313 resultados para SPECTRAL SEQUENCE


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The substituent chemical shift (SCS) has been applied to the assignment of the C-13 NMR spectrum of chlorinated polyethylene (CPE). CPE of different chlorine contents has been employed and their sequence structure discussed. The results show that characteristic of CPE with medium chlorine content is the dichloroethane structure in molecular chain. SCS parameters have been obtained from the C-13 NMR spectra. It was found that the effects of chlorine content and temperature on SCS are negligible, but the substituent parameter S1 reduced by 0.39 ppm when C2Cl4 was added to solvent ODCB.


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A Kalman filter was developed for resolving overlapping lines in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and evaluated experimentally with the determination of La in the presence of Ho, and Cu in the presence of Pr. The whiteness of the innovation sequence for an optimal filter was explored to be the criterion for the correction of the wavelength positioning errors which may occur in spectral scans. Under the conditions of the medium-resolution spectrometer and 1.5 pm step size in scans, the filter effectively resolved the Cu/Pr line pair having a small peak separation of 4.8 pm. For the La/Ho line pair with a peak distance of 9.8 pm, an unbiased estimate for La concentration was still obtained even when the signal-to-background ratio was down to 0.048. Favourable detection limits for real samples were achieved. Unstructured backgrounds were modeled theoretically and all spectral scans therefore did not require the correction for solvent.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the reliability of the analytical results obtained by Kalman filtering. Two criteria for evaluation were compared: one is based on the autocorrelation analysis of the innovation sequence, the so-called NAC criterion; the other is the innovations number, which actually is the autocorrelation coefficient of the innovation sequence at the initial wavelength. Both criteria allow compensation for the wavelength positioning errors in spectral scans, but there exists a difference in the way they work. The NAC criterion can provide information about the reliability of an individual result, which is very useful for the indication of unmodelled emissions, while the innovations number should be incorporated with the normalization of the innovations or seek the help of the sequence itself for the same purpose. The major limitation of the NAC criterion is that it does not allow the theoretical modelling of continuous backgrounds, which, however, is convenient in practical analysis and can be taken with the innovations number criterion.


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The sequence distribution of the monomeric units in the styrene-acrylic acid copolymer has been obtained by calculation. The probability of long sequences of styrene increases with an increase in the content of the monomer in the copolymer. The highest distribution of short sequences of styrene takes place for the copolymer containing equimolecular amounts of styrene and acrylic acid. The copolymer which has this latter structure is inadequate for the synthesis of highly active supported complexes. When the distributions of long and short sequences of styrene are approximately equal, the activity of the Nd and Fe prepared polymer complexes is higher.


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Five Eu~(2+)-doped simple fluorides and six Eu~(2+)-doped complex fluorides are synthesized by solid reactions. The strength of the crystal-field at the sites of Eu~(2+) ion, and the degroe of covalenco of Eu—F bond in these hosts are discussed. The f-f transition emission of Eu~(2+) ion is observed in the hosts which has lower coordination number and strong crystal-field. The f-f transition emission of Eu~(2+) ion is observed for the first time in the simple fluoride AlF_3.


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Porphyra haitanensis T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) is cultivated in China and widely consumed in Asia. To gain more insight into its physiological and biochemical properties, we generated 5318 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the sporophyte of P. haitanensis, and upon assembling into a nonredundant set, 2535 sequences were obtained, among which only 32.2% (816) shared certain similarity with published sequences (Nr and KOG). Functional classification of such ESTs revealed that most of the transcripts were related to its conservative biological metabolism, and P. haitanensis most likely possesses cyanide-resistant respiration and a C4-like carbon-fixation pathway, both of which have never been reported in a rhodophyte before. Twenty-eight percent of the nonredundant gene clusters exhibited significant similarity to those from P. yezoensis Ueda sporophytes, and 16 genes up-regulated in P. yezoensis sporophytes were also expressed abundantly in P. haitanensis. Codon usage analysis indicated that exposure to high GC pressure might occur during evolution of P. haitanensis. These findings represent the most extensive collection of ESTs from P. haitanensis to date, and all the ESTs in this study have been submitted to GenBank (accession nos. DN604790-DN608469, EG016226-EG018540).


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The sequences of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) and 5.8S rDNA of three cultivated strains of Porphyra haitanensis thalli (NB, PT and ST) were amplified, sequenced and analyzed. In addition, the phylogenic relationships of the sequences identified in this study with those of other Porphyra retrieved from GenBank were evaluated. The results are as follows: the sequences of the ITS and 5.8S rDNA were essentially identical among the three strains. The sequences of ITS l were 331 by to 334 bp, while those of the 5.8S rDNA were 158 by and the sequences of ITS2 ranged from 673 by to 681 bp. The sequences of the ITS had a high level of homology (up to 99.5%) with that of P. haitanensis (DQ662228) retrieved from GenBank, but were only approximately 50% homologous with those of other species of Porphyra. The results obtained when a phylogenetic tree was constructed coincided with the results of the homology analysis. These results suggest that the three cultivated strains of P. haitanensis evolved conservatively and that the ITS showed evolutionary consistency. However, the sequences of the ITS and 5.8S rDNA of different Porphyra species showed great variations. Therefore, the relationship of Porphyra interspecies phyletic evolution could be judged, which provides the proof for Porphyra identification study. However, proper classifications of the subspecies and the populations of Porphyra should be determined through the use of other molecular techniques to determine the genetic variability and rational phylogenetic relationships.


