21 resultados para Arabian Sea warm pool
Previous research has defined the index of the Indian-Pacific thermodynamic anomaly joint mode (IPTAJM) and suggested that the winter IPTAJM has an important impact on summer rainfall over China. However, the possible causes for the interannual and decadal variability of the IPTAJM are still unclear. Therefore, this work investigates zonal displacements of both the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) and the eastern Indian Ocean warm pool (EIOWP). The relationships between the WPWP and the EIOWP and the IPTAJM are each examined, and then the impacts of the zonal wind anomalies over the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans on the IPTAJM are studied. The WPWP eastern edge anomaly displays significant interannual and decadal variability and experienced a regime shift in about 1976 and 1998, whereas the EIOWP western edge exhibits only distinct interannual variability. The decadal variability of the IPTAJM may be mainly caused by both the zonal migration of the WPWP and the 850 hPa zonal wind anomaly over the central equatorial Pacific. On the other hand, the zonal migrations of both the WPWP and the EIOWP and the zonal wind anomalies over the central equatorial Pacific and the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean may be all responsible for the interannual variability of the IPTAJM.
本文基于北黄海1140个表层沉积物样品的粒度分析结果,来探讨沉积物粒度组成、分布特征与物源和水动力环境的关系。结果表明,研究区底质类型主要有泥、粉砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂、砂五种类型,少数站位含有砾石。砾石则主要分布在长山列岛附近海域、大连湾口及其东南近海;砂主要分布在123.3°E以东的海域和长山列岛附近海域;粉砂主要分布在研究区的西南部和大连湾外海;粘土的含量较低,含量大于30%的区域仅分布在研究区的西南部,大于16%的区域有向北和东北延伸的趋势,在大连湾至广鹿岛近海沉积物粘土含量也大于16%。 根据对沉积物粒度各粒级的因子分析结果,结合沉积物的Folk分类和Pejrup分类,将北黄海划分成五个主要沉积环境分区,分别受山东半岛沿岸流、黄海暖流、强潮流场、长山列岛和辽东沿岸流控制。北黄海中西部沉积物主要受山东半岛沿岸流影响,经过本区的黄海暖流限制了山东半岛沿岸流携带的细粒物质向东和向北的扩散和运移,研究区东部沉积作用的主控因素是潮流,长山列岛中部海域受附近岛屿剥蚀物影响,大连湾外海受辽东半岛沿岸流控制。研究区西南部细粒沉积物的粒度分布具有不均匀性和南北不对称性,其形成主要受控于山东半岛沿岸流和黄海暖流及其相互作用,潮流可能也起一定作用。
A model of equatorial ocean is used to study the roles of the Pacific western boundary and the Mindanao Current (MC) in the evolution of the equatorial warm pool. The model consists of the single baroclinic mode of a two-layer ocean, with the parameterization of the anomalous increment of the interface representing the SST difference from its long-term-space-mean. The ocean is driven by a wind path in the middle ocean with a real or an artificial geometry assigned at the western and eastern boundaries. In order to test the role of the MC, the western boundary current is introduced into the model by a boundary condition at a position, real and unreal, respectively. The model experiments show that the warm pool, which is insensitive to the longitudinal width of the wind band in middle ocean, results mainly from the accumulation o the eastly-drifted warm water in the equatorial western Pacific. It is the dominant factor for the formation of the warm pool that, at a very low latitude, the Papua New Guinea coast intersects the longitudinally lined Philippine Islands at an obtuse angle. In contrast, the western Atlantic boundary, which inclines poleward from the equator at some 135 degrees, could guide the warm water there moving to a higher latitude. On the other hand, the equatorial warm pool in the western equatorial Pacific is very sensitive to the assignment of th Mindanao Current at 7.5°N and displaces southward, with a stronger southern branch than the northern one. We attribute this asymmetry to the combined effect of the western boundary and the MC upon the equatorial warm away from the equator. A by-product of our solutions is the possible mechanism of the "secondary warm pool" in the eastern Pacific north of the equator. It is suggested that, mainly or partly, the "secondary warm pool" results from the cooperation of the southeast monsoon in eastern Pacific and the eastern boundary hindering the propagation of the Kelvin wave poleward alongshore.
