253 resultados para BH Aesthetics


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The oscillatory behaviour of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) regarding two combinations of two-layer fluid systems has been investigated theoretically and numerically. For the two-layer system of Silicone oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70), both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio Hr = H1/H2 of the two-layer liquid. The oscillatory regime at the onset of R-M-B convection enlarges with reducing Γ = Ra/Ma values. In the two-layer system of Silicone oil (2cSt) over water, it loses its stability and onsets to steady convection at first, then the steady convection bifurcates to oscillatory convection with increasing Rayleigh number Ra. This behaviour was found through numerical simulation above the onset of steady convection in the case of r = 2.9, ε=(Ra-Ruc)/Rac = 1.0, and Hr = 0.5. Our findings are different from the previous study of the Rayleigh-Benard instability and show the strong effects of the thermocapillary force at the interface on the time-dependent oscillations at or after the onset of convection. We propose a secondary oscillatory instability mechanism to explain the experimental observation of Degen et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 57 (1998), 6647-6659].


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An embedded cell model is presented to obtain the effective elastic moduli and the elastic-plastic stress-strain relations of three-dimensional two-phase particulate composites. Each cell consists of an ellipsoidal inclusion surrounded by a finite ellipsoidal matrix that embedded in an infinite matrix. When both matrix and particle are elastic, the effective elastic moduli are derived which is an exact analytic formula without any simplified approximation that can be expressed in an explicit form. Further, the elastic-plastic stress-strain relations are obtained for spherical cells and oblate spheroid cells, in which the matrix is elastic and the particle is elastic-plastic. In addition, the macroscopic elastic-plastic constitutive relation of particle reinforced composites (PRC) is investigated by a systematic approach [1] in which the matrix is elastic-plastic and the particle is elastic.


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This paper presents a summary of cellular and dendritic morphologies resulting from the upward directional solidification of Al - Ni alloys in a cylindrical crucible. We analysed the coupling of solid-liquid interface morphology with natural and forced convection. The influence of natural convection was first analyzed as a function of growth parameters (solute concentration, growth rate and thermal gradient). In a second step, the influence of axial vibrations on solidification microstructure was investigated by varying vibration parameters (amplitude and frequency). Experimental results were compared to preliminary numerical simulations and a good agreement is found for natural convection. In this study, the critical role of the mushy zone in the interaction between fluid flow and solidification microstructure is pointed out.


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Sintered magnets of Sm2Fe17Ny nitrides, with a density of 6.0-7.4 g/cm3, have been prepared by using an explosion technique. Both crystalline structure and the magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17Ny nitrides were retained in the process. The sintered magnet had a remanence B(r)=0.83 T, an intrinsic coercivity mu(0i)H(c)=0.57 T and an energy product (BH)max=88 kJ/m3. The temperature dependence of coercivity and remanence were also measured. The temperature coefficients alpha of remanence and beta of coercivity are -0.076%/degrees-C and -0.51%/degrees-C, respectively.


