61 resultados para Earthquake Rupture


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Forced dissociation of selectin-ligand bonds is crucial to such biological processes as leukocyte recruitment, thrombosis formation, and tumor metastasis. Although the bond rupture has been well known at high loading rate r(f) (>= 10(2) pN/s), defined as the product of spring constant k and retract velocity v, how the low r(f) (< 10(2) pN/s) or the low k regulates the bond dissociation remains unclear. Here an optical trap assay was used to quantify the bond rupture at r(f) <= 20 pN/s with low k (similar to 10(-3)-10(-2) pN/nm) when P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) were respectively coupled onto two glass microbeads. Our data indicated that the bond rupture force f retained the similar values when r(f) increased up to 20 pN/s. It was also found that f varied with different combinations of k and v even at the same r(f). The most probable force, f


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The Load Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It is inspiring that its predictions using LURR have been improving. Since 2004 we have made a major breakthrough in intermediate-term earthquake forecasting of the strong earthquakes on the Chinese mainland using LURR and successfully predicted the Pakistan earthquake with magnitude M 7.6 on October 8, 2005. The causes for improving the prediction in terms of LURR have been discussed in the present paper.


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The LURR theory is a new approach for earthquake prediction, which achieves good results in earthquake prediction within the China mainland and regions in America, Japan and Australia. However, the expansion of the prediction region leads to the refinement of its longitude and latitude, and the increase of the time period. This requires increasingly more computations, and the volume of data reaches the order of GB, which will be very difficult for a single CPU. In this paper, a new method was introduced to solve this problem. Adopting the technology of domain decomposition and parallelizing using MPI, we developed a new parallel tempo-spatial scanning program.


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The stress release model, a stochastic version of the elastic rebound theory, is applied to the large events from four synthetic earthquake catalogs generated by models with various levels of disorder in distribution of fault zone strength (Ben-Zion, 1996) They include models with uniform properties (U), a Parkfield-type asperity (A), fractal brittle properties (F), and multi-size-scale heterogeneities (M). The results show that the degree of regularity or predictability in the assumed fault properties, based on both the Akaike information criterion and simulations, follows the order U, F, A, and M, which is in good agreement with that obtained by pattern recognition techniques applied to the full set of synthetic data. Data simulated from the best fitting stress release models reproduce, both visually and in distributional terms, the main features of the original catalogs. The differences in character and the quality of prediction between the four cases are shown to be dependent on two main aspects: the parameter controlling the sensitivity to departures from the mean stress level and the frequency-magnitude distribution, which differs substantially between the four cases. In particular, it is shown that the predictability of the data is strongly affected by the form of frequency-magnitude distribution, being greatly reduced if a pure Gutenburg-Richter form is assumed to hold out to high magnitudes.


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The coupling of mesoscopic strength distribution and stress fluctuation on damage evolution and rupture are examined. The numerical simulations show that there is only weak stress fluctuation at the initial damage stage when the mean field approximation is in effect. As the damage fraction becomes larger than the threshold value, the fluctuation is amplified significantly, and damage localization appears. The coupling between stress fluctuation, disordered heterogeneity and the damage localization may play an essential role in catastrophic rupture. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model proposed by Dobrovolskii, we developed a rheological inclusion model to study earthquake preparation processes. By using the Corresponding Principle in the theory of rheologic mechanics, we derived the analytic expressions of viscoelastic displacement U(r, t) , V(r, t) and W(r, t), normal strains epsilon(xx) (r, t), epsilon(yy) (r, t) and epsilon(zz) (r, t) and the bulk strain theta (r, t) at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in three directions of X axis, Y axis and Z axis produced by a three-dimensional inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linear rheologic model. Subsequent to the spatial-temporal variation of bulk strain being computed on the ground produced by such a spherical rheologic inclusion, interesting results are obtained, suggesting that the bulk strain produced by a hard inclusion change with time according to three stages (alpha, beta, gamma) with different characteristics, similar to that of geodetic deformation observations, but different with the results of a soft inclusion. These theoretical results can be used to explain the characteristics of spatial-temporal evolution, patterns, quadrant-distribution of earthquake precursors, the changeability, spontaneity and complexity of short-term and imminent-term precursors. It offers a theoretical base to build physical models for earthquake precursors and to predict the earthquakes.


