28 resultados para Ansai


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根据在甘肃子午岭 ,安塞墩滩和延安燕儿沟的试验观测资料 ,研究了梢林区植被对降水的拦蓄和消耗情况 ;分析了农区基本农田上和退耕还林 (草 )坡地上作物和植物对降水的拦蓄和土壤水分季节动态 ;计算了本区主要农作物和几种有代表性的乔、灌、草植物的全生育期内需水量和降水资源补给的盈亏状况 ;并提出了几种利用降水资源和河川径流的模式


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本文对黄土高原典型地区土壤侵蚀以往的研究结论进行了综合分析 ,结果表明 :(1 )影响土壤侵蚀的主要因素为降雨、地形及土地利用 ;(2 )土壤侵蚀主要类型为水蚀及重力侵蚀 ;(3)土壤侵蚀主要集中在汛期 ;(4)土壤侵蚀具有垂直分带性 ;(5)在研究的四个典型地区中 :绥德地区侵蚀严重 ,天水地区侵蚀相对较轻微 ,安塞地区侵蚀典型 ,西峰地区侵蚀特殊


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本文对黄土高原典型地区土壤侵蚀以往的研究结论进行了综合分析 ,结果表明 :(1)影响土壤侵蚀的主要因素为降雨、地形及土地利用 ;(2 )土壤侵蚀主要类型为水蚀及重力侵蚀 ;(3)土壤侵蚀主要集中在汛期 ;(4 )土壤侵蚀具有垂直分带性 ;(5)在研究的四个典型地区中 :绥德地区侵蚀严重 ,天水地区侵蚀相对较轻微 ,安塞地区侵蚀典型 ,西峰地区侵蚀特殊。


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林草植被恢复建造是水土保持型生态农业建设中的重要一环,也是安塞试区极具特色的一个重要方面.进入“九五”以来,试区在整体推进水土保持型生态农业建设中,进一步加强植被建造,调整土地利用结构,生态经济良性循环态势已经呈现出来.1999年农林草地面积比例为 1:2.0:2.2。“九五”前4年平均耕地面积约为“七五”之初的1/2,然而粮食平均单产却是“七五”的 2.85倍,达到 2280kg/hm~2,总产依然得到增加.盖度0.6以上的植被的覆盖率达到57%,天然灌木林成片出现.年输沙模数较治理之初减少80%以上.


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在分析延安市宝塔区、安塞县南部 7乡镇的沟壑密度、布坝密度、现有坝地面积占耕地面积比重的基础上 ,提出了该区今后发展坝地的规模及淤地坝建设模式


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根据黄土高原绥德、延安 、离石、安塞等地的草地径流小区资料,分析不同次降雨条件下,人工草地的减水减沙效益和水土保持有效盖度。结果表明,当降雨指标小于坡耕地侵蚀性降雨标准时,草地并不发挥水土保持作用,减水减沙效益为零,当降雨指标大于坡耕地侵蚀性标准时,其减水减沙效益随着降雨指标的增大而减小。在土壤相对稳定的情况下,要使土壤侵蚀模数小于某一定值, 降雨、地形和植被覆盖因子三者之间存在着一定的相互制约关系,即草地的盖度随着降雨和坡度的增大而增大,当盖度达到一定程度时,降雨与坡度对其的制约影响减弱。建立草地的减水减沙效益指标体系,及草地水土保持临界有效盖度与降雨坡度的关系式,并结合降雨频率的分析,得出草地抵抗不同年暴雨的临界有效盖度。


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坡地的水土流失及磷素在泥沙中的富集不仅导致土地生产力下降、环境恶化 ,也对下游水体的环境造成严重危害。以不同施磷时间的黄绵土为试验材料 ,通过人工模拟降雨试验观察了坡地侵蚀土壤水分含量 (SM)与有效磷含量 (APC)的空间变化特征。结果表明 :自坡顶向下侵蚀土壤表层 0~ 5 cm与 5~ 10 cm的土壤水分 (SM)呈现出完全一致的波浪状递增趋势。有效磷含量 (APC)的空间变化虽然也为波浪状 ,但其节奏要较水分变化快一倍 ,而且 0~ 5 cm与 5~ 10 cm两层间并不同步 ,下层略有滞后。磷向 2 0 cm以下土层的迁移量极少 ,不同坡位间差别不大。施磷 2 4d以前从坡顶向下有效磷含量 (APC)呈降低趋势 ,而施磷 2 4d以后在坡下则略有富集 ;施磷 6 d以前坡地 0~ 5 cm土层有效磷含量 (APC)较 6 d以后低 8%左右


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根据在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区具有代表性的安塞县退耕地植被样方的调查资料,利用TWINSPAN对退耕地植物群落的类型及其优势种进行了确定,即退耕地植物群落主要有猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)为优势种的群落、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)和长芒草(Stipa bungeana)为优势种的群落、铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmelinii)为优势种的群落和白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)为优势种的群落。典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis)得出:显著影响黄土高原丘陵沟壑区退耕地物种变化的主要因子为退耕年限、全磷、速效磷和土壤水分。结合物种生活型特征,认为白羊草和达乌里胡枝子在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区具有较强的适应性,可作为退耕地的适宜引种物种,以调控和加速植物群落演替,控制土壤侵蚀。


