57 resultados para Drosophila paulistorum
The formation of chimeric gene structures provides important routes by which novel proteins and functions are introduced into genomes. Signatures of these events have been identified in organisms from wide phylogenic distributions. However, the ability to
Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the origination of new genes. Despite extensive case studies, the general principles governing this fundamental process are still unclear at the whole-genome level. Here, we unveil genome-wide patterns
Previous studies of repetitive elements (REs) have implicated a mechanistic role in generating new chimerical genes. Such examples are consistent with the classic model for exon shuffling, which relies on non-homologous recombination. However, recent data
A central goal of evolutionary genetics is an understanding of the forces responsible for the observed variation, both within and between species. Theoretical and empirical work have demonstrated that genetic recombination contributes to this variation by breaking down linkage between nucleotide sites, thus allowing them to behave independently and for selective forces to act efficiently on them. The Drosophila fourth chromosome, which is believed to experience no-or very low-rates of recombination has been an important model for investigating these effects. Despite previous efforts, central questions regarding the extent of recombination and the predominant modes of selection acting on it remain open. In order to more comprehensively test hypotheses regarding recombination and its potential influence on selection along the fourth chromosome, we have resequenced regions from most of its genes from Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. yakuba. These data, along with available outgroup sequence, demonstrate that recombination is low but significantly greater than zero for the three species. Despite there being recombination, there is strong evidence that its frequency is low enough to have rendered selection relatively inefficient. The signatures of relaxed constraint can be detected at both the level of polymorphism and divergence.
The technique of mtDNA restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to survey the population structure of D. albomicans. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism has been observed in D. albomicans populations. A total of 34 nucleomorphs were detected from 82 isofemale lines assayed by only 8 restriction enzymes. The cause and the effect of this phenomenon were discussed. As a result, it is suggested that a mechanism which maintains mtDNA diversity exists in this fly, and that the high intra-populational polymorphism could numerically conceal the extent of differentiation between populations. In addition, on the base of restriction maps, it was found that the mtDNA molecule of D. albomicans might be impacted by the selection pressure during its evolution process both on the nucleotide composition and on the functional regions.
用产于日本的D. paralutea和产于昆明的D. trilutea三龄幼虫的脑神经节作染色体制片,进行C-带染色观察。其正常染色体与亚组种D. takahashil的染色体十分相似,染色体数均为2n=8。发现在所有的分裂细胞中几乎都包含1对微小染色体。图4参1
Intron loss and its evolutionary significance have been noted in Drosophila. The current study provides another example of intron loss within a single-copy Dfak gene in Drosophila. By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we amplified about 1.3 kb fragment spanning intron 5-10, located in the position of Tyr kinase (TyK) domain of Dfak gene from Drosophila melanogaster species group, and observed size difference among the amplified DNA fragments from different species. Further sequencing analysis revealed that D. melanogaster and D. simulans deleted an about 60 bp of DNA fragment relative to other 7 Drosophila species, such as D. elegans, D. ficusphila, D. biarmipes, D. takahashii, D. jambulina, D. prostipennis and D. pseudoobscura, and the deleted fragment located precisely in the position of one intron. The data suggested that intron loss might have occurred in the Dfak gene evolutionary process of D. melanogaster and D. simulans of Drosophila melanogaster species group. In addition, the constructed phylogenetic tree based on the Dfak TyK domains clearly revealed the evolutionary relationships between subgroups of Drosophila melanogaster species group, and the intron loss identified from D. melanogaster and D. simulans provides a unique diagnostic tool for taxonomic classification of the melanogaster subgroup from other group of genus Drosophila.
