33 resultados para Abductive reasoning


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随着Web信息的与日俱增,使用机器处理这种信息成为一种必然的趋势。语义Web应运而生,成为当前研究的热点之一。它以本体为核心,为不同领域提供共享的词汇,以便机器处理Web信息。表达本体的标准语言OWL以描述逻辑为基础。OWL本体的推理可伸缩性差,难以适应规模较大的本体应用,因此推理可伸缩性问题是一个重要的实际问题。此外,OWL本体是一个逻辑系统,在生成、维护和集成等过程中,都很容易出现非一致现象,导致标准的推理机制不能正常运作。因此本体非一致问题是另一个重要的实际问题。针对上述两个实际问题,本文分别在实现可伸缩推理、修复非一致本体、以及进行非一致容忍推理三个方面提出了解决办法。 [可伸缩推理方面] 本文提出了一种本体断言公理集的划分方法,使本体推理能够在独立的划分子集中进行,以此提高本体推理的可伸缩性。 [本体修复方面] 本文提出了一种计算具有最小删除代价的本体子集的方法;通过删除这种本体子集,可以恢复本体的一致性。该方法将计算上述本体子集的问题归约为在命题逻辑程序中计算某种最优模型的问题,以调用现有的可满足性问题求解器来解决。 [非一致容忍推理方面] 本文将命题逻辑中字典序推理方法应用到描述逻辑中,以提供针对非一致本体的查询机制。本文还提出了一种在描述逻辑本体中进行字典序推理的方法。该方法将字典序结论的判定问题归约为命题可满足性判定问题,以调用现有的可满足性问题求解器来解决。


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软件估算是有半个世纪发展历史的计算机科学领域的一个巨大挑战,因为软件估算涉及到软件项目的成本和计划。开发人员需要能够获得基于他们自己的程序得到的包含了工作量估算的实践。软件成本估算主要估算开发软件系统所需的工作量、时间、人力资源等。一种有效的方式是在项目早期确定成本时估算工作量。软件成本主要依据项目的需求规格说明书来确定。目前,实施可靠、准确的成本估算仍是软件工程领域的一个挑战。 在项目早期阶段,许多项目属性尚未确定。此时的软件估算通常是不准确的,估算 的准确程度取决于用于估算的可靠且可用的信息的数量。在后续的项目分析和设计阶段,对项目的了解更加深入,估算不确定性减少,估算准确性提高。大部分估算模型未考虑这种不确定性,只是得到了确定的估算结果。这些模型需要改进,以得到估计范围和估算结果的发生概率。 新的方法(如:模糊逻辑)可能提供了软件工作量估算的替代方案。软件开发总是可以用一组具有一定程度模糊性的参数来表征。这就需要在模型中引入一定程度的不确定性,以使模型更接近实际。模糊逻辑在这方面很合适。应用模糊逻辑可以解决目前工作量估算模型存在的许多问题。而且,模糊逻辑已经与算法的和非算法的工作量估算模型结合,用于解决固有不确定性问题。 本文提出一种基于模糊逻辑规模的软件开发工作量估算方法。软件规模不是一个单个数字,可以看作是一个三角模糊数(triangular fuzzy number, TFN)。应用本文方法,可以通过改变约束条件对任意常数中的工作量估算结果进行优化。基于对本文方法中模糊权重的平均方差解释%(Variance Accounted For, VAF%) , 提出了一种最优化算法。应用COCOMO 公开数据集进行了验证实验。与实际工作量估算的比较结果表明,基于偏差系数,本文提出的模型提供了较好的估算结果。 最后,提出了一种改进的基于模糊案例的推理(Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning , FCBR)方法,该方法集成了agent 技术,可以从多个组织的分布式数据库中找到相似项目。基于该方法,可以从分布式预定义的项目成本数据库中收集软件成本数据,进而建立软件成本估算模型。该模型应用FCBR 方法,在不同软件组织的历史软件项目度量数据中找到类似项目。


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This paper focuses on the concept of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) putting the theoretical basis of Chapter 17, Agenda 21 (UN Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED), in relation to the theoretical backgrounds on which the development of coastal area programmes have been founded. Reasoning leads us to think that the general system theory is the proper conceptual basis to stimulate ICM and that, in this theoretical context, integration is to be pursued between (i) the claiming of national maritime jurisdictional belts and the protection of the coastal ecosystem, (ii) the coastal system and its external environment, (iii) the decision making systems acting at all levels (international, regional, national and local). Integration, therefore, should be thought of as a political process.


