225 resultados para 0.9-percent Saline


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With the PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) measurement technology, the probability distributions of particle impact and lift-off velocities on bed surface and the particle velocity distributions at different heights are detected in a wind tunnel. The results show that the probability distribution of impact and lift-off velocities of sand grains can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact and lift-off angles complies with an exponential function. The mean impact angle is between 28 degrees and 39 degrees, and the mean lift-off angle ranges from 30 degrees to 44 degrees. The mean lift-off velocity is 0.81-0.9 times the mean impact velocity. The proportion of backward-impacting particles is 0.05-0.11, and that of backward-entrained particles ranges from 0.04 to 0.13. The probability distribution of particle horizontal velocity at 4 mm height is positive skew, the horizontal velocity of particles at 20 mm height varies widely, and the variation of the particle horizontal velocity at 80 mm height is less than that at 20 mm height. The probability distribution of particle vertical velocity at different heights can be described as a normal function.


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<正> 在文献[1]中我们开展了微分方程公式的机器推导,并在一个特例,即型的情形,计算了V_3、V_5、V_7。在文献[1]中V_3为2项,V_5为17项,V_7为74项。在V_3=0的条件下,加工出为5项,在V_3=V_5=0的条件下,加工出为9项。


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The influence of low gravity level on crystal growth in the floating zone, which involves thermocapillary convection, phase change convection, thermal and solutal diffusion, is investigated numerically by a finite element method for the silicon crystal growth process. The velocity, temperature, concentration fields and phase change interfaces depending on heating temperature and growth rates are analyzed. The influence of low gravity level on the concentration is studied especially. The results show that the non-uniformities of concentration are about 10(-3) for growth rate nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-8) m/s, 10(-2) for nu(p) = 5.12 x 10(-7) m/s and relatively larger for larger growth rate in the gravity level g = 0-9.8 m/s2. The thermocapillary effect is strong in comparison with the Bridgman system, and the level of low gravity is relatively insensitive for lower growth rates.


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In 1990 JET operated with a number of technical improvements which led to advances in performance and permitted the carrying out of experiments specifically aimed at improving physics understanding of selected topics relevant to the "NEXT STEP". The new facilities include beryllium antenna screens, a prototype lower hybrid current drive system, and modification of the NI system to enable the injection of He-3 and He-4. Continued investigation of the hot-ion H-mode produced a value of n(D)(0)tau-E(T)(i)(0) = 9 x 10(20)m-3s keV, which is near conditions required for Q(DT) = 1, while a new peaked density profile H-mode was developed with only slightly lower performance. Progress towards steady state operation has been made by achieving ELMy H-modes under certain operating conditions, while maintaining good tau-E values. Experimental simulation of He ash transport indicates effective removal of alpha-particles from the plasma core for both L and H mode plasmas. Detailed analyses of particle and energy transport have helped establish a firmer link between particle and energy transport, and have suggested a connection between reduced energy transport and reversed shear. Numerical and analytic studies of divertor physics carried out for the pumped divertor phase of JET have helped clarify the key parameters governing impurity retention, and an intensive model validation effort has begun. Experimental simulation of alpha-particle effects with beta-fast up to 8% have shown that the slowing down processes are classical, and have given no evidence of deleterious collective effects.


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利用胺基与C60 分子的加成反应 ,在 3 胺基丙基 三乙氧基硅烷 (APS)的自组装单分子膜 (SAMs)表面上成功的制备了与基底化学键结合的C60 SAMs。其表面水接触角约为 76° ,膜厚约为 1.15nm ,AFM形貌像显示其表面光滑、均匀 ,基本不含缺陷。摩擦学结果表明 ,APS自组装单分子膜由于其分子链短 ,膜的有序性差 ,表面颗粒聚集物及“针孔”等缺陷多 ,而不具有润滑作用。当在其上形成C60 单分子层膜后 ,表现出优异的摩擦学性能 ,摩擦系数约为 0 .0 9~ 0 .13,在给定实验条件下抗磨损寿命大于 10 0 0 0次 ,有望作为微型机械的边界润滑材料使用。


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采用相位多普勒粒子分析仪(phase Doppler particle analyzer,PDPA)测量了风沙两相流动中沙床面上沙粒碰撞和起跳速度概率分布以及不同高度处沙粒速度概率分布.结果表明,沙床面上沙粒碰撞和起跳速度概率分布均可用对数正态分布函数描述,碰撞和起跳角度均可用指数分布函数描述.沙粒平均碰撞角度为28°~39°,平均起跳角度为30°~44°,平均起跳速度为平均碰撞速度的0.81~0.9倍,向后碰撞沙粒占总碰撞沙粒的比例为0.05~0.11,向后起跳沙粒占总起跳沙粒的比例为0.04~0.13.沙粒水平速度概率分布在4mm高度处表现为正偏斜类型,在20mm高度处沙粒水平速度的变化范围更加广泛,在80mm高度处沙粒水平速度变化范围小于20mm高度处的变化范围.沙粒垂直速度概率分布在不同高度处均可表示为正态分布函数.


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The convective instabilities in two or more superposed layers heated from below were studied extensively by many scientists due to several interfacial phenomena in nature and crystal growth application. Most works of them were performed mainly on the instability behaviors induced only by buoyancy force, especially on the oscillatory behavior at onset of convection (see Gershuni et. Al.(1982), Renardy et. Al. (1985,2000), Rasenat et. Al. (1989), and Colinet et. Al.(1994)) . But the unstable situations of multi-layer liquid convection will become more complicated and interesting while considering at the same time the buoyancy effect combined with thermocapillary effect. This is the case in the gravity reduced field or thin liquid layer where the thermocapillary effect is as important as buoyancy effect. The objective of this study was to investigate theoretically the interaction between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and pure Marangoni instability in a two-layer system, and more attention focus on the oscillatory instability both at the onset of convection and with increasing supercriticality. Oscillatory behavious of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convective instability (R-M-B instability) and flow patterns are presented in the two-layer system of Silicon Oil (10cSt) over Fluorinert (FC70) for a larger various range of two-layer depth ratios (Hr=Hupper/Hdown) from 0.2 to 5.0. Both linear instability analysis and 2D numerical simulation (A=L/H=10) show that the instability of the system depends strongly on the depth ratio of two-layer liquids. The oscillatory instability regime at the onset of R-M-B convection are found theoretically in different regions of layer thickness ratio for different two-layer depth H=12,6,4,3mm. The neutral stability curve of the system displaces to right while we consider the Marangoni effect at the interface in comparison with the Rayleigh-Bénard instability of the system without the Marangoni effect (Ma=0). The numerical results show different regimes of the developing of convection in the two-layer system for different thickness ratios and some differences at the onset of pure Marangoni convection and the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convections in two-layer liquids. Both traveling wave and standing wave were detected in the oscillatory instability regime due to the competition between Rayleigh-Bénard instability and Marangoni effect. The mechanism of the standing wave formation in the system is presented numerically in this paper. The oscillating standing wave results in the competition of the intermediate Marangoni cell and the Rayleigh convective rolls. In the two-layer system of 47v2 silicone oil over water, a transition form the steady instability to the oscillatory instability of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard Convection was found numerically above the onset of convection for ε=0.9 and Hr=0.5. We propose that this oscillatory mechanism is possible to explain the experimental observation of Degen et. Al.(1998). Experimental work in comparison with our theoretical findings on the two-layer Rayleigh-Marangoni-Bénard convection with thinner depth for H<6mm will be carried out in the near future, and more attention will be paid to new oscillatory instability regimes possible in the influence of thermocapillary effects on the competition of two-layer liquids


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与常规合金相比,形状记忆合金具有形状记忆效应(S ME)和超弹性(SE)等特性。利用这些特性,形状记忆合金被广泛地应用在MEMS中,微机器人领域及医疗器械等方面。为了充分发挥材料性能和优化设计以形状记忆合金为材料制成的MEMS器件及医疗器械,十分需要深入地研究并掌握形状记忆合金微尺度下的相变过程及变形行为。形状记忆合金的形状记忆效应和超弹性等特性都与马氏体相变有着十分密切的关系。本文对CuAINi单晶形状记忆合金中温度变化形成的热变马氏体和应力诱发的形变马氏体进行了观察并研究了其室温下和升温过程中的微尺度力学行为。同时还研究了NITi纳米多晶形状记忆合金体材料和NITi形状记忆合金薄膜室温下压痕尺寸效应。研究内容包括以下几个方面:1)自行设计出能够配合纳米硬度仪、AFM及光学显微镜使用的微型拉伸装置,实现应力诱发马氏体相变的观测及研究;2)使用光学显微镜和AFM对热变马氏体和形变马氏体进行观察,并用摄像机记录了光学显微镜下观察到的应力诱发马氏体相变的全过程;3)使用带有加热台的纳米压痕仪研究了室温下及高温下形状记忆合金独特的纳米压痕行为,包括室温下形状记忆合金的纳米压痕尺寸效应及微分硬度分布情况和升温后形状记忆合金在不同温度下纳米压痕的恢复情况及纳米硬度随温度的变化情况。本研究工作得到的结果如下:1)CuAINi单晶形状记忆合金压痕实验中,由于压头尖端的应力水平很高,不仅会在奥氏体中产生应力诱发马氏体相变,在马氏体中产生应力诱发马氏体重取向,而且在奥氏体和马氏体中还会产生位错引起的塑性变形。位错将对压痕形状的恢复起阻碍作用,当温度高于Af点时,奥氏体和马氏体中的压痕仍不能完全恢复。2)当所施加的压痕载荷较小(≤1000ON)时,CuAINi单晶形状记忆合金中的非弹性变形以相变引起的变形为主,并将对高温下材料的变形产生主要的影响。100℃时奥氏体中压痕在深度方向上的恢复率(60)在0.7~0.8之间,马氏体中孙大约为0.9;纳米硬度随温度升高而明显增加。3)CuAINi单晶形状记忆合金中奥氏体和马氏体中均存在压痕尺寸效应,随压头压入深度减小,纳米硬度均升高。NITi纳米多晶形状记忆合金体材料和NITi形状记忆合金薄膜中也存在压痕尺寸效应。4)CuAINi单晶形状记忆合金中奥氏体的加载曲线的斜率大于马氏体的加载曲线的斜率,而奥氏体和马氏体的卸载曲线则几乎平行。使用尖锐的棱锥压头,用纳米压痕法不能得到纯粹的奥氏体的纳米硬度和模量。


