38 resultados para Assignment of lease


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The substituent chemical shift (SCS) has been applied to the assignment of the C-13 NMR spectrum of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). CPE of different chlorine contents has been employed and their sequence structure discussed. The results show that characteristic of CPE with medium chlorine content is the dichloroethane structure in molecular chain. SCS parameters have been obtained from the C-13 NMR spectra. It was found that the effects of chlorine content and temperature on SCS are negligible, but the substituent parameter S1 reduced by 0.39 ppm when C2Cl4 was added to solvent ODCB.


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The title complex has beep synthesized by the reaction of CaCl2, with trimethyl phosphate. Its Infrared spectra from 4000 to 100 cm(-1) measured. The assignment of acme absorption bands was discussed. It is found that the stretching vibrations of bridge groups O-P-O are divided into two groups according to their bond length. The crystal structure of the complex boa been determined from single crystal K-ray diffraction data. The crystals belong to monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/c with cell parameteras, a = 1,0704(4), b = 0.5093(2), c = 1.9737(6)nm, beta = 96.23(3)degrees, V = 1.0696(6)nm(2), Z = 4, final R = 0.044. Copper ion is coordinated to five Rimester oxygen atoms to form a distorted square pyramid. The adjacent copper ions are connected by symmetric and non-symmetric bridge groups of O-P-O, forming an infinite one-dimensional chain coordination polymer.


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The thermal stability and the solid solid phase transitions in Ills compounds with n = 7-12 have been studied by DSC and TG methods. Comparision with CnZn compounds want made. The nature of three phases of CnCu has been discussed in terms of infrared spectroscopy and the assignment of the phase transitions has been given. The thermal stability of CnCu is lower than that of CnZn and presents an obvious odd even effect. All of these compounds exhibit two solid solid phase transitions in the temperature range of 248-337 K. The peak tempe nature of phase transitions changes regularly. The peak temperature or the main phase transition increases with the chain length. The total transition enthalpies and entropies increase with increasing chain length. When n <= 9, the high temperature phase exists in a partial disorder state. When n >= 10, the high temperature phase exists in a conformational disorder state. The main phase transition and the phase transition at 307.7 K of CnCu may mainly are from the change of the packing structure and the change of the partial conformational order-disorder of alkyl chain, respectively.


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Since 1988 growers of bay scallop Argopecten irradians in China have been experiencing mortality in their cultured stocks. Although poorly documented, mortality apparently began near Qingdao and has since spread to other areas of Shandong and Liaoning provinces. Samples of cultured scallops were collected from several growing areas in these provinces and analyzed by histological methods for pathogens. An unidentified haplosporidian parasite was observed in a high proportion of scallops from two of the stocks examined. Most infections were of low intensity, but one heavy infection was also observed. Only plasmodia stages were observed; they occurred intercellularly in connective tissues throughout the scallops. Plasmodia were spherical to oval, varied from 4.0 to 17.0 mu m in diameter and contained from 2 to 18 nuclei. Absence of spores prevented generic assignment of the parasite. The source and pathogenicity of the haplosporidian could not be assessed without additional research. No other microbial parasites (i.e. rickettsia-like, chlamydia-like or kidney coccidia) were observed in any of the scallops examined.


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Karyotype and chromosomal location of the major ribosomal RNA genes were studied in the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus) using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Metaphase chromosomes were obtained from early embryos. Internal transcribed spacers (ITS) between major RNA genes were amplified and used as FISH probes. The probes were labeled with digoxigenin-11-dUTP by polymerase chain reaction and detected with fluorescein-labeled anti-digoxigenin antibodies. FISH with the ITS probes produced two to four signals per nucleus or metaphase. M. mercenaria had a haploid number of 19 chromosomes with a karyotype of seven metacentric, four metacentric or submetacentric, seven submetacentric, and one submetacentric or subtelocentric chromosomes (7M + 4M/SM + 7SM + 1SM/ST). Two ITS loci were observed: one located near the centromere on the long arm of Chromosome 10 and the other at the telomere of the short arm of Chromosome 12. FISH signals on Chromosome 10 are strong and consistent, while signals on Chromosome 12 are variable. This study provides the first karyotype and chromosomal assignment of the major RNA genes in M. mercenaria. Similar studies in a wide range of species are needed to understand the role of chromosomal changes in bivalve evolution.


