19 resultados para 04021700 CTD-39


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During the DY105-12, 14cruise (RN DAYANG YIHAO, November 2003) on East Pacific Rise (EPR) 12-13 degrees N, the submarine hydrothermal activity was investigated and the CTD hydrocast was carried out at EPR12 degrees 39 ' N - 12 degrees 54 ' N. From the temperature anomalies and the concentrations of magnesium, chlorine, bromine in seawater samples, we discover that magnesium depletes 9.3%-22.4%, chlorine and bromine enrich 10.3%-28.7% and 10.7%-29.0% respectively relative to normal seawater at the stations which have chemistry anomalies, moreover temperature and chemistry anomalies are at the same layer. The depletion of magnesium in the plume may be caused by a fluid lacking of magnesium which rises after the hydrothermal fluid reaches the equilibrium with ambient seawater, the enrichment of chlorine and bromine might be the result of inputting later brine which is generated by phase separation due to hydrothermal activity. In addition, the Br/CI ratio in the abnormal layers at the survey area is identical to that in seawater, which implies that halite dissolution (or precipitation) occurs neither when the fluid is vented nor when hydrothermal fluid entraining ambient seawater rises to form plume. From the abnormal instance at E55 station, it is very possible that there might exist a new hydrothermal vent site.


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~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法是继K-Ar法后发展起来的一个新的年代学分支,自1962年Sigurgeirssion正式提出~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar计时理论以来,经C. M. Merrihue, G. Turner, G. B. Dalrymple, M. A. Lanphere, I. McDougall, J. G. Mitchell等人的不断改造和完善,现已发展成为一门较为成熟的学科。~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法以其独特的优点而倍受地质学家的偏爱,其中阶段加热技术是~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar法得以广泛应用的关键,它不仅可以提供一般的年代学资料,同时,还提供诸如样品的受热历史、过剩Ar、封闭温度以及岩体的隆起速率等许多信息。近十年来,对这一领域的研究,无论是在理论方面,还是在实验技术方面,都取得了可喜的进展。