61 resultados para [- - -] ta zytopoliou of Karanis(?)


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Lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) is an intriguing candidate for applications in many electronic devices such as multi-layer capacitors, electro-mechanical transducers etc. because of its high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss and high strain near the Curie temperature. As an extension of our previous work on Ta-doped PMNT-PT aimed at optimizing the performance and reducing the cost, this paper focuses on the effect of Pb volatilization on the dielectric properties of 0.77Pb(Mg1/3(Nb0.9Ta0.1)2/3)O3-0.23PbTiO3. The dielectric constant and loss of the samples are measured at different frequencies and different temperatures. The phase purity of this compound is determined by X-ray diffraction pattern. It is found that the volatilization during sintering does influence the phase formation and dielectric properties. The best condition is sintering with 0.5 g extra PbO around a 4 g PMNT-PT sample.


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茉莉酸是植物信号传递以及诱导植物产生防御反应的关键诱导激素之一,广泛存在于高等植物中,并在植物病虫害防御的信号传导通路中起着重要的作用。茉莉酸可以诱导植物抗性基因表达,产生茉莉酸调节蛋白来抵御病虫害。在禾本科的大麦中发现了一个分子量在32kDa茉莉酸调节蛋白家族(JPR-32),但其功能一直没有深入的研究。 木菠萝素是从桂木属木菠萝的种子中分离的一种可以和半乳糖或甘露糖特异结合的凝集素。近来的研究表明,植物的凝集素具有多种功能,主要有:可作为储存蛋白,对储存物质进行包装、运输;作为植物细胞的有丝分裂因子,参与细胞壁的延伸;生长调节及运输碳水化合物;具有酶的功能;参与豆科植物感染结瘤;协同其它防御蛋白参与植物防御反应。植物凝集素的功能复杂各异,对木菠萝素的功能研究更是相对较少。 本文在小麦中克隆出的cDNA(本文命名为Ta-JA1基因),该基因cDNA全长1158bp,编码304个氨基酸,分子量32.7kDa,与JPR-32蛋白质家族的基因序列具有很高的同源性。从蛋白结构分析中显示,Ta-JA1基因有两个典型的功能结构域:N末端的茉莉酸诱导的防御反应结构域和C末端的木菠萝素相关结构域。为我们研究这个新的蛋白家族的功能提供了一个典型的模式蛋白。本文即从Ta-JA1基因出发来研究这一类蛋白的相关功能。在此,我们构建了Ta-JA1基因的pBI121表达载体,并通过农杆菌介导叶圆片法转化烟草,成功获得转基因植株。通过硫酸铵盐析法获得了植物Ta-JA1蛋白粗提品,效率在0.01%左右。使用蛋白粗提物进行凝血效应分析,转基因植株的蛋白粗样品可以凝集新鲜的兔血,说明Ta-JA1蛋白具有植物凝集素的基本性质。选取烟草上典型的三类病原体:烟草花叶病毒,烟草黑胫病菌和烟草野火病菌。分别对转基因烟草进行侵染,并观察统计其抗病性,发现转基因烟草对烟草花叶病毒和烟草黑胫病具有显著的抗性,对烟草野火病也具有一定的抑制作用。通过与野生型烟草在抗盐,抗旱,抗虫和生长发育等方面的统计比较与分析,可以看出,基因烟草在抗逆性上也有了显著的提高,虽然Ta-JA1的过量表达没有影响转基因烟草的整体生长进程,开花期和结实情况与对照烟草相比也无明显变化,但是转基因烟草的种子在萌发时间上有了显著提高,一定数量上还表现出愈合的花冠筒上出现不同程度开裂,花冠筒上有附生舌状花瓣,及带有花瓣状颜色的花萼等异常花表型。


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在麻醉Wistar大鼠上,结合脑室给药,应用双电极刺激技术刺激海马独立的两条侧枝/联合纤维通 路、TA通路,并在CAl区放射层记录兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP),对海马CAl区锥体细胞近、远端树突EPSP 的空间整合进行了初步探讨。结果表明,海马CAl区锥体细胞近、远端树突的空间整合都是亚线性的;近端树 突的空间整合不受期望值大小的影响,但远端树突的空间整合随期望值增加而减小(更趋于亚线性)。此外, 荷包牡丹碱没有影响EPSP的空间整合;但瞬时A型钾通道(IAK+)的拮抗剂氨基吡啶-4却使得近端树突的 空间整合趋于线性发展。本研究表明,海马CAl锥体细胞近、远端树突不同的被动、主动特征使它们具有了不 同的空间整合特性。由于近端树突接受海马内部侧枝/联合纤维投射的信息,远端树突通过TA通路接受内嗅皮 层投射的信息,由此提示,CAl区锥体细胞对来自海马内部和直接来自皮层的信息输入采用了不同的整合方 式。


