38 resultados para 27-260
测量了19F+27Al耗散反应产物B,C,N,O,F和Ne的激发函数,入射束流的能量从110.25MeV 到118.75MeV,能量步长为250keV.从产物的能量自关联函数中提取了反应中所形成的中间双核系统的转动惯量,与相粘模型计算的刚体转动惯量相比较,结果表明形成的双核系统有大的形变.
在中国原子能科学研究院的HI-13串列静电加速器上完成了114MeV和118.75MeV的19F+27Al 耗散反应产物B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Na和Mg的微分截面测量.条形27Al同位素靶的大小尺寸为 10mm×50mm,平均厚度约67μg/cm2.固定入射束流19F的能量,通过移动靶位,先后轰击了靶上20个不同的位置.实验结果表明,在弹靶系统、入射能量以及探测系统都相同的多次独立的微分截面测量中,截面的涨落不呈现高斯型几率分布.截面测量的这种不重复现象难以用有限计数率的统计性质来解释.
测量了19F+27Al耗散反应产物B,C,N,O,F和Ne的激发函数,入射束流的能量从110.25MeV 到118.75MeV,能量步长为250keV.用能量自关联函数方法从激发函数中提取了各反应产物的平均衰变宽度,利用同时考虑反应中所形成的中间双核系统的转动特性和衰变特性而发展了的Ericson核反应统计理论,讨论了19F+27Al耗散反应中双核系统随时间的演化过程.
主要研究了110keV的He~+高温注入Al_2O_3单晶及1.1MeV/u的~(208)Pb~(27+)辐照注氦Al_2O_3样品的光致发光的特性。从测试结果可以清楚地看到在375nm,413nm和450nm处出现了强烈的发光峰。并且在600K,5×10~(16) ions/cm~2剂量点,样品的发光峰是最强的。这表明He~+注入Al_2O_3后使带隙中深的辐射中心复合的效率大幅度提高,极大的增强了其发光强度,而且发光伴随着蓝移现象。而经过高能~(208)Pb~(27+)辐照后的样品,在390nm出现了新的发光峰,从FTIR谱中我们能够看到,可能是~(208)Pb~(27+)辐照相对沉积膜出现一定的晶化,其中含有许多纳米尺寸的Al_2O_3晶粒所致。
测量了2 7Al+ 2 7Al耗散反应产物的激发函数 ,束流2 7Al8+的入射能量从1 1 4MeV到 1 2 7MeV变化 ,能量步长为 2 0 0keV .探测角度覆盖了实验室系1 0°— 57°的连续区域 .用不同的理论模型分析了耗散产物的能量自关联函数 .结果表明 ,反应所形成的中间双核系统的阻尼相干转动造成了激发函数中不可平滑的涨落结构 ,相干转动的阻尼来自量子混沌运动
在2 7Al+ 2 7Al(Elab≈ 1 2 0MeV)耗散反应激发函数涨落的实验研究中 ,首次在较大的角度范围内获得截面涨落的角度关联系数和角度关联函数 .实验结果表明 ,角度关联函数的形状呈现明显的非对称性 ,角度相干宽度至少为 4 0°;截面涨落在前后角区表现出明显不同的角度相关性 .
测量了 25MeV/u40 Ar+115 In,58 Ni,27 A1反应前中角区出射碎片的角分布和 元素 Z分布.用改进的量子分子动力学(MQMD)模型研究了碎片的角分布和 Z 分布.理论计算值和实验值整体上符合得很好,但在前角区,MQMD模型低估 了碎片的产额,在中角区对于Z接近弹核的碎片,理论计算值比实验值偏高.碎 片产物的角分布和Z分布还与统计蒸发模型GEMINI进行了比较,结果表明,在 前角区平衡蒸发成份所占的比例很小,中角区所占的比例有所增加,但仍然是较 小的比例.同时发现平衡蒸发成份随着出射碎片核电荷数Z的减小而逐渐减 少.
