57 resultados para Bellingshausen Sea, shallow part of trough in Eltanin Bay


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A numerical adjoint model with TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter data was set up to investigate the shallow water tidal constituents in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Shallow water tidal constituents W-4, MS4 and M-6) in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea were first extracted from nearly 10 years of T/P data and then assimilated into a nonlinear barotropic tidal model by using adjoint method in order to fully describe the tides in this area. The general patterns of M-4 and MS4 solutions were in good agreement with those of Kang et al. (Cont. Shelf. Res. IS (1998) 739.) and Lefevre et al., (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 8707.). The RMS values for the principal constituents and coastal constituents were obviously less than those calculated by Kang et al. (1998) and Lefevre et al. (2000). It was shown that the calculated tidal constituents charts obtained in the present study were more accurate than those in other models. In the future the model will be applied to other coastal areas and some semi-enclosed seas. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Roles and distributions of various forms of nitrogen in biogeochemical cycling in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments were investigated. The southern Yellow Sea could be divided into three regions (I, II and III) according to the proportion of fine-grained sediment in > 65%, 35-65% and < 35%, respectively. The ratios of different forms of nitrogen contents between each two of the three regions indicated that the nitrogen contents increased with the proportion of fine-grained sediment increasing. The quanta of exchangeable forms of nitrogen were similar in the three regions, while their releasing time increased from regions I to III, indicating that the cycle of nitrogen in fine-grained sediments was shorter than that in coarse-grained sediments. Nitrogen burial fluxes were also similar in these regions, while the burial efficiency increased from regions I to III. The highest burial efficiency was 30.21% in region III, indicating that more than 70% of nitrogen in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments could be released to take part in biogeochemical recycling. When all the four forms of exchangeable nitrogen (nitrogen in ion exchangeable form (IEF-N), nitrogen in weak acid extractable form (WAEF-N), nitrogen in strong alkali extractable form (SAEF-N) and nitrogen in strong oxidant extractable form (SOEF-N)) were released to take part in recycling, their potential contributions were 80% (SOEF-N), 11% (IEF-N), 6% (SAEF-N), 3% (WAEF-N) respectively, which showed that SOEF-N was the predominant one, and its contribution to biogeochemical cycling was the highest. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Bohai Sea was the site of the Chinese national GLOBEC programme. During the June 1997 cruises of R/V Science No.1, observations and experiments on zooplankton feeding were conducted. At five 48 h time-series stations the following observations and measurements on zooplankton were carried out: (1) diurnal vertical migration, by collecting samples at different layers every 3 h with a closing net; (2) diurnal feeding rhythms, by gut pigment analysis; and (3) ingestion rate, by both gut pigment analysis and the dilution method. A classification by body size was used to deal with the diversity of species and developmental stages of zooplankton assemblages. Samples were separated into three size groups: small (200-500 mu m), medium (500-1000 mu m) and large (> 1000 mu m). The results showed that the copepods (Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa and Centropages mcmurrichi) performed clear diurnal vertical migrations. However, their behaviour was different at different stations. The variation in gut pigment content over the 24 h cycle showed strong diurnal feeding rhythms, particularly for the large size group. Gut pigment contents reached their daily maximum during the time from dusk to midnight (18:00-24:00). The peak value was about 10 times the minimum observed in the daytime. The in situ daily grazing rate, based on gut pigment contents and evacuation experiments, was 4.00-12.65 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the small size group, 5.99-66.58 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the medium size group and 31.31-237.13 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the large size group. The copepods consumed only a small part (2.90-13.52%) of the phytoplankton biomass hut about 77% of the daily production. The grazing mortality rate of phytoplankton by microzooplankton (<200 mu m) measured by the dilution method ranged from 0.43 to 0.69 day(-1) The calculated daily consumption of phytoplankton biomass was 35-50%, and 85-319% of the potential production.


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Survival, growth and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, cultured in lantern nets at five different depths (2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m below the sea surface) were studied in Haizhou Bay during the hot season (summer and autumn) of 2007. Survival and growth rates were quantified bimonthly. Immune activities in hemolymph (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and acid phosphatase (ACP)) were measured to evaluate the health of scallops at the end of the study. Environmental parameters at the five depths were also monitored during the experiment. Mortalities mainly occurred during summer. Survival of scallops suspended at 15 m (78.0%) and 20 m (86.7%) was significantly higher than at 2 m (62.9%), 5 m (60.8%) or 10 m (66.8%) at the end of the study. Mean shell height grew significantly faster at 10 m (205.0 mu m/d) and 20 m (236.9 mu m/d) than at 2, 5 or 15 m in summer (July 9 to September 1); however, shell growth rate at 20 m was significantly lower than at the other four depths in autumn (September 2 to November 6). In contrast to summer, scallops at 5 m grew faster (262.9 mu m/d) during autumn. The growth of soft tissue at different depths showed a similar trend to the shell. Growth rates of shell height and soft tissue were faster in autumn than in summer, with the exception of shell height at 20 m. SOD activity of scallops increased with depth, and ACP activity was significantly higher at 15 and 20 m than at other depths, which suggests that scallops were healthier near the bottom. Factors explaining the depth-related mortality and growth of scallops are also discussed. We conclude that the mass mortality of scallop, C. farreri, during summer can be prevented by moving the culture area to deeper water and yield can be maximized by suspending the scallops in deep water during summer and then transferring them to shallow water in autumn.