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The convective instabilities in two or more superposed layers heated from below were studied extensively by many scientists due to several interfacial phenomena in nature and crystal growth application. Most works of them were performed mainly on the instability behaviors induced only by buoyancy force, especially on the oscillatory behavior at onset of convection (see Gershuni et. Al.(1982), Renardy et. Al. (1985,2000), Rasenat et. Al. (1989), and Colinet et. Al.(1994)) . But the unstable situations of multi-layer liquid convection will become more complicated and interesting while considering at the same time the buoyancy effect combined with thermocapillary effect. This is the case in the gravity reduced field or thin liquid layer where the thermocapillary effect is as important as buoyancy effect. The objective of this study was to investigate theoretically the interaction between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and pure Marangoni instability in a two-layer system, and more attention focus on the oscillatory instability both at the onset of convection and with increasing supercriticality. Oscillatory behavious of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) and flow patterns are presented in the two-layer system of Silicon Oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70) for a larger various range of two-layer depth ratios (Hr=Hupper/Hdown) from 0.2 to 5.0. Both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation (A=L/H=10) show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio of two-layer liquids. The oscillatory instability regime at the onset of R-M-B convection are found theoretically in different regions of layer thickness ratio for different two-layer depth H=12,6,4,3mm. The neutral stability curve of the system displaces to right while we consider the Marangoni effect at the interface in comparison with the Rayleigh-Bénard instability of the system without the Marangoni effect (Ma=0). The numerical results show different regimes of the developing of convection in the two-layer system for different thickness ratios and some differences at the onset of pure Marangoni convection and the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convections in two-layer liquids. Both traveling wave and standing wave were detected in the oscillatory instability regime due to the competition between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and Marangoni effect. The mechanism of the standing wave formation in the system is presented numerically in this paper. The oscillating standing wave results in the competition of the intermediate Marangoni cell and the Rayleigh convective rolls. In the two-layer system of 47v2 silicone oil over water, a transition form the steady instability to the oscillatory instability of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard Convection was found numerically above the onset of convection for ε=0.9 and Hr=0.5. We propose that this oscillatory mechanism is possible to explain the experimental observation of Degen et. Al.(1998). Experimental work in comparison with our theoretical findings on the two-layer Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convection with thinner depth for H<6mm will be carried out in the near future, and more attention will be paid to new oscillatory instability regimes possible in the influence of thermocapillary effects on the competition of two-layer liquids


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The Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convective instability (R-M-B instability) and flow patterns in the two-layer system of silicon oil 10cSt and Fluorinert FC70 liquids are studied theoretically and experimentally. Both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation (A=L/H=10) were performed to study the influence of thermocapillary force on the convective instability of the two-layer system. Time-dependent oscillations arising at the onset of convection were investigated in a larger various range of two-layer depth ratios (Hr=H1/H2) from 0.2 to 5.0 for different total depth less than 12mm. Our results are different from the previous study on the Rayleig-B閚ard instability and show the strong effects of thermocapillary force at the interface on the time-dependent oscillations at the onset of instability convection. Primary experimental results of the critical instability parameters and the convective structure in the R-M-B convection have been obtained by using the digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) system, and a good agreement in comparison with the results of numerical simulation was obtained.


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The Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convective instability (R-M-B instability) in the two-layer systems such as Silicone oil (10cSt)/Fluorinert (FC70) and Silicone oil (2cSt)/water liquids are studied. Both linear instability analysis and nonlinear instability analysis (2D numerical simulation) were performed to study the influence of thermocapillary force on the convective instability of the two-layer system. The results show the strong effects of thermocapillary force at the interface on the time-dependent oscillations at the onset of instability convection. The secondary instability phenomenon found in the real two-layer system of Silicone oil over water could explain the difference in the comparison of the Degen's experimental observation with the previous linear stability analysis results of Renardy et al.


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禾本科Poaceae小麦族Triticeae Dumort.的多年生物种是该族的重要组成部分,约占该族植物总数的三分之二以上,广泛地分布于全世界各地,主要集中于北半球温带地区。由于小麦族多年生植物的种类繁多,生态环境多样、种间和种内的形态变异极大,而大多数多年生物种又具有多倍体起源,加之属间及种间的天然杂交也十分频繁,以致于造成了其系统学研究的巨大困难。通过近三十年来对小麦族植物的大量属间和种间杂交以及对其杂种的减数分裂染色体配对行为分析,对该族各个属的染色体组构成及其在进化上的关系和意义已经有了较为深入的认识。小麦族中的多倍体属是由来源不同的二倍体祖先属经过天然杂交和染色体自然加倍而形成,因而研究和分析各个二倍体属之间及与多倍体属间的染色体组亲缘关系,为揭示小麦族各属、种之间的系统与进化关系提供了非常有价值的资料。本研究通过对一些小麦族多年生植物的形态学、地理分布、属间和种间杂交以及染色体组之间的亲缘关系的一系列研究,对不同属以及同一属内不同组的物种之间的进化关系进行了深入的分析,并对其系统学进行了讨论。同时对于一些异常的细胞遗传学现象,如染色体在属间杂种的缺失、重复以及染色体配对的遗传控制也作了初步的分析。通过上述研究,本研究对于小麦族多年生的一些属、特别是披碱草属Elymus厶、拟鹅观草属Pseudorocgneria Love和大麦披碱草属Hordelymus (Jessen) Harz,的染色体组构成以及与各物种的形态学关系,物种之间的进化关系均有了更为深刻的认识。


