67 resultados para Experimental observations


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A two-dimensional kinematic wave model was developed for simulating runoff generation and flow concentration on an experimental infiltrating hillslope receiving artificial rainfall. Experimental observations on runoff generation and flow concentration on irregular hillslopes showed that the topography of the slope surface controlled the direction and flow lines of overland flow. The model-simulated results satisfactorily compared with experimental observations. The erosive ability of the concentrated flow was found to mainly depend on the ratio of the width and depth of confluent grooves.


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formula for the thickness of a shear band formed in saturated soils under a simple shear or a combined stress state has been proposed. It is shown that the shear band thickness is dependent on the pore pressure properties of the material and the dilatancy rate, but is independent of the details of the combined stress state. This is in accordance with some separate experimental observations.


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Based on the fact that the concentration flowlines of overland flow depend on the surface landform of hillslope, a kinematic wave model was developed for simulating runoff generation and flow concentration caused by rainfall on hillslopes. The model-simulated results agree well with experimental observations. Applying the model to the practical case of Maoping slope, we obtained the characteristics of runoff generation and infiltration on the slope. Especially, the simulated results adequately reflected the confluent pattern of surface runoff, which offers a scientific foundation for designing the drainage engineering on the Maoping slope.


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This work is motivated by experimental observations that cells on stretched substrate exhibit different responses to static and dynamic loads. A model of focal adhesion that can consider the mechanics of stress fiber, adhesion bonds, and substrate was developed at the molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The stability of the cluster under dynamic load was studied by applying cyclic external strain on the substrate. We show that a threshold value of external strain amplitude exists beyond which the adhesion cluster disrupts quickly. In addition, our results show that the adhesion cluster is prone to losing stability under high-frequency loading, because the receptors and ligands cannot get enough contact time to form bonds due to the high-speed deformation of the substrate. At the same time, the viscoelastic stress fiber becomes rigid at high frequency, which leads to significant deformation of the bonds. Furthermore, we find that the stiffness and relaxation time of stress fibers play important roles in the stability of the adhesion cluster. The essence of this work is to connect the dynamics of the adhesion bonds (molecular level) with the cell's behavior during reorientation (cell level) through the mechanics of stress fiber. The predictions of the cluster model are consistent with experimental observations.


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Many experimental observations have shown that a single domain in a ferroelectric material switches by progressive movement of domain walls, driven by a combination of electric field and stress. The mechanism of the domain switch involves the following steps: initially, the domain has a uniform spontaneous polarization; new domains with the reverse polarization direction nucleate, mainly at the surface, and grow though the crystal thickness; the new domain expands sideways as a new domain continues to form; finally, the domain switch coalesces to complete the polarization reversal. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of the ferroelectric material and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of a ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total potential energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u(i), electric displacement D-i and volume fraction rho(I) of the domain switching for the variant I. The mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total potential energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion established by Hwang et al. [ 1]. Based on the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for determining the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. If the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each domain is prescribed, the unknown displacement and electric potential can be obtained based on the conventional finite element procedure. It is assumed that a domain switches if the reduction in potential energy exceeds a critical energy barrier. According to the experimental results, the energy barrier will strengthen when the volume fraction of the domain switching increases. The external mechanical and electric loads are increased step by step. The volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each element obtained from the last loading step is used as input to the constitutive equations. Then the strain and electric fields are calculated based on the conventional finite element procedure. The finite element analysis is carried out on the specimens subjected to uniaxial coupling stress and electric field. Numerical results and available experimental data are compared and discussed. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results.


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A recoverable plate impact testing technology has been developed for studying fracture mechanisms of mode II crack. With this technology, a single duration stress pulse with submicrosecond duration and high loading rates, up to 10(8) MPam(1/2)s(-1), can be produced. Dynamic failure tests of Hard-C 60# steel were carried out under asymmetrical impacting conditions with short stress-pulse loading. Experimental results show that the nucleation and growth of several microcracks ahead of the crack tip, and the interactions between them, induce unsteady crack growth. Failure mode transitions during crack growth, both from mode I crack to mode II and from brittle to ductile fracture, were observed. Based on experimental observations, a discontinuous crack growth model was established. Analysis of the crack growth mechanisms using our model shows that the shear crack extension is unsteady when the extending speed is between the Rayleigh wave speed c(R) and the shear wave speed c(S). However, when the crack advancing speed is beyond c(S), the crack grows at a steady intersonic speed approaching root 2c(S). It also shows that the transient mechanisms, such as nucleation, growth, interaction and coalescence among microcracks, make the main crack speed jump from subsonic to intersonic and the steady growth of all the subcracks causes the main crack to grow at a stable intersonic speed.


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The influence of the thermal residual stress on the deformation behavior of a composite has been analyzed with a new micromechanical method. The method is based on secant moduli approximation and a new homogenized effective stress to characterize the plastic state of the matrix. It is found that the generated thermal residual stresses after cooling and their influence on the subsequent deformation behavior depends significantly on the aspect ratio of the inclusions. With prolate inclusions, the presence of thermal residual stresses generate a higher compressive hardening curves of the composite, but it is reversed with oblate inclusions. For particle reinforced composite, thermal residual stresses induce a tensile hardening curve higher than the compressive one and this is in agreement with experimental observations. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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This paper presents the electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in plasma and the attenuation coefficients of the microwave in terms of the parameters n(e), v, w, L, w(b). The phi800 mm high temperature shock tube has been used to produce a uniform plasma. In order to get the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave through the plasma behind a shock wave, the microwave transmission has been used to measure the relative change of the wave power. The working frequency is f = (2 similar to 35) GHz (w = 2pif, wave length lambda = 15 cm similar to 8 mm). The electron density in the plasma is n(e) = (3 x 10(10) similar to 1 x 10(14)) cm(-3). The collision frequency v = (1 x 10(8) similar to 6 x 10(10)) Hz. The thickness of the plasma layer L = (2 similar to 80) cm. The electron circular frequency w(b) = eB(0)/m(e), magnetic flux density B-0 = (0 similar to 0.84) T. The experimental results show that when the plasma layer is thick (such as L/lambda greater than or equal to 10), the correlation between the attenuation coefficients of the electromagnetic waves and the parameters n(e), v, w, L determined from the measurements are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of electromagnetic wave propagations in the uniform infinite plasma. When the plasma layer is thin (such as when both L and lambda are of the same order), the theoretical results are only in a qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in the present parameter range, but the formula of the electromagnetic wave propagation theory in an uniform infinite plasma can not be used for quantitative computations of the correlation between the attenuation coefficients and the parameters n(e), v, w, L. In fact, if w < w(p), v(2) much less than w(2), the power attenuations K of the electromagnetic waves obtained from the measurements in the thin-layer plasma are much smaller than those of the theoretical predictions. On the other hand, if w > w(p), v(2) much less than w(2) (just v approximate to f), the measurements are much larger than the theoretical results. Also, we have measured the electromagnetic wave power attenuation value under the magnetic field and without a magnetic field. The result indicates that the value measured under the magnetic field shows a distinct improvement.


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The analytical expressions of the fractal dimensions for wetting and non-wetting phases for unsaturated porous media are derived and are found to be a function of porosity, maximum and minimum pore sizes as well as saturation. There is no empirical constant in the proposed fractal dimensions. It is also found that the fractal dimensions increase with porosity of a medium and are meaningful only in a certain range of saturation S-w, i.e. S-w > S-min for wetting phase and S-w < S-max for non-wetting phase at a given porosity, based on real porous media for requirements from both fractal theory and experimental observations. The present analysis of the fractal dimensions is verified to be consistent with the existing experimental observations and it makes possible to analyze the transport properties such as permeability, thermal dispersion in unsaturated porous media by fractal theory and technique.


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The critical excavation depth of a jointed rock slope is an important problem in rock engineering. This paper studies the critical excavation depth for two idealized jointed rock slopes by employing a face-to-face discrete element method (DEM). The DEM is based on the discontinuity analysis which can consider anisotropic and discontinuous deformations due to joints and their orientations. It uses four lump-points at each surface of rock blocks to describe their interactions. The relationship between the critical excavation depth D-s and the natural slope angle alpha, the joint inclination angle theta as well as the strength parameters of the joints c(r) ,phi(r) is analyzed, and the critical excavation depth obtained with this DEM and the limit equilibrium method (LEM) is compared. Furthermore, effects of joints on the failure modes are compared between DEM simulations and experimental observations. It is found that the DEM predicts a lower critical excavation depth than the LEM if the joint structures in the rock mass are not ignored.


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Fatigue testing was conducted using a kind of triangular isostress specimen to obtain the short-fatigue-crack behaviour of a weld low-carbon steel. The experimental results show that short cracks continuously initiate at slip bands within ferrite grain domains and the crack number per unit area gradually increases with increasing number of fatigue cycles. The dispersed short cracks possess an orientation preference, which is associated with the crystalline orientation of the relevant slip system. Based on the observed collective characteristics, computer modelling was carried out to simulate the evolution process of initiation, propagation and coalescence of short cracks. The simulation provides progressive displays which imitate the appearance of experimental observations. The results of simulation indicate that the crack path possesses a stable value of fractal dimension whereas the critical value of percolation covers a wide datum band, suggesting that the collective evolution process of short cracks is sensitive to the pattern of crack site distribution.


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Keller proposed that a building, a mechanical installation or a body wrapped bya layer of foam plastics may be an efficient means for protection from damage ofblast wave. However, the practical effect was beyond expectation. For example, agunner wearing the foam plastics-padded waistcoat was injured more seriously by theblast wave from a muzzle. Monti took the foam plastics as homogeneous two-phasemedium and analyzed it with the theory of dusty flow. The obtained results showthat the peak pressure behind the reflected shock wave from rigid wall with foamcoat exceeds obviously that without foam coat under the same condition. Gel'fand,Patz and Weaver made experimental observations by means of shock tubes and veri-


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The mechanical behavior of dual phase steel plates is affected by internal stresses created during martensite transformation. Analytical modelling of this effect is made by considering a unit cell made of martensite inclusion in a ferrite matrix. A large strain finite element analysis is then performed to obtain the plane stress deformation state. Displayed numerically are the development of the plastic zone and distribution of local state of stress and strain. Studied also are the shape configuration of the martensite (hard-phase) that influences the interfacial condition as related to stress transmission and damage. Internal stresses are found to enhance the global flow stress after yield initiation in the ferrite matrix. Good agreement is obtained between the analytical results and experimental observations.


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In order to understand the mechanism of the incipient spallation in rolled metals, a one dimensional statistical mode1 on evolution of microcracks in spallation was proposed. The crack length appears to be the fundamental variable in the statistical description. Two dynamic processes, crack nucleation and growth, were involved in the model of damage evolution. A simplified case was examined and preliminary correlation to experimental observations of spallation was made.


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The optoacoustic signal generated by pulsed 10.6 c infrared radiation incident upon a test cell filled with gaseous SF6 has been analyzed in detail. The effects ofm icroscopic energy transfer from the absorbing vibrational degrees of freedom, spontaneous emission, thermal conduction, and acoustic wave propagation are included. This complete treatment explains the experimental observations including a negative pressure response following irradiation at low gas pressure.