90 resultados para Camp sites, facilities, etc.


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Data on sleeping site selection were collected for a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti; around 80) at Mt. Fuhe, Yunnan, China (99degrees20'E, 26degrees25'N, about 3,000 m asl) from November 2000 to January 2002. At the site mainly three vegetation types were present in an elevation-ascending order: deciduous broad leaf forest, mixed coniferous and broad leaf forest, and dark coniferous forest. In addition, bamboo forest presented in areas burned in 1958. Sleeping sites (n = 10) were located in the coniferous forest, where trees were the tallest, bottommost branches were the highest, the diameter of crowns was the second largest, and the gradient of the ground was the steepest. Monkeys usually kept quiet during entering and staying at a sleeping site. The site choice and the quietness may be tactics to avoid potential predators. In the coniferous forest, however, monkeys did not sleep in the valley bottom where trees were the largest, but frequently slept in the middle of the slope towards the east/southeast, in the shadow of ridges in three other directions, to avoid strong wind and to access sunshine; in winter-spring, they ranged in a more southern and lower area than in summer-autumn. These may be behavioral strategies to minimize energy stress in the cold habitat. Monkeys often slept in the same sleeping site on consecutive nights, which reflected a reduced pressure of predation probably due to either the effectiveness of anti-predation through sleeping site selection, or the population decline of predators with increasing human activities in the habitat. The group's behavioral responses to interactive and sometimes conflicting traits of the habitat are site-specific and conform to expectations for a temperate zone primate.


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Data on sleeping sites of a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti (Colobinae, Primates) were collected between April-July and September-December 2001 to try to determine the factors affecting site selection at Nanren (99 degrees


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The family Cyprinidae is widely distributed in East Asia, and has the important phylogenetic significance in the fish evolution. In this study, the 5' end partial sequences (containing exon 1, exon 2 and indel 1) of S6K1 gene were obtained from 30 representative species in Cyprinidae and outgroup using PCR amplification and sequencing. The phylogenetic relationships of Cyprinidae were reconstructed with neighbor joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian methods. Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Catostomidae) was assigned to the outgroup taxon. Similar phylogenetic relationships within the family Cyprinidae were achieved with the four analyses. Leuciscini and Barbini were monophyletic lineages respectively with the high nodal supports. Leuciscini comprises Hypophthalmichthyinae, Xenocyprinae, Cultrinae, Gobioninae, Acheilognathinae and East Asian species of Leuciscinae and Danioninae. Monophyly of East Asian clade was supported with high nodal support. Barbini comprises Schizothoracinae, Barbinae, Cyprininae and Labeoninae. The monophyletic lineage consisting of Danio rerio, D. myersi, and Rasbora trilineata was basal in the tree. In addition, the large fragment indels in intron 1 were analyzed to improve the understanding of Cyprinidae relationships. The results showed that the large fragment indels were correlated with the relations among species. Some conserved regions in intron 1 were thought to be involved in the functional regulation. However, no correlation was found between sequence variations and species characteristic size.


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With current gene-transfer techniques in fish, insertion of DNA into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. Associated position effects, copy number differences, and multiple gene interactions make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and fish phenotype less predictable. To meet different fish engineering needs, we describe here a gene targeting model in zebrafish. At first, four target zebrafish lines, each harboring a single genomic lox71 target site, were generated by zebrafish transgenesis. The zygotes of transgenic zebrafish lines were coinjected with capped Cre mRNA and a knockin vector pZklox66RFP. Site-specific integration event happened from one target zebrafish line. In this line two integrant zebrafish were obtained from more than 80,000 targeted embryos (integrating efficiency about 10(-4) to 10(-5)) and confirmed to have a sole copy of the integrating DNA at the target genome site. Genomic polymerase chain reaction analysis and DNA sequencing verified the correct gene target events where lox71 and lox66 have accurately recombined into double mutant lox72 and wild-type loxP. Each integrant zebrafish chosen for analysis harbored the transgene rfp at the designated egfp concatenates. Although the Cre-mediated recombination is site specific, it is dependent on a randomly placed target site. That is, a genomic target cannot be preselected for integration based solely on its sequence. Conclusively, an rfp reporter gene was successfully inserted into the egfp target locus of zebrafish genome by Cre-lox-mediated recombination. This site-directed knockin system using the lox71/lox66 combination should be a promising gene-targeting platform serving various purposes in fish genetic engineering.