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球果类植物是现存裸子植物中最为繁盛的一群,也是目前组成北温带森林植被的重要成分,我国是球果类植物科属的重要分布、分化或保存中心。对这些科属的分类和系统发育的研究,无疑对北温带的森林植被的研究,以及林业生产均具有重要的理论和实用价值.本研究即是围绕着球果类中的Pinaceae,Taxaceae及Cephalotaxaceae等科展开的研究,内容主要包括以下几方面: 一、在《中国植物志》第七卷的基础上,完成了《FLORA OF CHINA》中裸子植物Ginkgoaceae,Arancariaceae Pinaceae,Taxaceae,和Cephalotaxaceae各科的修订和编写. 建立2个新种、2个新变种、12个新组合、64个新异名、2个新分布,2个新启用名,分类群及其名称的变动和增补,以及增补异名57个。 二、根据植物的地理分布与系统发育统一的原理,在资料分析和实验的基础上,运用表征分析和分支分析研究方法,同时结合化石和地史资料,针对松科的分类、地理分布、以及起源分化和扩散等问题进行了一系列系统的研究,主要结论如下: 1.提出松科分类的新系统,将松科划分为三个亚科:松亚科Subfam.Pinoideae:仅一属Pinus Linn.: 落叶松亚科Subfam.Laricoideae Melchior&Werderm, emend.N.Li et L.K.Fu:包括四属Larix Mill.,Cathaya Chun&Ku:tng, Picea A Dretr. andPseudotsuga Carr.;冷杉亚科Subfam.Abietoideae Pilger, emend.Frankis:包括五属Abies Mill.,Cedrus Trew, Pseudolarix Gord.,Keteleeria Carr.,and Tsuga Carr. 2.构思和绘出了以地质年代为纵座标的松科系统发育树。 3.进行松科植物分区,将松科划分为6区、4亚区。并分别附有分区图、各区所分布种数的统计表、以及各属目前的地理分布和化石分布图。 4.松科在地质时期曾是一个很庞大的类群,现代松科只是其祖先中少部分喜温性分支的后裔,其兴旺与温带成份的出现关系密切,可能是一类衍生类群. 5.松科的起源时间虽然可追溯到侏罗纪甚至三迭纪,但现代松科各属的出现时间大约是在早白垩纪至第三纪之间。 6.松科各属可能并非起源于同一时间和地点。松属可能是现存的、最早分化出来的类群,于侏罗纪至早白垩纪间起源于欧美古陆;其它属则到晚白垩纪至第三纪早期(有1-2属至中期)才陆续从其祖先复合体中分化出来。 7.现代松科的早期扩散可能存在着以下三条主要的迁陡路线,即:欧美路线、欧亚路线和古白令路线.


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本项研究工作是在“种子植物的起源和早期演化”的题目下由六个主要的研究部分构成 基本上是根据产自中国的化石所提供的形态学上的证据来探讨与现代植物类群之间的关系。 1)早二迭世山西组松柏类及相关类群的研究 2)山西省上石千峰组晚二迭世种子植物的研究 3)煤核植物科达类在演化上的意义 4)晚泥盆世植物Polypetalophyton wufengensis的研究 5)种子植物起源和早期演化的化石证据的研究 6)早泥盆世似种子植物的研究。