中文摘要 本文以8种限制性内切酶探讨银额果蝇自然群体中的mtDNA多态性。在来自8个群体的82个单雌系中,共检出34种限制性类型,对其中的每一个类型都进行了酶谱定位。运用了包括UPG法在内的几种数据处理方法,以分析各限制性类型之间、各群体之间的遗传关系。结合有关资料,可以得出以下结论:1)银额果蝇mtDNA分子在碱基组成和功能区域两方面都受到了选择压力的影响。2)银额果蝇群体内的多态程度较高,从而在一定程度上掩盖了群体间差异。3)银额果蝇可能起源于马来西亚和加里曼丹岛一带。最初分成东西两支向北扩散,西支在中南半岛北部又分成两支,从而形成了现生银额果蝇群体东部、中部、西部的地理分布模式。
Polysaccharides isolated from Porphyra (porphyran) have been known to have diverse biological activities, including immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities. The molecular weight-antiaging activity relationship of degraded porphyrans was examined in this study. Natural porphyran was extracted from P. haitanensis, and then was degraded into different molecular weight fractions, P1 molecular weight 49 kDa, P2 molecular weight 30 kDa, P3 molecular weight 8.2 kDa, by free radical. The influence on life span and vitality of porphyrans were carried out on Drosophila melanogaster. We found that all the degraded porphyrans and natural porphyran (P), added daily to the diet, can significantly increase the life span of D. melanogaster, except for P3. Among them, P1 exhibited the most prolonging life span activity. Furthermore, vitality of middle-aged flies (assessed by measuring their mating capacity) receiving porphyrans was increased considerably in comparison with the controls. Finally, in the heat-stress test, we observed a remarkable increase in survival time, especially in P3-diet groups. These results suggest that porphyrans may be effective in reducing the rate of the aging process and molecular weight has important influence on the effects. It seems that P1 and P2, possessed higher molecular weight, may be more useful in normal metabolic condition and P3, possessed the lowest molecular weight, may be more beneficial for D. melanogaster in stress condition. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
兰科植物传粉生物学的研究以往多集中于单个物种上,很少对两个以上的物种同时进行研究。但后一类研究对于理解一个地区或一个代表类群的传粉适应是大有裨益和非常必要的,毕竟单一种植物与其传粉者在一个居群或是一年中的相互关系所提供的有效信息是非常有限的。杓兰属Cypripedium L.是兰科植物中比较原始的类群,全世界约有50种;中国是杓兰属植物的分布中心,有30多种。但是,有关该属植物的传粉生物学研究集中在欧、美的种类,中国绝大部分物种尚未进行这方面的研究。本文通过对分布于四川省黄龙寺自然保护区的8种杓兰属植物的传粉生物学研究,探讨了该属植物的传粉机制、适应进化及生殖隔离等问题。 1. 杓兰属植物的繁育系统 虽然所研究的8种杓兰人工自交授粉均可以成功结实,但在自然条件下都必须依赖于昆虫才能结实成功,表明杓兰属植物的繁殖系统以异交授粉为主。 2. 杓兰属植物的传粉系统以及传粉系统的进化趋势 杓兰属植物一向被认为是典型的蜂类传粉物种,本文所包括的西藏杓兰C. tibeticum King ex Rolfe、离萼杓兰C. plectrochilum Franch.、绿花杓兰C. henryi Rolfe与褐花杓兰C. smithii Schltr.的传粉生物学研究也证明了这一点。但研究发现最进化的“无苞组”的3种杓兰,即无苞杓兰C. bardolphianum W. W. Smith et Farrer、小花杓兰C. micranthum Franch.与四川杓兰C. sichuanense Perner都是由蝇类传粉的,而黄花杓兰C. flavum P. F. Hunt et Summerh.则可由蜂类和蝇类共同传粉。结合杓兰的种间系统关系,本文认为杓兰属中存在从蜂类传粉系统向蝇类传粉系统的进化趋势。 3.杓兰属植物传粉系统的特化机制 传粉观察表明8种杓兰均有多种多样的访花昆虫,但只有1种或1类具有相同功能的昆虫能成为其传粉者。这说明杓兰属植物是具备特化传粉系统的种类。以离萼杓兰为例进行的花色、花香及花结构的分析表明,杓兰拥有特化的传粉者几乎完全是由于受到花结构的限制,特别是雄蕊到唇瓣底高度(AL)、柱头到唇瓣底高度(SL)、唇瓣入口直径(DL)与唇瓣出口宽度(EL)的大小。这些因素决定了昆虫是否能进入唇瓣,是否能碰触到柱头和花粉,是否能从出口挤出来。因此,杓兰的唇瓣的主要功能不仅是象原来所认为的作为“陷阱”来诱捕昆虫,而且同样作为一种促进产生“特化传粉”的机制而存在。 4. 杓兰属植物吸引昆虫的机制 杓兰属植物具有复杂的吸引昆虫的机制。离萼杓兰、黄花杓兰主要以泛化的食源性欺骗机制来吸引昆虫,绿花杓兰能通过其唇瓣和退化雄蕊的光滑特性诱使其传粉昆虫被动进入唇瓣中,西藏杓兰可以通过“筑巢式欺骗”来吸引昆虫,无苞杓兰则可通过模拟成熟果实来吸引其特化的传粉者—果蝇Drosophila spp.。 5. 杓兰属植物的花部特征与传粉系统的适应 在整个杓兰属内,不同种类植物的花色与花香和传粉者种类间没有统一的规律。但是,杓兰属植物的唇瓣大小与其传粉者大小之间存在比较明显的适应关系。体积最大的西藏杓兰、褐花杓兰与黄花杓兰由体型最大的熊蜂Bombus spp.传粉,体积中等的离萼杓兰、绿花杓兰、四川杓兰由中等大小的蜂或蝇传粉,而体积最小的无苞杓兰与小花杓兰由体型很小的果蝇传粉。 在杓兰属中,大部分种类的花粉只是粘性的团状,只有一部分能在一次访问中被昆虫带出,如黄花杓兰、西藏杓兰、离萼杓兰及绿花杓兰的花粉团。与此不同,在2个“无苞组”的杓兰,即无苞杓兰、小花杓兰中,它们的花粉凝聚成块状,而且它们的传粉昆虫(果蝇)的一次访问可带出一侧雄蕊的全部花粉。它们的花粉成块可能是对果蝇这类小昆虫传粉的一种适应。 6. 杓兰属植物的生殖隔离机制 本文的研究表明,杓兰属植物之间人工杂交授粉可以成功结实,它们主要是通过受精前隔离机制保持物种界限的。它们的受精前隔离机制多种多样。具有相同传粉者—果蝇的无苞杓兰与小花杓兰通过地理隔离机制保持物种界限; 同域的西藏杓兰与黄花杓兰通过利用不同大小的熊蜂作为传粉者来保持生殖隔离;同域的离萼杓兰与绿花杓兰可能通过花香成分的不同特化吸引同一属中不同种的传粉昆虫;而同域的西藏杓兰与褐花杓兰之间并不具备完善的生殖隔离机制。
分述了横断山地区果蝇新种叉茎果蝇Drosophila (D.) furcapenis、拟叉茎果 蝇D. (D.) furcapenisoides和长叉茎果蝇D. (D.) longifurcapenis的形态特征及其与近似种的区别。