55 resultados para Baggesen, Jens, 1764-1826
The transgenic carp were produced by micro-injection of CAgcGHc into the fertilized eggs. Observation of the thymus development between the transgenics and non-transgenic controls was carried out. The thymus of one-year-old transgenics F1 showed a great increase in both size and weight. The unilateral thymus of the transgenics weighed from 190 to 295 mg with average 218.6 mg, whereas the unilateral thymus of the controls weighed 20-81 mg with average 42.5 mg; i.e. the thymus weight in the transgenics was 5.14 fold over that in the controls. The index of thymus/body weight in the transgenics was 2.97 fold over the controls. Light microscopy observation indicated that the thymus of the transgenics; well developed with the thickened outer region and compactly arranged thymocytes, while the thymus in the controls were degenerating with the thinned outer region, scattered thymocytes and groups of fatty cells. Further analysis with the electron microscopy revealed that pro-liferous cells in the transgenics; were mainly small lymphocytes and no pathological changes were found. The results confirmed that the "All-fish" GH-transgene promotes thymus development and thymocyte proliferation, and retards thymus degeneration. The study has laid a foundation for further analysis of the immunobiological function in GH-transgenic carp.
提出并分析了一种确定的、可并行的消息认证码--DPMAC(deterministic parallelizable message authentication code).它基于分组长度为128-bit的分组密码来构造.使用一个密钥,可以处理任意长度的消息.在底层分组密码是伪随机置换的假设下,使用Game-Playing技术量化了攻击者成功伪造的概率,从而证明了其安全性.
The replacement of CH4 from its hydrate in quartz sand with 90:10, 70:30, and 50:50 (W-CO2:W-H2O) carbon dioxide-in-water (C/W) emulsions and liquid CO2 has been performed in a cell with size of empty set 36 x 200 mm. The above emulsions were formed in a new emulsifier, in which the temperature and pressure were 285.2 K and 30 MPa, respectively, and the emulsions were stable for 7-12 h. The results of replacing showed that 13.1-27.1%, 14.1-25.5%, and 14.6-24.3% of CH4 had been displaced from its hydrate with the above emulsions after 24-96 It of replacement, corresponding to about 1.5 times the CH4 replaced with high-pressure liquid CO2. The results also showed that the replacement rate of CH4 with the above emulsions and liquid CO2 decreased from 0.543, 0.587, 0.608, and 0.348 1/h to 0.083, 0.077, 0.069, and 0.063 1/h with the replacement time increased from 24 to 96 h. It has been indicated by this study that the use of CO2 emulsions is advantageous compared to the use of liquid CO2 in replacing CH4 from its hydrate.
具有特殊的物理性质(尤其是具有光、电、磁性质)的分子材料(如分子金属、分子铁磁体)是材料化学的一个新兴的领域,这些分子材料所显示出来的协同性质使其在超导体、磁性材料以及非线性光学材料等方面极具开发性质。自从1826年Berzelius合成了第一个杂多酸12-钼磷酸铵(NH_4)_3PMo_(12)O_(40)·nH_2O,多金属氧酸盐化学至今已有一百多年的历史,它是无机化学中的一个重要研究领域。古老的多金属氧酸盐化学,经历百余年的变化、发展,现已进入了一个崭新的时代:多金属氧酸盐化学的理论研究方面取得了重要的进展,由于X-射线结晶学的硬件和软件及ESR、NMR等表面分析谱学手段的发展和精细的电化学方法的应用,对多酸的溶液、固体及表面化学性质方面有了进一步的认识,金属-氧簇(Metal-Oxygen cluster)、多金属氧酸盐化学(polyoxometalate chemistry)被更多的人们研究和采用的研究;多金属氧酸盐的合成己进入了分子剪裁和组装,从对稳定氧化态物质的合成、研究进入亚稳态和变价化合物及超分子化合物的研究,纳米结构和高聚合度多金属氧酸阴离子、夹心式多金属氧酸多阴离子、链式有机金属多金属氧酸盐及具有空半球结构的多金属氧酸阴离子的研究正方兴未艾;多金属氧酸盐化学的应用除催化领域外,现己跻身于材料科学和药物化学等领域,它的发展无疑会为人类提供一类新的、具有光、电、磁功能材料和一系列抗艾滋病、抗肿瘤、抗病毒药物。多金属氧酸盐是一类金属-氧簇化合物,一般呈笼型结构,是一类优良的受体分子,它可以与无机、有机分子、离子等结合成超分子化合物,因而很适合作为上述有机.无机复合材料中的无机组分。多金属氧酸盐的有机-无机复合材料是八十年代末,九十年代初国际上刚刚起步的工作,作为一类新型的电。磁、非线性光学材料极具开发性质。本论文以多金属氧酸盐的分子材料的制备这一前沿领域为主要研究方向,具体地研究了多金属氧酸盐的有序的有机/无机复合膜及其相关氧化物薄膜材料的制备,联用多种技术(特别是电化学技术,也包括扫描探针显微镜等在内的表面分析技术)系统深入地表征了下述薄膜材料。1.多金属氧酸阴离子一硫醇自组膜(SAM)复合膜的制备与表征。2.多金属氧酸盐LB膜的制备与表征。3.三维有序的硅钨阴离子的单层膜和多层膜的制备与表征。4.非化学计量混合价态氧化钼膜(VI,V)的制备与表征。5.过渡金属取代的多金属氧酸盐的电化学和电催化性质。
We present a staggered buffer connection method that provides flexibility for buffer insertion while designing global signal networks using the tile-based FPGA design methodology. An exhaustive algorithm is used to analyze the trade-off between area and speed of the global signal networks for this staggered buffer insertion scheme, and the criterion for determining the design parameters is presented. The comparative analytic result shows that the methods in this paper are proven to be more efficient for FPGAs with a large array size.
