38 resultados para Blind.


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A semi-blind equalization method is proposed based on combination of adaptive and blind equalization techniques, which is more effective for optical signal processing in time-varied band-limited channel. The numerical simulation of Poisson noise OOK optical pulse signal in a band-limited channel using digital equalization techniques is performed, and the results are compared. The semi-blind equalization matchs the channel faster and sustains convergence were identified. In addition, the wavelet de-noise technique is introduced in the de-nosing area of optical signa process. The criteria of choosing wavelet basises is obtained that smooth wavelet soft threshold method is better. The corresponding numerical simulation is also conducted.


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The FOB-3, anew type fiber optic biosensor, is designed to rapidly detect a variety of biological agents or analytes with better stability, sensitivity and specificity. In order to detect Y. Pestis, a sandwich immunoassay was developed by using the purified antibody against antigen FI immobilized on polystyrene probes as the capture antibody and the monoclonal antibody-Cy5 conjugate as the detector. After a series of optimization for the stability, sensitivity and specificity of the FOB-3, 50-1000 ng/ml of antigen FI and 6 x 10(1)-6 x 10(7) CFU/ml Y. pestis could be detected constantly in about 20 min, and Y pestis could be detected specifically from Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, B. anthracis and E. coli. Then, 39 blind samples, including 27 tissues of mice infected with Y pestis and 12 tissues of healthy mice as negative control, were detected with the FOB-3. 92.6% infected tissues were identified from the tissues of healthy mice and the tissues containing more than 100 CFU/ml bacteria could be detected by the biosensor. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the FOB-3 as an effective method to detect Y. pestis rapidly and directly from the infected animal specimens with the advantage of portability, simple-operation as well as high sensitivity and specificity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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2006年5月从广西武鸣县城5km的地下龙潭中发现了原花鳅属的一个新种.该新种被命名为多鳞原花鳅(Protocobitis polylepis),与该属唯一已知种无眼原花鳅(Protocobitis typhlops)的豁别特征如下:1) 体背和体侧具淡的色素vs.色素完全退化;2) 除头和腹部外身体其余部分被稀疏鳞片vs.稀疏鳞片仪见于体侧中线;头长为体长24.1%-24.8% vs.19.8%-22.1%;体高为体长16.2%-16.3% vs.11.5%-13.0%:内侧吻须长为头长19.8%-21.O% vs.9.4%-11.8%;外侧吻须长为头长28.6%-30.2% vs.1513%-21.8%;颌须长为头长44.6%-46.0% vs.22.4%-31.8%.


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Visible-blind p-i-n avalanche photodiodes (APDs) were fabricated with high-quality GaN epilayers deposited on c-plane sapphire substrates by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. Due to low dislocation density and a sophisticated device fabrication process, the dark current was as small as similar to 0.05 nA under reverse bias up to 20V for devices with a large diameter of 200 mu m, which was among the largest device area for GaN-based p-i-n APDs yet reported. When the reverse bias exceeded 38V the dark current increased sharply, exhibiting a bulk avalanche field-dominated stable breakdown without microplasma formation or sidewall breakdown. With ultraviolet illumination (360 nm) an avalanche multiplication gain of 57 was achieved.


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The performance of the current sensor in power equipment may become worse affected by the environment. In this paper, based on ICA, we propose a method for on-line verification of the phase difference of the current sensor. However, not all source components are mutually independent in our application. In order to get an exact result, we have proposed a relative likelihood index to choose an optimal result from different runs. The index is based on the maximum likelihood evaluation theory and the independent subspace analysis. The feasibility of our method has been confirmed by experimental results.


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A subretinal implant device, Micro Photo Diode Array, which can partly imitate the function of photoreceptor cells, was presented. Process to fabricate the MPDA and characteristics of the MPDA in vivo were described.


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A prototype neuro-stimulus chip for sub-retinal implants in blind patients affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) or Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is presented in this paper. This retinal prosthetic chip was designed to replace the degenerated photoreceptor cells, and in order to stimulate directly the remaining healthy layers of retinal neurons. The current stimulus circuits are monolithic integrated with photodiodes (PD) array, which can convert the illumination on the eyes into bi-phasic electrical pulses. In addition, a novel charge cancellation circuit is used to discharge the electrodes for medical safty. The prototype chip is designed and fabricated in HJTC 0.18 mu m N-well CMOS 1P6M Mix-signal process, with a +/- 2.5 V dual voltage power supply.


