounts. Females initiated more ejaculatory mounts than non-ejaculatory ones. In general, the patterns of sexual behavior in this species are similar to those reported for other Colobines. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In order to examine the role of environmental factors affecting foliar morphology, we performed a case study of leaf morphological variation of Ranunculus natans found in the arid zone of northwest China. We found that foliar phenotypic variation differed significantly between populations. We described substantial positive correlations between altitude and leaf area (LA) as well as leaf perimeter (LP), and also between longitude and number of teeth, along with dissection index (DI). The pH, conductivity, and salinity of the environment caused a significant decrease in both LA and LP. Ranked in terms of their impacts on leaf morphology, the six selected factors were: altitude > pH > conductivity > salinity > longitude > latitude. We found that foliar morphological variations are functional responses to water-quantity factors (e.g., altitude and longitude at regional scales) and water-availability relation factors (e.g., pH, conductivity, and salinity at local scales), rather than to temperature-relation factors (latitude). Therefore, altitude and longitude, along with pH, conductivity, and salinity, are the main factors that significantly influence foliar morphology in the arid zone of China. We found that main factors played major roles in plant phenotypic plasticity in a complex ecosystem, although different combinations and interactions of environmental and geographical factors in each local environment may obscure the general trends in trait changes along environmental gradients.


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Piguetiella denticulata Liang & Xie, 1997 is redescribed based on the type series collected from the type locality, Songtao River, and streams of the Zhangjiajie Mountain in southwestern China, and specimens from several tributaries of the Yangtze River. This species is characterized by a large body size, the absence of eyespots and dorsal hair chaetae, the same size and shape of dorsal and ventral chaetae, the presence of 3-4 intermediate teeth on both ventral and dorsal chaetae, and an intestinal dilation in IX-X segments. The essential characteristics used to diagnose the genus are discussed and a key to the genus is provided.


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Laboratory and field investigations were conducted to study the food habit of Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) from first feeding through adult stage. Only fish larvae were consumed by Chinese perch larvae (2-21 days from hatching), and the presence of zooplankton did not have any significant effect on their survival rate. The ability of Chinese perch to feed on zooplankton is clearly limited by some innate factor. Instead of gill rakers, Chinese perch larvae have well-developed sharp teeth at the first feeding stage, and are well adapted to the piscivorous feeding habit unique to the larvae of Chinese perch, e.g. they bite and ingest the tails of other fish larvae. At the first feeding stage (2 days from hatching), daily rations were both very low, either in light or complete darkness. Although early-staged Chinese perch larvae (7-17 days from hatching) could feed in complete darkness, their daily rations were always significantly higher in light than in complete darkness. Late-staged Chinese perch larvae (21 days from hatching) were able to feed in complete darkness as well as in light, similar to the case of Chinese perch yearlings. Chinese perch yearlings (total length, 14-16 cm) consumed prey fish only and refused shrimp when visual cues were available (in light), but they consumed both prey when visual cues were not available (in complete darkness), suggesting that prey consumption by Chinese perch yearlings is affected by their sensory modality in predation. Both prey were found in the stomachs of similar-sized Chinese perch (total length, 14-32 cm) from their natural habitat, suggesting that shrimp are consumed by Chinese perch at night. Prey selection of Chinese perch with a length >38 cm, which consumed only fish in the field, appears to be based upon prey size instead of prey type. These results suggest that although environmental factors (e.g. light intensity) affect prey detection by Chinese perch, this fish is anatomically and behaviourally predisposed to prey on live fish from first feeding. This makes it a difficult fish to cultivate using conventional feeds.