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语义Web是现有Web的一个语义延伸,目标是使Web的应用具有一定的智能,能够进行更准确的信息搜索和一定的决策支持,帮助用户自动完成一些任务。语义Web的实现需要人工智能、数据库等领域的技术支持,需要对已有的技术进行改进和扩展,也需要对现有技术本身如ECA规则进行更深入的研究从而进一步将其扩展到语义Web。自动推理技术是语义Web实现的基础之一,而ECA规则可以为系统增加反应性行为能力,本文围绕自动推理和ECA规则,主要进行了如下研究:(1) 一阶逻辑推理技术对语义Web的推理支持。分析了语义Web语言需要的表达能力,对现有描述逻辑工具、一阶逻辑工具的能力进行了考察。现有的描述逻辑工具不足以处理应用所需要的更丰富的语言成分、任意的一阶逻辑规则等,而一阶逻辑自动定理证明工具和有限模型查找工具有分别都有较好的研究成果。把语义Web的推理问题化成可满足性判定问题后,本文给出了一阶逻辑定理证明器和有限模型查找器形成的并发过程进行可满足性判定的方法。这样既可以解决描述逻辑工具的不足,并可弥补定理证明器对可满足的公式推理的不完备性。(2) ECA规则(主动规则)的终止性分析。终止性是主动规则最重要的行为性质,不终止是由于主动规则的级联触发造成的,意味着定义错误。终止性检查通常是不可判定的。有效的静态分析方法是主动规则得以实际应用的保证。静态分析的关键是合适的数据库状态描述,本文给出用约束表示数据库状态的方法,通过模拟规则执行,使用约束求解进行条件计算和重复状态检查,判断主动规则集合是否终止。用约束精确表示了数据库状态,在规则处理中考虑了执行语义,从而得到更精确的终止性结论。


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本文简要地介绍了数控自动编程专家系统.其中包括:专家系统知识表示的形式;分层次的黑板结构;前向推理求解策略和相应的解释功能;系统针对不同类型的曲线组合,采用不同的独立的知识源(KS)进行处理.由于在知识的处理上采用编码技术,在前向推理求解策略中使用启发信息和“剪技”技术,提高了系统的时空效率.系统中的规划程序能自动规划切削路径.输出供数控车床使用的 NC 代码,并可在显示屏上进行图形显示和切削仿真.目前原型系统已经在 IBM-PC 和 Sun3/60计算机上利用FORTRAN 语言实现.


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石油测井解释是一项逻辑推理和数值计算交错进行的复杂过程。为了描述测井解释专家的这种知识、经验并模拟其思维方式,在扩充纯产生式规则的基础上,我们开发了知识表达语言——NFA,它把逻辑推理和数值计算综合成统一的形式。石油测井解释专家系统 LIX 先后在 INTERDATA-85机和 PE-3230机上实现,现场(胜利油田)运行近两年,解释了130余口井,符合率94%以上。LIX 实质上是 NFA 语言的解释系统,它的研制成功,说明了 NFA 语言的有效性和实用性。


