44 resultados para Endangered species


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The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), an endangered species in China, has received more protection in theory than in practice. Therefore it is on the very verge of extinction. The population of the species was estimated less than 2,000 individuals spread in 19 distinct groups. It was confirmed that the monkey was confined to the Yunling Mountain System, the area between the Yangtze River (Changjiang, aka Jinshajiang) to the east and the Mekong River (Lancangjiang) to the west. We further concluded that a lowland belt to the east, about 100 km long and 20 - 30 km wide was not suitable habitat for the monkeys, and appeared to serve as the natural ecogeologic barrier for the species. Our results indicated that the southern limit of the distribution was at Longma (26-degrees 14'N), and that the northern limit of the distribution was at Xiaochangdu (29-degrees 20'N). The distribution area of the species was substantially smaller than previously estimated. There were substantial ecological differences between the southern and northern parts of the species range. The monkey was found only in fir-larch forest.


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a rare and endangered species and also an important resource for the sturgeon aquaculture industry. SMART cDNA was synthesized from the hypothalamus of Chinese sturgeon, and the full-length cDNAs of two somatostatin (SS) genes were cloned and sequenced. The first cDNA (AsSS1) encodes a 116-amino acid protein that contains the SS14 sequence at its C-terminal extremity. AsSS1 shows high identity to that of human and other vertebrates. The second cDNA (AsSS2) encodes a 111-amino acid protein that contains the somatostatin variant [Pro(2)]-SS14 at its C-terminal extremity. Both the two SS mRNAs were expressed in brain and pituitary with different mRNA levels. But in peripheral tissues, AsSS2 was more widely distributed than AsSS1. High mRNA levels of AsSS2 were found in liver, kidney and heart, while low mRNA levels of AsSS2 were also detected in ovary. Throughout embryogenesis and early larval development only AsSS2 mRNAs were detected. Furthermore, in the hypothalamus of one to five year-old Chinese sturgeon, AsSS2 but not AsSS1 maintained stable expression. The mRNA distribution suggests that the Chinese sturgeon AsSS2 products play important physiological functions in adult fish as well as in cell growth and organ differentiation in embryo and larva development. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a rare and endangered species, and also an important resource for the sturgeon aquaculture industry. To understand molecular characterization of Chinese sturgeon gonadotropins (GTHs), we cloned the full-length cDNAs of gonadotropin subunits common alpha (GTH-alpha), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from a pituitary cDNA library of mature female. Two subtypes of GTH-alpha were identified. The nucleotide sequences of A. sinensis common alpha I (AsGTH-alpha I), common alpha II (AsGTH-alpha II), FSH beta (AsFSH beta) and LH beta (AsLH beta) subunit cDNAs are 345, 363, 387 and 414 bp in length, and encode mature peptides of 115, 121, 129 and 138 aa, respectively. Then, three polyclonal antibodies were prepared from the in vitro expressed AsGTH-alpha I, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta mature proteins, respectively. Significant expression differences were revealed between immature and mature sturgeon pituitaries. Western blot detection and immunofluoresence localization revealed the existence of three-gonadotropin subunits (AsGTH-alpha, AsFSH beta and AsLH beta) in mature sturgeon pituitaries, but only AsFSH beta was detected in immature individual pituitaries during early stages in the sturgeon life, and obvious difference was observed between males and females. In males, AsFSH beta was expressed in 4-year-old individuals, whereas in females, AsFSH beta was just expressed in 5-year-old individuals. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), a protected endangered species, is the sole freshwater subspecies of finless porpoise, living only in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, and its appended lakes. Its population has decreased sharply to 1,400 because of human activities, including environmental contamination. In the present study, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were determined in the blubber, liver, kidney, stomach, small intestine, and brains of five individual Yangtze finless porpoises collected from 1998 to 2004. The results showed PCB concentrations ranged from 0.06 to 1.89 mu g/g lipid weight in the organs and consisted mainly of penta-, hexa-. and decachlorinated biphenyls. The PBDE concentrations were between 5.32 and 72.76 ng/g lipid weight. Tetra-, penta-, and hexabrominated diphenyl ethers were the major homologues. The PCDD/F concentrations ranged from 65 to 1,563 pg/g lipid weight, and their predominant homologues were penta- and hexachlorinated dibenzofurans and hepta- and octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins. The hazard quotients (HQs) based on toxic equivalency were determined to be greater than one in all individuals for PCBs, for PCDD/Fs, and for PCBs and PCDD/Fs In addition, HQs would be higher if PBDEs were included. The results suggest that reduction of environmental contamination may contribute greatly to protecting this highly endangered species.


