96 resultados para 17 m-Lake


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Small fish communities were compared between the vegetated and vegetation-free regions of the Liangzi Lake, a shallow lake along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. Fish were sampled using 10 x 10 m(2) block nets and poisoning. Three samples were taken from either the near shore area or lake centre of each region. A total of 19 fish species were collected; all species occurred in the vegetated region but only 12 occurred in the vegetation-free region. The dominant small fish were Carassius auratus auratus in the vegetated region and Ctenogobius giurinus in the vegetation-free region. Diversity, density and biomass of small fishes were significantly higher in the vegetated region than in the vegetation-free region in both near shore and lake centre areas. In the vegetated region, density and biomass of small fishes was significantly higher, while species diversity significantly lower in the near shore area than in the lake centre. In the vegetation-free region, density of small fishes was significantly higher in the near shore area than in the lake centre area, but species diversity or biomass was unaffected by location.


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The changes of L. kindti density from 1957 to 1996 were studied in a shallow, eutrophic Chinese lake, Lake Donghu. Despite the fact that the fish yield of planktivorous fish (silver carp and bighead carp) has increased steadily, the population density of L. kindti has also increased since 1957 and peaked in 1982/1983, The increase of both fish and L. kindti densities during this period may have benefitted from a considerable increase in the densities of their zooplankton prey. and fish predation on L. kindti might have been minor. As the fish yield increased further, their predation began to suppress most zooplankton prey including L. kindti. The largely increased fish predation on L. kindti is also evidenced by the remarkable decline of their body length after 1984. The density of L. kindti was significantly higher at the pelagic station (II) than at the littoral station (I), although for L. kindti, the littoral zone was significantly more resource profitable than the pelagic zone. The gradient of fish predation (more fish in the littoral zone) is the most likely explanation, since L. kindti is reported to be a preferred prey for many planktivorous fishes. The maximum density of L. kindti was 1.78 ind./I (on Aug. 17, 1984) at Station I and 1.55 ind./I (on Sep. 13, 1985) at Station II, respectively, which are close to those in several other eutrophic lakes.


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本文介绍了爆炸烧结Sm_2Fe_(17)N_7永磁体的试验及其结果.试验时,在外加磁场下把Sm_2Fe__(17)N_y磁粉取向压制成形后装人金属包套内并抽真空,炸药装在包套外的纸筒内,雷管引爆炸药后,在爆轰压力作用下,磁粉被压实而烧结成磁体。试验结束后,取出磁体测量密度及磁性参数。烧结磁体密度在理论密度6的85%~96%范围内,磁能积大于88 KJ?m~(-3)。它表明,爆炸烧结工艺是制备Sm_2Fe_(17)Ny永磁体的有效工艺。


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<正> 自从1990年初Coey和孙弘发现R_2Fe_(17)N,化合物以来,人们对R_2Fe_(17)N,的内禀磁性和永磁性进行了大量的研究。Sm_2Fe_(17)N_y(y>2)由于具有优良的内禀磁性(居里


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<正> Ⅰ.概况 国际气体放电会议(ICPIG)每两年举行一次,主要交流在气体放电领域中有关的研究和发展情况。ICPIG-17由匈牙利Roland Etvs物理学会和物理中心研究所组织,匈牙利科学院赞助,在布达佩斯技术大学举行。会期1985年7月8—12日。到会代表360人,其中我国1人。邀请报告共31篇,其中11篇在大会上宣读。张贴论文共394篇。


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We have developed a two-stage Ti:sapphire amplifier system which can produce 17-TW/23-fs pulses at a repetition rate 10 MHz. A birefringent plate is used in the regenerative amplifier to alleviate gain narrowing, while an all-reflective cylindrical-mirror-based pulse stretcher and an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF) are used to compensate for the higher order dispersion of the system.


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重建古气候、古环境已成为当今全球变化研究的热点。5000以来是人类有文字记录的历史时期,其气候与植被变化与人类活动十分密切,对这一时期的气候变化的研究,具有重要的理论意义。 植被的状况可以在相当大的程度上反映气候的状况。孢子和花粉由于其个体小、产量高和易于保存而成为植被演替和古气候、古环境研究的重要手段之一。 孢粉组合的变化可以很好地反映植被的演替,吉林地区地层沉积比较稳定,本文选取哈尼湖钻孔360-0cm(5112-0aBP)的沉积物进行孢粉分析,共采取样品85个,平均时间分辨率约为60年。样品中花粉含量非常丰富,种类以乔木为主,其百分含量多在80%以上,最高可达96%,根据花粉组成在钻孔上的变化,结合花粉沉积率进行样品的分析,自下而上可分为4个花粉组合带,进而得出5000年以来该区气候演化大致可分为4个阶段:阶段1(5112-3784aBP),阔叶类乔木占优势,湿生及水生草本比较丰富,气候温暖湿润;阶段2( 3784 -1380aBP)针叶类乔木占优势,湿生及水生草本消失,气候变凉干;阶段3( 1380 -994aBP),以松为主的针叶类仍占绝对优势,喜温湿的灌木草本含量持续下降,说明气候继续变冷变干;阶段 4( 994-0aBP),植物种类比较丰富,湿生植物的沉积率明显增高,气候变的更加湿润。