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Mitochondrial genome sequence and structure analysis has become a powerful tool for studying molecular evolution and phylogenetic relationships. To understand the systematic status of Trichiurus japonicus in suborder Scombroidei, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence using the long-polymerase chain reaction (long-PCR) and shotgun sequencing method. The entire mitogenome is 16,796 by in length and has three unusual features, including (1) the absence of tRNA(Pro) gene, (2) the possibly nonfunctional light-strand replication origin (O-L) showing a shorter loop in secondary structure and no conserved motif (5'-GCCGG-3'), (3) two sets of the tandem repeats at the 5' and 3' ends of the control region. The three features seem common for Trichiurus mitogenomes, as we have confirmed them in other three T. japonicus individuals and in T nanhaiensis. Phylogenetic analysis does not support the monophyly of Trichiuridae, which is against the morphological result. T. japonicus is most closely related to those species of family Scombridae; they in turn have a sister relationship with Perciformes members including suborders Acanthuroidei, Caproidei, Notothenioidei, Zoarcoidei, Trachinoidei, and some species of Labroidei, based on the current dataset of complete mitogenome. T japonicus together with T. brevis, T lepturus and Aphanopus carbo form a clade distinct from Lepidopus caudatus in terms of the complete Cyt b sequences. T. japonicus mitogenome, as the first discovered complete mitogenome of Trichiuridae, should provide important information on both genomics and phylogenetics of Trichiuridae. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high-quality cDNA library was constructed from whole body tissues of the zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, challenged by Listonella anguillarum. A total of 5720 clones were sequenced, yielding 5123 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Among the 3326 unique genes identified, 2289 (69%) genes had no significant (E-value < 1e-5) matches to known sequences in public databases and 194 (6%) matched proteins of unknown functions. The remaining 843 (25%) genes that exhibited homology with genes of known functions, showed broad involvement in metabolic processes (31%), cell structure and motility (20%), gene and protein expression (12%), cell signaling and cell communication (8%), cell division (4%), and notably, 25% of those genes were related to immune function. They included stress response genes, complement-like genes, proteinase and proteinase inhibitors, immune recognition receptors and immune effectors. The EST collection obtained in this study provides a useful resource for gene discovery and especially for the identification of host-defense genes and systems in scallops and other molluscs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The partial sequence of the rbcL from Bryopsis hypnoides, including the sequences of the upstream, extron and partial intron, was amplified by PCR and their sequences were determined. With Spinacia oleracea as the outgroup, neighbor-joining method and maximum parsimony method were used respectively to build phylogenetic trees according to the rbcL exon sequence among 13 species that were the typical species of six phyla. Two kinds of trees showed clearly that there were two groups among those species, the green lineage and the non-green lineage. And the relationships of algae in the green lineage were similar in the two trees but those in the non-green lineage were not consistent. Analysis of codon preference indicated that the codon preference of the rbcL exon of Bryopsis hypnoides distinctly differed from that of the relevant sequence of photosynthetic bacteria.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10 pairs of male and female Laminaria gametophytes. A total of 58 amplification loci was obtained from 10 selected ISSR primers, of which 34 revealed polymorphism among the gametophytes. Genetic distances were calculated with the Dice coefficient ranging from 0.006 to 0.223. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method arithmetic (UPGMA) average showed that most male and female gametophytes of the same species were clustered together and that 10 pairs of gametophytes were divided into four groups. This was generally consistent with the taxonomic categories. The main group consisted of six pairs of gametophytes, which were selected from Laminaria japonica Aresch. by intensive inbreeding through artificial hybridization. One specific marker was cloned, but was not converted successfully into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of applying ISSR markers to evaluate Laminaria germplasm diversities.


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A molecular phylogeny is presented for the subfamily Dorippinae (including 9 individuals, representing 5 species and 4 genera), based on the sequence data from 16S rRNA gene. Two-cluster test between lineages in these phylogenetic trees has been performed. On the basis of rate constancy, the rate of nucleotide substitutions of 16S rDNA sequence data is estimated as 0.27% per million years. The analysis strongly supports the recognition of the Dorippinae as a monophyletic subfamily. Phylogenetic tree indicates that the subfamily Dorippinae is divided into two main clades, and genus Dorippe appears basal in the subfamily, diverging from other species 36.6 Ma ago. It is also clear that the Heikea is closely related to the genus Neodorippe. The divergence time between them is 15.8 Ma.