152 resultados para Caspase-9


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Identification of conserved genomic regions within and between different genomes is crucial when studying genome evolution. Here, we described regions of strong synteny conservation between vertebrate deuterostomes (tetrapods and teleosts) and invertebrat


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Amphibian skin is a rich resource of antimicrobial peptides, like maximins and maximin Hs from frog Bombina maxima. Novel cDNA clones encoding a precursor protein, which comprises a novel maximin peptide (maximin 9) and reported maximin H3, were isolated from two constructed skin cDNA libraries of B. maxima. The predicted primary structure of maximin 9 is GIGRKFLGGVKTTFRCGVKDFASKHLY-NH2. A surprising substitution is at position 16, with a free cysteine in maximin 9 rather than usual conserved glycine in other reported maximins. Maximin 9, the homodimer form and its Cys(16) to Gly(16) mutant were synthesized and their antimicrobial activities were evaluated. Unlike previously reported maximin 3, the tested bacterial and fungal strains were resistant to maximin 9, its homodimer and the Cys(16) to Gly(16) mutant (with MICs > 100 mu M). On the other hand, interestingly, while eight clinical Mollicutes strains were generally resistant to maximin 9 homodimer and its Cys(16) to Gly(16) mutant, most of them are sensitive to maximin 9 at a peptide concentration of 30 mu M, especially in the presence of dithiothreitol. These results indicate that the presence of a reactive Cys residue in maximin 9 is important for its antimycoplasma activity. The diversity of antimicrobial peptide cDNA structures encountered in B. maxima skin cDNA libraries and the antimicrobial specificity differences of the peptides may reflect well the species' adaptation to the unique microbial environments. (c) 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In total, 1218 Chinese from twelve ethnic groups and nine Han geographic groups were screened for the mtDNA 9-bp deletion motif. The frequency of the 9-bp deletion in all samples was 14.7% but ranged from 0% to 32% in the various ethnic groups. Three individuals had a triplication of the 9-bp segment. Phylogenetic and demographic analyses of the mtDNA hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) sequences suggest that the 9-bp deletion occurred more than once in China. The majority of the Chinese deletion:haplotypes (about 90%) have a common origin as a mutational event following an initial expansion of modem humans in eastern Asia. Other deletion haplotypes and the three haplotypes with a 9-bp triplication may have arisen independently in the Chinese, presumably by replication error. HVS1 haplotype analysis suggests two possible migration routes of the 9-bp deletion in east and southeast Asia. Both migrations originated in China with one route leading to the Pacific Islands via Taiwan, the other to southeast Asia and possibly the Nicobar Islands. Along both routes of peopling, a decrease in HVS1 diversity of the mtDNA haplotypes is observed. The "Polynesian motif (16217T/C, 16247A/G, and 16261C/T)" and the 16140T/C, 16266C/A, or C/G polymorphisms appear specific to each migration route.


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The 9-bp deletion in the COII/tRNA(Lys) intergenic region (region V) of human mitochondrial DNA was screened in 1521 Chinese from 16 ethnic groups and 9 Hen geographic groups. The highest frequency was found in populations of Miao (32.4%) and Bouyei (30.8


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为了探讨鱼类寄生嗜子宫线虫的系统发育关系,测定了8种嗜子宫线虫的ITS rDNA(核糖体转录内间隔区核 糖核酸)序列和9种嗜子宫线虫的18S rDNA(小亚基核糖体核糖核酸)部分序列,并构建了18S rDNA序列的系统发 育树。在比较和分析ITS rDNA和18S rDNA两种分子标记对嗜子宫科线虫系统发育适用性的基础上,分析了嗜子 宫线虫的系统发育关系。结果表明:中国嗜子宫线虫是单系起源;黄颡鱼似嗜子宫线虫、赣州似嗜子宫线虫和棍头 嗜子宫线虫亲缘关系非常接近,可能是较晚形成的种;似嗜子宫线虫属可能应该被


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<正> 我们曾报道过分布于湖北省的鳊、鲴亚科鱼类的核型。本文继续报道采自四川和广东省的鳊、鲴亚科另10种鱼的核型考察结果。材料和方法四川半(歺又鱼)由于采集困难,仅分析了一尾雄鱼。其余9种鱼均分析了3—5尾,包括雌雄两种性别(表1)。染色体标本的制备采用体外短期培养肾细胞制片法(采自四川的鱼),或肾细胞直接制片法(采自广东的鱼)。根据我们实验室以前的工作,两种方法的核型分析结果基本上一致。每种鱼计数60—170个细胞确定其2n数。染色体分组按Levan氏的标准,核型分析方法和臂数计算均同以前的报道。核型图


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Background: The DExD/H domain containing RNA helicases such as retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) are key cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) for detecting nucleotide pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of invading viruses. The RIG-I and MDA5 proteins differentially recognise conserved PAMPs in double stranded or single stranded viral RNA molecules, leading to activation of the interferon system in vertebrates. They share three core protein domains including a RNA helicase domain near the C terminus (HELICc), one or more caspase activation and recruitment domains (CARDs) and an ATP dependent DExD/H domain. The RIG-I/MDA5 directed interferon response is negatively regulated by laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) and is believed to be controlled by the mitochondria antiviral signalling protein (MAVS), a CARD containing protein associated with mitochondria. Results: The DExD/H containing RNA helicases including RIG-I, MDA5 and LGP2 were analysed in silico in a wide spectrum of invertebrate and vertebrate genomes. The gene synteny of MDA5 and LGP2 is well conserved among vertebrates whilst conservation of the gene synteny of RIG-I is less apparent. Invertebrate homologues had a closer phylogenetic relationship with the vertebrate RIG-Is than the MDA5/LGP2 molecules, suggesting the RIG-I homologues may have emerged earlier in evolution, possibly prior to the appearance of vertebrates. Our data suggest that the RIG-I like helicases possibly originated from three distinct genes coding for the core domains including the HELICc, CARD and ATP dependent DExD/H domains through gene fusion and gene/domain duplication. Furthermore, presence of domains similar to a prokaryotic DNA restriction enzyme III domain (Res III), and a zinc finger domain of transcription factor (TF) IIS have been detected by bioinformatic analysis. Conclusion: The RIG-I/MDA5 viral surveillance system is conserved in vertebrates. The RIG-I like helicase family appears to have evolved from a common ancestor that originated from genes encoding different core functional domains. Diversification of core functional domains might be fundamental to their functional divergence in terms of recognition of different viral PAMPs.