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Translocation of Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon requires specific binding of SB transposase to inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) of about 230 bp at each end of the transposon, which is followed by a cut-and-paste transfer of the transposon into a target DNA sequence. The ITRs contain two imperfect direct repeats (DRs) of about 32 bp. The outer DRs are at the extreme ends of the transposon whereas the inner DRs are located inside the transposon, 165-166 bp from the outer DRs. Here we investigated the roles of the DR elements in transposition. Although there is a core transposase-binding sequence common to all of the DRs, additional adjacent sequences are required for transposition and these sequences vary in the different DRs. As a result, SB transposase binds less tightly to the outer DRs than to the inner DRs. Two DRs are required in each ITR for transposition but they are not interchangeable for efficient transposition. Each DR appears to have a distinctive role in transposition. The spacing and sequence between the DR elements in an ITR affect transposition rates, suggesting a constrained geometry is involved in the interactions of SB transposase molecules in order to achieve precise mobilization. Transposons are flanked by TA dinucleotide base-pairs that are important for excision; elimination of the TA motif on one side of the transposon significantly reduces transposition while loss of TAs on both flanks of the transposon abolishes transposition. These findings have led to the construction of a more advanced transposon that should be useful in gene transfer and insertional mutagenesis in vertebrates. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Using a first-principles method, we investigate the structural and electronic properties of grain boundaries (GBs) in polycrystalline CdTe and the effects of copassivation of elements with far distinct electronegativities. Of the two types of GBs studied in this Letter, we find that the Cd core is less harmful to the carrier transport, but is difficult to passivate with impurities such as Cl and Cu, whereas the Te core creates a high defect density below the conduction band minimum, but all these levels can be removed by copassivation of Cl and Cu. Our analysis indicates that for most polycrystalline systems copassivation or multipassivation is required to passivate the GBs.


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Polycrystalline silicon thin films were prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition ( HWCVD) on glass at 250 degreesC with W or Ta wire as the catalyzers. The structual and optoelectronic properties as functions of the filament temperature, deposition pressure and the filament-substrate distance were studied, and the optimized polycrystalline silicon thin films were obtained with X-c > 90 % ( X-c denotes the crystalline ratio of the film), crystal grain size about 30-40nm, R-d approximate to 0.8nm/s, sigma(d) about 10(-7) - 10(-6) Omega(-1) cm(-1), Ea(a) approximate to 0.5eV and E-opt less than or equal to 1.3eV.


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Ta is often used as a buffer layer in magnetic multilayers. In this study, Ta/Ni81Fe19/Ta multilayers were deposited by magnetron sputtering on sing-crystal Si with a 300-nm-thick SiO2 film. The composition and chemical states at the interface region of SiO2/Ta were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique. The results show that there is an 'inter-mixing layer" at the SiO2/Ta interface due to a thermodynamically favorable reaction: 15 SiO2 + 37 Ta = 6 Ta2O5 + 5 Ta5Si3. Therefore, the Ta buffer layer thickness used to induce NiFe (111) texture increases.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to characterize the oxidation states in Ta/NiOx/Ni-81/Fe-19/Ta magnetic multilayers prepared by rf reaction and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field and the coercivity of NiOx/Ni81Fe19 are studied as a function of the ratio of Ar to O-2 during the deposition process. The chemical states of Ni atoms in the interface region of NiOx/NiFe have also been investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the peak decomposition technique. The results show that the ratio of Ar to O-2 has a great effect on the chemical states of nickel in NiOx films. Thus the exchange coupling field and the coercivity of Ta/NiOx/Ni81Fe19/Ta are seriously affected. Also, the experiment shows that x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is a powerful tool in characterizing magnetic multilayers.


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The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field H.. of NiFe/FeMn for TalNiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta. The composition and chemical states at the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm), Th(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3 nm)/NiFe(5 mn) were studied by using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results show that no element from the underlayers Boats out or segregates to the surface for Th(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm), Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4 mn). However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12 nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors which will cause the exchange coupling field H.. of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers.