34 resultados para Chromosomes, Fungal


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The high mortality rate of immunocompromised patients with fungal infections and the limited availability of highly efficacious and safe agents demand the development of new antifungal therapeutics. To rapidly discover such agents, we developed a high-throughput synergy screening (HTSS) strategy for novel microbial natural products. Specifically, a microbial natural product library was screened for hits that synergize the effect of a low dosage of ketoconazole (KTC) that alone shows little detectable fungicidal activity. Through screening of approximate to 20,000 microbial extracts, 12 hits were identified with broadspectrum antifungal activity. Seven of them showed little cytotoxicity against human hepatoma cells. Fractionation of the active extracts revealed beauvericin (BEA) as the most potent component, because it dramatically synergized KTC activity against diverse fungal pathogens by a checkerboard assay. Significantly, in our immunocompromised mouse model, combinations of BEA (0.5 mg/kg) and KTC (0.5 mg/kg) prolonged survival of the host infected with Candida parapsilosis and reduced fungal colony counts in animal organs including kidneys, lungs, and brains. Such an effect was not achieved even with the high dose of 50 mg/kg KTC. These data support synergism between BEA and KTC and thereby a prospective strategy for antifungal therapy.


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Chromosome identification is an essential step in genomic research, which so far has not been possible in oysters. We tested bacteriophage P1 clones for chromosomal identification in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). P1 clones were labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP using nick translation. Hybridization was detected with fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled anti-digoxigenin antibodies and amplified with 2 layers of antibodies. Nine of the 21 P1 clones tested produced clear and consistent FISH signals when Cot-1 DNA was used as a blocking agent against repetitive sequences. Karyotypic analysis and cohybridization positively assigned the 9 P1 clones to 7 chromosomes. The remaining 3 chromosomes can be separated by size and arm ratio. Five of the 9 P1 clones were sequenced at both ends, providing sequence-tagged sites that can be used to integrate linkage and cytogenetic maps. One sequence is part of the bone morphogenetic protein type 1b receptor, a member of the transforming growth factor superfamily, and mapped to the telomeric region of the long arm of chromosome 2. This study shows that large-insert clones such as P1 are useful as chromosome-specific FISH probes and for gene mapping in oysters.


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The rye B chromosome is a supernumerary chromosome that increases in number in its host by directed postmeiotic drive. Two types of rye B chromosomes that had been introduced into common wheat were dissected into separate segments by the gametocidal system to produce a number of rearranged B chromosomes, such as telosomes, terminal deletions and translocations with wheat chromosomes. A total of 13 dissected B chromosomes were isolated in common wheat, and were investigated for their nondisjunction. properties. Rearranged B chromosomes, separated from their B-specific repetitive sequences on the distal part of the long arm, did not undergo nondisjunction, and neither did a translocated wheat chromosome carrying a long-arm distal segment containing the B-specific repetitive sequences. However, such rearranged B chromosomes, missing their B-specific sequences could undergo nondisjunction when they coexisted with the standard B chromosome or a wheat chromosome carrying the B-specific sequences. Deficiencies of the short arm did not completely abolish the nondisjunction properties of the B chromosome, but did reduce the frequency of nondisjunction. These results confirmed previous suggestions that the directed nondisjunction of the rye B chromosome is controlled by two elements, pericentromeric sticking sites and a trans-acting element carried at the distal region of the long arm of the B chromosome. Additionally, it is now shown that the distal region of the long arm of the B chromosome which provides this function is that which carries the B-specific repetitive sequences.