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Except for the complement C1q, the immunological functions of other C1q family members have remained unclear. Here we describe zebrafish C1q-like, whose transcription and translation display a uniform distribution in early embryos, and are restricted to mid-hind brain and eye in later embryos. In vitro studies showed that C1q-like could inhibit the apoptosis induced by ActD and CHX in EPC cells, through repressing caspase 3/9 activities. Moreover, its physiological roles were studied by morpholino-mediated knockdown in zebrafish embryogenesis. In comparison with control embryos, the C1q-like knockdown embryos display obvious defects in the head and cramofacial development mediated through p53-induced apoptosis, which was confirmed by the in vitro transcribed C1q-like mRNA or p53 MO co-injection. TUNEL assays revealed extensive cell death, and caspase 3/9 activity measurement also revealed about two folds increase in C1q-like morphant embryos, which was inhibited by p53 MO co-injection. Real-time quantitative PCR showed the up-regulation expression of several apoptosis regulators such as p53, mdm2, p21, Box and caspase 3, and down-regulation expression of hbae1 in the C1q-like morphant embryos. Knockdown of C1q-like in zebrafish embryos decreased hemoglobin production and impaired the organization of mesencephalic vein and other brain blood vessels. Interestingly, exposure of zebrafish embryos to UV resulted in an increase in mRNA expression of C1q-like, whereas over-expression of C1q-like was not enough resist to the damage. Furthermore, C1q-like transcription was up-regulated in response to pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, and embryo survival significantly decreased in the C1q-like morphants after exposure to the bacteria. The data suggested that C1q-like might play an antiapoptotic and protective role in inhibiting p53-dependent and caspase 3/9-mediated apoptosis during embryogenesis, especially in the brain development, and C1q-like should be a novel regulator of cell survival during zebrafish embryogenesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Perfluorinated organic compounds (PFOCs) are emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) widely present in the environment, wildlife and human. We studied the cellular toxicology of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on oxidative stress and induction of apoptosis in primary cultured hepatocytes of freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Cultured hepatocytes were exposed to PFOS or PFOA (0, 1, 5, 15 and 30 mg L-1) for 24 h, and a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability was determined using trypan blue exclusion method. Significant induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) accompanied by increases in activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) were found, while activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were decreased. Glutathione (GSH) content was reduced following treatment of PFOA and PFOS. A dose-dependent increase in the lipid peroxidation (LPO) level (measured as maleic dialdehyde, MDA) was observed only in the PFOA exposure groups, whereas LPO remained unchanged in the PFOS exposure groups. Furthermore, a significant activation of caspase-3, -8, -9 activities was evident in both PFOS and PFOA exposure groups. Typical DNA fragmentation (DNA laddering) was further characterized by agarose gel electrophoresis. The overall results demonstrated that PFOS and PFOA are able to produce oxidative stress and induce apoptosis with involvement of caspases in primary cultured tilapia hepatocytes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures with high mobility GaN channel layer were grown on 50 min diameter semi-insulating (SI) 6H-SiC substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition and large periphery HEMT devices were fabricated and characterized. High two-dimensional electron gas mobility of 2215 cm(2)/V s at room temperature with sheet electron concentration of 1.044 x 10(13)/cm(2) was achieved. The 50 mm diameter HEMT wafer exhibited a low average sheet resistance of 251.0 Omega/square, with the resistance uniformity of 2.02%. Atomic force microscopy measurements revealed a smooth AlGaN surface with a root-mean-square roughness of 0.27 nm for a scan area of 5 mu mi x 5 pm. The 1-mm gate width devices fabricated using the materials demonstrated a very high continuous wave output power of 9.39 W at 8 GHz, with a power added efficiency of 46.2% and power gain of 7.54 dB. A maximum drain current density of 1300 mA/mm, an extrinsic transconductance of 382 mS/mm, a current gain cutoff frequency of 31 GHz and a maximum frequency of oscillation 60 GHz were also achieved in the same devices. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembled In0.9Ga0.1As, In0.9Al0.1As, and InAs quantum dots (QD) were fabricated in an InAlAs matrix lattice-matched to an InP substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. Preliminary characterizations were performed using transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence, and reflection high-energy electron diffraction. Experimental results reveal clear differences in QD formation, size distribution, and luminescence between the InAs and In-0.9(Ga/Al)(0.1)As samples, which show the potential of introducing ternary compositions to adjust the structural and optical properties of QDs on an InP substrate. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)10213-0].


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The photoluminescence of porous silicon can be modified sensitively by surface adsorption of different kinds of molecules. A quite different effects of 9-cyanoanthracene and anthracene adsorption on the photoluminescence of porous silicon were observed. The adsorption of 9-cyanoanthracene induced the photoluminescence enhancement, while anthracene adsorption resulted in photoluminescent quenching. An explanation of the interaction of adsorbates with surface defect sites of porous silicon was suggested and discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.