22 resultados para Cigarette


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本文依托于中科院沈阳自动化研究所自动化装备研究室的项目——PASSIM卷接机组改造。PASSIM卷接机组是从英国MOLINS公司引进的设备,限于当时的硬件设计技术、芯片封装技术和通信技术,导致系统控制体积大,系统内部之间的连接也很复杂,同时旧的检测标准也不符合现在的要求。在消化吸收了国外设计思想的基础上,开发出了新型的烟支质量检测控制系统。在新的检测控制系统中采用了TI公司的DSP处理器,TMS320F2812完成系统中的数据采样、A/D转换和数据处理等功能,由于DSP处理器的A/D 采样精度高,运算速度快,满足了系统在速度和精度上的要求;同时,系统选用CYGNAL公司的单片机8051F020与上位机进行RS-485数据通讯,DSP与单片机之间采用双口RAM来共享数据。系统很好的完成了数据采集处理和数据交换的功能,对烟支质量做到了检测准确,剔除实时,取得了良好的使用效果。 本文首先对卷烟机的构成和控制系统作了简单的分析和介绍,剖析了烟支质量检测的原理,包括重量、稀释度和空头信号的产生,采集和处理。接着详细阐述了系统的具体方案设计,结合卷烟机工艺要求,按检测信号的分布将系统分为三个检测子站,对子站的设计进行了详细的分析。设计分为硬件和软件部分,硬件部分包括芯片的选择和接口电路的实现,软件则主要用来实现对重量、稀释度和空头信号的处理分析,及时剔除不合格烟支。最后介绍了系统在现场对传感器的校准和参数调整过程,并对运行结果进行了分析,实践证明系统是高效可靠的,满足了检测和控制的要求。


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烟草企业在香烟的生产过程中,从烟叶制丝到卷、接、包装都已经实现了自动化,生产速度越来越快。由于包装机电气和机械控制复杂,生产中会产生各种外包装不合格香烟。然而在现代生产过程中,企业对产品的质量要求越来越高,香烟包装的外观质量还可以从一个侧面影响到企业的形象和信誉等问题,为此开发一套香烟外包装质量检测系统,实时检测和剔除包装不合格的烟包具有较强的实用价值和现实意义。 随着计算机软件、硬件技术的飞速发展,以及机器视觉理论的逐步完善,采用机器视觉的方法来检测香烟包装的外观质量被人们所重视。机器视觉在检测方面具有检测速度快、分辨能力高等优势。机器视觉的工作流程可分为:图像采集、图像处理和图像显示。而在香烟包装检测中,由于包装机的速度达到每分钟400-500包以上,为此能否成功检测香烟包装质量的关键就在于图像处理的速度一定要满足包装机的生产速度要求。 目前烟厂普遍使用的是智能相机和颜色传感器等方法检测包装不合格的香烟,使用这些方法可以检测出大部分的残次品,但最后仍然需要人工的抽检。针对现有检测方法存在的问题,本文设计一个基于数字信号处理器的嵌入式图像采集卡。数字信号处理具有运算速度快,控制能力强等其他微处理器不可比拟的优点,尤其是其强大乘法运算能力,使其在数据量很大,处理速度要求很高的图形、图像处理中得到了广泛应用。 首先,采集卡接收工业相机传输进来的视频信号经过模拟视频到数字视频的转换和视频解码后完成图像采集,然后利用图像处理和信号处理方面的知识完成图像处理工作判断产品质量,并将处理后的图像输出给显示器,最后根据需要还可以将图像信息通过以太网传输到工控机中保存起来,供以后的统计和分析。由于使用嵌入式的图像采集卡,系统的扩展性和灵活性要好于目前烟厂使用的智能相机。 由于卷烟厂现场环境复杂,而本采集卡又属于典型的高速数字电路,为了使采集卡在包装机流水线上能正常的工作,必须采取有效的措施。在电路板的设计中要考虑板层的结构,敏感元件布局,关键信号的布线,模拟区和数字区的分割,信号完整性等问题,并采取适当的措施提高板卡的电磁兼容性。 为了使系统高效的运行,编写了板卡的板级支持库,并在实时操作系统DSP/BIOS上,编写了视频采集和回放的驱动,配置和运行网络开发包NDK,实现以太网通信的软件接口。 最后通过一些实验,验证系统的功能。结果表明,图像采集卡具有视频采集和显示,图像处理和传输的功能。当采集卡工作在系统平台上时,可以有效的检测出存在包装问题烟包。


