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一,螺旋藻藻胆体光谱特性及其光能传递的研究 1,完整藻胆体与解离藻胆体吸收光谱的比较研究 对螺旋藻完整藻胆体和解离藻胆体的吸收光谱中进行了比较研究。随着PBS逐渐解离,其吸收光谱表现出如下变化特点:在紫外区,吸收峰始终位于355nm,尖形峰逐渐变成钝形峰;在红区,完整藻胆体和解离藻胆体都有很强的光吸收,吸收峰呈平顶状,其半带宽逐渐变小,紫外区与红区相对吸收强度比值逐渐变小,四组导数吸收光谱中的小峰数目越来越少。室温荧光发射光谱表明,PBS在低于0.9mol/L的磷酸缓冲液中变得不稳定,并开始逐渐解离,解离的PBS与完整的PBS相比,其荧光发射峰逐渐蓝移。 2,藻胆体在解离过程中荧光发射和光能传递的研究 完整藻胆体的室温荧光发射光谱中只有一个峰,在678nm。说明在完整藻胆体中,光能传递效率高。在77K荧光发射光谱中,完整藻胆体只有一个峰,位于682nm,这是L_(cm)(TE_1)的荧光峰;严重解离的藻胆体的主峰在656nm,是PC的荧光;在679nm有一个小峰,是APC-B的荧光(TE_2)。据此,我们提出螺旋藻藻胆体的光能传递链为:(此处表从略,见全文) 二,螺旋藻藻胆体核心及其与藻蓝蛋白的重组 PC+core混合物,浓缩重组48h后,其室温荧光发射峰位于663nm,与PC的室温荧光发射峰643nm和PC+core混合物(未重组)的室温荧光发射峰648nm相比,说明部分APC与部分PC发生了重组,使部分PC吸收的光能传递给了APC,使荧光发射峰红移;与藻胆体核心室温荧光发射峰664nm相比,则非常接近,说明重组效果较好。PC+core混合物(未重组),其77K荧光发射光谱中有两个峰:654nm,679nm,分别是PC,APC-B的荧光峰,F679/F654的比值为32.0%。我们以F679/F654比值的变化来判断PC与core是否发生了重组。PC+core混合物,经48h浓缩重组后,77K荧光发射光谱中有F657,F679两个峰,F679/F654的比值则为45.9%,比未重组的混合物32.0%升高了,说明部分PC与core发生了重组,部分PC吸收的光能传递给了APC和APC-B,使F679加强,F654减弱。 三,螺旋藻藻胆体一类囊体膜光谱特性与光能传递的研究 藻胆体一类囊体膜的吸收光谱,室温荧光发射光谱和77K荧光发射光谱表明:藻胆蛋白能将捕获的光能传递给叶绿素a,叶绿素a捕获的光能不能逆传给藻胆蛋白。 四,藻胆体一类囊体膜的重组 藻胆体一类囊体膜的吸收光谱说明,一部分被洗下来的PBS能重新结合到类囊体膜上,但并没有达到100%的重组。 五,整体螺旋藻光谱特性及其光能传递的研究 整体螺旋藻光谱特性与PBS-类囊体膜的光谱特性极为相似,表现出同样的规律:PBS的吸收面积与叶绿素a相比,叶绿素a的吸收是主要的。 从PBS-类囊体膜和整体螺旋藻的吸收光谱,室温荧光发射光谱,77K荧光发射光谱的研究中可知,二者表现出极为相似的规律:PBS藻胆蛋白捕获的光能能传递给叶绿素a,叶绿素a捕获的光能不能逆传给PBS藻胆蛋白。主要的捕光物质是叶绿素a。 另外,我们还对Spirulina platensis 6 and Spirulina maxima的藻胆体在解离过程中的荧光发射和光能传递进行了研究,表现规律与Spirulina platensis相同。


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通过阴离子交换、凝胶过滤和阳离子交换层析, 从大蹼铃蟾皮肤中纯化到一个表观分子量为33 kDa 的单链蛋白。N - 末端序列比较分析显示, 该蛋白与来自非洲爪蟾、红色原鸡和人膜联蛋白Ⅱ的N - 末端序列 相同的氨基酸分别占70 %、64 %和56 %。该蛋白具有以钙依赖的方式抑制专一性血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅵ受体激动剂 ———Stejnulxin 诱导洗涤人血小板聚集的生物学功能, 最大抑制率达48 %。结合其N - 末端序列BLAST 搜索结 果及其活性的钙依赖性, 推测该蛋白是与膜联蛋白Ⅱ相关的一类蛋白质。


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Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173(+)/CD44(+) cells ranged from 17% to > 60% and of CD174(+)/CD44(+) from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.


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The precise hierarchy of ancient divergence events that led to the present assemblage of modern placental mammals has been an area of controversy among morphologists, palaeontologists and molecular evolutionists. Here we address the potential weaknesses o


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We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals, collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058 bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML. and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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The growth hormone (GH) gene family represents an erratic and complex evolutionary pattern, involving many evolutionary events, such as multiple gene duplications, positive selection, the birth-and-death process and gene conversions. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced GH-like genes from three species of New World monkeys (NWM). Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggest monophyly for NWM GH-like genes with respect to those of Old World monkeys (OWM) and hominoids, indicating that independent gene duplications have occurred in NWM GH-like genes. There are three main clusters of genes in putatively functional NWM GH-like genes, according to our gene tree. Comparison of the ratios of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions revealed that these three clusters of genes evolved under different kinds of selective pressures. Detailed analysis of the evolution of pseudogenes showed that the evolutionary pattern of this gene family in platyrrhines is in agreement with the so-called birth-and-death process.