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A detailed experimental study of electron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been carried out at 4.2 K in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well samples in fields up to 30 T. A strong avoided-level-crossing splitting of the CR energies due to resonant magnetopolaron effects is observed for all samples near the GaAs reststrahlen region. Resonant splittings in the region of AlAs-like interface phonon modes of the barriers are observed in two samples with narrower well width and smaller doping concentration. The interaction between electrons and the AlAs interface optical phonon modes has been calculated for our specific sample structures in the framework of the memory-function formalism. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which confirms our assignment of the observed splitting near the AlAs-like phonon region is due to the resonant magnetopolaron interaction of electrons in the wells with AlAs-like interface phonons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed experimental study of electron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been carried out at 4.2 K in three modulation-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum well samples in fields up to 30 T. A strong avoided-level-crossing splitting of the CR energies due to resonant magnetopolaron effects is observed for all samples near the GaAs reststrahlen region. Resonant splittings in the region of AlAs-like interface phonon modes of the barriers are observed in two samples with narrower well width and smaller doping concentration. The interaction between electrons and the AlAs interface optical phonon modes has been calculated for our specific sample structures in the framework of the memory-function formalism. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results, which confirms our assignment of the observed splitting near the AlAs-like phonon region is due to the resonant magnetopolaron interaction of electrons in the wells with AlAs-like interface phonons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA(Phe)) in solution was explored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy to evaluate the effect of lanthanide ion on the structural and conformational change. It was found that La3+ ions possess specific effects on the imino proton region of the H-1 NMR spectra for yeast tRNA(Phe). The dependence of the imino proton spectra of yeast tRNA(Phe) as a function of La3+ concentration was examined, and the results suggest that the tertiary base pair G(15). C-48, which is located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by La3+ (shifted to downfield by as much as 0.35). Base pair U-8. A(14) in yeast tRNA(Phe), which are stacked on G(15). C-48, was also affected by added La3+ when 1 similar to 2 Mg2+ were also present. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in yeast tRNA(Phe) is that of the tertiary base pair G(19). C-56. The assignment of this resonance in yeast tRNA(Phe) is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances beween 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T Psi C loop. The binding of La3+ caused conformational change of tRNA, which is responsible for shifts to upfield or downfield in H-1 NMR spectra.


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A model of equatorial ocean is used to study the roles of the Pacific western boundary and the Mindanao Current (MC) in the evolution of the equatorial warm pool. The model consists of the single baroclinic mode of a two-layer ocean, with the parameterization of the anomalous increment of the interface representing the SST difference from its long-term-space-mean. The ocean is driven by a wind path in the middle ocean with a real or an artificial geometry assigned at the western and eastern boundaries. In order to test the role of the MC, the western boundary current is introduced into the model by a boundary condition at a position, real and unreal, respectively. The model experiments show that the warm pool, which is insensitive to the longitudinal width of the wind band in middle ocean, results mainly from the accumulation o the eastly-drifted warm water in the equatorial western Pacific. It is the dominant factor for the formation of the warm pool that, at a very low latitude, the Papua New Guinea coast intersects the longitudinally lined Philippine Islands at an obtuse angle. In contrast, the western Atlantic boundary, which inclines poleward from the equator at some 135 degrees, could guide the warm water there moving to a higher latitude. On the other hand, the equatorial warm pool in the western equatorial Pacific is very sensitive to the assignment of th Mindanao Current at 7.5°N and displaces southward, with a stronger southern branch than the northern one. We attribute this asymmetry to the combined effect of the western boundary and the MC upon the equatorial warm away from the equator. A by-product of our solutions is the possible mechanism of the "secondary warm pool" in the eastern Pacific north of the equator. It is suggested that, mainly or partly, the "secondary warm pool" results from the cooperation of the southeast monsoon in eastern Pacific and the eastern boundary hindering the propagation of the Kelvin wave poleward alongshore.


