147 resultados para 10(16)-10(18) EV
萤火虫因具有生物荧光现象而众所周知。狭义的萤火虫仅指萤科昆虫,而广义的萤火虫则包括萤科和雌光萤科昆虫。萤科和雌光萤科在分类上隶属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鞘翅目、多食亚目、软鞘类昆虫。萤火虫主要生活在热带和亚热带地区,广布于除南极洲以外的各大洲。中国地跨热带、亚热带地区,具有潜在的物种多样性,但在中国,尤其在大陆地区,对萤火虫的研究相对较少。为了更好的保护和应用中国的萤火虫,本文对中国萤火虫的系统分类和进化进行了初步研究。 本文先简单概述了自然界的发光生物类群、生物发光的原理、生物荧光的生物学意义及应用,之后,从以下几个方面对萤火虫的研究概况作了概述:首先,介绍了萤科的分类地位、形态特征、分类历史与现状,并根据文献初步总结了当前萤科分类中使用的属名、各属的物种数及地理分布概况;其次,介绍了雌光萤科的分类地位、形态特征及分类概况;第三,从宏观和微观两方面介绍了萤火虫的系统发育与进化研究概况。 根据对标本检视及对文献归纳整理的初步结果,中国萤科昆虫隶属于5亚科(Lampyrinae, Amydetinae, Luciolinae, Ototretinae, Psilocladinae)、13属(Lampyris, Diaphanes, Pyrocoelia, Lucidotopsis, Lucidina, Pristolycus, Lamprigera, Vesta, Luciola, Curtos, Drilaster, Stenocladius, Cyphonocerus)、116种,其中包括1个新种、10个中国新记录种。Lampyrinae 亚科包括7个属:Lampyris仅包括1种;Diaphanes包括18种,其中1个新种,3个中国新记录种;Pyrocoelia包括23种,其中2个中国新记录种;Lucidotopsis包括2种;Lucidina包括5种;Pristolycus包括6种,其中3个中国新记录种;Lamprigera包括3种。Amydetinae 亚科包括1个属即Vesta,该属在中国分布5种,其中1个中国新记录种。Luciolinae亚科包括2个属:Luciola包括28种,其中1个中国新记录种;Curtos包括9种。Ototretinae亚科包括2个属:Drilaster包括10种;Stenocladius包括2种。Psilocladinae亚科在中国仅分布1个属即Cyphonocerus,该属在中国仅分布3种。新种Diaphanes pectinealis的发现对Pyrocoelia和Diaphanes两个相似属的界定提出了新的挑战,因此,当前萤科昆虫分类学研究中,对这两个属的系统修订是急需的,这也表明中国萤科分类的研究对完善萤科的分类系统具有重要意义。 中国雌光萤科仅包括1个属即雌光萤属,该属主要分布于东洋区,已知种类32种,中国分布16种。为了更好了解这类特殊的发光甲虫,根据文献和对标本的检视,对雌光萤属的32种作了简要介绍,并根据文献编制了种检索表。 为了更好的探讨萤火虫的系统发育关系,本文对采自云南的18种萤科昆虫进行线粒体16S基因的部分测序,加上来自GenBank的已知同源序列,采用贝叶斯法、邻接法和最大简约法构建了包括日本、韩国和中国萤科的5个亚科、12个属共45个种50个种群及近缘科雌光萤科的1个种的系统发育树。根据所构建的系统发育树得出如下结论:萤科不是单系;Amydetinae亚科是萤科中相对原始的亚科,推测Lamprigera属(其亚科分类地位有争议,当前放在Lampyrinae)与Amydetinae有近缘关系;由于Pristolycus sagulatus (当前放在Lampyrinae,但其亚科分类地位也有争议)出现在Luciolinae中,Luciolinae的单系概念仍是一个有争议的课题;在Luciolinae中,Curtos 和Hotaria均为单系,但形态学和分子数据依然表明萤科最大的属Luciola不是单系,对这个属的再分是必需的;由于一些在亚科分类上有争议的属如Lamprigera和Pristolycus目前均放在Lampyrinae,因此,Lampyrinae是否是单系有待于这些属的分类工作的进一步完善;在Lampyrinae中,Lucidina 是单系;Pyrocoelia 和 Diaphanes均不是单系,但Pyrocoelia+Diaphanes是很好的单系。 本文首次讨论了Diaphanes属在萤科中的系统发育地位。结合形态学和行为学的观察,确立了采自云南高黎贡山的1个具有Pyrocoelia 和Diaphanes两个属的某些镶嵌特征但具有特殊的触角结构的1个特殊种即Diaphanes pectinealis的分属及新种地位。这一新种的发现对Pyrocoelia 和 Diaphanes两个属的界定提出了挑战。结合形态学、行为学和交配体系的概念,在萤科分类中应该对受性选择的特征如触角予以更多的关注。
The valence hole subbands, TE and TM mode optical gains, transparency carrier density, and radiative current density of the zinc-blende GaN/Ga0.85Al0.15N strained quantum well (100 Angstrom well width) have been investigated using a 6 X 6 Hamiltonian model including the heavy hole, Light hole, and spin-orbit split-off bands. At the k = 0 point, it is found that the light hole strongly couples with the spin-orbit split-off hole, resulting in the so+lh hybrid states. The heavy hole does not couple with the light hole and the spin-orbit split-off hole. Optical transitions between the valence subbands and the conduction subbands obey the Delta n=0 selection rule. At the k not equal 0 points, there is strong band mixing among the heavy hole, light hole, and spin-orbit split-off hole. The optical transitions do not obey the Delta n=0 selection rule. The compressive strain in the GaN well