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We constructed a genomic DNA library for Lipotes vexillifer (L. vexillifer), the Baiji or Yangtze River dolphin, one of the most endangered mammals in the world. The library consists of 149,000 BAC clones, with an average insert size of 83 kb, representing approximately 3.4 haploid genome equivalents. PCR amplification of four known L. vexillifer genes yielded two to four positive clones each. To demonstrate the utility of this library, we isolated and sequenced the L. vexillifer alpha lactalbumin gene, which is a gene specific to mammals and one which has been widely used as molecular tool in phylogenetic analysis. We also end-sequenced 20 randomly selected clones, resulting in the identification of at least five new L. vexilliter genes, five SSR loci, and one SINE locus. These results suggest that this library is a valuable resource for candidate gene cloning, physical mapping, and genome sequencing of this important and threatened species.


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岷江柏(Cupressus chenggiana S. Y. Hu)是我国川甘地区特有的珍稀濒危乔木,一般生长在干旱的河谷区,在涵养水源和保护水 土等方面起着重要的作用。本文选择4个岷江柏种群,采用了野外调查和室内实验相结合的研究方法,调查岷江柏种群结实状况, 分析种子和球果形态特征,阐明种子发芽的基本特征,研究岷江柏种子贮藏过程中几个生理指标的动态变化特点,目的是为岷江柏 种苗繁育、自然更新能力评估以及珍稀濒危机制分析提供理论依据。研究得出如下结论:1.岷江柏球果呈椭球形,长为1.5~ 2.2cm,宽为1.5~1.9cm,质量为1.7~4.2g,球果鳞片数量为8~11片,球果内种子数量一般在40~70粒。岷江柏种子为椭圆形,长 为3.58~4.02mm,宽为3.10~3.15mm,厚为0.96~1.11mm,千粒重为3.1~3.5g。岷江柏的结实率很低,并且有显著的地理差异和 大小年差异。2. 岷江柏种子发芽温度范围是5℃~30℃,其中种子的适宜发芽温度范围是10℃~25℃。种子最适发芽温度随着贮藏 时间的增加而变化。在适宜温度范围内,种子发芽周期为20d。温度对种子的发芽势和T50有显著影响,对种子发芽率没有显著影响 ;光照有利于种子发芽;岷江柏种子的发芽特征是岷江柏保护种子资源、防止物种濒危的一种环境适应,有助于岷江柏种子提高发 芽率和幼苗的存活率。岷江柏种子是一种耐贮藏的正常性种子,在短期贮藏过程中,贮藏温度和种子含水量对于种子生理指标和种 子发芽没有显著影响。3. 岷江柏种子在短期贮藏过程中,千粒重没有显著变化;含水量都经历了先下降,再稳定的过程;粗脂肪 含量和可溶性糖含量逐渐降低;可溶性蛋白含量和丙二醛含量逐渐增加;脯氨酸含量在贮藏1~7个月时变化差异不明显,但是贮藏 7~10个月后显著增加。岷江柏种子的各个生理指标之间的相关性差异不显著。4. 岷江柏球果和种子的形态特征存在显著的地理差 异。岷江柏种子的发芽能力的地理性差异不大,种群间差异不大。岷江柏种群的地理差异由种群特征、生境特征和气候特征共同决 定。5. 在岷江柏的人工繁育中,对于刚刚采集的种子,发芽温度在15℃~25℃比较适合,其中以25℃最佳;而对于短期贮藏(4~ 10个月)后的种子,发芽温度在10℃~25℃均可,以15℃~20℃为最佳。野外播种的最适时间为4~6月,6~9月的间歇性干旱和降 水波动可能是限制岷江柏自然更新的因素之一。在短期贮藏过程中,种子可以采用常规室温贮藏,可以节约成本。Cupressus chenggiana is a specific and endangered plant in Sichuan and Gansu provinces of China, and it usually grows in dry valley and plays an important role in water supply and soil and water conservation in the dry valley of alpine and canyon region of southwest China. The research selected four Cupressus chenggiana populations and used the methods of the field investigation and the lab experiments. The fruiting characters of Cupressus chenggiana populations, the morphological characters of seeds and cones, the germination characters of seeds and the store physiological dymatics of several factors of seeds have been studied in order to give some theoretical advices on the artificial propagation and the ability of natural regeneration and the endangered principle of Cupressus chenggiana in the paper. The main results may be clarified as follows: 1. The cones of Cupressus chenggiana are ellipsoidal, length ranged from 1.5 to 2.2cm, with ranged from 1.5 to 1.9 cm, weight ranged from 1.7 to 4.2g, the number of cone squama ranged from 8 to 11, and the seed number of per cone ranged from 40 to 70. The seeds of Cupressus chenggiana are elliptical, length ranged from 3.58 to 4.02 mm, width ranged from 3.10 to 3.15 mm, thickness ranged from 0.96 to 1.11 mm, and the weight of 1000 seeds ranged from 3.1 to 3.5g. The fruiting rate of Cupressus chenggiana is very low, and the fruiting period of Cupressus chenggiana has the geographical differences and the big or small year differences. 2. Seed germination temperature is between 5℃ and 30℃, while the suited temperature is between 10℃ and 25℃. The optimum temperature of seed germination will change as the store time of seeds changes logner. The cycle of seed germination can persist 20 days in the range of the suited temperature. The germination temperatures have significant influences on the germination potential and T50, but have no significant infuluences on the germination rate. The photoperiod is in favor of seed germination. The characters of Cupressus chenggiana seed germination represent a kind of environmental adaptability to protect the seed sources and endangered species, and it can give help to increase the germination rate of seeds and the livability of seedings. The seeds of Cupressus chenggiana are a kind of orthodox seeds that can endure the long time storage. In the short time storage, the store temperatures and the moisture contents of seeds have no significant infuluences on the physiological factors and the germination of seeds, but the store time has significant influences on the physiological factors of seeds. 3. In the short store course of Cupressus chenggianna seeds, the 1000 seed weight has no significant variation; The moisture content descends at the beginning of the storage, but has no significant variation later; The crude fat content and the soluble sugar content descend gradually; The soluble protein content and MDA content increase gradually; The praline content has no significant variation after 1~7 months storage, but increase significantly after 7~10 months storage. The correlations of different physiological factors are not significant. 4. The morphological characters of cones and seeds of four populations exist significant differences. The germination of Cupressus chenggiana seeds has no significant geographical variation. The geographical variation of Cupressus chenggiana populations can be ascribed to the population characters, climate and environment. 5. In the course of artificial propagation of Cupressus chenggiana, it is favored that the germination temperature of newly collected seeds is between 15℃ and 25℃, while the optimum temperature is 25℃. After the short storage ranged from 4 months to 10 months, it is favored that the germination temperature is between 10℃ and 25℃, while the optimum temperature is ranged from 15℃ to 20℃. The field sowing optimum time is between April and June, and the interval drought and fallrain fluctuation between July and September may be one of the reasons that restrict natural regeneration of Cupressus chenggiana. In the short storage, seeds can be stored in the condition of room temperature.