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The configuration of semisubmersibles consisting of pontoons and columns and their corresponding heave motion response in incident progressive waves are examined. The purpose of the present study is to provide a theoretical approach to estimating the effects of volumetric allocation on natural period and response amplitude operator (RAO) in heave motion. We conclude that the amplitude of heave motion response can be considerably suppressed by appropriately adjusting volumetric allocation so that the natural heave period keeps away from the range of wave energy. The theoretical formulae are found in good agreement with the corresponding computational results by WAMIT.


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Microcystin (MC) problem made more and more care about in China, intercellular MC (Int-MC) and cellular MC (Cel-MC) were important contents to reflect the producing-MC ability by cyanobacteria and by lakes. To study the correlations between Int-MC, Cel-MC concentration and biological and environmental factors, eight cyanobacterial blooming lakes were studied in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Microcystin-RR (MC-RR) and Microcystin-LR (MC-LR) were the primary toxin variants in our data. From the linear correlations between MC and environmental factors, cellular-YR had significant correlation with most of chemical factors except total nitrogen (TN) and the ratio of total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TN/TP), most intracellular MC analogues had significant correlations with total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2-), TP, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Microcystis. From the canonal correspondence analysis, Int-MC concentrations were closely related with the chemical and biological factors, such as TP, total organic carbon (TOC), chlorophyll a (Chl a), Microcystis biomass, et al. While Cel-MC contents, especially Cel-RR and Cel-LR, were closely related with light environmental in the lakes such as water depth and transparence.


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The present study was conducted in Lake Donghu, a suburban eutrophic lake arising from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Food composition of 32 taxa of zoobenthos was analyzed from 1251 gut samples. Macroinvertebrate primary consumers ingested mainly detritus, sand grains and diatoms. The predators primarily preyed on rotifers, crustaceans, oligochaetes and chironomid larvae. The dietary overlap was relatively high among collector taxa but low among other macroinvertebrates. Food composition and dietary overlap of macroinvertebrates changed considerably, both spatially and temporally. Food web structure differed between inshore and offshore regions of Lake Donghu. The inshore web was relatively complex and dynamic whereas the offshore web was simple and stable. Taxon-specific changes of diet seem to have little effect on the benthic food web structure in offshore waters of a eutrophic lake.


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Environmental mechanism of change in cyanobacterial species composition in the northeastern part of Lake Dianchi (also called Macun Bay and Haidong Bay) was studied using canonical correlation analysis (CCA), but also bottom-up control and top-down control were fully discussed. Results from CCA suggest: (1) the abundance and dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa in Macun Bay and Haidong Bay are influenced by total phosphorus (TP), nitrate (NO3--N), nitrite (NO2--N), dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature (WT); (2) water temperature has a positive correlation with the abundance of M. aeruginosa and it also has negative correlations with the abundances of Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenonon flos-aquae; and (3) abundances of both Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have positive correlations with ammonia-N (NH4+-N). Furthermore, cyanobacterial species composition has no significant correlations with light and size-fractioned iron in this study. Grazers, cyanophages and viruses were able to control cyanobacterial blooms and change the composition of cyanobacterial species. Though we studied physical and chemical factors intensely enough, we still are not able to predict the change in the composition of cyanobacterial blooms, because of plankton system in a chaotic behavior.


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The changes of NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N and TN/TP were studied during growth and non-growth season in 33 subtropical shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There were significant positive correlations among all nutrient concentrations, and the correlations were better in growth season than in non-growth season. When TP > 0.1 mgL(-1), NH3-N increased sharply in non-growth season with increasing TP, and NO3-N increased in growth season but decreased in non-growth season with TP. These might be attributed to lower dissolved oxygen and low temperature in non-growth season of the hypereutrophic lakes, since nitrification is more sensitive to dissolved oxygen and temperature than anti nitrification. When 0.1 mgL(-1)> TP > 0.035 mgL(-1), TN and all kinds of inorganic nitrogen were lower in growth season than in non-growth season, and phytoplankton might be the vital regulating factor. When TP < 0.035 mgL(-1), inorganic nitrogen concentrations were relatively low and NH3-N, NO2-N had significant correlations with phytoplankton, indicating that NH3-N and NO2-N might be limiting factors to phytoplankton. In addition, TN/TP went down with decline in TIP concentration, and TN and inorganic nitrogen concentrations were obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season, suggesting that decreasing nitrogen (especially NH3-N and NO3-N) was an important reason for the decreasing TN/TP in growth season. The ranges of TN/TP were closely related to trophic level in both growth and non-growth seasons, and it is apparent that in the eutrophic and hypertrophic state the TN/TP ratio was obviously lower in growth season than in non-growth season. The changes of the TN/TP ratio were closely correlated with trophic levels, and both declines of TN in the water column and TP release from the sediment were important factors for the decline of the TN/TP ratio in growth season.