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Effects of wall temperature on stabilities of hypersonic boundary layer over a 7-degree half-cone-angle blunt cone are studied by using both direct numerical simulation (DNS) and linear stability theory (LST) analysis. Four isothermal wall cases with Tw/T0= 0.5, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, as well as an adiabatic wall case are considered. Results of both DNS and LST indicate that wall temperature has significant effects on the growth of disturbance waves. Cooling the surface accelerates unstable Mack II mode waves and decelerates the first mode (Tollmien–Schlichting mode) waves. LST results show that growth rate of the most unstable Mack II mode waves for the cases of cold wall Tw/T0=0.5 and 0.7 are about 45% and 25% larger than that for the adiabatic wall, respectively. Numerical results show that surface cooling modifies the profiles of rdut/dyn and temperature in the boundary layers, and thus changes the stability haracteristic of the boundary layers, and then effects on the growth of unstable waves. The results of DNS indicate that the disturbances with the frequency range from about 119.4 to 179.1 kHz, including the most unstable Mack modes, produce strong mode competition in the downstream region from about 11 to 100 nose radii. And adiabatic wall enhances the amplitudes of disturbance according to the results of DNS, although the LST indicates that the growth rate of the disturbance of cold wall is larger. That because the growth of the disturbance does not only depend on the development of the second unstable mode.


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The capacity degradation of bucket foundation in liquefied sand layer under cyclic loads such as equivalent dynamic ice-induced loads is studied. A simplified numerical model of liquefied sand layer has been presented based on the dynamic centrifuge experiment results. The ice-induced dynamic loads are modeled as equivalent sine cyclic loads, the liquefaction degree in different position of sand layer and effects of main factors are investigated. Subsequently, the sand resistance is represented by uncoupled, non-linear sand springs which describe the sub-failure behavior of the local sand resistance as well as the peak capacity of bucket foundation under some failure criterion. The capacity of bucket foundation is determined in liquefied sand layer and the rule of capacity degradation is analyzed. The capacity degradation in liquefied sand layer is analyzed comparing with that in non-liquefied sand layer. The results show that the liquefaction degree is 0.9 at the top and is only 0.06 at the bottom of liquefied sand layer. The numerical results are agreement well with the centrifugal experimental results. The value of the degradation of bucket capacity is 12% in numerical simulating whereas it is 17% in centrifugal experiments.


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在3种不同围压下进行了一系列重塑粉质黏土的静三轴和动-静三轴不排水剪切试验,得到了不同动应力水平条件下粉质黏土的孔压、动应变和不排水剪切强度值.通过对土样的不排水强度、孔压和动应变的无量纲化处理,确定了周期荷载作用后粉质黏土的不排水强度比与动载引起的孔压比和动应变比之间的相关关系.试验结果表明:粉质黏土在周期荷载作用后的不排水强度衰减程度取决于动载引起的动应变比值和孔压比值.当周期荷载引起的动应变比值小于0.1时,孔压比增长较快,土样的不排水强度几乎没有衰减;当动应变比大于0.1时,孔压比增长变慢,土样的不排水强度明显衰减;当动应变比值接近1时,孔压比值达到0.9,土样的不排水强度衰减程度约达到55 %.


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A highly uniform multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber ring laser with an intracavity sine phase modulator is demonstrated. The flat output spectrum is achieved by optimizing the cavity structure, modulation amplitude, and frequency of the sine phase modulator. Fifteen lasing lines with wavelength spacing of 0.9 nm appear simultaneously and stably with power differences less than 2 dB and side-mode suppression ratio higher than 32 dB. In addition, the proposed cavity can support unidirectional operation without optical isolators. An output power difference of about 20 dB is realized between the counterclockwise and clockwise directions, which is almost independent of the pump power and lasing wavelengths. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A highly uniform multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber ring laser with an intracavity sine phase modulator is demonstrated. The flat output spectrum is achieved by optimizing the cavity structure, modulation amplitude, and frequency of the sine phase modulator. Fifteen lasing lines with wavelength spacing of 0.9 nm appear simultaneously and stably with power differences less than 2 dB and side-mode suppression ratio higher than 32 dB. In addition, the proposed cavity can support unidirectional operation without optical isolators. An output power difference of about 20 dB is realized between the counterclockwise and clockwise directions, which is almost independent of the pump power and lasing wavelengths. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.