62 resultados para Cycles et motocycles


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本文报道了太行花属(Taihangia Yu et Li)的种群分布、生物学特性和离体培养的初步结果。 太行花种群由于环境和生物等方面的原因仅在太行山区有狭小分布。来源于不同地区种群的太行花其形态特征具有丰富的表型,在引种条件下更为显著。而酯酶同工酶和过氧化物酶同工酶分析进一步证实了其遗传的稳定性和同源性。 实验表明,太行花在北纬39°58',最低温度-11℃的北京北京植物园,露地越冬正常。温度提高至40℃时生长发育受抑制而迟滞,以25℃最为适宜,增殖率最高。太行花对土壤的适应范围较广,在泥炭培养土上移殖的幼苗成活率达97.20%,主根须根发达,叶生长良好。不同强度光照处理12000Lux效果最好。 太行花生育期为230多天,生长积温为3763℃左右。物候期受环境条件和当年气候的影响,不同种群和个体之间有一定的差异。花的性别、花期和开花量等与纬度、海拔主要与温湿度相关。 太行花的茎尖、花芽、花梗、萼片、花瓣和叶子等外植体均能在MS附加不同种类和浓度植物激素的培养基中分化,其分化途径和分化效果因附加成分、外植体类别而异。在含有0.1mg/L IAA和0.5mg/L 6-BA的培养基中,不但能启动花芽正常生长、开花、形成合子胚,而且也能诱导花芽、花梗、茎尖产生花芽和营养芽。在芽的继代培养中,细胞分裂素能大量诱导芽的分化,最好的配比是0.5mg/L 6-BA、0.1mg/L ZJ;只含生长素时可以诱导生根或脱分化,其中生根最好的是0.5mg/L IAA;2.4-D单独使用时,能较好地使花芽、叶等脱分化,其最佳浓度为1.0mg/L。


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We studied the effects of repeated stimulation by recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) at various time intervals during a physiologic breeding season in rhesus monkeys. Ovarian recovery and responses were assessed by ultrasonography, serum steroid concentrations


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国家自然科学重大基金资助项目 3 98994 0 0 ; 中国科学院特别支持费stz97-1 -0 1


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Re-examination of the syntypes of the capillariid nematode Neocapillaria phoxini Yu et Wang, 1994, the type species of Neocapillaria Yu et Wang, 1994, described from the intestine of the freshwater fish Phoxinus lagowskii variegatus Gunther (Cyprinidae) from China, confirmed its morphological similarity with species of Freitascapillaria Moravec, 1987, to which it is transferred as Freitascapillaria phoxini (Yu et Wang, 1994) comb. n. Consequently, Neocapillaria Yu et Wang, 1994 (a homonym to Neocapillaria Moravec, 1987) and Sinocapillaria Moravec et Spratt, 1998 become junior synonyms of Freitascapillaria. Skrjabinocapillaria gigantea is transferred to Freitascapillaria as F. gigantea (Wang, 1984) comb. n.


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The ultrastructure of the bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma pseudobagri from its natural host, yellow catfish (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco), a freshwater fish, is described in the present work. The pellicle, consisting of a unit membrane with a superimposed surface coat, the structure and attachment of the flagellum and the subpellicular microtubules show the usual structural and organizational features. Cell organelles and cytoplasmic inclusions such as kinetoplast, mitochondria, nucleus and vacuoles, which occur in trypanosomidae, are observed and described in detail. The ultrastructure of T. pseudobagri has been compared with that of bloodstream forms of other species and culture forms of fish trypanosomes, and similarities and divergences are discussed. The Golgi-complex and endoplasmic reticulum could not be observed and need further investigation.


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The compensatory responses of juvenile gibel carp and Chinese longsnout catfish to four cycles of 1 part of a study designed to determine feeding regimes that would maximise growth rates. Both species showed compensatory growth in the re-feeding periods. The compensation was not sufficient for the deprived fish to match the growth trajectories of controls fed to satiation daily. The compensatory growth response was more clearly defined in the later cycles. The deprived fish showed hyperphagia during the 2-week periods of re-feeding and the hyperphagic response was clearer in the later cycles. The hyperphagia tended to persist for both weeks of the re-feeding period. The gibel carp showed no difference in gross growth efficiency between deprived and control fish. In the catfish, the gross growth efficiency of the deprived fish was marginally higher than that of control fish, but the efficiency varied erratically from week to week. Over the experiment, the deprived fish achieved growth rates 75-80% of those shown by control fish, although fed at a frequency of 66%. There was no evidence of growth over-compensation with the deprivation-re-feeding protocol used in this study. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The freshwater testate amoeba Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu et al. 1997 collected from pond and lake in China, is investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. This little known taxon is redescribed and its morphology, biometry and ecology are supplied. After carefully comparison with other six similar species including Difflugia bartosi Stepanek, D. corona Wallich, D. corona cashi Deflandre, D. corona tuberculata Vucetich, D. muriformis Gauthier-Lievre et Thomas and Netzelia tuberculata (Wallich) Netzal we believe that the sub-spherical to spherical shell, the mulberry-shaped appearance, the 7-10 apertural tooth-like structures, the short collar and the conical spines numbering from 4 to 8 at the upper equatorial region in D. tuberspinifera set it apart from other species. Besides, statistical analysis indicates that D. tuberspinifera is a size-monomorphic species characterized by a main-size class and a small size range and the shell height is significant correlated with other morphometric characters at p < 0.05 excepting the number of aperture tooth-like structures and the number of spines. Moreover, D. tuberspinifera inhabits not only lotic but also lentic environment.


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Individual juvenile three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus and European minnow Phoxinus phoxinus, from sympatric populations, were subjected to four cycles of I week of food deprivation and 2 weeks of ad libitum feeding. Mean specific growth rate during the weeks of deprivation was negative and did not differ between species. The three-spined stickleback showed sufficient growth compensation to recover to the growth trajectory shown by control fish daily fed ad libitum. The compensation was generated by hyperphagia during the re-feeding periods, and in the last two periods of re-feeding, the gross growth efficiencies of deprived three-spined sticklebacks were greater than in control fish. The expression of the compensatory changes in growth and food consumption became clearer over the successive periods of re-feeding. The European minnow developed only a weak compensatory growth response and the mass trajectory of the deprived fish deviated more and more from the control trajectory During re-feeding periods, there were no significant differences in food consumption or gross growth efficiency between control and deprived European minnows. The differences between the two species are discussed in terms of the possible costs of compensatory growth, the control of growth and differences in feeding biology (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.