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Lake Donghu is a typical eutrophic freshwater lake in which high abundance of planktonic viruses was recently revealed. In this study, seasonal variation of planktonic viruses were observed at three different trophic sites, hypertrophic, eutrophic, and mesotrophic regions, and the correlation between their abundances and other aquatic environmental components, such as bacterioplankton, chlorophyll a, burst size, pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, was analyzed for the period of an year. Virioplankton abundance detected by transmission electron microscope (TEM) ranged from 5.48 x 10(8) to 2.04 x 10(9) ml(-1) in all the sites throughout the study, and the high abundances and seasonal variations of planktonic viruses were related to the trophic status at the sampled sites in Lake Donghu. Their annual mean abundances were, the highest at the hypertrophic site (1.23x10(9) ml(-1)), medium at the eutrophic site (1.19x10(9) ml(-1)), and the lowest at the mesotrophic site (1.02x10(9) ml(-1)). The VBR (virus-to-bacteria ratio) values were high, ranging from 49 to 56 on average at the three sampled sites. The data suggested that the high viral abundance and high VBR values might be associated with high density of phytoplankton including algae and cyanobacteria in this eutrophic shallow lake, and that planktonic viruses are important members of freshwater ecosystems.


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Systematic investigations into the temporal and spatial distribution, composition and abundance of protozoa in two regions with different trophic levels in Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly eutrophic freshwater lake in China, were conducted during 2002-2003. A total of 114 species of protozoa, including phytomastigophorans, zoomastigophorans, amoebae and ciliates, were identified from 120 polyurethane foam unit (PFU) samples exposed at four stations and from various types of natural substrates. Of the 114 taxa, 36 core species were found on PFU substrates and 23 of these were found on natural ones. Protozoan abundance and chemical physical parameters at nine sampling stations, four in the western lake and five in the eastern part, indicate trophic gradient changes along the lake. Seasonal variations in the species composition of major groups at littoral PFU sampling stations illustrate the effect of a severe algal bloom on the protozoan community structure. Temporal and spatial distributions of individual abundance as functions of water temperature and trophic status were revealed. This study demonstrates again that the PFU artificial substrate method samples protozoan communities more effectively than routine natural substrate methods. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In a Chinese eutrophic shallow lake, the spatial, temporal and vertical distributions of meiofauna in different lake zones along a eutrophic gradient were analyzed. The spatial distribution of meiofauna among sampling stations changed with nutrient levels. Nematoda were most abundant at the majority of sampling stations comprising 70.6 - 93.2 % meiofaunal abundance except for a hypereutrophic station. The seasonal patterns in abundance of nematodes, oligochaetes, rotifers, chironomids and different nematode feeding groups differed among stations, which revealed that the temporal variations of these meiofaunal groups and the nematode feeding groups may vary with different nutrient loadings. The vertical distributions of meiofaunal groups, nematode species, and nematode trophic groups in the upper and lower sediment layers were similar, suggesting a consistent vertical distribution pattern across different trophic conditions. Nematode species richness, Shannon-Wiener species diversity index, trophic diversity and Maturity Index were significantly correlated with nutrient levels (total phosphorus and nitrogen in lake water and total phosphorus in sediment). Our results suggest the importance of nematode community analyses in the assessment of freshwater eutrophication.


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This paper describes the long-term dynamics of phosphorus concentrations in both the lake water and the sediment in a subtropical Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. The total phosphorus (TP) concentration in the lake water experienced an upward trend from the 1950s, and peaked in 1983/1984, but declined obviously afterwards. From the 1950s to the 1990s, TP content in the upper 10 cm sediment of the lake increased steadily from 0.307 to 1.68 mg Pg DW-1 at Station I and from 0.151 to 0.89 mg Pg DW-1 at Station II, respectively. The TP increase in the lake water before mid-1980s was mainly attributed to the massive input of sewage P. The outbreak of cyanobacterial blooms coincided with the peaks of TP and Orthophosphate (PO4-P) in the water in mid-1980s, and the maximum TP of the water reached as high as 1.349 mg/1 at Station I and 0.757 mg/l at Station II (in 1984), respectively. The declines of TP and PO4-P in the water after mid-1980s was coincident with the disappearance of cyanobacterial bloom. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.