region increases the energy separation between the so1+lh1 energy level and the hh1 energy level. Consequently, the compressive strain enhances the TE mode optical gain, and strongly depresses the TM mode optical gain. Even when the carrier density is as large as 10(19) cm(-3), there is no positive TM mode optical gain. The TE mode optical gain spectrum has a peak at around 3.26 eV. The transparency carrier density is 6.5 X 10(18) cm(-3), which is larger than that of GaAs quantum well. The compressive strain overall reduces the transparency carrier density. The J(rad) is 0.53 kA/cm(2) for the zero optical gain. The results obtained in this work will be useful in designing quantum well GaN laser diodes and detectors. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.
Medium energy (5-25 keV) C-13(+) ion implantation into diamond (100) to a fluence ranging from 10(16) cm(-2) to 10(18) cm(-2) was performed for the study of diamond growth via the approach of ion beam implantation. The samples were characterized with Rutherford backscattering/channelling spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. Extended defects are formed in the cascade collision volume during bombardment at high temperatures. Carbon incorporation indeed induces a volume growth but the diamond (100) samples receiving a fluence of 4 x 10(17) to 2 x 10(18) at. cm(-2) (with a dose rate of 5 x 10(15) at. cm(-2) s(-1) at 5 to 25 keV and 800 degrees C) showed no He-ion channelling. Common to these samples is that the top surface layer of a few nanometers has a substantial amount of graphite which can be removed by chemical etching. The rest of the grown layer is polycrystalline diamond with a very high density of extended defects.
Recently, we reported successful growth of high-quality GaAs/Si epilayers by using a very thin amorphous Si film as buffer layer. In this paper, the impurity properties of this kind of GaAs/Si epilayers have been studied by using PL spectrum, SIMS and Hall measurement. Compared to a typical PL spectrum of the GaAs/Si epilayers grown by conventional two-step method, a new peak was observed in our PL spectrum at the energy of 1.462 eV, which is assigned to the band-to-silicon acceptor recombination. The SIMS analysis indicates that the silicon concentration in this kind of GaAs/Si epilayers is about 10(18) cm(-3). But its carrier concentration (about 4 x 10(17) cm(-3)) is lower than the silicon concentration. The lower carrier concentration in this kind of GaAs/Si epilayer can be interpreted both as the result of higher compensation and as the result of the formation of the donor-defect complex. We also found that the high-quality and low-Si-concentration GaAs/Si epilayers can be regrown by using this kind of GaAs/Si epilayer as substrate. The FWHM of the X-ray (004) rocking curve from this regrowth GaAs epilayer is 118 '', it is much less than that of the first growth GaAs epilayer (160 '') and other reports for the GaAs/Si epilayer grown by using conventional two-step method (similar to 200 '').
