37 resultados para 010203 Calculus of Variations Systems Theory and Control Theory


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The freshwater, bloom-forming cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Microcystis aeruginosa produces a peptide hepatotoxin, which causes the damage of animal liver. Recently, toxic Microcystis blooms frequently occur in the eutrophic Dianchi Lake (300 km(2) and located in the South-Westem of China). Microcystin-LR from Microcystis in Dianchi was isolated and purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its toxicity to mouse and fish liver was studied (Li et al., 2001). In this study, six biochemical parameters (reactive oxygen species, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxide and glutathione S-transferase) were determined in common carp hepatocytes when the cells were exposed to 10 mug microcystin-LR per litre. The results showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents increased by more than one-time compared with the control after 6 h exposure to the toxin. In contrast, glutathione (GSH) levels in the hepatocytes exposed to microcystin-LR decreased by 47% compared with the control. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxide (GSH-Px) increased significantly after 6 h exposure to microcystin-LR, but glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity showed no difference from the control. These results suggested that the toxicity of microcystin-LR caused the increase of ROS contents and the depletion of GSH in hepatocytes exposed to the toxin and these changes led to oxidant shock in hepatocytes. Increases of SOD, CAT and GSH-Px activities revealed that these three kinds of antioxidant enzymes might play important roles in eliminating the excessive ROS. This paper also examined the possible toxicity mechanism of microcystin-LR on the fish hepatocytes and the results were similar to those with mouse hepatocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the light of descriptive geometry and notions in set theory, this paper re-defines the basic elements in space such as curve and surface and so on, presents some fundamental notions with respect to the point cover based on the High-dimension space (HDS) point covering theory, finally takes points from mapping part of speech signals to HDS, so as to analyze distribution information of these speech points in HDS, and various geometric covering objects for speech points and their relationship. Besides, this paper also proposes a new algorithm for speaker independent continuous digit speech recognition based on the HDS point dynamic searching theory without end-points detection and segmentation. First from the different digit syllables in real continuous digit speech, we establish the covering area in feature space for continuous speech. During recognition, we make use of the point covering dynamic searching theory in HDS to do recognition, and then get the satisfying recognized results. At last, compared to HMM (Hidden Markov models)-based method, from the development trend of the comparing results, as sample amount increasing, the difference of recognition rate between two methods will decrease slowly, while sample amount approaching to be very large, two recognition rates all close to 100% little by little. As seen from the results, the recognition rate of HDS point covering method is higher than that of in HMM (Hidden Markov models) based method, because, the point covering describes the morphological distribution for speech in HDS, whereas HMM-based method is only a probability distribution, whose accuracy is certainly inferior to point covering.


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A new theoretical model of Pattern Recognition principles was proposed, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification" in traditional statistical Pattern Recognition. This new model is closer to the function of human being, rather than traditional statistical Pattern Recognition using "optimal separating" as its main principle. So the new model of Pattern Recognition is called the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR)(1). Its mathematical basis is placed on topological analysis of the sample set in the high dimensional feature space. Therefore, it is also called the Topological Pattern Recognition (TPR). The fundamental idea of this model is based on the fact of the continuity in the feature space of any one of the certain kinds of samples. We experimented with the Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) by using artificial neural networks, which act through covering the high dimensional geometrical distribution of the sample set in the feature space. Onmidirectionally cognitive tests were done on various kinds of animal and vehicle models of rather similar shapes. For the total 8800 tests, the correct recognition rate is 99.87%. The rejection rate is 0.13% and on the condition of zero error rates, the correct rate of BPR was much better than that of RBF-SVM.


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The effect of methanol of low concentration on adsorption and leaching of atrazine and tebuconazole was studied in this paper. The adsorption coefficients and the retardation factors (R-m) of pesticides on EUROSOIL 3# log-linearly decreased as volumetric fraction of methanol (f(c)) was increased in the binary solvent mixtures of methanol and water. These data are consistent with solvophobic theory formerly outlined for describing the adsorption and transport of hydrophobic organic chemicals from mixed solvents. Nevertheless, the adsorption of these pesticides in soil-water system slightly increased when the soil was pre-washed with methanol in comparison with that pre-washed with water (pure water system). Furthermore, their adsorption coefficients were still higher in binary solvent systems with methanol of very low concentrations, i.e. f(c) < 0.03 for atrazine and f(c) < 0.01 for tebuconazole, than those in pure water system. The adsorption coefficients (logK(w)) of atrazine and tebuconazole predicted by solvophobic theory were 0.5792 and 1.6525, respectively, and their experimental logK(w) were 0.3701 and 1.6275 in pure water system. Obviously, the predicted log K-w of the two pesticides was higher than the experimental log K-w in pure water system. The predicted K-w and the retardation factor (R-w) in pure water system by solvophobic theory are thus possibly inaccurate. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have observed, respectively, a negative differential resistance (NDR) and switching conduction in current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of organic diodes based on copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) film sandwiched between indium-tin-oxide (ITO) and aluminum (Al) by controlling the evaporation rate. The NDR effect is repeatable which can be well, controlled by sweep rate and start voltage, and the switching exhibits write-once-read-many-times (WORM) memory characteristics. The traps in the organic layer and interfacial dipole have been used to explain the NDR effect and switching conduction. This opens up potential applications for CuPc organic semiconductor in low power memory and logic circuits.


