23 resultados para Brasil. [Lei n. 12.527 de 18 de novembro de 2011]


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A series of novel, long-chain-substituted, porphyrin derivatives, meso-tetra (4-alkylamidophenyl) porphyrin ligands and their Zn complexes (alkyl = 8,10,12,14,16,18) were prepared by acylation of the amino groups of 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-aminophenyl)porphyrin by alkyl chloride. Mesomorphism was investigated by DSC, polarized optical microscopy (POM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Only ligands containing chains > 12 carbon atoms displayed liquid crystalline behaviour, which exhibited a high phase transition temperature and a broad mesophase temperature span, Zn complexes showed no liquid crystalline behaviour. Cyclic voltammetry, luminescence spectra and surface photovoltage spectroscopy revealed that covalent linking of an alkylamido group to the tetraphenylporphyrin molecule influences, significantly, the properties of the porphyrin macrocycle.


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A series of branched poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) derived polymers with different lengths of n-alkyl side chains, denoted as PEI(n)Cs (n = 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, number of carbon atoms in alkyl side group), have been prepared by a N-alkylation method, and systematically characterized by differential scanning calorimertry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WARD) as well as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The side chains grafted on these comblike polymers are long enough to form crystalline phase composed of paraffin-like crystallites. The crystallization of the side chains forces the branched poly(ethyleneimine) molecules to pack into layered structure, between which the crystallites are located. The melting temperatures of the side chain crystallites increase from -12.36 to +51.49 degreesC with increasing the length of the side chains from n. = 12 to n = 20, which are a little bit lower than the corresponding pristine n-alkanes. PEI18C was taken as an example in this work for the investigation of phase transition and conformational variation of the side chains with temperature changing.


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In the presence of F-, OH-, Cl-, electrochemical redox of (OEP)Mg(II) [2,3, 7,8,12,13,17,18 octaethyl-21H, 23H-porphine magnesium (II)] are investigated in DCE/0.1 mol/L solution by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry, In the presence of anions, anions are axially coordinated to (OEP)Mg(II) generate (OEP)Mg(II)Y, the E-1/2 of (OEP)MS(II)Y oxidation are negatively shifted. A chemical reaction following the second oxidation step is observed, the E-1/2 of the reaction product is obtained. Mechanism of (OEP)Mg(II) in the halogen and OH- anions titration process has been proposed.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), an essential enzyme for catalyzing the biosynthesis of thymidylate, is a critical therapeutic target in cancer therapy. Recent studies have shown that TS functions as an RNA-binding protein by interacting with two different sequences on its own mRNA, thus, repressing translational efficiency. In this study, peptides binding TS RNA with high affinity were isolated using mRNA display from a large peptide library (>10(13) different sequences). The randomized library was subjected up to twelve rounds of in vitro selection and amplification. Comparing the amino acid composition of the selected peptides (12th round, R12) with those from the initial random library (round zero, R0), the basic and aromatic residues in the selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting that these peptide regions might be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. Categorizing the amino acids at each random position based on their physicochemical properties and comparing the distributions with those of the initial random pool, an obvious basic charge characteristic was found at positions 1, 12, 17 and 18, suggesting that basic side chains participate in RNA binding. Secondary structure prediction showed that the selected peptides of R12 pool represented a helical propensity compared with R0 pool, and the regions were rich in basic residues. The electrophoretic gel mobility shift and in vitro translation assays showed that the peptides selected using mRNA display could bind TS RNA specifically and inhibit the translation of TS mRNA. Our results suggested that the identified peptides could be used as new TS inhibitors and developed to a novel class of anticancer agents.


