54 resultados para Berkovich Indenter


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. Although the same expres


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纳米硬度计,又称深度测量压入仪.该仪器在刚性压针上施加特定载荷,同时记录压入试样深度.此技术广泛应用于微纳米尺度力学性能的研究.以MTS Nano Indenter○ RXP为测试手段,参考试样熔融硅为研究对象,进行了不同压入深度的测试.结果显示,硬度和模量有随压入深度减小而增大的趋势.分析了接触零点的确定、压针尖端缺陷、试样表面的吸湿和粗糙度、弹塑性转变等因素对测试结果的影响.在压入深度为微米和亚微米量级时,上述因素对测试结果无显著影响;而在纳米量级时,有显著影响.所以,当压入深度为几十纳米时,纳米压入测试结果的可靠性值得注意.


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Determining the mechanical properties at micro- and nanometer length scales using nanoindentation or atomic force microscopy is important to many areas of science and engineering. Here we establish equations for obtaining storage and loss modulus from oscillatory indentations by performing a nonlinear analysis of conical and spherical indentation in elastic and viscoelastic solids. We show that, when the conical indenter is driven by a sinusoidal force, the square of displacement is a sinusoidal function of time, not the displacement itself, which is commonly assumed. Similar conclusions hold for spherical indentations. Well-known difficulties associated with measuring contact area and correcting thermal drift may be circumvented using the newly derived equations. These results may help improve methods of using oscillatory indentation for determining elastic and viscoelastic properties of solids.


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Using dimensional analysis and finite element calculation, we studied spherical indentation in elastic-plastic solids with work hardening. We report two previously unknown relationships between hardness, reduced modulus, indentation depth, indenter radius, and work of indentation. These relationships, together with the relationship between initial unloading stiffness and reduced modulus, provide an energy-based method for determining contact area, reduced modulus, and hardness of materials from instrumented spherical indentation measurements. This method also provides a means for calibrating the effective radius of imperfectly shaped spherical indenters. Finally, the method is applied to the analysis of instrumented spherical indentation experiments on copper, aluminum, tungsten, and fused silica.


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Using dimensional analysis and finite-element calculations we determine the functional form of indentation loading curves for a rigid conical indenter indenting into elastic-perfectly plastic solids. The new results are compared with the existing theories of indentation using conical indenters, including the slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids, Sneddon's result for elastic solids, and Johnson's model for elastic-perfectly plastic solids. In the limit of small ratio of yield strength (Y) to Young's modulus (E), both the new results and Johnson's model approach that predicted by slip-line theory for rigid-plastic solids. In the limit of large Y/E, the new results agree with that for elastic solids. For a wide range of Y/E, some difference is found between Johnson's model-and the present result. This study also demonstrates the possibilities and limitations of using indentation loading curves to extract fundamental mechanical properties of solids.


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Spherical nanoindentation tests were performed on Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass and pile-ups were observed around the indenter. A new modified expanding cavity model was developed to characterize the indentation deformation behavior of strain-hardening and pressure-dependent materials. By using this model, the representative stress-strain response of this bulk metallic glass to hardness and indentation in the elastic-plastic regime were obtained taking into consideration the effect of pile-up.


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We provide an overview of the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis, followed by a review of some of the recent work on applying these concepts to modeling instrumented indentation measurements. Specifically, we examine conical and pyramidal indentation in elastic-plastic solids with power-law work-hardening, in power-law creep solids, and in linear viscoelastic materials. We show that the scaling approach to indentation modeling provides new insights into several basic questions in instrumented indentation, including, what information is contained in the indentation load-displacement curves? How does hardness depend on the mechanical properties and indenter geometry? What are the factors determining piling-up and sinking-in of surface profiles around indents? Can stress-strain relationships be obtained from indentation load-displacement curves? How to measure time dependent mechanical properties from indentation? How to detect or confirm indentation size effects? The scaling approach also helps organize knowledge and provides a framework for bridging micro- and macroscales. We hope that this review will accomplish two purposes: (1) introducing the basic concepts of scaling and dimensional analysis to materials scientists and engineers, and (2) providing a better understanding of instrumented indentation measurements.