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大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是我国特有的珍稀濒危物种,国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,被称为“国宝”。目前,大熊猫被局限在我国中西部的岷山、邛崃、大相岭、小相岭、凉山和秦岭6大山系中。对大熊猫的保护和研究,我国政府、保护生物学科研人员、社会各界及国际保护组织都做了大量的工作。根据全国三次大熊猫调查结果显示,大熊猫栖息地片段化现象依然存在,形成多个隔离的大熊猫小种群。尤其在小相岭、大相岭、岷山B和岷山C种群,大熊猫数量较少,且栖息地破碎,面临较大威胁。有的山系大熊猫种群数量些已低于最小可存活大熊猫种群的数量,如果不采取人工措施,这些种群的大熊猫存在灭绝的危险。 将圈养大熊猫放归野外,以补充野外大熊猫种群数量,增加其遗传多样性,复壮和扩大野生大熊猫种群,是大熊猫人工繁育的最终目标。为降低放归的风险性,在放归人工繁育大熊猫前,将救护存活的野生大熊猫先有计划放归野外,并对其进行跟踪监测,对积累大熊猫放归经验,进一步研究大熊猫野外生物学习性,丰富放归地大熊猫种群遗传多样性,为人工繁育大熊猫放归野外夯实基础,具有十分重要的意义。2005年8月8日,国家林业局和四川省人民政府联合将救护野生大熊猫“盛林1号”放归于龙溪-虹口国家级自然保护区内岷山B大熊猫种群栖息地,并进行系统监测研究。成功的积累了一些放归经验和放归大熊猫的生物学资料,为人工繁育大熊猫的放归奠定了一定基础。 2005年8月至2007年6月期间,我们采用GPS无线电项圈、粪便DNA检测和红外线自动触发相机陷阱的方法,对大熊猫“盛林1号”进行了追踪监测,获得了以下成果: 1.通过分析“盛林1号”放归后了活动趋势和采用两种贝叶斯方法,利用目前五大山系的已有微卫星遗传数据,检测“盛林1号”与五大山系的遗传关系的远近,推测其来源于邛崃山系的可能性较大。 2.收集了大量“盛林1号”野外生境选择数据。我们认为“盛林1号”放归后经历了应急期、初步稳定期、长途迁徙期三个阶段(这可能是今后放归大熊猫都必经的三个时期),并与当地大熊猫种群已发生交流。目前“盛林1号”仍在寻找适合的巢域。 3.结合过去监测数据分析,在放归区域大熊猫和羚牛尽管同域分布,但由于食性不同,对微生境选择还是有着很大差异,因此保护管理对策要有针对性。 4.“盛林1号”的放归是成功的。救护大熊猫异地放归工作应继续开展,但要改进放归后的监测技术。要改进现有对人工饲养大熊猫野化培训方法和放归方式,才能真正将人工繁殖个体放归野外。 Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is an endangered species endemic to China. It was listed as National Protected I Class Species and is crowned as “National treasure” of China. The populations of Giant Panda are limited in 6 mountain system in Center-West of China, i.e. Mingshan, Mt. Qionglai, Mt. Daxiangling,Mt. Xiaoxiangling, Mt. Liangshan and Mt. Qinling. The results of the Third National Survey on Giant Panda showed that the habitats of Giant Panda is still fracted and Giant Panda population is divided into several isolated small populations. Population B from Mt. Daxiangling, Mt. Xiaoxiangling and Mt. Mingshan and Population C from Mt. Mingshan are very small with very fracted habitat and are more endangered. Several populations in those mountain systems are smaller than Minimum Viable Population of Giant Panda. It is very possible that those populations will be extinct without artificial help. The ultimate Goal of Reintroduction caged Giant Panda to wild is to increase wild population size and genetics diversity and rebuild and expand wild Giant Panda population. It is of significant to return rescued wild Giant Panda to wild and monitor their behavior before reintroduction artificial reproduced Giant Panda. It will increase our knowledge on reintroduction of Giant Panda. Aug 8th, 2005, “Shenglin 1”, a rescued wild Giant Panda was returned to Longxi-Hongkou National Nature Reservoir, which is habitat of Giant Panda Population B of Mt. Mingshan. A systematic monitor was carried out on “Shenglin 1”, and the successful return enriched our biological knowledge on Giant Panda reintroduction. It will be very help for future conservation work on reintroduce artificial reproduced Giant Panda. “Shenglin 1” was tracked with GPS collar, DNA in feces and infrared-trigged camera from Aug 2005 to Jun 2007. 1. Locomotion behavior and microsatellites comparison with Giant Panda from the 5 mountain systems indicated that “Shenglin 1” is possibly from Mt. Qionglai. 2. Habitat usage of “Shenglin 1” was studied. It was suggested that there were 3 phases after return, i.e. emergency response, preliminary stable phase and long distance locomotion, which could be a general process for other returned Giant Panda. It was indicated that there was some interaction between “Shenglin 1” and local population. “Shenglin 1” is seeking for suitable home range now. 3. Monitor data also indicated that microhabitat preference of Giant Panda and takin (Budorcas taxicolor) are different because of different diet, though they are sympatric. It was suggested that conservation management for the two species should be plan in particular. 4. The reintroduction of “Shenglin 1” is a successful case. The program of return rescued Giant Panda to other habitats is of value and should be continued. However, more improvement is needed for the monitor technique. More improvement is need for feralization and returning before we return artificial reproduced Giant Panda to wild.