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本文研究了16口虾塘的饲料投喂量、水位、盐度、透明度、水温、pH、溶解氧浓度、NH3-N浓度、水色、对虾体长及浮游植物的种类和数量等水体理化因子和生物因子的变化。经过统计分析结果如下: 在养殖前4个月饲料的日平均投喂量基本上呈一个倒“U”型。即随着养殖时间的推移,饲料日平均投喂量逐渐增大,到养殖60 d左右,饲料日平均投喂量达到了最大值,然后进入一个平台期,平台期大约维持30 d左右,随后饲料日平均投喂量逐渐减少。在120 d~130 d饲料日平均投喂量降到最低点后又逐渐回升。 水位平均值变化趋势基本相同,均为前浅后深,即随着养殖时间的推移养殖水位平均值逐渐加深 。 盐度变化趋势基本相同,均为前低后高,即随着养殖时间的推移养殖水体盐度逐渐升高。 透明度的总体变化趋势为:早上透明度比下午大,前期透明度比后期大。 水温基本上是随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐下降。6:30的水温比17:30的水温低。且6:30水温与17:30水温基本上呈平行趋势。 pH变化的总体趋势为:前期较高,随着养殖时间的推移pH逐渐下降,到中期(90d左右)pH降到最低点,尔后又逐渐上升,略呈“V”字形。早上的pH比下午的低。且早上的pH与下午的pH基本上呈平行趋势,间或有较大波动。 6:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐增高。17:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值在整个养殖过程中比较平稳。同时,17:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值高于6:30,养殖前期(前90d)这种趋势更明显。 NH3-N浓度的平均值随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐增高。在养殖后期NH3-N浓度的波动较大。同时,养殖过程中17:30NH3-N浓度的平均值高于6:30。 6:30时出现9~21号水色,它们出现的比例分别为:9号占0.1%,10号占0.3%,11号占1.1%, 120.6%,13号1.5%,14号占3.7%,15号占7.1%,16号占17.5%,17号占22.0%,18号占15.9%,19号占13.7%,2010.9%,21号占5.8%;17:30时出现11~21号水色,它们出现的比例分别为11号占0.1%, 12号占0.3%,13号占1.2%,14号占4.0%,15号占6.0%,16号占17.8%,17号占24.7%,18号占18.1%,19号占11.8%,20号占9.7%,215.7%。 在11种典型水色中共检出浮游植物67种。其中11号水色检出16种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数47.1%)和菱形海线藻(占总数29.8%)。12号水色共检出16种,优势种为原甲藻(占总数40.85%)和圆筛藻(占总数20.73%)。13号水色共检出16种,优势种为颤藻(占总数45.58%)。14号水色共检出18种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数56.73%)和膝沟藻(占总数12.87%)。15号水色共检出18种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数64.76%)。16号水色共检出16种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数69.93%)。17号水色共检出14种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数62.56%)和膝沟藻(占总数15.76%)。18号水色共检出21种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数71.19%)。19号水色共检出18种,优势种为圆筛藻(占总数94.99%)。20号水色共检出18种,优势种为圆筛藻(占总数87.14%)。21号水色共检出15种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数59.80%)和萎软几内亚藻(占总数17.57%)。 相关分析结果表明高位池理化因子中对水色的主要影响因素:17:30PH值、养殖生物量、17:30NH3-N17:30 透明度、水交换量。 对体长的主要影响因素为 6:30溶解氧、水交换量、17:30水色、饲料投喂量、盐度、17:30透明度、17:30水温、6:30NH3-N。 对对虾本身生物学形状对体重的影响研究表明体长、头胸甲长、胸宽、额剑下缘刺数目对体重的通径系数达到显著水平,它们是直接影响体重的重要指标,其中体长对体重的直接影响(0.428**)最大,是影响体重的最主要因素,其次为头胸甲长(0.290**)和胸宽(0.245**),额剑下缘刺数对体重的直接影响(0.070*)较小;胸高与体重的相关程度很大(0.7923),但它与额剑上缘刺数对体重的直接影响都非常小,主要通过其他性状间接影响活体重,是影响体重的次要因素。


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通过采用国际冻原计划(ITEX)模拟增温效应对植被影响的方法,研究了矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸的物候、群落结构和地上生物量对温度升高的响应,结果表明:温室内气温、地表温度、土壤表层温度可分别提高1.47℃、1.54℃、1.00℃。组成植物群落的种群物候期可以提前和延迟,植物生长期延长。组成植物群落主要种群的高度、盖度、重要值均有提高,种群结构发生一定变化。地上生物量发生变化,其中禾草增加12.3%,莎草增加1.18%,杂草减少21.13%,总量增加3.53%。


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