西太平洋暖池汇集着世界上开阔海洋中温度最高的海水,它的维持和变化对全球天气和气候的变化起着关键性的作用。从海洋学角度全面而系统地研究西太平洋暖池的纬向变异特征、机制以及暖池纬向变异对ENSO的影响等科学问题,对深入了解发生在暖池区的海气耦合过程,全面认识暖池变异在ENSO循环及在全球气候变化中的作用是不可缺少的,该项研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文根据长时间序列的海洋和大气资料,利用EOF、小波等分析方法较系统地研究了西太平洋暖池整层暖水纬向运移特征、暖池水体的时空振荡及暖池纬向的运移、时空振荡对ENSO的影响,分析了西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池对ENSO的联合影响,探讨了风场和流场对西太平洋暖池纬向变异的影响,并用一个简单的海洋模式,对暖池纬向变异的动力机制进行了诊断分析。主要研究内容及结果如下: 利用加权平均法,建立了一个表征整体暖池纬向运移的指标序列,分析了暖池纬向运移的时频特征以及暖池内部暖水在纬向运移上的差异,并探讨了暖池的纬向运移对赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度的影响以及与ENSO的关系。结果显示:暖池的纬向运移具有显著的2-7a的年际变化和10-16a的年代际变化,并于1976年前后经历了一次气候跃变。暖池内部大致可以50m深度水层为界分为上、下两部分,暖池的上半部分纬向运移幅度非常大,而下半部分则相对较小。暖池的纬向运移不仅是赤道西太平洋海平面高度和温跃层深度异常变化的一个非常重要的直接因素,而且对ENSO的形成与发展有非常重要的作用。 为进一步了解暖池整体的时空振荡及其影响,分别对暖池厚度场、热带太平洋风应力场、海表面高度和热含量场进行了EOF分析。结果显示,西太平洋暖池水体具有大致以赤道为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式季节性反位相振荡和大致以 170o E为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式年际反位相振荡。纬向振荡是暖池厚度异常场年际变率的的主导模态。西太平洋暖池暖水的纬向运移是造成暖池水体纬向振荡的主要原因。热带太平洋海表面高度与热含量异常场有着非常相似的ENSO时间尺度的振荡特征:即大致以5o N为横轴的经向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡和大致以170o W为纵轴的纬向“跷跷板”式反位相振荡。而与ENSO密切相关的热带太平洋风应力异常场也存在着纬向和经向两种主要模态,分别表现为近赤道的纬向风异常和远赤道的经向风异常。西太平洋暖池的纬向振荡对风应力异常存在滞后1个月左右的响应和显著的相互作用关系。西太平洋暖池纬向振荡能够造成热带太平洋水体质量与热量的重新分配,并通过强烈的海气相互作用对ENSO循环形成与发展起着重要的作用。 西太平洋暖池和东太平洋暖池是热带太平洋两个重要的暖水区。在系统分析西太平洋暖池的纬向变异和东太平洋暖池的经向变异特征基础上,提出了两暖池对ENSO循环联合影响的新观点,并建立了一个联合影响指数。结果显示,当联合指数达1.6时,则预示着一次新El Nino的发生。这为ENSO的研究和预测提供了一个新线索。 数据分析显示,赤道中太平洋的纬向风应力及上层纬向流异常是暖池纬向运移的两个重要的动力因素,且两者对暖池的纬向运移有良好的预报意义。利用一个简单的海洋模式模拟结果,分析了风驱动下的上层纬向流异常、波动(Kelvin波和Rossby波)及其在边界的反射效应对暖池纬向运移的动力影响。模式结果显示:中太平洋上层纬向流异常是西太平洋暖池纬向运移的主要驱动机制。暖池的纬向运移对波模态流具有滞后约4个月的响应,而风漂流对暖池纬向运移的影响则比较适时。波动在太平洋东、西两边界的反射效应对暖池西缩的影响较大。
There are four chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter briefly synthesizes the basic theories, methods and present-day applying situation of environmental magnetism. The second chapter probes into the magnetic mineral diagenesis in the post-glacial muddy sediments from the southeastern South Yellow Sea and its response to marine environmental changes, using the muddy sediment of Core YSDP103 formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The third chapter illustrates the high-resolution early diagenetic processes by investigating the rapidly deposited muddy sediments during the last 6 ka in Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103 from the near-shore shelf of Korea Strait. The fourth chapter presents the results of detailed rock magnetic investigation of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea in an attempt to provide environmental magnetic evidence for the provenance of the fine-grained deposit. Core YSDP103 was retrieved in the muddy deposit under the cold eddy of the southeastern South Yellow Sea, and the uppermost 29.79 m core represents the muddy sediments formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The lower part from 29.79 to 13.35 m, called Unit A2, was deposited during the period from the post-glacial transgression to the middle Holocene (at about 6 ~(14)C ka BP) when the rising sea level reached its maximum, while the upper part above 13.35 m (called Unit Al) was deposited in a cold eddy associated with the formation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current just after the peak of post-glacial sea level rise. For the the uppermost 29.79 m core, detailed investigation of rock-magnetic properties and analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry were made. The experimental results indicate that the magnetic mineralogy of the core is dominated by magnetite, maghemite and hematite and that, except for the uppermost 2.35 m, the magnetic minerals were subject to reductive diagenesis leading to significant decline of magnetic mineral content and the proportion of low-coercivity component. More importantly, ferrimagnetic iron sulphide (greigite) is found in Unit A2 but absent in Unit Al, suggesting the control of marine environmental conditions on the magnetic mineral diagenesis. Magnetic parameters show abrupt changes across the boundary between the Unit Al and A2, which reflects a co-effect of environmental conditions and primary magnetic components of the sediments on the diagenesis. Alternating zones of high and low magnetic parameters are observed in Unit A2 of Core YSDP103, which is presumably due to periodic changes of the concentration and/or grain size of magnetic minerals carried into the study area. Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103, two studied sediment cores from the Korea Strait contain mud sequences (14 m and 32.62 m in thickness) that were deposited during the last 6,000 years. Analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry of the cores have demonstrated that the sediments have uniform lithology and geochemical properties, however, marked down-core changes in magnetic properties suggest that diagenesis has significantly impacted the magnetic properties. An expanded view of early diagenetic reactions that affect magnetic mineral assemblages is evident in these rapidly deposited continental shelf sediments compared to deep-sea sediments. The studied sediments can be divided into four descending intervals, based on magnetic property variations. Interval 1 is least affected by diagenesis and has the highest concentrations of detrital magnetite and hematite, and the lowest solid-phase