Excitation functions have been measured for different projectile-like fragments produced in Al-27(F-19,x)y reactions at incident energies from 110.25 to 118.75 MeV in 250 keV steps. Strong cross section fluctuations of the excitation functions are observed. The cross- correlation coefficients of the excitation functions for different atomic number Z and for different scattering angle theta(cm) have been deduced. These coefficients are much larger than the statistical theoretical calculated ones. This indicates that there are strong correlations between different exit channels in the dissipative heavy ion Collision of Al-27(F-19,x)y.
Excitation functions are measured for different charge products of the F-19+(27) Al reaction in the laboratory energy range 110.25-118.75MeV in steps of 250keV at theta(lab) = 57 degrees, 31 degrees and -29 degrees. The coherence rotation angular velocities of the intermediate dinuclear systems formed in the reaction are extracted from the cross section energy autocorrelation functions. Compared the angular velocity extracted from the experimental data with the ones deduced from the sticking limit, it is indicated that a larger deformation of the intermediate dinuclear system exists.
Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.
The differential cross sections of the dissipative products B, Q N, O, F, Ne, Na and Mg induced from the reactions of F-19+Al-27 at two incident energies have been measured at the HI-13 tandem accelerator, Beijing. In the case of a fixed beam incident energy 114MeV or 118.75MeV respectively, identical reaction system and the same detection system, 20 target points in steps of 2mm on(.)a 10mmx50mm rectangular Al foil have been bombarded. The experimental results indicate that the probability distribution of the cross sections is much wider than a standard Gaussian distribution. This non-reproducibility of the cross sections can't be interpreted by the statistical property of a finite count rate.
In last 10 years,extensive field inventories were carried out to investigate Polypore species, the major wood decaying fungi in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve of Northeastern China. The following 27 species were treated as rare or threathened species: Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer, Anomoporia albolutescens (Romell) Pouzar, Anomoporia bombycina (Fr.) Pouzar, Anomoporia vesiculosa Y.C. Dai & Niemel, Antrodia carbonica (Overh.) Ryvarden & Gilb., Antrodia crassa (P. Karst.) Ryvarden, Antrodiella citrinella Niemel & Ryvarden, Diplomitoporus flavescens (Bres.) Dománski, Donkioporia expansa (Desm.) Kotl. & Pouzar, Gloeophyllum carbonarium (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Ryvarden, Haploporus odorus (Sommerf.) Bondartsev & Singer, Inonotopsis subiculosa (Peck) Parmasto, Nigroporus ussuriensis (Bondartsev & Ljub.) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Oxyporus sinensis X.L. Zeng, Parmastomyces taxi (Bondartsev) Y.C. Dai & Niemela, Phellinidium sulphurascens (Pilat) Y.C. Dai, Phellinus vaninii Ljub., Polyporus vassilievae Thorn, Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.) Donk, Skeletocutis brevispora Niemela, Skeletocutis ochroalba Niemela, Skeletocutis perennis Ryvarden, Trechispora candidissima (Schwein.) Bondartsev & Singer, Wolfiporia dilatohypha Ryvarden & Gilb., Wolfiporia curvispora Y.C. Dai, Wrightoporia avellanea (Bres.) Pouzar and Wrightoporia lenta (Oveh. & J. Lowe) Pouzar. Polypores are richer in East Asia than in Europe and North America, not only because of destructive galciations and fewer hosts in the latters, but also because of the geography. NE Asia is a link between Europe and North America. Changbaishan Nature Reserve is very rich in polypores, and over 260 species were recorded in the reserve. Some rare species in North America and Europe, for instance, Anomoporia albolutescens, Antrodia crassa, Diplomitoporus flavescens, Inonotopsis subiculosa and Skeletocutis ochroalba etc. were found in Changbaishan Nature Reserve as well, and these species are in fact rare in the earth. Most of the 27 species occurred on fallen trunks or rotten wood in the reserve, but some of them grew on living trees. 18 species occured on substrate of gymnosperms, and 9 species grew on wood of angiosperm.Among the 27 species, 7 species caused a brown rot,and 20 species produced a white rot. The morphology, substrate and ecology of each species were briefly discussed. The most important tool for polypore conservation is the conservation of their habitats, and it is necessary to study the ecology of the rare and threathened species of polypores in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve. Because most of polypores live on the substrate of fallen trunks and rotten wood, it is very important to keep such substrate in the ecosystem.