本项研究利用自行设计的国内首创的生物堆腐池对污染土壤中的石油降解条件进行研究,并优化其运行工艺参数。本研究采用三株真菌进行堆腐败石油污染土壤的实验。堆腐池为:长 * 宽 * 高 = 118.5 * 65.5 * 12.5 = 0.097M~3,通气、养分、水分等调控在好氧条件下进行。本实验设计了5个处理组,进行了室内小试实验和室外中试实验,探讨了污染土壤中石油的净化效果,为此技术推广应用奠定了基础。研究结果如下:1 室内模拟实验表明,P菌能有效地降解污染土壤的石油。在50天的时间,达到66.1%的降解率,比次位的土著F菌61.8%,高出近5个的百分点。说明,其可以高效降解污染土壤的石油,可以用于石油污染土壤的生物修复处理。2 通气的调控是本实验中微生物生长好坏的一个非常重要的指标。利用生物泥浆反应器进行室内堆腐实验的模拟。设计了6个处理的比较实验,反应容积为4710cm~3,在50天的实验过程中得出,通气为每立方米土,22.37m~3/min(通气10分),是最佳通气条件。3 在微生物降解污染土壤中,设计正交实验,确立了土壤生物修复的调控因子,表明,温度对实验过程的影响最大,养分次之,pH和温度作为调控因子,对实验过程的影响较小。最后确立条件:温度25 ℃,湿度20%(W/W),pH6-8,C:N:P为100:10:1。4 处理的污染土样组分,进行了GC/MS的谱图分析。表明,污染土壤中含有14,15,16,17,18烷,菲,萘等,还有烯烃和环烷烃,而且本底很高,说明本污染土壤是一个复杂的混合物。5 通过设计不同浓度,不同温度,进行了土壤中组分的挥发性实验。得出,在浓度一定时,温度高的挥发率大于温度低的;在温度一定时,低浓度挥发率高于高浓度的。而原始污染土壤中的挥发率则很低,可以忽略。6 通过室外堆腐实验中的呼吸强度,耗氧变化,油降解能力之间的实验观察,发现三者之间成正相关,调控前二者之间的变化,就可以促进油的降解,为该工艺的应用提供了技术参数。7 在二年度室外实验过程中,得出,白腐真菌P菌为一株良好的石油降解菌,在200天时间内,初始浓度为5.8%的石油污染土壤,石油降解率能达到79.1%,在其后,降解曲线上升平缓,其原因还需今后进一步研究。8 通过对温主观气体CH_4和N_2O二种温室气体的实验观测,研究了污染土壤在生物修复过程中的温室气体的排队放通量。结果表明,N_2O, CH_4通量较小,本实验堆腐过程中不是温室气体的一个源。
本论文对四川蜡瓣花 (Corylopsis willmottiae Rehd. et Wils.)、密花樫木[Dysoxylum densiflorum (Blume) Miq.]、四川溲疏 (Deutzia setchuenensis Franch)及云南豆腐柴 (Premna yunnanensis W. W. Smith)的化学成分进行了研究。通过色谱分离得到44个化合物。主要基于波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构,其中1个为新化合物。 1.从四川蜡瓣花全株的95%乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定了13个化合物,它们是:1-O-(3-O-甲基没食子酸)-岩白菜素(1)、11-O-没食子酰基岩白菜素(2)、 11-O-紫丁香基岩白菜素(3) 、岩白菜素(4)、4-O-没食子酰基岩白菜素(5) 、4,11-O-二没食子酰基岩白菜素 (6)[14]、β-谷甾醇 (7)、acetyl aleuritolic acid (8)、(-)-表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(9)、对羟基苯甲酮 (10)、 11-香豆酸酰岩白菜素 (11)[19]、丁香酸 (12)和没食子酸 (13)。其中1为新化合物。 2.从密花樫木根的95%乙醇提取物中共分离纯化了13个化合物,它们是:β-白檀酮(14)、richenone (15)、β-谷甾醇 (7)、cabraleadiol (16)、β-香树脂醇 (17)、龙脑香醇酮 (18)、cabraleadiol monoacetate (19)、cabraleone (20)、3β-hydroxy-5 -pregnen-20-one (21)、3β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (22)、cabraleahydroxylactone (23)、川楝子甾醇B (24)、表儿茶素 (25)。 3.从四川溲疏全株95%乙醇提取物中共分离11个化合物,鉴定了其中的9个化合物。它们是:β-谷甾醇 (7)、白桦酯醇(26)、齐墩果酸(27)、hydrangetin (28)、肉桂酸 (29),齐墩果酸-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸苷(30)、β-胡萝卜苷 (31)、齐墩果酸-3-O-(β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸-6-正丁酯)(32)、齐墩果酸-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸-28-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷 (33)。 4.从云南豆腐柴95%乙醇提取物中分离得到12个化合物,分别为白桦脂醇 (25)、7-羟基黄烷酮 (34)、松属素 (35)、2’,4’-羟基查儿酮 (36)、高良姜素-3-甲醚 (37) 、高良姜素-3,7-二甲醚 (38)、异甘草素-4-甲醚 (39)、豆蔻明 (40)、乔松酮 (41)、异甘草素 (42)、arjunolic acid (43)、槲皮素3-O-β-D-木糖苷(44)。 5.综述了1976年以来樫木属植物化学成分和活性研究的概况。 Phytochemical investigation on Corylopsis willmottiae, Dysoxylum densiflorum, Deutzia setchuenensis, and Premna yunnanensis, led to the isolation of 44 compounds, 1 of which was new one. 1. One new compound was isolated from 95% ehanolic extrat of the whole plants of C. willmottiae, identified as 11-O-(3-O-methylgalloyl)-bergenin (1). The twelve known compounds isolated were 11-O-galloylbergenin (2), 11-O-syringylbergenin (3), bergenin (4), 4-O-galloylbergenin (5), 4,11-di-O-galloylbergenin (6), β-sitosterol (7), acetyl aleuritolic acid (8), (-)-epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate (9), 1-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethanone (10), 11-O-coumaroylbergenin (11), syringic acid (12), gallic acid (13). 2. Thirteen compounds were isolated from 95% ethanol extract from the roots of D. densiflorum and identified as β-amyrenone (14), richenone (15), β-sitosterol (7), cabraleadiol (16), β-amyrin (17), hydroxydammarenone-Ⅱ (18), cabraleadiol monoacetate (19), cabraleone (20), 3β-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (21), 3β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (22), cabraleahydroxylactone (23), toosendansterol B (24) and (-)-epicatechin (25). 3. Eleven compounds were isolated from ethanol extract of D. Setchuenensis. Nine were identified as β-sitosterol (7), betulin (26), oleanolic acid (27), hydrangetin (28), cinnamic acid (29), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside (30), β-daucosterol (31), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranoside-6-O-butyl ester)(32), oleanolic acid 3-O-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-28-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (33). 4. Twelve compounds were isolated from ethanol extract of P. yunnanensis and identified as betulin (26), 7-hydroxyflavanone (34), pinocembrin (35), 2’,4’-dihydroxychalcone (36), galangin 3-methyl ether (37), galangin 3,7-dimethyl ether (38), isoliquiritigenin 4-methyl ether (39), cardamonin (40), pinostrobin (41), isoliquiritigenin (42), arjunolic acid (43), quercetin 3-O-β-D-lyxosopyranoside (44). 5. Chemical constituents and biological activities of the genus Dysoxylum (Meliaceae) were reviewed during 1976-2009.