sulfur contents. Interval 2 is characterized by the presence of paramagnetic pyrite and sharply decreasing magnetite and hematite concentrations, which suggest active reductive dissolution of detrital magnetic minerals, the absolute minimum abundance of magnetite is reached at the end of this interval. Interval 3 is marked by a progressive loss of hematite with depth, and at the base of this interval, 82% to 88% of the hematite component was depleted and the bulk magnetic mineral concentration was reduced to the lowest value in the entire studied mud section. Interval 4 has an increasing down-core enhancement of authigenic greigite, which is interpreted to have formed due to arrested pyritization resulting from consumption of pore water sulfate with depth. This is the first clear demonstration from an active depositional environment for a delay of thousands of years for acquisition of a magnetization carried by greigite. This detailed view of diagenetic processes in continental shelf sediments suggests that studies of geomagnetic field behavior from such sediments should be conducted with care. Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies based on the magnetic properties of shelf sediments with high sedimentation rates like those in the Korea Strait are also unlikely to provide a meaningful signature associated with syn-depositional environmental processes. The rock magnetic properties of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea, an area surrounded by sands, are investigated with a view to providing information on the sediment provenance. Multiple magnetic parameters such as magnetic susceptibility (%), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), saturation rernanent magnetization (SIRM), coercivities of SIRM (Her), and S ratios (relative abundance of low-coercivity magnetic minerals) are measured for all 179 surface samples, and partial representative samples are examined for their magnetic hysteresis parameters, temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility and x-ray diffraction spectra. Our research indicates that the magnetic mineralogy is dominated by magnetite with a small amount of hematite and is primarily of pseudo-single domain (PSD) to multidomain (MD) nature with a detrital origin. In the surface sediments, the granulometry of magnetic fractions is basically independent of grain sizes of the sediment containing the magnetic grains, and the composition of magnetic minerals remains almost homogeneous, that is, with a relatively constant ratio of low to high coercivity fraction throughout the area. The magnetic concentration in the study area generally decreases to the east or southeast accompanied by magnetic-particle fining to the east or to the northeast. The geographic pattern of magnetic properties is most reasonably explained by a major source of sediment jointly from the erosion of the old Huanghe River deposit and the discharge of the Changjiang River. The rock magnetic data facilitate understanding of the transport mechanism of fine-grained sediments in the outer shelf of the East China Sea.
Sediment cores DH99a and DH99b recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4-crn intervals for grain-size distribution. Grain-size distributions of the lake sediments are inferred to be a proxy for past changes in East Asian monsoon precipitation, such that greater silt-size percentage and higher median grain size reflect increased monsoonal precipitation rates. The grain-size record of Daihai Lake sediments spanning the last ca 11,000 yr indicates that the monsoonal precipitation in the lake region can be divided into three stages: the Early, Middle and Late Holocene. During the Early Holocene before ca 7900 cal yr BP, the median grain size (Md) and the silt-fraction content were relatively low and constant, suggesting relatively low precipitation over the lake region. The Middle Holocene between ca 7900 and 3100 cal yr BP was marked by intensified and highly variable monsoonal precipitation, as indicated by high and variable Md values and silt contents of the lake sediments. During this period, average precipitation rate gradually increased from ca 7900 to 6900 cal yr BP, displayed intense oscillations between ca 6900 and 4400 cal yr BP, and exhibited a decreasing trend while fluctuating from ca 4400 to 3100 cal yr BP Although generally high during the Middle Holocene, both the Md and the silt content assumed distinctly low values at the short intervals of ca 6500-6400, 6000-5900, 5700-5600, 4400-4200 cal yr BP, implying that monsoonal precipitation might have been significantly reduced during these intervals. During the Late Holocene since ca 3100 cal yr BP, grain-size values suggest that precipitation decreased. However, during the Late Holocene, relatively higher Md values and silt contents occurring between ca 1700 to 1000 cal yr BP may denote an intensification of hydrological cycles in the lake area. Changes in the East Asian monsoonal precipitation were not only directly linked with the changing seasonality of solar insolation resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters, but also may have been closely related to variations in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool, in the intensity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and in the path and strength of the North Equatorial Current in the western Pacific.