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The influences of different cations on plasmid DNA network structures on a mica substrate were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Interactions between the DNA strands and mica substrate, and between the DNA strands themselves were more strongly influenced by the complex cations (Fe(phen)(3)(2+), Ni(phen)(3)(2+), and Co(phen)(3)(3+)) than by the simple cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Co3+). The mesh height of the plasmid DNA network was higher when the complex cations were added to DNA samples. The mesh size decreased with increasing DNA concentration and increased with decreasing DNA concentration in the same cation solution sample. Hence, plasmid DNA network height can be controlled by selecting different cations, and the mesh size can be controlled by adjusting plasmid DNA concentration.


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Background: Red algae are primitive photosynthetic eukaryotes, whose spores are ideal subjects for studies of photosynthesis and development. Although the development of red alga spores has received considerable research attention, few studies have focused on the detailed morphological and photosynthetic changes that occur during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Herein, we documented these changes in this species of red algae. Results: In the tetraspores, we observed two types of division, cruciate and zonate, and both could develop into multicellular bodies (disks). During the first 84 hours, tetraspores divided several times, but the diameter of the disks changed very little; thereafter, the diameter increased significantly. Scanning electron microscopy observations and analysis of histological sections revealed that the natural shape of the disk remains tapered over time, and the erect frond grows from the central protrusion of the disk. Cultivation of tissue from excised disks demonstrated that the central protrusion of the disk is essential for initiation of the erect frond. Photosynthetic (i.e., PSII) activities were measured using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. The results indicated that freshly released tetraspores retained limited PSII photosynthetic capabilities; when the tetraspores attached to a substrate, those capabilities increased significantly. In the disk, the PSII activity of both marginal and central cells was similar, although some degree of morphological polarity was present; the PSII photosynthetic capabilities in young germling exhibited an apico-basal gradient. Conclusions: Attachment of tetraspores to a substrate significantly enhanced their PSII photosynthetic capabilities, and triggered further development. The central protrusion of the disk is the growth point, may have transfer of nutritive material with the marginal cells. Within the young germling, the hetero-distribution of PSII photosynthetic capabilities might be due to the differences in cell functions.


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A core from the source region of the Kuroshio warm current (east of the Luzon Island) was analyzed using several proxies in order to study the variability of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Primary productivity (PP) variations were deduced from variations in the coccolith flora. Primary productivity was higher during glacial periods (the end of Marine Isotope Stage [MIS] 3, some periods in MIS 2 and 6), and decreased during interglacial periods (MIS 7, MIS Se and probably MIS 5c-5d), with the lowest PP in MIS 5e. variations in the delta C-13 difference in benthic and bulk carbonate, thus in the vertical gradient of delta C-13 in dissolved inorganic carbon (Delta delta C-13(c). (wuellerstorfi-N. dutertrei) and Delta delta C-13(c.) (wuellerstorfi-coccolith)) Coincided With the PP Changes, showing that export productivity was low during interglacial periods (MIS 7, MIS 5e and Holocene) and high during glacial periods (MIS 6, probably MIS 5c-5d, late MIS 4 and late MIS 3). Comparison of foraminiferal carbonate dissolution indicators and PP changes reveals that nannofossil assemblage in core Ph05-5 is not sensitive to carbonate dissolution intensity. The depth of the thermocline (DOT) was estimated from planktonic forminiferal assemblages, and was relatively greater during interglacial periods (MIS 7, MIS 5e, probably MIS 5c and Holocene) than during glacials (middle MIS 6, probably MIS 5b and 5d, some periods in MIS 4, MIS 3 and MIS 2). Good coherence between the paleoproductivity records and the DOT suggests that the DOT changes could be the primary control factor in changes of paleoproductivity, and the glacial high productivity in the Kuroshio source region could be associated with a global increase of nutrient concentration in the intermediate waters that upwelled into the photic zone. The low CO2 values derived for intervals of high productivity and a relatively shallow DOT suggest that the changes in biological productivity and DOT in the equatorial Pacific could have modified atmospheric CO2 concentrations. High Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) during the warm MIS 5e in combination with intensified monsoonal rain fall could have resulted in a more intense stratification of the upper waters, resulting in low nutrient supply to the surface waters and a resulting decrease in productivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.