裂叶苔科(Lophoziaceae)是叶苔目植物中的一个大科,其植物体形态变化较大,分类较为困难。中国在裂计佩一苔科下已记录的植物有23属、106种、2变种和2变形。本论文在大量文献考证和对国内外3000余份标本深入研究基础上,对中国裂仆佩一苔科进行了较系统全面的分类修订,记录了中国裂价卜苔科植物共有11属45种3变种1变形,提供了种属形态特征描述和41幅图版。发现中国新记录2种1变型:异瓣裂叶苔(Lophozia diversiloba Hatt),毛口挺叶苔(Anastrophyllum piligerm (Nees.) Steph.)和密叶三瓣苔小叶变形(Tritomaria quinquedentata fo. gracilis (Jens.) Schust.);新组合名1个:小挺叶苔尖变种(Anastrophyllum minutum (Schreb. in Cranz.) Schust var. acuminatum (Horik.) Cao & Sun comb. nov.),还有省区新分布记录16个。采用聚类分析方法分析了裂叶苔科种属间的关系,结果支持广义裂汗卜苔属和挺口一卜苔属的概念。 区系成分的分析研究表明:中国裂计佩一苔科植物的地理成分主要以泛北极分布类型为主,占79.6%.东北地区、秦岭地区、西南地区和台湾省为我国裂p_佩一苔科植物种类最丰富的地区。在国内首次开展了苔类专科的生态学研究,并采用CCA方法对结果进行分析。研究表明:裂叶苔科植物在长白山分布上表现出明显的垂直地带性,可分为三类:(1)分布在2000米以上苔原带的种类,主要有小挺叶苔A. minutum、石生挺叶苔A. saxicola、密叶三瓣苔T. quinquedentata、高山裂叶苔L. sudetica,圆叶裂叶L. wenzelii;(2)分布在1730米到2000米苔岳桦林带的种类,主要有:方叶无褶苔L. bantriensis,细裂瓣苔B. barbata,阔瓣裂叶苔L. excisa;(3)分布在1150-1730米以下暗针叶林的种类,主要有:三瓣苔T. exsecta,多角胞三瓣苔T. exsectiformis、囊苞裂叶苔L. ventricosa,秃瓣裂叶苔L. obtusa和倾立裂叶苔L. ascendens。影响裂叶苔科植物分布的主要坏境因子是海拔高度。 对处于不同纬度三个地区的同种裂叶苔科植物的比较分析说明:随纬度的升高其分布的海拔高度逐步降低。
本文是对中国管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)植物种类的初步整理和研究。共记载3亚属、44种及1变种,其中有24个新组合,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (L.) atrovirens (Schleich) Wang, S. (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) lanigerum (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) pseudocyclops (Inoue) Wang, S. (S.) subrubrum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) pyriflorum var.minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (HAtt.) Wang, S. (S.) apressifolium (Mitt.) Wang, S. (S.) schaulianum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tetragonum (Lindb.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hattorianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) hasskarlianum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (P.) truncatum (Nees) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, 其中有14种及1变种为中国分布新纪录,如下:Solenostoma (L.) grossitextum (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) fusiformis (Steph.) Wang, S. (S.) faurianum (Beauvd.) Wang, S. (S.) cyclops (Hatt.) Wang, S. (S.) pusillum (Jens) Steph., S. (S.) pyriflorum var. minutissimum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rubripunctatum (Hatt.) Wang, S. (P.) thermarum (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) rosulans (Steph.) Wang, S. (P.) hyalinum (Lyell) Mitt., S. (P.) radicellosum Mitt, S. (P.) Japonicum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) tsukushiensis (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) hatterianum (Amak.) Wang, S. (P.) rupicolum (Amak.) Wang, 其中还有6种中国特有种,如下:Solenostoma (L.) subulatum (Evans) Wang, S. (P.) flagellalioides Gao, S. (P.) microphyllum Gao, S. (P.) orbicularifolium Gao, S. (P.) setulosum (Herzog) Wang, S. (S.) sinensis (Nich.) Wang。本文还对管口苔属(Solenostoma Mitt.)的研究历史作了回顾。对中国管口苔属各分类群的鉴别特征、产地和地理分布作了叙述,对区系成份做了分析。并对前人工作中的某些问题进行了讨论,提出了自己的看法。