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Sedimentary provenance direction,sedimentary facies,reservoir geological characteristic,pore structure; physical property characteristic,reservoir classification and evaluation ,forthermore,favorable area area are forecasted of Yanchang formation in ZhiDan region, by mainly study on the data of field section observation ,core observation, well logging explaination and routine microscope slice identification,scanning Electron Microscope and reservoir analysis of lithology and physical property , Under the guidance of such advanced theories and methods as sedimentology,reservoir sedimentology,lithological oil pool and so on,in the thesis. The following fruits are mainly achieved in this paper: Yanchang formation stratum is divided and correlated in this entire region, and the characteristic of oil layer unit is detailed discussed , respectively. According to main marker bed and supplementary ones.and research result shows that the source of provenance direction during Yanchang Formation mianly is north-east. Delta and lake are mainly developed in study area ,sub-facies and micro-facies are divided,distribution of sedimentary micro-facies in plane and palaeogeographic evolution are described,and gentle slope type- shallow water delta depositional model is established. Fine-grain arkose sandstone is the main reservoir,and which have experienced such different degree diagenesis as compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution, and in which compaction and cementation are mainly factors to reduce sandstone physical property and dissolution effectively improved physical property during burial diagenesis procedure. All reservoirs of Yanchang Formation have entered A period of late diagenetic stage according to scheme of diagenesis period division . Intergranular porosity,dissolution porosity,fissure porosity are main pore types. And porosity structure are analyse by mercury penetration capillary pressure parameter,fine-shortness type and fine- length throat type are mainly developed. as a whole,the reservoir, with the characteristic of porosity and permeability altering apparently,strong inhomogeneity , is a medium- porosity and medium permeability one. In plane,higher- porosity and higher-permeability are corresponded well with distributary channel area, physical property and inhomogeneity are affected by both deposition and diagenesis,and distributary channel and underwater distributary channel are favorable facies . According to such characteristic as lithology,physical property,pore structure ,diagenesis and sandstone distribution, the sandy reservoir can be classified 4 types, and the main sandy in every oil layer unit are evaluated according to the standard. The analysis result of petroleum concentration rule shows that Yanchang Formation are with not only favourable oil source rock,reservoir,covering combination ,but also good entrapment condition in study area. Lithology and structure-lithology oil pool are mainly developed ,based on condition of favorable reservoir developments,accounting for deliverability and sandstone superface elevation,zone of profitabilitis are forecasted.


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Ordos basin is a large-scale craton overlapping basin, which locates in western North China platform and possesses abundant hydrocarbon resources. Ansai area in 2007 to extend the head of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation has made breakthrough progress in the region, long a high of Gao52 was Chang10 industrial oil flow, for oil exploration Ansai Oil Field opened a new chapter. in 2008, high of Gao52, Wang519, Gao34 producing wells area of building and found the existence of Chang10 great potential for the discovery of Chang10 Reservoir, Ansai Oil Field for a new direction, showing a good exploration development prospects.The study of occurrence and distribution features of hydrocarbon should be made by new theories and evolutions of sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology and petroleum geology form different angles on the base of regional geology background. Ansai Oil Field is in mid Shanbei Slope, which is a considerable producing zone of Ordos basin. Chang10 of Yangchang Formation is an important oil-bearing series, which sedimentary formation was formed in Indosinian orogeny, Late Triassic, sedimentary background is a momentary uplifting in Ordos basin, and exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon in this area is very important. To further descripte disciplinarian of accumulation hydrocarbon, carefully study on sedimentary facies, reservoir type and disciplinarian of accumulation hydrocarbon of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation in study area is needed. By collecting date of field profile, outcrop, core and many other geological, through sedimentary and oil geological analysis, sedimentary facies types were identified, distributing of sedimentary facies and extension of sand body were analyzed too. Finally, the main controlling factors of hydrocarbon and the favorable areas were found out by deeply studying sedimentary system and disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas in Chang10 of Yangchang Formation, Late Triassic in Ansai Oil Field. Chang10 of Yangchang Formation is main study formation, which is divided into three members (Chang101, Chang102 and Chang103), Chang101 is subdivided into three (Chang1011, Chang1012and Chang1013) reservoirs. By defining Layered borderline between every member and detailed describing rock and electro characteristic, member zonation become more reasonable and accurate also sedimentary facies and disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas in study area are confirmed Through researching sedimentary facies, reservoir sand and hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, distribution, hydrocarbon accumulation models of Chang10 of Yangchang Formation in study area is pointed out, which is lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir and tectonic-lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. Different play is formed by different processes and factors. Through analysis of reservoir property, trap type and accumulation model, several favorable exploration areas can be found out in Chang 10 reservoirs (Chang1011, Chang1012and Chang1013) of the Ansai Oil Field.