24 resultados para Empirical papers
Theories of wetting of liquids on solid surfaces under the condition that van der Waals force is dominant are briefly reviewed. We show theoretically that Zisman's empirical equation for wetting of liquids on solid surfaces is a linear approximation of the Young-van der Waals equation in the wetting region, and we express the two parameters in Zisman's empirical equation in terms of the dielectric polarizabilities of the solid and liquids. The materials contained in this paper are suitable for physics teaching of wetting phenomena for undergraduate, graduate, general physicist, etc.
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
Chinese Acad Sci, ISCAS Lab Internet Software Technologies
Univ SE Calif, Ctr Syst & Software Engn, ABB, Microsoft Res, IEEE, ACMSIGSOFT, N Carolina State Univ Comp Sci
A vertical 2-D water-mud numerical model is developed for estimating the rate of mud mass transport under wave action. A nonlinear semi-empirical rheology model featured by remarkable hysteresis loops in the relationships of the shear stress versus both the shear strain and the rate of shear strain of mud is applied to this water mud model. A logarithmic grid in the vertical direction is employed for numerical treatment, which increases the resolution of the flow in the neighborhood of both sides of the interface. Model verifications are given through comparisons between the calculated and the measured mud mass transport velocities as well as wave height changes. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sea surface salinity is a key physical parameter in ocean science. It is important in the ocean remote sensing to retrieve sea surface salinity by the microwave probe technology. Based on the in situ measurement data and remote sensing data of the Yellow Sea, we have built a new empirical model in this paper, which can be used to retrieve sea surface salinity of the Yellow Sea by means of the brightness temperature of the sea water at L-band. In this model, the influence of the roughness of the sea surface is considered, and the retrieved result is in good agreement with the in situ measurement data, where the mean absolute error of the retrieved sea surface salinity is about 0.288 psu. This result shows that our model has greater retrieval precision compared with similar models.
An empirical equation is proposed to accurately correlate isothermal data over a wide range of temperature With the equation ln k = A* + B*/T-lambda the retention times of different solutes tested on OV-101, SE-54 and PEG 20M capillary columns have been achieved even when lambda is assigned a constant value of 1.7 Comparison with ln k = A + B/T and in k = c + d/T+ h/T-2, shows that the proposed equation is of higher accuracy and is applicable to extrapolation calculation, especially from data at high temperature to those at low temperature. Parameters A* and B* as well as A and B are also discussed. The linear correlation of A* and B* is weaker than that of A and B.