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Background With the increasing of an elderly population, the number of both vascular disease and cognitive function is increasing. Recent study shown that there is close relationship between vascular disease or vascular risk factors and cognitive function, but many questions are unclear. Objective The aim of this study was to explore the status of cognitive function of midlife and elderly subjects and to evaluate association between vascular risk factors and cognitive function. Methods We selected 330(female,128,male,202) retire navy veterans aged between 55 and 87 years old in Beijing. The average age was 67 years old. Data about vascular risk factors, including: history of cerebral infarction, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, carotid lesions, cigarette smoking, drinking, obesity, and so on. Cognitive functions were assessed by neuropsychological tests: the four tasks of working memory. Results The univariate analysis indicated that there were significant differences of working memory scores in aging, gender, education level, the history of stroke, hypertension with midlife and elderly subjects. Moderate levels of alcohol intake maybe better for cognition. Conclusion vascular disease and some vascular risk factors may lead to cognitive function decline, thus, intervention methods should be carried out in middle and elderly people with vascular risk fact should be under special supervision, with at least annual neuropsychological evaluation. Key words: cognitive function; vascular risk factor, working memory.


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Relapse has been a great challenge in clinical treatment and experimental studies of drug addiction. Recent studies suggest that psychological dependence may play a major role in addiction relapse, even more important than physiological dependence. Then a fundamental question arises: how to measure the psychological dependence? How to examine whether an addict has psychologically quitted when leaving drug rehabilitation centers? Self-report, a commonly used evaluation approach, is inevitably vulnerable to various cognitive influences, particularly in explicit tasks. Therefore, an objective index is necessary to evaluate the subliminal psychological drug dependence level. The objective of the current study was to develop such a psychological paradigm to probe the unaware attentional bias of in smoking addicts. Experiment 1 adapted the interocular suppression technique of binocular rivalry to study the attentional bias to cigarette pictures in smokers and age-matched nonsmoker. Results show that the smokers demonstrated similar attentional bias in both visible and unaware conditions, while non-smokers showed attentional bias only in the visible condition, and there was a significant interaction between experiment conditions and subject groups. These results provide compelling evidence for addiction-specific attentional bias in cigarette smokers, by minimizing the influence of confounding conscious factors. Furthermore, attentional bias of smokers in unawareness state was negatively correlated with their cigarette dependence levels, while their pre-test cigarette craving levels was positively correlated with their attnetional bias in the visible condition. This pair of correlations further demonstrated the advantages of unawareness state in disclosing stable dependence states, therefore supporting the effectiveness of the paradigm used in this study. Another interesting finding of Experiment 1 is that non-smokers also showed attentional bias in the visible condition. To exclude the possibility that the attentional bias found in experiment 1 was task-specific, experiment 2 adapted the most commonly-used visual dot probe task with smoking scenes as in relevant reference. The result in experiment 1 was well replicated, i.e., nonsmokers in experiment 2 also showed significant attentional bias to smoking-related stimuli, We interpenetrate this interesting finding as an effect of environmental influence, as the participants of the current study live in a highly smoking-exposed and smoking-encouraged environment, which is quite different with the participants of studies reported in the literature. A series of questionnaires and scales administered in the current study indeed show that most smokers smoked due to influence of the environment. They also acknowledged that smoking as an important media of social communication in China, and even considered that away from the smoking environment would effectively help them to quit. The current study also found that the disgust level towards cigarette pictures and smoking-related scenes of non-smokers was positively correlated with their attnentional bias in the visible condition of experiment 1. It is likely that in a highly smoking-encouraged environment, the remaining few on-smokers have severe disgust to cigarettes and smoking scenes; and their attentional bias might be caused by disgust avoidance. In conclusion, the current study represents the first study showing the existence of unaware attentional bias to smoking related stimuli in cigarette smokers by applying the interocular suppression paradigm, providing a reference to study of dependence of other drugs. The current study also found that our non-smoking participants also showed attentional bias to smoking related stimuli, which may be due to the possible influence of highly smoking-exposed environment of our participants.