17 resultados para Adams


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直角坐标机器人作为一种常用的工业机器人广泛应用于现代工业生产线中,其运动学和动力学特性关系整个生产线性能发挥。虚拟样机技术在复杂机械系统仿真中的成功应用不仅可以提高仿真精度,而且还可以缩短产品设计周期,对于工程实际具有重要的应用价值。通过虚拟样机技术,工程师可以通过机械系统运动仿真,在产品设计阶段发现产品设计中的潜在问题,并快速进行修改,减少了对于物理样机的依赖,这样不仅可以节省成本,缩短产品开发周期,而且还可以提高产品性能,增强产品竞争力。本文结合中科院沈阳自动化研究所现代装备研究设计中心的大型项目“激光拼焊生产线”,对生产线中从国外引进的上下料机器人进行研究分析,设计出一台可以满足“激光拼焊生产线”工业要求的上下料直角坐标机器人,来实现高性能上下料机器人的国产化。以设计出的上下料直角坐标机器人为研究对象,采用虚拟样机技术,以有限元法和多体系统动力学为理论基础,进行上下料直角坐标机器人机构的运动学和动力学分析仿真研究。其中研究了三维实体建模方法以及D-H方法,探讨了利用CAD/CAE软件SOLIDWORKS, ADAMS和ANSYS进行协同虚拟样机的建模、装配、数据共享、有限元静力分析以及刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真技术,研究成果对实际工程的运用具有一定的指导作用。本文主要的研究工作及其成果如下: 1根据工业生产线要求,确定高性能上下料直角坐标机器人总体机构设计方案,设计各个直线运动单元。 2利用CAD软件SOLIDWORKS对上下料直角坐标机器人进行3维实体建模,然后利用D-H方法,建立其运动学方程,最后利用MATLAB工具对运动学进行仿真。 3以有限元方法为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对上下料直角坐标机器人核心部件Y轴横梁静力分析,最后进行横梁结构优化。 4以多体系统动力学为基础,利用有限元软件ANSYS生成刚柔耦合多体动力学仿真所需的模态中性文件(MNF),同时结合运用ANSYS和ADAMS建立了上下料直角坐标机器人刚柔性耦合多体模型,并进行了动力学分析。


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of attention resourse requirement and allocation on implicit memory and explicit memory for object-location associations in driving situation based on Adams theory on the function of implicit knowledge in the Situation Awareness(SA). This study adopted Musen’s implicit learning of object-location associations, sysmemtly manipulated the type and difficuty of the naming task. This research includes three studies and ten experiments. Their aim are separately to explore the influence of attention on implicit and explicit memory for object-loction assocaitons in simple stimulus and the driving situation. And it is needed to confirme the condition and the influencing factors of implicit memory for car-location association in different condition. It is also our aim to explore the feasibility of introduce of implicit learning methods in SA measurement. The results indicted that: ⑴ The influence of attention resourse allocation ,the difficulty of naming task , the deepness of processing on on implicit memory for object-location associations in driving situation are different . the dissociated results support the standpoint that there are two independent knowledge system; ⑵ The type of naming task more influenced the implicit and explicit memory for object-location associations than the difficulty of the naming task. The attention resourse requirement of the different type can not be compared; ⑶ The implicit memory seldom appears in the location naming task resulted from the defiency of processing on object-location association, and not as a results of the overtaxed; ⑷ The reaction time methods in the implicit learning could be used in SA measurement , it is a complementarity of the existing explicit SA measurement. These findings not only contribute to resolve ongoing debates about the process of cognition and mechanism of SA structure, but also have significant practical application in traffic safety.