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Assessment method for ecological condition of Xiangxi River system was studied by using 13 candidate metrics of epilithic diatom which can reflect conditions in pH, salinity, nitrogen uptake metabolism, oxygen requirements, saprobity, trophic state, morphological character and pollution tolerant capability etc. By one-way ANOVA, the metrics of relative abundance of acidobiontic algae (ACID), freshwater algae (FRESH), high oxygen requirement (HIGH-O), eutraphentic state (EUTRA) and mobile taxa ( MOBILE) were suitable for distinguishing sites in different conditions. Then, the river diatom index (RDI) composed of these five metrics was used to evaluate ecological condition of the river. The results showed that the healthiest sites were in the Guanmenshan Natural Reserve ( with the mean RDI of 79.73). The sites located in tributary of Jiuchong River also owned excellent state (mean RDI of 78.25). Mean RDI of another tributary - Gufu River and the main river were 70.85 and 68.45 respectively, and the unhealthiest tributary was Gaolan River (with mean RDI of 65.64). The mean RDI for all the 51 sites was 71.40. The competence of RDI was discussed with comparison of evaluation results of DAIpo and TDI, it can be concluded that multimetrics is more competent in assessment task.


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Structural and functional parameters of protozoan communities colonizing on PFU (polyurethane foam unit) artificial substrate were assessed as indicators of water quality in the Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly polluted freshwater lake in China. Protozoan communities were sampled 1, 3, 6, 9 and 14 days after exposure of PFU artificial substrate in the lake during October 2003. Four study stations with the different water quality gradient changes along the lake were distinguishable in terms of differences in the community's structural (species richness, individual abundance, etc.) and functional parameters (protozoan colonization rates on PFU). The concentrations of TP, TN, COD and BOD as the main chemical indicators of pollution at the four sampling sites were also obtained each year during 2002-2003 for comparison with biological parameters. The results showed that the species richness and PFU colonization rate decreased as pollution intensity increased and that the Margalef diversity index values calculated at four sampling sites also related to water quality. The three functional parameters based on the PFU colonization process, that is, S-eq, G and T-90%, were strongly related to the pollution status of the water. The number of protozoan species colonizing on PFU after exposure of 1 to 3 days was found to give a clear comparative indication of the water quality at the four sampling stations. The research provides further evidence that the protozoan community may be utilized effectively in the assessment of water quality and that the PFU method furnishes rapid, cost-effective and reliable information that may be useful for measuring responses to pollution stress in aquatic ecosystems.


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As-grown Fe-doped semi-insulating InP single crystal has been converted into n-type low-resistance material after high temperature annealing. Defects in the InP materials have been studied by conventional Hall effect measurement, thermally stimulated current spectroscopy, deep level transient spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction respectively. The results indicate that Fe atoms in the InP material change from the substitutional to the interstitial sites under thermal activation. Consequently, the InP material loses its deep compensation centers which results in the change in types of conduction. The mechanism and cause of the phenomena have been analyzed through comparison of the sites of Fe atom occupation and activation in doping, diffusion and ion implantation processes of InP.


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Deep level defects in as-grown and annealed n-type and semi-insulating InP have been studied. After annealing in phosphorus ambient, a large quantity of deep level defects were generated in both n-type and semi-insulating InP materials. In contrast, few deep level defects exist in InP after annealing in iron phosphide ambient. The generation of deep level defects has direct relation with in-diffusion of iron and phosphorus in the annealing process. The in-diffused phosphorus and iron atoms occupy indium sites in the lattice, resulting in the formation of P anti-site defects and iron deep acceptors, respectively. T e results indicate that iron atoms fully occupy indium sites and suppress the formation of indium vacancy and P anti-site, etc., whereas indium vacancies and P anti-site defects. are formed after annealing in phosphor-us ambient. The nature of the deep level defects in InP has been studied based on the results.