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芍药属由大约35个灌木和多年生草本种组成,分为三个组:牡丹组(Sect. Moutan)、北美芍药组(Sect. Onaepia)和芍药组(Sect. Paeonia)。四川牡丹(Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti)和块根芍药(P. intermedia Meyer)分别隶属于牡丹组和芍药组。在该属的所有种中,染色体基数均为 x = 5,最短的五号染色体是端部着丝粒染色体,很容易辨认。 本论文研究了块根芍药三个居群22个个体和四川牡丹两个居群13个个体的减数分裂。减数分裂异常广泛发生,以至于发现所有被研究的个体都有数量不等的桥、断片和单价体。结果表明在中期I,块根芍药第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.17个棒状二价体和2.7个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有2.04个棒状二价体和2.86个环形二价体,第三个居群平均每个细胞有2.21个棒状二价体和2.71个环形二价体。而在四川牡丹中,第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.09个棒状二价体和2.81个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有1.85个棒状二价体和3.08个环形二价体。 块根芍药第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.25 I + 4.87 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II,第三个居群是2n = 10 = 0.17 I + 4.92 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.89 II。四川牡丹第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.90 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.14 I + 4.93 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II。在块根芍药中,不同个体的配对系数变化范围在69.5%和81.07%之间,在四川牡丹中在72.97%和81.37%之间。 在后期I和末期I,出现了染色体桥、断片、落后染色体、不等分离等异常现象。最明显的减数分裂异常是后期I桥/断片。尽管在不同的居群中桥/断片异常出现的频率有所变化(块根芍药居群一是26.03%,居群二是11.67%,居群三是13.39%;四川牡丹居群一是7.59%,居群二是9%),但是这种异常出现在所有个体中(块根芍药平均为18.67%,四川牡丹平均为7.69%)。结果表明,所有的个体都是染色体臂内倒位结构杂合体,广泛存在于野生自然居群中,可能存在某些选择优势。而且,桥的出现频率和断片的大小在个体之间是变化的,这因此表明在这两个种中存在不同的倒位。然而,这两个种在野生居群中是如何维持染色体结构杂合的,其维持机制还有待于进一步阐明,还需要更进一步的证据。 该研究还揭示了块根芍药和四川牡丹这两个种具有共同的第五号染色体减数分裂异常:与长臂相比,短臂在遗传距离和物理距离之间存在巨大的背离。短臂的遗传距离,通过交叉频率计算出来,约是长臂的三十分之一(块根芍药)。然而,物理距离用臂的比率表示,大约是长臂的三分之一,物理距离是遗传距离的十倍。 在四川牡丹红心桥居群和其它居群之间,臂比存在微小的差异,而且在芍药属不同的种内也发现了存在差异。在四川牡丹中,环形二价体(两个臂形成交叉)和棒状二价体(仅一个臂形成交叉)的比率是1.94 : 98.06,而在块根芍药中是3.42 : 96.58。在这两个种中,棒状二价体大大多于环形二价体。在第五号染色体的短臂上可能存在某些“搭车效应”,这表明第五号染色体的短臂上存在高度永久杂合,导致短臂高度保守、极为稳定。这与芍药属古老的分布格局、进化历史长可能存在某些联系。四川牡丹第五号染色体的后期I倒位桥出现频率非常低,仅为0.51 - 3.47%,平均为1.43%。而且断片长度是变化的,其变化范围在1.7 - 10.8 µm之间。