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It has reported that individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD) have deficits in visual-spatial organization and strengths in rote language abilities. At present, there are few studies on higher order cognitive abilities of adolescents with NLD, such as the reasoning about spatial relations. The study sampled three groups: a normal group (a control group, C), a nonverbal learning disabilities group (NLD), and a verbal learning disabilities group (VLD). The aim of this study was to examine spatial and nonspatial relation reasoning abilities in adolescents with NLD under figure and word conditions, and assessed the relative involvement of different working memory components in four types of reasoning tasks: reasoning about figure-spatial, figure-nonspatial, verbal-spatial, and verbal-nonspatial relations. Using the double-tasks methodology, visual, spatial, central-executive, and phonological loads were realized. We tried to find how working memory components impact on adolescents with NLD spatial and nonspatial reasoning. The main results of present research are as follows. (1) The NLD group didn’t differ from normal group on reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations. The NLD group scored lower than the C group in spatial problems. So, adolescents with NLD showed a dissociation between spatial and non-spatial relation reasoning. They scored higher in non-spatial problems than in spatial ones. Adolescents with VLD developed well in reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations, but showed deficits in other three tasks. (2) For each reasoning task, the difficult of four types of reasoning problem had different changing trend. For figure and verbal spatial problems, mental model approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. For verbal nonspatial problems, a logical rule approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. (3) Adolescents with NLD did not differ from adolescents with VLD and normal adolescents in phonological, central-executive, and visual dual tasks. But the NLD group had lower performance than the other two groups in spatial dual task. The results showed a dissociation between visual and spatial working memory in NLD group. The VLD group only experienced deficits in central-executive subsystem. (4) The studies found that spatial reasoning mainly loaded spatial working memory, whist the involvement of spatial resources in nonspatial reasoning was little. Visual working memory mainly involved in reasoning about spatial and figure-nonspatial relations, especially in figure-nonspatial problems, and had few impacts on verbal-nonspatial reasoning. Central executive system was involved in all reasoning tasks. The role of phonological loop in the reasoning tasks required further explored. (5) According to the findings, we concluded that the deficits in spatial working memory resulted in poor spatial reasoning abilities for teenagers with NLD, whist because of the limited central executive capability, teenagers with VLD showed poor reasoning abilities. (6) The three groups can used multiple strategies during the reasoning process. They didn’t differ from each other in reasoning strategies. They all used mental model strategy to solve figure and verbal spatial problems, and used logic rule strategy to solve verbal nonspatial problems.


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Moral decision-making in business means the decisions involved in moral issues in business context. Moral intensity is a construct that captures the extent of issue-related moral imperative in a situation, which is one of the most important factors in the study of moral decision-making in business. Based on Issue-Contingent Model, the present study investigated the influence of moral intensity on moral decision-making in business (including moral recognition, moral judgment, and moral intent in the present study), and further focused on exploring the mechanism of moral intensity in moral decision-making in business. Recently, the studies in decision-making gave more emphasis to the role of emotions. The present study tried to include empathy into moral decision-making in business to explore the role of empathy in the relationship between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business, which would enrich and extend Issue-Contingent Model. The present study would also make up for a deficiency in the study of moral decision-making in business that overemphasized the rational reasoning and neglected the role of emotions. There were three parts in the present study. Firstly, study 1 replicated the former study and explored the relationship between perceived moral intensity and moral decision-making in business in China by questionnaire method. Secondly, study 2 focused on exploring the influence of the components of moral intensity on moral decision-making in business and empathic response by experimental method. Finally, study 3 explored the role of empathy in the relationship between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business. The results indicated that, 1.Perceived moral intensity was the significant predictor for moral decision- making in business. 2.Magnitude of consequence, social consensus, and probability of effect had significant effects on moral decision-making in business. Magnitude of consequence and probability of effect could influence empathic response significantly. 3.Empathic response played the role of mediator between moral intensity and moral decision-making in business. Empathic response completely mediated the relationship between moral intensity and moral recognition. Empathic response partly mediated the relationship between moral intensity and moral judgment, moral intent. Further analysis indicated that probability of effect and magnitude of consequence relied more on empathic response than social consensus to influence moral judgment and moral intent. Dispositional empathy could influence moral decision-making in business through perceived moral intensity and empathic response. 4.Controlled empathic levels could influence moral decision-making in business significantly. Empathic levels influenced the effect of probability of effect on moral decision-making in business, and did not influence the effect of magnitude of consequence and social consensus on moral decision-making in business. These findings not only contribute to enrich the models of moral decision- making in business, but also have significant practical applications in the training of moral decision-making in business.