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According to PDP theory, the author tries to use ANN method in sentence understanding. In input layer, distributed knowledge representation and integrate syntactic, semantic information (of the word in Chinese sentence) and context information are used to complete the case role assignment of six types of Chinese sentence by parallel processing. The model is a four-layer forward network, consisting of input layer, two hidden layers, and output layer(case role layer). In addition, the neural network method and the traditional symbol processing method used in natural language understanding is compared and analyzed, and a conclusion could be made: the neural network should be used as a powerful tool in this area.


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The rapid carrier capture and relaxation processes in InAs/GaAs quantum dots were studied at 77K by using a simple degenerate pump-probe technique. A rising process was observed in the transient reflectivity, following the initial fast relaxation associated with GaAs bulk matrix, and this rising process was assigned to be related to the carrier capture from the GaAs barriers to InAs layers. The assignment was modeled using Kramers-Kronig relation. By analyzing the rising process observed in the transient reflectivity, the carrier capture time constants were obtained. The measured capture times decrease with the increase of carrier concentration.


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Here we reported the fatty-acids and their δ 13C values in seep carbonates collected from Green Canyon lease block 185 (GC 185; Sample GC-F) at upper continental slope (water depth: ∼540 m), and Alaminos Canyon lease block 645 (GC 645; Sample AC-E) at lower continental slope (water depth: ∼2200 m) of the Gulf of Mexico. More than thirty kinds of fatty acids were detected in both samples. These fatty acids are maximized at C16. There is a clear even-over-odd carbon number predominance in carbon number range. The fatty acids are mainly composed of n-fatty acids, iso-/anteiso-fatty acids and terminally branched odd-numbered fatty acids (iso/anteiso). The low δ 13C values (−39.99‰ to.32.36‰) of n-C12:0, n-C13:0, i-C14:0and n-C14:0 suggest that they may relate to the chemosynthetic communities at seep sites. The unsaturated fatty acids n-C18:2 and C18:1Δ9 have the same δ 13C values, they may originate from theBeggiatoa/Thioploca. Unlike other fatty acids, the terminally branched fatty acids (iso/anteiso) show lowerδ 13C values (as low as −63.95‰) suggesting a possible relationship to sulfate reducing bacteria, which is common during anaerobic oxidation of methane at seep sites.


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A broad absorption band around 500 nm is observed in ZnS nanoparticles. The absorption becomes more intensive and shifts to the blue as the particle size is decreased. The absorption energy is lower than the band gap of the particles and is considered to be caused by the surface states. This assignment is supported by the results of the fluorescence and of the thermoluminescence of the surface states. Both the absorption and the fluorescence reveal that the surface states are size dependent. The glow peak of the semiconductor particles is not varied as much upon decreasing size, indicating the trap depth of the surface states is not sensitive to the particle size. Considering these results, a new model on the size dependence of the surface states is proposed, which may explain our observations reasonably. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and the cluster model have been employed to calculate the alpha-decay half-lives of superheavy nuclei (SHN) using the experimental alpha-decay Q values. The results of the cluster model are slightly poorer than those from the GLDM if experimental Q values are used. The prediction powers of these two models with theoretical Q values from Audi et al. (Q(Audi)) and Muntian et al. (Q(M)) have been tested to find that the cluster model with Q(Audi) and Q(M) could provide reliable results for Z > 112 but the GLDM with Q(Audi) for Z <= 112. The half-lives of some still unknown nuclei are predicted by these two models and these results may be useful for future experimental assignment and identification.


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A new trimer from the reaction of ageratochromene [1] (6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-1-benzopyran) with anhydrous aluminum chloride was shown to be 3,4-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl-3-(6',7'-dimethoxy-2',2'-di-methyl-2H-1-benzopyran-4'-yl)-4-(3" 4"-dihydro-6", 7"-dimethoxy-2",2"-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-3"-yl)-2H-1-benzopyran. Its structure was confirmed by NMR (H-1, C-13, DEPT-135. COSY, HMBC, HSQC, TOCSY and NOESY), IR, mass spectra and elemental analysis. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.