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Based on the theory of LURR and its recent development, spatial and temporal variation of Y/Y-c (value of LURR/critical value of LURR) in the Southern California region during the period from 1980 through March, 2001 was studied. According to the previous study on the fault system and stress field in Southern California, we zoned the Southern California region into 11 parts in each of which the stress field is almost uniform. With the time window of one year, time moving step of three months, space window of a circle region with a radius of 100 km and space moving step of 0.25 degree in latitude and longitude direction, the evolution of Y/Y-c were snapshot. The scanning results show that obvious Y/Y-c anomalies occurred before 5/6 of strong earthquakes considered with a magnitude of 6.5 or greater. The critical regions of Y/Y-c are near the epicenters of the strong earthquakes and the Y/Y-c anomalies occur months to years prior to the earthquakes. The tendency of earthquake occurrence in the California region is briefly discussed on the basis of the examination of Y/Y-c.


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In heterogeneous brittle media, the evolution of damage is strongly influenced by the multiscale coupling effect. To better understand this effect, we perform a detailed investigation of the damage evolution, with particular attention focused on the catastrophe transition. We use an adaptive multiscale finite-element model (MFEM) to simulate the damage evolution and the catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are investigated for a heterogeneous medium whose initial shear strength follows the Weibull distribution. Damage is induced through the application of the Coulomb failure criterion to each element, and the element mesh is refined where the failure criterion is met. We found that as damage accumulates, there is a stronger and stronger nonlinear increase in stress and the stress redistribution distance. The coupling of the dynamic stress redistribution and the heterogeneity at different scales result in an inverse cascade of damage cluster size, which represents rapid coalescence of damage at the catastrophe transition.


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The Accelerating Moment Release (AMR) preceding earthquakes with magnitude above 5 in Australia that occurred during the last 20 years was analyzed to test the Critical Point Hypothesis. Twelve earthquakes in the catalog were chosen based on a criterion for the number of nearby events. Results show that seven sequences with numerous events recorded leading up to the main earthquake exhibited accelerating moment release. Two occurred near in time and space to other earthquakes preceded by AM R. The remaining three sequences had very few events in the catalog so the lack of AMR detected in the analysis may be related to catalog incompleteness. Spatio-temporal scanning of AMR parameters shows that 80% of the areas in which AMR occurred experienced large events. In areas of similar background seismicity with no large events, 10 out of 12 cases exhibit no AMR, and two others are false alarms where AMR was observed but no large event followed. The relationship between AMR and Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) was studied. Both methods predict similar critical region sizes, however, the critical point time using AMR is slightly earlier than the time of the critical point LURR anomaly.


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In this paper, an elastic and statistically brittle (ESB) model is applied to the process of damage evolution induced catastrophic rupture and the influence of localization and softening on catastrophic rupture is discussed. According to the analysis, the uncertainty of catastrophic rupture should be attributed to the unknown scale of localized zone. Based on the elastic and statistically brittle model but local mean field approximation, the relation between the scale of localized zone and catastrophic rupture is obtained and then justified with experiments. These results can not only give a deeper understanding of the mechanism governing catastrophic rupture, but also provide a possible tool to foresee the occurrence of catastrophic rupture.


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The catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle materials under impact loading is not fully understood. To describe the catastrophic failure behavior of heterogeneous brittle materials under impact loading, an elasto-statistical-brittle (ESB) model is proposed in this paper. The ESB model characterizes the disordered inhomogeneity of material at mesoscopic scale with the statistical description of the shear strength of mesoscopic units. If the applied shear stress reaches the strength, the mesoscopic unit fails, which causes degradation in the shear modulus of the material. With a simplified ESB model, the failure wave in brittle material under uni-axial compression is analyzed. It is shown that the failure wave is a wave of strain or particle velocity resulted from the catastrophic fracture in an elastically stressed brittle media when the impact velocity reaches a critical value. In addition, the failure wave causes an increase in the rear surface velocity, which agrees well with experimental observations. The critical condition to generate failure wave and the speed of failure wave are also obtained.