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Vertical PIN ultraviolet photodetectors based on 4H-SiC homoepilayers are presented. The growth of the 4H-SiC homoepilayers was carried out in a LPCVD system. The size of the active area of the photodetector was 300 x 300 mu m(2). The dark and illuminated I-V characteristics were measured at reverse biases from 0 V to 30 V at room temperature. The illuminated current was at least two orders of magnitude higher than the dark current at a bias of below 12 V. The photoresponse was measured from 200 nm to 400 nm at different reverse biases and the peak values of the photo response were located at 3 10 nm. The calculated spectral detectivity D* was shown to be higher than 10(13) cmHz(1/2)/W from 260 to 360 nm with a peak value of 5.9 x 10(13) cmHz(1/2) /W at 310 nm. The peak value of the photoresponse was hundreds of times higher than the response at 400 nm, which showed the device had good visible blind performance. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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The goal of image restoration is to restore the original clear image from the existing blurred image without distortion as possible. A novel approach based on point location in high-dimensional space geometry method is proposed, which is quite different from the thought ways of existing traditional image restoration approaches. It is based on the high-dimensional space geometry method, which derives from the fact of the Principle of Homology-Continuity (PHC). Begin with the original blurred image, we get two further blurred images. Through the regressive deducing curve fitted by these three images, the first iterative deblured image could be obtained. This iterative "blurring-debluring-blurring" process is performed till reach the deblured image. Experiments have proved the availability of the proposed approach and achieved not only common image restoration but also blind image restoration which represents the majority of real problems.


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The performance of the current sensor in power equipment may become worse affected by the environment. In this paper, based on ICA, we propose a method for on-line verification of the phase difference of the current sensor. However, not all source components are mutually independent in our application. In order to get an exact result, we have proposed a relative likelihood index to choose an optimal result from different runs. The index is based on the maximum likelihood evaluation theory and the independent subspace analysis. The feasibility of our method has been confirmed by experimental results.


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Both commercial and scientific applications often need to transform color images into gray-scale images, e. g., to reduce the publication cost in printing color images or to help color blind people see visual cues of color images. However, conventional color to gray algorithms are not ready for practical applications because they encounter the following problems: 1) Visual cues are not well defined so it is unclear how to preserve important cues in the transformed gray-scale images; 2) some algorithms have extremely high time cost for computation; and 3) some require human-computer interactions to have a reasonable transformation. To solve or at least reduce these problems, we propose a new algorithm based on a probabilistic graphical model with the assumption that the image is defined over a Markov random field. Thus, color to gray procedure can be regarded as a labeling process to preserve the newly well-defined visual cues of a color image in the transformed gray-scale image. Visual cues are measurements that can be extracted from a color image by a perceiver. They indicate the state of some properties of the image that the perceiver is interested in perceiving. Different people may perceive different cues from the same color image and three cues are defined in this paper, namely, color spatial consistency, image structure information, and color channel perception priority. We cast color to gray as a visual cue preservation procedure based on a probabilistic graphical model and optimize the model based on an integral minimization problem. We apply the new algorithm to both natural color images and artificial pictures, and demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms representative conventional algorithms in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, it requires no human-computer interactions.


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Plateau zokor (Myospalax baileyi) is one of the blind subterranean mole rats that spend their life solely underground in scaled burrows. It is one of the special species of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. In their burrows, oxygen is low and carbon dioxide is high and their contents fluctuate with the change of seasons, soil types, rain and depth of burrows. However, plateau zokors show successful adaptation to that extreme environment. In this study, their adapting mechanisms to the hypoxic hypercapnic environment were analyzed through the comparison of their blood-gas properties with that of pikas (Ochotona curzniae) and Sprague-Dawley rats. The results indicated that plateau zokors had higher red blood corpuscle counts (8.11 +/- 0.59 (10(12)/L)) and hemoglobin concentrations (147 +/- 9.85 g/L), but hematocrit (45.9 +/- 3.29%) and mean corpuscular volume (56.67 +/- 2.57 fL) were lower than the other rodents. Their arterial blood and venous blood pH were 7.46 +/- 0.07 and 7.27 +/- 0.07. Oxygen pressure in arterial blood of plateau zokors was about 1.5 times higher than that of pikas and rats, and it was 0.36 and 0.26 times in their venous blood. Partial pressure for carbon dioxide in arterial and venous blood of plateau zokors was 1.5-fold and 2.0-fold higher, respectively, than in rats and pikas. Oxygen saturation of plateau zokors was 5.7 and 9.3 times lower in venous blood than that of pikas and rats, respectively. As result, the difference of oxygen saturation in arterial blood to venous blood was 2- and 4.5-fold higher in plateau zokors as that of pikas and rats, respectively. In conclusion, plateau zokors had a high tolerance to pH changes in tissues, together with strong capabilities to obtain oxygen from their hypoxic-hypercapnic environment. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Inc.