22 resultados para 260502 Surfacewater Hydrology


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论文从土壤水文学科视角来研究和分析黄土高原森林水文作用的两个重大问题, 即对总径流量和对地下水转化的影响。联系黄土高原与水循环有关的生态属性, 系统阐述了林地土壤下伏干层的发现、 分布、 水文性质及其生物学成因。重点分析了干层因其巨大水分亏缺量阻隔重力水下渗, 阻止降水垂直入渗补给地下水的作用。指出森林因其显著拦蓄径流作用, 蓄积水分又难以转化为地下水, 因而具有减少林地出境总径流量的作用。


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在实测资料的基础 ,借助流域网格划分的模型计算方法 ,首次在流域尺度内将水土保持工程措施和生物农业措施在减少地表径流中的作用分割开来 ,从而为定量评价黄土高原以林草植被建设为主的生态环境治理对黄河流域水资源的影响提供数据基础。计算结果显示 ,在“六五”基础上王东沟小流域以梯田建设、土地平整、沟坡道路防蚀技术为主的水土保持工程措施平均减少地表径流 18.1% ,而在“七五”基础上以人工林草植被建设为主的生物措施和调整土地利用结构、扩大经济林果种植面积的农业措施共减少地表径流 10 .9%。这一结论说明为最大限度地减少黄土高原生态环境建设对黄河水资源的影响 ,其治理应以生态、农业措施为主。


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On the basis of data collected in the Jiaozhou Bay in June and July 2003, the DIC distribution in seawater is studied, and an average air-sea flux of CO2 is estimated. The results show that the content of DIC inside the bay is markedly higher than outside the bay in June, but the content of DIC outside the bay is markedly higher than inside the bay in July. The trend of DIC distribution inside the bay is similar, viz. the content is the maximum in the northeast, then decreases gradually toward the west, and the content is the minimum in the west. The total trend of vertical distribution is to increase gradually from surface to bottom. This characteristic of DIC distribution is determined by Jiaozhou Bay hydrology and there is a close relation between DIC and particulate N,P. Average CO2 flux across the air-sea interface is 0.55 mol/(m(2.)a) in June and 0.72 mol/(m(2.)a) in July. Jiaozhou Bay is considered as a net annual source for atmospheric CO2 in June and July, and the total CO2 flux from seawater into atmosphere is about 740 t in June and 969 t in July.


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Nansha Islands as sacred territory of China, containing abundant natural resources is the important area of sustaining development of Chinese people. Safeguarding and developing Nansha Islands has become one important part to develop ocean resource of China in 21 century. Engineering geological problems will be faced inevitably in the processes of engineering construction. Coral reef is a new kind of soil and rock and has special engineering characteristics. This doctoral dissertation researches deeply and systematically the regional engineering geology environmental properties and quality, engineering geological characteristics of coral reefs sand on the basis of synthetic analysis of hydrology, climate, geology, geomorphology and engineering field exploration information and combining the experimental data. 1. Put forward the division program of engineering geological environment of Nansha Islands according to the data of hydrology, geology and sediments, and also deeply study the properties of each division. Evaluate the quality of engineering geological environment by fuzzy mathematics and draw the evaluation map of quality of engineering geological environment. The research work provides background support of engineering geological environment to program of resource development in Nansha Islands. 2. Structures of coral reefs have been analyzed. The model of engineering geological zone has been proposed on the basis of geomorphologic zone and combining the strata and ocean dynamic environment. The engineering construction appropriation of each zone is praised. 3. The physical and mechanical properties of coral sands are researched. The results show that coral sands have high void ratio, non-regular shape, easy grain crushing and large compressibility. Shear-expansion takes place only at very low confining pressure and shear-contraction of volumetric strain occurs at higher confining pressure. Internal friction angle decreases with the increasing of confining pressure. The grain crushing property is the main factor influencing the mechanical characteristics. 4. A revised E-ν constitutive model is proposed which considers the change of internal friction angle with confining pressure, and parameter values are also determined. 5. The stability of Yongshu Reef by is analysed for the purpose of serving engineering struction. The process and mechanism of deformation and failure of foundation and slope is analyzed by finite-element method.