本论文由四部分组成,前三部分为实验论文,第四部分为文献综述。第一、二部分分别报道了中药西藏胡黄连和鸡矢藤的化学成分研究结果。从两种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了32个化学成分,其中3个为新化合物。第三部分为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。第四部分概述了近年来植物多糖的研究进展。 第一章为西藏胡黄连化学成分研究。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法从药用植物西藏胡黄连(Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell)的根茎中共分离纯化出7个化合物。运用MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、HSQC和HMBC等现代谱学方法,结合理化分析对这些化合物的结构进行了分析鉴定。7个化合物中有两个是酚性的葡萄糖苷类成分:西藏胡黄连酚苷D (1)、4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloyl glucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6);四个苯乙基苷类化合物:plantamajoside (2)、plantainoside D (3)、西藏胡黄连苷A (4) 和西藏胡黄连苷F (5);一个苯基小分子化合物:香豆酸甲酯 (7)。其中化合物1和5未见文献报道,确定为新化合物;化合物3为首次从该种植物中分到。 第二章为鸡矢藤化学成分研究。从鸡矢藤(Paederia scandense (Lour) Merrill)全草中分离出25个化合物,通过理化常数和波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构。25个化合物中包括一个蒽醌类成分:茜根定-1-甲醚 (1);两个香豆素:异东莨菪香豆素 (2)和5-羟基-8-甲氧基吡喃香豆素 (3);两个香豆素-木脂素化合物:臭矢菜素 B (4)和臭矢菜素 D (5);一个木脂素:异落叶松树脂醇 (6);两个黄酮:diadzein (7)和蒙花苷 (8);三个三萜类化合物:齐墩果酸 (9)、乌苏酸 (10)和 3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基乌苏烷 (11);三个甾体及其糖苷:b-谷甾醇 (12)、胡萝卜苷 (13)和(24R)-豆甾-4-烯-3-酮 (14);六个小分子化合物:对羟基苯甲酸 (15),咖啡酸 (16),香豆酸 (17),丁烯二酸 (18),3,5-二甲氧基-4-羟基苯甲酸(19),咖啡酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(20);五个环烯醚萜类化合物:鸡矢藤苷 (21),鸡矢藤酸 (22),鸡矢藤酸甲酯 (23),saprosmoside E (24)和paederoside B (25)。其中化合物25未见文献报道,为新化合物。化合物1~8、11、14、15~20为首次从该化合物中分离得到。同时对鸡矢藤中环烯醚萜类化合物做了高效液相-串联质谱(HPLC-MSn)分析,探讨了这类化合物的质谱裂解规律。 第三章为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。首先确定了黄芪多糖含量的测定方法,并进行了方法学验证;其次探讨了黄芪中黄芪多糖的提取工艺,确定以酶法-Sevag法联用来去除黄芪多糖中的蛋白质,可使其提取物中黄芪多糖总含量达到70%以上。 第四章为近年来植物多糖的研究进展。主要包括植物多糖的提取纯化、多糖的定性定量检测方法、多糖的结构分析和多糖的药理活性。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first and second parts reports the studies on the chemical constituents of medicinal plants of Picrorhiza Scrophulariiflora and Paederia scandens. The third part is about the extract technique of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The last part reviews the progress of the studies on plant polysaccharides. The first chapter is about the chemical constituents of P. Scrophulariiflora which is widely used as an important medicine to treat various immune-related diseases. A new phenyl glycoside, scrophenoside D (1) and a new phenylethyl glycoside, scroside F (5), together with five known compounds, plantamajoside (2), plantainoside D (3), scroside A (4), 4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloylglucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6); and methyl-p-coumarate (7) were isolated from the stems of P. scrophulariiflora. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods. The second chapter is about the chemical constituents of medicinal herb of P. scandens. Twenty-five compounds were isolated and purified by normal and reversed phase silica gel column chromatography. By physicochemical properties and spectral analysis, their structures were identified as rubiadin-1-methylether (1), isoscopoletin (2), 5-hydroxyl-8-methoxyl-coumarin (3), cleomiscosin B (4), cleomiscosin D (5), isolariciresinol (6), diadzein (7), linarin (8), oleanolic acid (9), ursolic acid (10), 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyl-ursane (11), b-sitosterol (12), b-daucosterol (13), (24R)-stigmast-4-ene-3-one (14), p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid (15), caffic acid (16), coumaric acid (17), trans-butenedioic acid (18), 3,5-dimethoxyl-4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (19), caffeic acid 4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (20), paederoside (21), paederosidic acid (22), paederosidic acid methyl ester (23), saprosmoside E (24), paederoside B (25). Among them, compound 25 is a new compound. Compounds 1~8、11、14、15~20 were isolated from this plant for the first time. Futhermore, we studied the HPLC-MSn analysis and investigation of fragmentation behavior of the sulfur-containing iridoid glucosides. The third chapter is about the extracting process of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The method of the content determination is built. The optimum condition of extraction of polysaccharides from Radix Astragali is defined and the more effective way to remove protein is combined enzyme method with Sevag method, by which the content of polysaccharides extract can be up to 70%. The last part is a review of the research progress of the plant polysaccharides, which includes its extraction, isolation, purification, determination, structure analysis, and pharmacology.