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本论文主要包括以下两部分内容: 一、真菌诱导子对青蒿发根生长和青蒿素生物合成的影响 用3种真菌诱导子[大丽花轮枝孢(Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)、葡枝根霉(Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb. ex Fr.) Vuill)和束状刺盘孢(Colleto trichumdematium (Pers.) Grove)]分别处理青蒿(Ar temisia annuaL.)的发根,这3种真菌诱导子均能促进发根中青蒿素的合成,其中以大丽花轮枝孢的诱导效果最好;对细胞生长均没有明显影响。经大丽花轮枝孢处理的发根中青蒿素含量达1. 12 mg/gDW,比对照(0. 77 mg/g DW)提高45%。诱导子的作用效果与诱导子浓度、诱导子作用时间及发根的生长状态有关。对大丽花轮枝孢来说,诱导子作用的最适浓度为每毫升培养基含糖0.4 mg;发根在指数生长末期对诱导作用最敏感:在加入诱导子4d后收获发根,发根中的青蒿素含量最高。 二、早花基因FPF1、co对青蒿开花时间的影响及开花与青蒿素生物合成的相关性 1.将来源于拟南芥的早花基因Flowering Promoting Factorl (FPFl)插入到植物表达载体pBI121中,构建CaMV 35S启动子控制下含FPFl基因的植物表达载体pBI121FPF/,用含有pBI121FPF/质粒的根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)LBA4404感染青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)叶片并诱导丛生芽,经卡那霉素筛选,获得转基因抗性植株。PCR、 PCR-Southem blot及Southern blot检测表明,外源基因FPFI已整合到青蒿基因组中:RT-PCR及RT-PCR Southern blot分析表明,外源基因在转录水平上已有表达。在短日照条件下,FPF1转基因植株的开花时间较对照提前20天左右,但提早开花的转基因植株与未开花的对照其青蒿素含量无明显差异,即提早开花并不能使开花植株的青蒿素含量有所提高,开花与青蒿素合成之间可能没有直接的关系。 2.将拟南芥的早花基因CONSTANS (CO)置于CaMV 35S启动子之下,通过根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)LBA4404介导转入青蒿(Artemisia annuaL.),使之在青蒿中表达,并得到了抗性植株。PCR、PCR-Southem blot及Southemblot检测表明,外源基因co已整合到青蒿基因组中;RT-PCR及RT-PCR Southemblot分析表明,外源基因在转录水平上已有表达。在短日照条件下,co转基因植株的开花时间较对照提前2周左右,但提早开花的转基因植株的青蒿素含量与未丌花的对照无明显差异,即植株开花前青蒿素含量的提高并不是由于开花本身引起的,再次证明,开花与青蒿素合成之间可能没有直接的关系。


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外生菌根是重要的菌根类群,在自然界中分布广泛。外生菌根真菌参与了生物地球化学循环,是森林生态系统中的重要组分。由于外生菌根真菌的宿主植物通常是一些生态系统的优势种和建群种,并且这些真菌还参与了许多森林生态系统的有机和无机元素循环、物种的竞争和共存、生物多样性的维持、生态系统的演替等过程,因而对外生菌根真菌的研究有助于对这些生态系统维持和演替机制的深入理解。作者在中国四川都江堰地区选择了两个不同林龄的森林,应用分子生物学方法,研究了它们的外生菌根真菌群落组成。比较分析了两种年龄亚热带森林下真菌群落的物种组成、密度和多样性的差异,并分析了外生菌根真菌群落与宿主植物群落之间的相互关系,主要研究结果如下: (1) 用分子方法(巢式PCR, RFLP和DNA测序)鉴定了87个土样中的ECM真菌。共检测到70种真菌,属于13目21科30属,其中,子囊菌门5目6科6属8种,担子菌门8目15科24属62种。在担子菌门中,革菌目、红菇目和伞菌目三个目的真菌为常见种。 (2) 成熟林的ECM真菌物种数、密度和物种多样性都显著高于幼林。 (3) 少数几种ECM真菌在群落中占绝对优势,而大多数种类的相对多度和相对频度都较低。重要值(IV)至少在一个样地中大于4.0%的真菌共有12种。成熟林中,IV大于4.0%的ECM真菌有8种,分别是:Russula sp.01,Tomentella sp.01,Tomentella sp.04,Tomentella sp.05,Boletales-01,Lactarius sp.01,Tricholomataceae-01,Leptodontidium sp.01;幼林中IV大于4.0%的真菌有6种,分别是:Lactarius quietus,Russula sp.01,Tomentella sp.01,Tomentella sp.02,Tomentella sp.03, Trechisporales-01。 (4) 成熟林与幼林中的优势属有所不同,成熟林以绵菌属和红菇属最丰富,幼林以乳菇属最丰富,其次是绵菌属和红菇属; (5) ECM真菌群落与乔木群落关系密切,ECM真菌群落物种多样性随着菌根乔木群落物种多样性的增加而增加;ECM群落密度随着非菌根乔木群落密度的增加而降低;ECM群落物种数随着非菌根乔木群落物种数的增加而降低。 (6) ECM真菌群落间的相似性与菌根乔木群落间相似性之间呈显著正相关,即,菌根乔木群落之间越相似,则菌根群落之间也越相似;ECM群落间的相似性与非菌根乔木群落间的相似性之间无相关性。