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A phenomenological model is proposed to explain quantitatively the interesting compositional dependence on the Ge incorporation rate during low-temperature growth of Si1-xGex by disilane and solid-Ge molecular beam epitaxy, based on enhanced hydrogen desorption from Si sites due to the presence of Ge atoms. The hydrogen desorption rate constant for disilane on Si sites is fitted to an exponential function of Ge incorporation rate and a possible physical explanation is discussed. Simulated results are in excellent agreement with experimental data. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)02109-X].


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The optical absorption of a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot superlattice nanoring (QDSLNR) under a lateral dc electric field and with magnetic flux threading the ring is investigated. This structure and configuration provides a unique opportunity to study the optical response of a superlattice under an inhomogeneous electric field, which is not easily realized for general quantum well superlattices (QWSLs) but naturally realized for QDSLNRs under a homogeneous lateral electric field. It has been shown that a lateral dc electric field gives rise to a substantial change of the optical absorption spectra. Under a low field, the excitonic optical absorption is dominated by a 1s exciton. And with the electric field increasing, the optical absorption undergoes a transition from 1s excitonic absorption to 0 excitronic WSL absorption. (The number of 0, and -1 and +1 below are WSLs index.) The -1 and the +1 WSLs corresponding to the maximum effective field can also be identified. Due to the inhomogeneity of the electric field, the peaks of the -1 and the +1 WSLs are diminished and between them there exist rich and complicated structures. This is in contrast to the general QWSLs under a homogenous electric field. The complicated structures can be understood by considering the inhomogeneity of the electric field along the ring, which results in the nearest-neighbor transition, the next-nearest-neighbor transition, etc., have a different value repectively, at different sites along the ring. This may give rise to multiple WSLs. We have also shown that the line shape of the optical absorption is not sensitive to the threading magnetic flux. The threading magnetic flux only gives rise to a slight diamagnetic shift. Thus the enhancement of the sensitivity to the flux allowing for observation of the excitonic Aharanov-Bohm effect in the plain nanoring is not expected in QDSLNRs.


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探讨全球气候变化的生物学和生态学效应是当今生态学中的热点,研究大气CO2浓度升高对植物-昆虫相互作用关系的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文使用开顶式气室(Open-top chamber,OTC)在野外条件下研究了CO2浓度升高对三种树木(小青杨、白桦和蒙古栎)叶片化学成分含量的影响,以及树木叶片品质变化对一种广食性森林昆虫(舞毒蛾)幼虫取食、生长发育和取食偏嗜性的影响。得出如下结果:(1)CO2浓度升高对3个受试树种叶片中的营养成分及次生代谢物含量均有显著影响,总体表现为氮含量降低,而碳氮比、非结构性碳水化合物、总酚和缩合丹宁含量增加。叶片中的化学成分含量可随时间发生显著变化,不同树种、甚至同一树种不同冠层高度的叶片对CO2浓度升高的响应强度也是不同的。叶片的干物质含量和比叶重对CO2浓度升高的响应不显著。(2)室内非选择性取食实验、室内选择性取食实验以及上树取食饲养方式下的多龄期取食实验,均发现高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫的生长发育受到显著抑制。但对四龄舞毒蛾幼虫所进行的短期生物测定并未发现不同CO2浓度处理下幼虫的生长发育速率、对食物的取食率和转化率等昆虫营养指标存在显著差异。(3)叶片品质的降低是导致舞毒蛾幼虫生长发育受抑制的主要原因。但是总体上,CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化并未显著影响幼虫的取食率和取食量。(4)舞毒蛾幼虫对不同叶片种类表现出清晰的取食选择性,这种选择性在其幼龄期就可表现出来。幼虫对小青杨上层叶片有最显著的偏嗜性,对蒙古栎下层叶片有最明显的拒食性。但是CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化对舞毒蛾幼虫的取食选择性和寄主偏嗜行为并未产生显著影响。(5)检测出高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫虫粪中含有浓度更高的植物次生代谢物质(总酚和缩合单宁),这很可能是昆虫整体生长发育受抑制的重要原因之一。