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Nanoindentation experiments on Al/glass systems show that, as the indentation depth increases, the hardness decreases during a shallow indentation, and increases when the indenter tip approaches the film–substrate interface. We associate the rise in hardness during two stages with the strong strain gradient effects, the first stage is related with the small scale effects and the second stage with the strain gradient between the indenter and the hard substrate. Using the strain gradient theory proposed by Chen and Wang and the classical plasticity theory, the observed nanoindentation behavior is modeled and analyzed by means of the finite element method, and it is found that the classical plasticity cannot explain the experiment results but the strain gradient theory can describe the experiment data at both shallow and deep indentation depths very well. The results prove that both the strain gradient effects and substrate effects exist in the nanoindentation of the film–substrate system.


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for displacement-controlled indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. While the same expression is well known for indentation in elastic and in elastic–plastic solids, we show that it is also true for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids, provided that the unloading rate is sufficiently fast. When the unloading rate is slow, a “hold” period between loading and unloading can be used to provide a correction term for the initial unloading slope equation. Finite element calculations are used to illustrate the methods of fast unloading and “hold-at-the-maximum-indenter-displacement” for determining the instantaneous modulus using spherical indenters.


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Under optimized operating parameters, a hard and wear resistant ( Ti,Al)N film is prepared on a normalized T8 carbon tool steel substrate by using pulsed high energy density plasma technique. Microstructure and composition of the film are analysed by x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Hardness profile and tribological properties of the film are tested with nano-indenter and ring-on-ring wear tester, respectively. The tested results show that the microstructure of the film is dense and uniform and is mainly composed of ( Ti,Al)N and AlN hard phases. A wide transition interface exists between the film and the normalized T8 carbon tool steel substrate. Thickness of the film is about 1000 nm and mean hardness value of the film is about 26GPa. Under dry sliding wear test conditions, relative wear resistance of the ( Ti,Al)N film is approximately 9 times higher than that of the hardened T8 carbon tool steel reference sample. Meanwhile, the ( Ti,Al)N film has low and stable friction coefficient compared with the hardened T8 carbon tool steel reference sample.


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Pile-up around indenter is usually observed during instrumented indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. Neglecting the pile-up effect may lead to errors in evaluating hardness, Young's modulus, stress-strain response, etc. Finite element analysis was employed to implement numerical simulation of spherical indentation tests on bulk metallic glass. A new model was proposed to describe the pile-up effect. By using this new model, the contact radius and hardness of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass were obtained under several different indenter loads with pile-up, and the results agree well with the data generated by numerical simulation.


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The finite element method was used to simulate the conical indentation of elastic-plastic solids with work hardening. The ratio of the initial yield strength to the Young's modulus Y/E ranged from 0 to 0.02. Based on the calculation results, two sets of scaling functions for non-dimensional hardness H/K and indenter penetration h are presented in the paper, which have closed simple mathematical form and can be used easily for engineering application. Using the present scaling functions, indentation hardness and indentation loading curves can be easily obtained for a given set of material properties. Meanwhile one can use these scaling functions to obtain material parameters by an instrumented indentation load-displacement curve for loading and unloading if Young's modulus E and Poisson's ratio nu are known.


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In the present paper, the hardness and Young's modulus of film-substrate systems are determined by means of nanoindentation experiments and modified models. Aluminum film and two kinds of substrates; i.e. glass and silicon, are studied. Nanoindentation XP II and continuous stiffness mode are used during the experiments. In order to avoid the influence of the Oliver and Pharr method used in the experiments, the experiment data are analyzed with the constant Young's modulus assumption and the equal hardness assumption. The volume fraction model (CZ model) proposed by Fabes et al. (1992) is used and modified to analyze the measured hardness. The method proposed by Doerner and Nix (DN formula) (1986) is modified to analyze the measured Young's modulus. Two kinds of modified empirical formula are used to predict the present experiment results and those in the literature, which include the results of two kinds of systems, i.e., a soft film on a hard substrate and a hard film on a soft substrate. In the modified CZ model, the indentation influence angle, phi, is considered as a relevant physical parameter, which embodies the effects of the indenter tip radius, pile-up or sink-in phenomena and deformation of film and substrate.