Amorphous SiO2 thin films with about 400-500 nm in thickness were thermally grown on single crystalline silicon. These SiO2/Si samples were firstly implanted at room temperature (RT) with 100 keV carbon ions to 2.0 x 10(17),5.0 X 10(17) or 1.2 x 10(18) ions/cm(2), then irradiated at RT by 853 MeV Pb ions to 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 X.10(12) 2.0 x 10(12) or 5.0 x 10(12) ions/cm(2), respectively. The variation of photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples was analyzed at RT using a fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that Pb-ion irradiations led to significant changes of the PL properties of the carbon ion implanted SiO2 films. For examples, 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation produced huge blue and green light-emitters in 2.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, which resulted in the appearance of two intense PL peaks at about 2.64 and 2.19 eV. For 5.0 x 10(17) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, 2.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation could induce the formation of a strong and wide violet band at about 2.90 eV, whereas 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ionS/cm(2) irradiation could,create double peaks of light emissions at about 2.23 and 2.83 eV. There is no observable PL peak in the 1.2 x 10(18) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples whether it was irradiated with Pb ions or not. All these results implied that special light emitters could be achieved by using proper ion implantation and irradiation conditions, and it will be very useful for the synthesis of new type Of SiO2-based light-emission materials.
在下辽河平原地区就稻田不同水分管理方式对土壤线虫多度、营养类群、群落组成的影响进行了研究 .结果表明 ,0~ 10cm土层不同水分管理处理的线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期显著低于对照 ,10~ 2 0cm土层各时期处理间线虫总数的差异不显著 ,2 0~ 30cm土层线虫总数在耙耕前和黄熟期差异极显著 .北方单季稻水田试验共观察到土壤线虫 16科 2 2属 .绕线属 (Plectus)、垫刃属 (Tylenchus)、单宫属 (Mon hystera)是优势属 ,绕线属和垫刃属对不同的水分管理比较敏感 .在耙耕前和黄熟期不同水分管理方式对 0~ 10cm土壤食细菌线虫能够产生显著影响 .稻田土壤中食细菌线虫和植物寄生线虫是优势营养类群 ,而捕食 /杂食性线虫的相对多度最低 .
通过田间试验研究了间歇灌溉 (IT)条件下北方水稻生理生态需水变化特性 .试验于 2 0 0 2年在中国科学院沈阳生态实验站水田试验区进行 .分别采用非称重式蒸渗仪和小型蒸渗仪对间歇灌溉和淹灌(CSF)条件下的稻田蒸散量和棵间蒸发量进行了测定 .结果表明 ,间歇灌溉条件下的水稻蒸腾量与淹灌相比没有达到显著差异 ,而稻田棵间蒸发量和渗漏量则分别减少了 16 %和 2 4 % ,水分利用效率提高了10 % ,在显著减少用水量的情况下并未对水稻产量造成不良影响 .针对本地区土质而言 ,与淹灌相比 ,尽管间歇灌溉可以有效地减少稻田用水量 ,但仍有近 6 0 %的稻田用水通过渗漏损失掉 .为此 ,本文提出着眼于提高稻田水分利用效率、降低渗漏量和土壤水蒸发量的相应对策 .
研究了科尔沁沙地草甸草地在放牧、割草两种利用方式下的土壤种子库的大小、组成及其与地上植被的关系 .结果表明 ,在自由放牧下 ,土壤种子库密度为 6 15 8± 16 4 7粒·m-2 ,在割草利用下 ,土壤种子库密度为 8312± 2 5 4 0粒·m-2 .放牧干扰下 ,种子库组成以矮小、短命的一年生植物为主 ,其中一二年生植物占 81 6 6 % ,占比例最大的前 4种植物分别为虎尾草 (38 5 5 % )、灰绿藜 (15 4 2 % )、毛马唐 (14 95 % )和狗尾草 (9 83% ) ,多年生植物种子密度仅为 112 9± 30 2粒·m-2 ;割草干扰下 ,一二年生植物占6 8 0 8% ,其中狗尾草占 5 2 7% ;而割草地多年生植物种子密度为 2 6 5 3± 811粒·m-2 放牧地土壤种子库密度与地上植物相关不显著 ;割草地土壤种子库密度与地上植物多度显著相关 (r=0 76 ,P <0 0 1) .放牧地种子库的Shannon Wiener指数、丰富度指数分别为 2 96和 2 98,明显小于割草地的 3 10和 5 0 9,表明自由放牧更易使物种多样性下降 .